A/N You guys! I've been so pleasantly surprised by the reception this story received. When I first posted it I wasn't sure how well a high school romance between a sweet young girl, and a troubled young man would go. I appreciate all of you so much for giving it a chance and reading along. xo


He'd been up since 5:30, stopping at the Horvath's first for an early Christmas morning together. They'd given him the gift of a new pair of work boots and he was grateful, he'd been needing a good pair and he hated spending the money. He gave them a set of wheel covers for their new RV.

They had coffee at the small kitchen table and enjoyed some idle chit chat. He appreciated that about Dale, the man had the chatting covered and Daryl never had to worry about keeping up his end of the conversation. He felt a little guilty going and before he left he gave Mrs. Horvath a hug, shook Dale's hand and told them, "I'll see y'all 'bout noon, k?"

"Yes Daryl, stop worrying about us and go see your girl. We know you're anxious. We'll you soon."

He was supposed to be at the farm by 7:30 Christmas morning, he arrived just after seven. He'd planned to wait in his truck and maybe sneak a cigarette until it was time. That was what he thought until Beth came out on the big front porch. She looked so happy hurrying out the door in her robe and slippers and smiling her best smile, "Merry Christmas Trouble!"

He could see the excitement all over her face and it made him smile seeing her so happy. "Merry Christmas Sunshine! Ya gonna give me a Christmas mornin' kiss or anythin'?"

"I think you know I am. Come on, Mama's got the coffee ready." She didn't have to tell him twice. He was looking forward to her Mama's coffee and cinnamon rolls, and dinner a little later in the day.

She walked over toward him and the first thing he did was put his arms around her, she put hers around him and they shared a very serious kiss. They thought they were alone, they were alone, except Maggie and Mama were watching out the kitchen window.

Mama was just a little uncomfortable with the display of affection but Maggie was laughing, "Holy cow that was hot! No wonder she calls him Trouble."

"Margaret Greene you watch your mouth now."

"It's Rhee Mama, Maggie Rhee."

"Don't be a smarty pants Maggie Rhee."

Maggie laughed and put her arms around her mother, "You know I love you best Mama."

"Oh you quit that, I hear you tell Daddy you love him best all the time." The two women laughed and hugged, and then Mama instructed, "Hurry and get those cinnamon rolls iced now Miz Maggie Rhee, when Daryl's done kissing your sister he's going to be hungry."

Promptly at 7:30 Merle arrived and they all gathered in the living room near the big Christmas tree. Daryl and Beth sat together cross legged on the floor and holding hands. She had the little box safely tucked away in the pocket of her robe. Like most everything else in the lives of the young couple, they had a plan. She'd wait until everyone else had opened their presents and then she'd show off the ring.

The group was in a happy and festive mood. Everyone was drinking coffee or hot cocoa, nibbling on cinnamon rolls, cranberry muffins and Christmas cookies, and exchanging gifts. That's when Beth said, "You should all go first, Daryl and me want to open our gifts last." No one thought a thing of it.

Daddy got the usual array of practical gifts, socks, suspenders, a new shirt and a new pair of irrigation boots. Mama got her expected assortment of gifts, well mostly. She got some new embroidery hoops, patterns and thread, a bottle of perfume she'd never wear but pretended to love, Beth made her a decorative cover for her bible, but then there was that gift from Maggie. No one knew what to say when Mama opened the box to see it contained a fancy nightie. There was definitely an awkward silence in the room. But Merle did notice that big smile on Daddy's face. Mama turned a little pink as she said to her daughter, "Well this is certainly a surprise and very lovely, thank you Maggie."

Maggie just smiled, "Everyone needs a little spice in their life Mama." Mama didn't say anything, she just tucked that gown away for later.

