When Robin woke the next morning; he'd thought it had all been a nightmare. But when Roland knocked on his door and suggested they get ready to go to the hospital – reality set in. Roland and Regina had been in an accident but they were alive. He couldn't help but also feel that not only was he injured but now Regina was as well. It was a lot of responsibility for Roland and as they ate breakfast at the table; Robin knew he'd have to talk with his son "So, I called Emma and she says one of the officers from your department is coming over to take us to see Gina. Then, she'll pick us up after work. She suggested Chinese today for the four of us."

"Sounds good," Robin said.

Roland could tell something as bothering his father by the look on his face "What is it Pop? Are you worried about Gina?"

"Yes, but mostly I'm worried about you Roland. How are you going to handle all of this? I'm hurt and now she is . . ."

"Mrs. Potts told me last night not to worry. They'll be sending someone to the house every day. I wonder if it will be your friend Philip."

"She said that," Robin asked.

"Yes. She told me not to fret – her exact words." Roland scooped eggs into his mouth and when he was finished eating he pushed his plate back "I can do the normal stuff around here but whoever comes every day will take care of you and Gina. Plus, Emma and Henry can help and Granny too," Roland said as he began to clear the table.

"Alright, if you can remain positive then so can I."

"You'll see. It will all work out. I'll clean up the kitchen quick. We should get going. Someone will be here around eleven to take us to the hospital. That's what Henry told me last night." Robin watched as Roland headed into the kitchen. He proud of his son and couldn't believe how easily he adapted to change – he definitely took after his mother. Robin wasn't as easily convinced. Things were going to get even harder around here and he had to ensure that they were all comfortable. But he wasn't sure how.

It took Doctor Hyde and two nurses to sit Regina up in bed later that morning. The doctor sat on the edge of her bed when the nurses left "How is the pain," he asked as he stared into her face and then checked her pupils.

She grimaced and held her side "It's bearable but . . ."

"I can give you something . . ."

"Yes, that would be appreciated. How long will I have to remain here," she asked. "I really want to go home."

"I'd like to keep you another night for observation and if you can stand and walk on your own then tomorrow you can go home. The police department has made arrangements for a nurse to come every day until your family feels you are well enough to be on your own."

"Oh . . ."

"It's necessary in the healing process Regina. I'm sure your family will agree." He accidently touched her hand and he couldn't help but swipe his thumb across the top of her fingers. She glanced into his face and he smiled "Sorry," he whispered as he cleared his throat "Anyway, I'll check on you tonight. You should get some rest." He stood from her bed and all she could do was nod at him. When Doctor Hyde turned around they both were startled by Robin and Roland; who had made their way into the room. He walked toward them "Regina will fill you in on her progress," he said as he made his way hastily out of the room. She shifted on the bed and Roland ran straight to her and carefully put his arms around her neck.

Robin approached the bed "You look much better," he said as he glanced into her eyes.

She smiled "I feel a little better I suppose."

"At least you are sitting up now," Roland added.

"Yes, it was strange having to lay flat."

"Roland; can you give Gina and I a few minutes? I'd like to talk to her."

"Sure, I'll go take a walk," he said. "I'm hoping Mrs. Potts is still here."

"I think she is," Regina said.

When he was gone Robin wiped his brow "Regina . . ."

"Is something wrong," she asked.

She reached for his hand "No, it's just . . . Doctor Hyde."

Regina rolled her eyes "You saw that right? He touched my hand and the way he was looking at me – it was weird," she admitted.

"I thought I was imagining it. I had to ask if you noticed it also," he said.

"I can't wait to get out of here," she said as she let out a breath. Robin grabbed her hand and brought it to her lips "I knew it would be difficult but I hate hospitals," she admitted. "I just want out of here."

He noticed a few tears fall down her cheeks and she brushed them away quickly "Baby, you won't be here long and once you're home and comfortable; Roland and I will do our best to take care of you."

"I know," she whispered. He got as close to her bed as he could and they held hands until Roland came back in a few minutes later "Come in," she said when she noticed he was lingering in the doorway. He pulled a chair up and they chatted for quite some time. They explained they were dropped off by Gabe and that Emma might be by to pick them up later on. A nurse came in an hour later to check her vitals and soon after that Regina was brought her lunch. She didn't want the pudding so of course Roland ate it and then offered to go to the cafeteria to get something for him and his father to share.