When everyone else had opened their gifts, Daryl and Beth took their turn. She made a show of insisting Daryl go first. He got a new plaid flannel shirt and three new work t-shirts from Mama and Daddy. Maggie and Glenn gave him bow strings, fletching, and a trucker cap. Although Merle and Daryl did not exchange gifts, the look that passed between them seemed to hold a lot of meaning. No one missed it. The brothers were steel-eyed and their lips were pursed as they simply looked at one another for a long moment, and then gave a slight nod of their heads.

Beth gave Trouble a beautiful fileting knife with his name carved on the handle, and a leather sheath to carry it in. Merle smiled at his brother then, "Now that's a thing a beauty little brother. We better get out an catch us some fish so's ya can put it ta use."

Finally it was Beth's turn and she began to open her gifts. There was a new robe and slippers, a gift card for music downloads, two new blouses, and Maggie and Glenn really surprised her with a pair of boots she'd been hoping for.

What everyone was anxious to see was what Daryl would come up with for a gift. He and Beth both smiled, her maybe a bit more widely and with eyes sparkling, he was more shy and a little embarrassed to have so many eyes focused on him. She pulled the small box out of the pocket of her robe and handed it to him, he took the ring and slipped it on her finger. She looked to the group and announced, "Daryl gave me this beautiful ring and asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes and we're getting married the day after I turn 18."

Thank God Merle was there, besides the young couple he may have been the only one present who thought this was a happy occasion. He exclaimed in his loud "fill up the room" voice, "Well now ain't that nice?! Congratulations ta the two a ya. Little brother I had no idea ya was so romantic, but then ya always have been the sweet one." And he laughed that boisterous laugh, but no one joined in.

Maggie was just waiting to see what Mama and Daddy would do now. Glenn was sure his best bet was to keep quiet and let Maggie lead the way. Mama had a stunned look. It wasn't something she hadn't expected to have happen eventually, but not this Christmas morning and not with an announcement of the wedding plan.

Daddy looked stunned as well and none too happy. He stood from his chair, walked to his wife and said, "Come on Annette, we should have a talk." He gave her his hand and they walked in his office, shutting the door behind them.

Daryl was chewing his bottom lip and squeezing Beth's hand. They hadn't wanted to run away and do this, but if that was the only choice they were left with they would. Beth had just a hint of tears in her eyes but she was determined not to cry. Glenn and Merle just shrugged shoulders at one another and Maggie was on her feet. "I'll handle this one." No one in the room tried to stop her.

She walked in the office and Daddy told her, "Margaret this is a private conversation between your Mother and I."

"Oh Daddy come on you two have to know if you try and tell them they can't do this, they're just going to run away and do it on their own. Either way this is going to happen and you know it. Maybe the best thing is to just try and accept it, and pray for the best. Who are we to say it won't work?"

A knock came to the door, "It's Merle, can I speak a minute?"

"Come in Merle," Daddy had given up the idea of having a private conversation with his wife.

Merle tipped his head in respect to Mama, "Ma'am," and then Daddy, "Sir I'll be clear, I ain't speakin' for my brother, he can speak for himself. As far as I'm concerned the boy's been a man for years. Now he's comin' on 19 an your daughter's comin' on 18. When that happens they'll both be old enough ta do as they please. They didn't just run off an do sumthin' behind your back, did they? Nah, they faced ya. Seems like they wanna share their happiness with the rest of us, an they're givin' us a chance at that. We can either be happy with 'em, or they're gonna do it anyway an be happy without us. For me, Daryl's my only blood an I'ma be proud ta stand with him when he marries your girl. Thanks for hearin' me out." He turned and left the room.

Maggie smiled at her parents, "He's more eloquent than he looks, isn't he?"

Daddy shook his head, "Go on now daughter and let me speak with your Mama a minute."

In the meantime the group in the front room was a touch uncomfortable, especially the young couple. Daryl was still holding her hand, and she was scooted just as close to him as she could get. He whispered, "It's gonna be okay Sunshine, we're gonna get married, one way or the other."

She squeezed his hand, "I'm going to marry you Trouble, no matter what, just like I've always wanted to."