Once they were alone again Robin laced his fingers with hers and decided he couldn't hold back anymore "Regina . . . I was so scared," he admitted. He couldn't help that his eyes were watering and she began to cry also. They wiped their faces and Robin carefully got onto the bed from his chair and they somehow managed to sit up and hold one another "I thought I'd lost you," he said against her ear.

"I know. I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for," he said.

"What happened exactly," she asked. "I don't really remember much."

"The accident; well, as far as I know the other driver ran a red light. So they were probably distracted by something," he said. "I don't know the details yet. I suppose we can ask Emma or David when you're ready."

"Yes, I'd like to know what happened. One minute we were laughing and talking and the next thing I remember is being in the ambulance. It was so scary. I thought something had happened to Roland." A few minutes later; Roland came back with lunch. A sandwich for them to share; along with fruit, chips and bottles of Gatorade; they sat around talking and watching television and then a nurse came in who wanted to try to get Regina to walk. So, Robin and Roland were told to come back in about half an hour. They went outside to the courtyard and were surprised to find none other than Dr. Archie Hopper sitting and having his own lunch under a tree. He smiled as they approached and offered for them to join him. They talked about Regina and Roland's accident. Archie was concerned about Robin's son and he was grateful for the doctor's assistance. It appeared Roland really was okay and was more worried about Regina, "Make sure you take time to be a kid Roland. Go to the movies with your friends and spend time with your girlfriend. Yes, Robin will need help at home but he's the parent and you are still the child."

"Yes, sir; I understand," Roland replied. They talked about more pleasant things in life; music, movies, food and then finally Archie glanced down at his watch "I should be going. It was nice talking with you two and Robin I'll come by the house to check on you all in a few days."

They watched as the doc headed inside "He's right you know. You are the kid and you need to be having fun. It's summer," Robin said.

Roland shrugged "Pop, you always say that family is the most important thing in life. Well, I'm right where I need to be."

"Wow, you sound just like your mother sometimes."

"That's a good thing."

"Yes, it is. I wish we could have had more time with her," Robin admitted.

"I know what you mean."

"Let's go back and see how Gina has done," Robin said as he attempted to move his wheelchair. Roland helped and pushed him all the way back to her room and they could hear her inside talking to the nurse and giggling so they waited in the hallway.

"Your husband is handsome and is that your son," the nurse asked.

"Oh' he's not my husband. He's my boyfriend and that's his son. But, I love them both," Regina admitted.

"You're lucky to have them. My boyfriend and I broke up after three years together."

"Oh' I'm sorry."

"It's alright we just wanted different things out of life. But, I love what I do. Now then; are you comfortable and do you need anything?"

"No, thank you. I'm fine. Do you think I'll be able to go home tomorrow?"

"I don't see why not but Doctor Hyde will be the one to decide that." Robin and Roland made their presence known in the doorway and the nurse smiled "Well, I'll let you spend time with your men. I'll see you later," she said as she headed out into the hallway.

Roland leaned against the wall "She seemed nice."

"Toni Jean, she helped me walk. I did well. So, it looks like I'll be going home tomorrow as long as Doctor Hyde says it's alright," she said.

"Well, that's good news," Robin replied. "Are you in any pain?"

"Just a little," she said a she held onto her side. "I need to practice my breathing exercises if you two don't mind."

"Go ahead. We saw Doctor Hopper so we can tell you about that while you do your exercises," Roland said. She listened as they talked about their chat with Doctor Hopper. Regina agreed with the doctor whole-heartedly – Roland was a kid and he needed to have fun and enjoy himself this summer. She wondered what they could do to ensure he still enjoyed himself while he was out of school. She'd have to talk to Robin about that. They stayed for a few more hours until; Killian Jones knocked on the door and strolled in.

Robin smiled "Hey mate! Are you our driver," he teased.

"Yes," he said as he leaned down and kissed Regina on the cheek. "How are you feeling love?"

"Tired but I'm alive," she said.

"Emma is a wreck worrying about you but alas she has to work a little late. So, it's just us men. We are going to pick up Henry from the bookstore on the way to the cabin."

"Sounds great," Roland said. "I'll call Henry and let him know we are leaving soon." He kissed Regina on the cheek and went out into the hallway and Killian followed him so that Robin could have a moment alone with his girlfriend.

"Call me tomorrow and we'll figure out a way to pick you up," he said.

She smiled "I hope I can come home," she said as she gripped his hand.