The words were no sooner out of her mouth than Maggie walked in from Hershel's office, "Merle and me did our best for you two lovebirds, now it's up to Mama and Daddy whether we have a nice wedding or you two elope."

Back in the office Annette was telling her husband how she saw things, "Hershel we've known from the start this day was coming. As surprised as I am about the announcement, I'm equally as surprised it took this long. I've been waiting every day for two years for them to either ask us to sign permission, or make us grandparents. I think Merle and Maggie are right, we can make up our minds to share our daughter's and Daryl's wedding day, or we can spend the rest of our lives wishing we had. I know which I prefer."

Daddy took in a deep breath, "Just like usual Annette, you're probably right. I guess we're putting on a wedding."

Daddy and Mama came out of the office and sat back down with the group. Daddy looked to Daryl, "Son you forgot to come see me first, ask for my daughter's hand."

Daryl gave him a rare smile, "I's afraid you'd say no." His unexpected response help to lighten the air in the room. Even Daddy chuckled.

"And how about you Bethie, just what is this wedding plan you and Daryl have?"

She swallowed hard and tried to sound calm and confident, "Well it's not some big plan Daddy, we were just going to go to the courthouse."

"Do you think your Mama would be happy with that? Her baby girl getting married in some civil ceremony, without her there?"

"I do want her to be there, if she wants to be."

"I think you know your Mother well enough to know she wants to be there, but not in some cold courthouse. She'd want to have a real wedding. She'd want all of us there and all of our family and friends."

Beth was praying Daddy was as agreeable as he sounded. Daryl had taken her hand again and they were both hanging on tight, "That sounds nice Daddy." It wasn't the way she wanted it to be, but she wasn't going to risk losing what she hoped was her Daddy's okay.

Mama spoke then, "I've known this day was coming ever since the first time I saw you Daryl. I know you love my daughter and I know she loves you. I just wish you two were older. You're so young to be making the commitment of a lifetime. But I also think if anyone can make it last it's the two of you. I'd like to help make your wedding day special, but I do wish you'd wait until Beth graduates in June."

They didn't get a chance to respond because it was then that for the first time Glenn spoke up, "I know I'd like to be at the wedding of my sister in law and my new brother in law. I'm here now and I don't know when I'd be able to close down the restaurant again to come back."

Beth and Daryl weren't quite sure what he was getting at but Maggie squealed, "Yes, yes, we have to do it now. We can do it this Saturday Mama, Glenn and I will be here until Sunday morning."

Now Mama knew for sure the situation was out of her hands and a little bit out of control. "Well my gosh that would mean going to the clerk with Beth and signing the permission, we'd have to get the preacher and I just don't know if I can get it all done."

And then came Merle, "Ma'am if there's anyone that can get it done it's you an I'm lookin' forward to it. I ain't ever been ta a weddin'."

Daryl and Glenn took care of cleaning up the Christmas wrap, the leftover snacks and the dishes, while Mama and her girls got dressed and ready. Daddy and Merle took care of feeding the chickens and the stock. They were done with chores when the Horvaths arrived at noon.

Over a delicious Christmas dinner of country ham and a goose Daryl had provided, the group started making the plans for Trouble and Sunshine's big day.

It seemed like everyone was talking, batting around ideas and making decisions, while Daryl and Beth weren't speaking a word. Beth was feeling overwhelmed and Daryl could have sworn his head was spinning. Their original plan to just slip down to the courthouse the day after she turned 18 was sounding better and better.

Dale was sitting across from the young couple and he saw what was going on, they looked dazed and he spoke up, "Maybe we ought try asking the bride and groom what they've got in mind for this happy occasion."

The room went quiet and all eyes turned to them. Daryl put his arm around Beth's shoulders, he knew what she wanted and he was going to speak up for her. "We don't really want a big group, we just want y'all there an Rosita an Caesar an their family. No one else. Beth wants ta do the weddin' right here at the farm, maybe have lunch or sumthin' after. If ya was ta ask me what I wanna eat I'd say Mama Greene's chicken an noodles, that's always been my favorite. But I want Beth ta be happy an she likes fried chicken, I'd sure eat that too. That's it, we just want it simple."

It was decided the bride and groom should have things their way, but it was all happening so quickly it was like it hadn't quite sunk in with any of them.

The next morning Mama, Daddy, Daryl and Beth were at the courthouse first thing. Beth wasn't going to believe any of it was happening until her parents had really given their permission. And when they did indeed sign that paper, Sunshine and Trouble hurried to get their license before any minds changed.

Everything was moving along at a breakneck pace with Mama, Maggie, Erma and Rosita's Mom Maria, all working on the details. Beth felt like even after Daryl said what they wanted, the other women were taking the helm and doing it their way. She got a little emotional, had a kind of mini breakdown over it all.

That's when Daryl brought her back with a smile and a big dose of their new reality, he whispered, "Won't matter next week Sunshine. You'll be sleepin' with me in our home, ain't no one gonna be in that bed but you n me." He'd made her blush and laugh and all she could say in response was, "It can't be soon enough."

The night before the wedding was when the reality suddenly hit Mama. Beth had slowly been packing up the things in her room all week, but Mama had been so busy she hadn't even noticed. When Daryl came after work that night and started carrying the three boxes down to his truck, Mama began to cry. Her little girl really was leaving and in a way it was like Daryl was leaving too. She was used to seeing him nearly every day.

He'd heard her take in the ragged breath as he walked by with the third box, and when he saw those tears in her eye's it hurt him nearly as bad as when Beth cried. He quickly set the box on the floor, "Ya okay Mama Greene?"

She sniffled, "It's really happening isn't it Daryl? You're taking my little girl away and you'll be gone too. My life will be never be the same."

He did something then he'd never done before. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and tried to assure her. It was then his own strong feelings for this woman surfaced, "Ma'am ya know we won't be far an ya know you're always welcome in our home. I'ma be bringin' Beth around here real often. I'ma miss your nice smile an the kindness in your eyes. I want ya ta know Ma'am, I always have loved an appreciated ya."

That made the tears really come, but maybe she needed a good cry just to relieve the tension the week had brought and to give voice to her emotions. "I hope you know I love you too Daryl. I'm going to be very proud to call you my son."

He pulled away then, almost overcome himself. "Thank ya Ma'am. I better get back ta my work here."

Beth rode to the apartment with him and together they put her clothes and other little things away. That's when he came across the pink book with the gold colored lock. "What's this here Sunshine?"

She quickly took it from him, "You're never allowed to read that Daryl, it's private."

He frowned a bit at her words, "We ain't s'pose ta have secrets if we're gonna be married, are we?"

"Well this is different Daryl, these are my private thoughts and feelings I've written down."

"Oh yeah, what kinda thoughts an feelin's?" He was feeling a little prickly about these secret thoughts.

"Well Trouble, if you think you need to know, and you're going to get all moody the night before our wedding, I'll tell you. You're not allowed to laugh though. It's a diary, I started keeping it at the beginning of my sophomore year in high school, the first time I saw you. I've written at least a little something, sometimes only a sentence, every day since then. All of those things I wrote are about you and my feelings for you."

He couldn't believe it. "That whole book is how ya feel about me? Can I just hold it a minute, I won't open it. Please."

She handed it to him, he looked at the thickness and felt the weight of it, looked at the bright pink and purple hearts on the cover, and he looked at her. "I can't believe ya thought about me so much. That's almost as much as I think about you Sunshine."

She put her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest, "I never stop thinking about you Trouble."

The big day arrived and the old farmhouse was buzzing. Mama, Maggie and Erma had set the dining room table with a fancy lace tablecloth that had belonged to Erma's grandma, along with Mama's good china and the real silver flatware Maggie could not remember them ever using. Maria had made some pretty floral arrangements with flowers from her greenhouse, and she used them to decorate the table and the breakfront.