"Have faith. You've done well so far," he said. He kissed her hand and she leaned as far down as she could and he managed to buss her lips with his "I love you," he said seriously as he glanced into her face.

"I love you more," she whispered.

"I doubt that," he replied. She watched as he went to join the other men and couldn't help the tears that fell. Yes, she was alive but how much more heartache were they going to have to endure? When would it end?

The next morning Regina was surprised when Mrs. Potts brought her breakfast "How are you feeling," the older woman asked as she placed the tray down.

"Much better and thank you I'm feeling hungry," Regina replied.

"I wanted to let you know that I have been assigned by the police department to come and check on both you and Robin throughout your healing process. It's only for the next month but it's three times a week," the nurse said smiling.

"Oh' I'm relieved but they didn't have to do that. I'm sure we could manage."

"Robin is an asset to the department and even though he isn't working right now . . ."

Regina took a bite of toast "Yes, I'm not sure what his plans are. I know he wants to go back to work even if it's only part-time."

"Yes, of course. I'll be back in a few minutes to check your vitals. Then, I'll speak with Doctor Hyde. Hopefully, you can go home today and then tomorrow I'll be over in early afternoon to check on you." Regina thanked Mrs. Potts and continued to eat her breakfast. The eggs were runny so she didn't bother to eat them. But, she ate the toast, fruit, and yogurt and drank her tea. She pushed the tray away and glanced over at her phone. There were a few text messages from Robin and one from Emma. Once she responded; she lay back against the pillows and let out a breath. She couldn't help but feel weary. Overall, they weren't having much luck. Robin was in a wheelchair and now she would be laid up for at least a month or so. Yes, she was going to sell her house but she was going back and forth with that. It was a rather rash decision but it seemed to make sense. They couldn't live there. Robin wouldn't be able to navigate and yes he could walk again but . . . what if he didn't? She would get a pretty penny for the house and even though there technically wasn't an offer on the table yet . . . her head hurt. She had to try and concentrate on healing first. Maybe, they could stall for a month or two? But what would be the point in that? When she was better she would call her realtor and ask how things were going. There was a knock at the door and Doctor Hyde slowly approached "Good Morning Regina and how are you feeling today," he asked.

His behavior toward her was unsettling and she cleared her throat and scooted farther back against the pillows "Good morning. I feel great actually. Do you think I could go home today?"

He was looking at her chart and she was holding her breath for his answer "I don't see why not. As long as you feel comfortable walking. There is nothing out of the ordinary going on."

"Oh' I'm relieved. Thank you Doctor."

"You are quite welcome and I should apologize for my behavior. If it seemed I was a little forward. You may not believe this but you look similar to someone I used to know. She was very special to me," he said softly.

"Oh' I'm sorry. What happened? If you don't mind me asking," Regina said softly.

"My wife; she had the same dark features as you. She was full of life and we planned to have a baby but it just wasn't in the cards for us. She died a few years ago. She had cancer."

"Oh' I'm so sorry."

He smiled weakly "Thank you. It was difficult. But, I have to believe she is at peace. You're very lucky. I always tell my patients to be thankful for what they have. But, I'm sure you know that," he said softly.
"Well, that's enough sadness for now. You have a lot to look forward to. I hope you feel better soon." He stood and lingered in the doorway for a minute and then turned back around to face her "Robin is a lucky man. I hope you both know how blessed you are," he said seriously as he headed out the door. Regina watched as he hastily walked out of her room and she let out a breath. Life was cruel at times. She felt sorry for the man. She contemplated Doctor Hyde's story for a minute or two and then sent Robin a text that she needed to be picked up. In no time he was responding and saying he'd already had a plan and that he'd see her soon. She was going home and the doctor was right – they are incredibly blessed to be alive.

Her homecoming consisted of Chinese food, brownies, her best friend, Killian, Henry, Roland and of course Robin. Emma basically did everything for them while Regina took a shower. Robin stayed in the bathroom with her while she got ready. Everyone else set the table, ordered the food and then Henry and Killian picked it up. Everyone seemed ecstatic that she was home; especially Robin. She sat on the sofa and Robin took a spot next to her; Emma insisted they eat casually and not at the table and everyone was fine with that. They spread around the room and Roland sweetly fixed them each a plate and once they were all settled down; Emma finally revealed what happened with the accident "The guy was on his phone. You don't need the details but he'll pay a hefty fine."

"I don't know how people can do that," Henry said seriously.

"Assholes," Roland added.

"Roland . . ." Robin said.

"He's right mate but watch your language," Killian said. Everyone laughed and the boys began cleaning up.

Emma was sitting on the floor and she stretched her legs out in front of her "So, what's next," she asked.

Regina shrugged "Hopefully, I'm well enough to go back to school when the summer ends. I should be."

"You have two months so let's hope," Robin said.

"Oh' I'm not sure I mentioned it but Mrs. Potts is the nurse assigned to my case. She'll be here a few times a week."

"That's brilliant," Robin replied.

Emma smiled "I might have had a hand in that . . . it's just you trust her. So, I thought it would be a great idea."

"Thank you," Robin said to Emma as he carefully wrapped his arm around Regina's shoulder. Once everything was cleaned up; Killian suggested they leave and they gathered their things "Thank you again."

Emma smiled "It's not a problem. Do you need anything before we leave?"

"No, I think we're alright," Roland said. "I can handle things here." Once everyone was gone Roland went to his room and Regina slowly made her way to the master bedroom with Robin on her heels. She sat on the edge of the bed and began to get undressed. He grabbed her pajamas out of the dresser and then he began to change as well.

Once Robin scooted onto the bed he asked, "Are you in a lot of pain love?"

She shook her head "No, it's not that bad but I'm sure the meds will wear off eventually."

"Just wake me up if you need them," Robin said as he attempted to get comfortable.

Regina slowly and carefully positioned herself next to him and then finally she let out a breath "Robin, do you believe in bad luck. Like . . . maybe we have this dark cloud hanging over us," she said softly.

He reached for her hand and squeezed "I'm not sure. It seems we have been having a bit of bad luck or maybe a lot," he admitted. "But, I keep telling myself that I should be grateful for the things that are going right in life."

She wiped a few tears from her cheek and sighed "I know but . . . it seems as if things just . . ."

"I know," he said softly as he gripped her hand.

"I'm just grateful it was me and not Roland that was hurt. I couldn't bear it if anything happened to him," she said.

"Baby, let's try not to think about that right now. You need to rest and we need to focus on you healing."

She sighed and Robin carefully pulled her into his arms "You're right," she whispered. He kissed the top of her head and after a little while they somehow drifted off to sleep.

A few days later; Mrs. Potts walked with Regina around the house; she didn't think it was a good idea for her to go outside just yet. But, she wanted her to walk. Then, she stuck around while Regina took a shower and got dressed and then made them an amazing lunch of sandwiches, soup and salad. That wasn't part of her job but she insisted and on top of all that – she prepared them a huge pot roast with all the fixings for dinner. This was sure to last them several days and Robin was practically in tears at the gesture. She was great company for them. She talked about the hospital and some of the things she'd seen over the years. When three o'clock came they were sad to see her go but she said she'd be back in two days. She informed them she was on her way to the hospital for the overnight shift. They were stunned that someone of her age could do all of this and then go to work. But, she simply said she was used to it; gave them each a hug and let herself out of the cabin "Wow, that lady is something," Robin said as he shifted from his wheelchair to the sofa.

Regina smiled "She sure is. Robin, I was talking to her about something outside and I'd like to run it by you," she said somewhat seriously.

"What is it," he asked.

She turned toward him on the couch "Roland deserves to do something fun this summer. Don't you think? I don't want him to be taking care of us. He needs to be a kid."

"Yes, I agree. What did you have in mind," he asked.

Emma and Killian are taking Henry on a camping trip next week and she mentioned that maybe Roland could go? Since, Mrs. Potts will be around; I think we should let him. Or rather, you should let him," she said quickly.

He smiled and bit his lip the way he always does and she couldn't help but feel her cheeks getting warm at the sight "I think that's a great idea. He's still a kid after all even if he doesn't think so," Robin said.

"We can talk to him when he gets home today," she replied.

"Sounds good," he said. "Is that all?"

"Yes, except how are you feeling," she asked.

He chuckled lightly "You want to know how I'm feeling?"


"Regina, I'm fine. You were just in a horrible car accident. No need to worry about me," he said.

"I always worry about you," she admitted.

He ran his fingers through her hair "There's no need and I must admit I worry about you too. But, where will that get us," he asked as he leaned in and kissed her forehead.

"Worry Worts," she teased as she leaned her head against his shoulder. They both laughed and decided to just relax and watch a movie until Roland came home. They had quite a few things to discuss.