Mama and Maggie had made pretty pink napkins, and Maggie attached a big tissue paper wedding bell to the chandelier that hung over the dining room table. She ran pink and white streamers from the light to the corners of the room.

It was the kitchen duty that had kept them all real busy. Erma was in charge of the wedding cake and she'd picked chocolate cake for Daryl, with a strawberry filling and strawberry frosting for Beth. Maria made a winter fruit salad and the potato salad. Mama and Maggie made the chicken and noodles, fried chicken and biscuits. Merle Dixon himself brought the big relish tray.

Maggie elbowed him, "You're just full of surprises redneck."

He smiled that ear to ear grin, "I gotta lotta hidden talents Yankee."

Daddy had asked Mama to come in the office with him for just a moment. He shut the door behind her, turned and gave her a panicked look, "Have we completely lost our minds Annette? Beth is 17 years old. Way too young to marry. Neither one of them are ready for this. They're like lambs to the slaughter and we're sending them there with a party."

She lay her hand on her husband's cheek, "Hershel we are most definitely crazy. Who in their right minds would agree to such a thing? Allow it to happen? Make a special trip to the courthouse to sign a slip to make sure it could happen? No one. But Husband I tell myself this situation is unique. Daryl's not anything like an 18 year old boy. Merle was right, he's a man and he's been a man for a long time. And he was right about him being a hard worker and a good person. Maggie hit the nail on the head when she told us no one would ever love our daughter more."

"As for our daughter, it's like she can hardly breathe when he's not around. I don't want her to leave our home, not now or ever. But I do believe in my heart of hearts these two were made for each other, and that somehow this is the right thing."

Daddy just nodded and put his arms around her, "I pray it's like it always is Annette, and you're right."

They'd wanted it casual and that included their attire. Daryl wore a crisp white shirt, black pants, and he'd taken his black motorcycle boots to the shoe repair to have them professionally polished, they looked almost new. Merle as best man was dressed in a similar fashion.

Even though it was winter Beth wanted to wear her favorite, and more importantly Daryl's favorite, pink sundress. She and Maggie had gone shopping one afternoon and she got a pretty beaded white sweater to wear with it.

Maggie as the matron of honor wanted to keep her look similar to Beth's. But she had limited wardrobe since she'd packed for a winter stay with her parents. She called her dear friend since middle school, Karen, and asked if she might have something she could borrow. It turned out she had a pink skirt and a white blouse she was happy to lend.

That's when the idea struck Maggie. She called Merle that afternoon and asked if he could possibly give her a ride to pick up her outfit for the wedding. He didn't think a thing of it, "You bet Yankee, I'll be over ta get ya right after work." Just like Maggie thought they might, it seemed Merle and Karen had a little attraction. She hoped her attempt at matchmaking worked out.

The pastor came to the farm and they all stood in the living room for the brief ceremony. Daryl watched as Maggie and then Beth came walking down that staircase. Just like always, when he saw her he was struck by just how pretty and how sweet she looked. When she got to where he stood waiting, it was all he could do not to take her in his arms.

They didn't want to speak their own vows, they just wanted to keep it simple with the traditional wedding service. He was surprised he wasn't nervous, he decided he was too happy to be nervous. He felt like he'd waited for this moment forever.

She was having very similar thoughts. She kept waiting for her nerves to get the best of her but it never happened. All she'd wanted for so long was to be his wife.

They just looked at each other with love in their hearts, love in their eyes and smiles on their lips as the preacher spoke the words, and they each responded with their, "I do."

He slipped the ring on her finger, the preacher introduced them as Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Dixon, and then said, "You may kiss the bride." That's when the young groom smiled and the young bride smiled, and they shared a kiss that left no doubt there was passion between them.

They had their lunch and opened a few gifts but all the young bride and groom could think about was getting home. When the time came to leave Mama cried, even Daddy looked emotional. Erma didn't know why but she had tears in her eyes too, as did Maggie. They were all thinking of the couple who were just getting started in life, they looked so young. They all just hoped and prayed for the best.

Before he left Merle took Maggie aside, "So Yankee, if ya was wantin' ta change your clothes, I could return those borrowed ones for ya. I got me a date with the pretty brunette who owns 'em."

Maggie laughed and pretended to punch his arm, "I knew I couldn't trust some big old redneck around my friend."


He scooped her up and carried her across the threshold of the small apartment, they were both smiling and giggling. "I's scared I might not do that right, that I might drop ya."

"You did just right Trouble."

He was feeling so confident he picked her up again and carried her to their bed. He turned and lit the candles she'd put on the dresser, and set the Ipod to her easy listening library. When he turned back around she was sitting in the middle of the bed, just waiting for him.

She'd removed her clothes except for tiny panties with pink flowers and a matching bra. He shrugged at her, "Were ya thinkin' I needed help, that I couldn't get them other clothes offa ya?" He was smiling now.

"I was just being helpful, if you'd come here to me I might be able to help you with your things."

"Ya changed since we got married Mrs. Dixon, you're not so shy."

"I'm just trying to be a good helpmate to my husband Mr. Dixon."

It wasn't long before they were both without their clothes. He was nuzzling his face into her neck while his hand ran through her hair, but as he moved his mouth to her ear, then her lips and finally to the delicate and sensitive skin of her throat, his hand moved to her breast, teasing the small nipple and bringing it to attention. Their arousal increased with each kiss, each little nibble, each little touch of skin on skin. His mouth found her breast and he was sucking and lightly nipping at it, while his hand had slipped between her legs and his fingers found their way inside her. The fire they felt was burning hot as she moved her hand to touch him in that way she knew he liked. And it was feeling the hardness of him that sent another, stronger thrill through her. The feeling of her stroking him in that way brought his arousal to fever level.

He grabbed the little package from the night table and she helped him slip it on, and then he slipped into her. At first he kept the motion slow and rhythmic as they fully enjoyed the feel and the touch of each other, and the sensation of two being one as they moved together. As their excitement grew his strokes quickened, soon they'd both reached that place where their bodies seemed to shake until it seemed they'd shake apart.

"I love ya Sunshine."

"I love you more Trouble."

"Ain't possible."

They curled up together and for the very first time they actually slept in that bed.


Monday morning she was back in school. She was driving the truck and he'd taken the bike. She picked up Rosita and they laughed all the way there, joking about how they were going to start an old married ladies club, with them being the only members. But before they got out of the vehicle Beth took her friends' hand, "Thank you so much Rosita, if not for you I never would have told Mama and Daddy our plans, and things wouldn't be good like they are now."

When he got to work Mr. Horvath had a little deal for him, "You know son, Mrs. Horvath never really drives that Chevy, she makes me drive her where she wants to go, or she uses my car. She and I talked about it and we thought you might want to buy it for Beth."

"I dunno Sir, I don't think I can afford it. We're trying real hard ta save money, got a mind ta buy our own place."

But the price the man told him was too hard not to accept, less than half of what Daryl was sure that car was worth. "I'll finance it for you myself and I won't charge interest. I have no desire to make money off of you. I'll take a little money out of your check each week and it'll be paid off before you know it."

He almost said yes right there on the spot, but he caught himself, "Lemme talk ta my wife when I get home, see what she thinks."

Dale clapped him on the back and smiled, "I knew you'd make a good husband Daryl."

They bought the little car and they felt kind of rich, they had a truck, a car and a motorcycle. But aside from the car they didn't buy "extras." They spent money only on what they needed to, rent, utilities, groceries and other necessities. They were fortunate to save a lot of money on food. Dale and Erma had them to dinner twice a week, Saturday and Tuesday nights. Mama and Daddy had them over every Thursday night and always for Sunday dinner. Aside from the meals themselves they were always sent home with leftovers. It help so much and they were grateful to have the extra money for their savings.

When she graduated in June he was the first one in the auditorium, saving places for the Horvath's and Greenes. He wanted to sit in the front row; he wanted her to see the love he had for her, and his pride in her when she gave her speech as class Valedictorian.

She could have gone to college but she didn't care, she thought maybe someday she would, when they were older. For right now her plan was different, she had a goal in mind. So she went right back to work at the dry cleaner, and now she was working full time.

They decided to live on her paycheck and save all of his. It was tight but their dream made it all seem so worth it, they didn't mind the little bit of scrimping.


It was five years after they married that they found it, it was an accident really. They'd just been out for a Saturday afternoon ride on the bike, breathing fresh air and enjoying one another. He'd gone off the highway a bit, but the cut-in road was firm packed and they weren't worried. Then they saw the for sale sign nailed to the tree with an arrow that pointed down a smaller off-shoot path. He rode them down the little path and soon they came to it. It was small, wood construction with a nice little front porch. There were some overgrown shrubs around it and tall Georgia pines, and they smiled at each other. It was perfect.

There was a sign on the door and he called the number. The guy who answered said he could show it to them the next afternoon and arrangements were made.

Merle and his wife Karen were at Sunday dinner and Daryl wanted to talk to his brother about it, even have him take a look. But first he'd wait and make sure it was even a possibility.

And Beth wanted to tell her folks so badly, but like Daryl she first wanted to see if it was even possible this could happen.

When they left the farm they headed right back out to the little house. The fellow was waiting on the porch and he explained it had belonged to his father but the man had passed a few years before, now the family just wanted to sell.

They walked through it slowly, Daryl carefully checking everything. It was a basic floor plan, kitchen and eating off to one side of the front door, the living room the other direction. Beyond that were two bedrooms, a bathroom and an enclosed back porch. It was in some disrepair, there was no question of that, particularly the kitchen where the upper cabinets had all but fallen down, the appliances were missing and the plastic on the countertops was dry and cracked.

They bought it on the spot.

It took a full year working on it every spare moment. Merle helped when he could, but for the most part they did the work themselves. It didn't cost a great deal of money, just lots of time. But the day they moved in was the day they knew it had been worth every penny and every minute of work. It was theirs and it was perfect.

Now they could do something else they'd waited a very long time for. The day they moved in was the day Daryl put those little packets away in the drawer of the night table by the bed, and they worked on another dream.

Seven years after their wedding was the day it happened. He was just shy of his twenty-sixth birthday, she was just shy of her twenty-fifth birthday when she told him early that morning, "Trouble, it's time."

He jumped up and then thought better of it, crawled back in bed for just a moment and held her, "I love ya so much Sunshine I promise I'ma do my best ta be a good Daddy ta our baby."

"You will be, I know that."

He didn't leave her side and at four o'clock that afternoon their baby was born, a little boy.

The baby was swaddled and she lay there cuddling her tiny son close to her. Her husband lay next to her, his arm light across her and his hand resting softly on the baby's back.

She smiled at her husband, and then at her baby boy, "Someday some young girl is going to look at that face and know right away, he's her kind of Trouble."

The End and A New Beginning


A/N We'll leave Sunshine, Trouble and that little bit of Trouble to live their lives together. Thank you all so much for reading this story. It was fun to write and a quite a challenge. It's been a while since I was in high school :) I'd appreciate so much if you'd leave a comment / review. Thank you, x gneebee

The chapter photo is posted on my tumblr bethylmethbrick, please visit there if you get a chance. I'm proud to say some of my stories have been nominated for Moonshine Awards on UltimateBethylFicList please visit her web site and check them out, and vote if you feel inspired to. My other current Bethyl multi chapter, One Cold Night is still ongoing and posts on Wednesdays. I thank you all again. Bethyl on my friends and remember, I love ya large! xo gneebee