All right, it's time for another Milo Murphy's Law story, and on top of that, a MiloLissa story! Sit back and relax, and hopefully you guys like it! Anyway, enjoy!

Bells started to ring on a bright sunny day as outside a church, a group was gathered around as a wedding was taking place. However, it wasn't just any regular wedding. It was a Murphy wedding, as a certain Murphy man, known to be a descendant of inadvertently invoking Murphy's Law wherever he went, was getting married to the love of his life.

The bride, known as Melissa Chase, was wearing a bride's gown and holding flowers as she looked over towards her husband-to-be, Milo Murphy, who was wearing a tuxedo and smiling back towards his beautiful bride.

"Do you, Milo Danger Murphy, take Melissa Carpenter Chase, to be your lawfully wedded wife, for richer or poorer, through sickness and health until death do you part?" The priest asked Milo as Milo gave a small smile.

"I do." Milo nodded.

"And do you, Melissa Carpenter Chase, take Milo Danger Murphy, to be your lawfully wedded husband, for richer or poorer, through sickness and heath until death do you part?" The priest asked the same question to Melissa.

"Yes, I do!" Melissa smiled.

"Then, by the powers vested in me and the Lord, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!" The priest said as he closed the book.

Everyone cheered as Milo and Melissa gave a happy smile and started to lean towards each other, as if ready to kiss... but actually, the more they heard the applause... the more it sounded like... alarm clock going off, as Melissa groaned, waking up. Melissa sighed as she slapped her clock, shutting the alarm off. "Darn it, just when I was getting to the good part of my dream..."

Melissa gave a warm-hearted sigh of content happiness as she got up, still in her pink pajamas. "Well, springtime's in the air again. Maybe today's the day I finally tell Milo my feelings..."

Melissa sighed as she started to go to her drawer and start collecting her clothes to get ready for the day. Melissa groaned as she sat down, holding her head. It was hard to believe it herself, but she did find a fascination with Milo and just how optimistic and brave he is when it comes to overcoming his descendant's law. She always told people that knew her that she had her reasons for sticking with Milo... though some of them were oblivious to the fact, some found it pretty obvious that Melissa had a crush on Milo for quite some time.

And though Melissa denied it, in truth, she actually felt a little lovesick whenever she was alone and thinking about the possible days that she and Milo would go out together, even if they weren't dates. At least she felt pretty good about the relationship she had with Milo...

But she was a little afraid of confessing to Milo at the same time. She didn't know his feelings of her, maybe he didn't return the same feelings... but who knows? Maybe, deep down, Milo actually felt something for Melissa.

Thinking about that, she was happily skipping towards her bathroom, ready to get dressed and start the day right.

A while later, at school, Melissa got off the school bus as she entered the school... when she found herself blocked by none other than Bradley Nicholson.

"Well, well, if it isn't the wonderful Melissa?" Bradley smiled as he did a flirtatious wink at her.

Melissa frowned as she curled up her hands. "What do you want, Bradley?"

"Oh, nothing much in particular... BUT... you do know the upcoming Spring dance is coming along soon." Bradley gave a smirk.

Melissa frowned. "So?"

"So?" Bradley said in shock. "What do you mean, so? It's been hinted at for weeks now!"

"I don't remember any hints." Melissa frowned as she rolled her eyes.

Melissa was coming in with Milo in the classroom as Bradley came over to her.

"So, Melissa, I bet come the first weekend of spring, you'll be swept off your feet?" Bradley smirked.

Melissa rolled her eyes as she said, "Oh, sure, probably."

Bradley was about to go further when he realized who she was with, before twitching and sighing. "Hello, Milo."

"Hey, Bradley! Beautiful last day of fall, isn't it?" Milo smiled.

Melissa was collecting her things from her locker, including getting her winter coat out as Bradley slid over, holding a rose in his teeth.

"You know, Melissa, a rose just like any other name is just as sweet. I bet dancing on the first weekend of spring will clear your mind." Bradley smiled.

Melissa frowned as she put her winter jacket on. "I'm not worried about spring, I'm worried about winter..."

"Ready to go, Melissa!" Milo smiled as he came over as Bradley gulped, slowly backing away. "Oh, hello, Bradley. You know, that rose you're holding in your mouth... kinda unsanitary. Is it a fake rose or a real one?"

As soon as Milo said that, Bradley yelped as he dropped the rose and covered his mouth as he said, "I fink fy fouth ith bleepin..."

Melissa just shook her head.

Outside in the snow, Melissa was busy rolling the middle part of the snowman when she saw Bradley approach, this time, wearing Shakespearean snow pants as Bradley unfurled a note. "Hear ye, hear ye. For you, the fair Melissa, have been deemed worthy of me and myself for free time together... like say, a certain dancing session on the first weekend of spring?"

All of a sudden, a large snowball ran Bradley down, causing him to yelp. Melissa, rolling her eyes, just put the middle part of the snowman down as Milo ran over.

"Sorry about that, Bradley!" Milo said as he looked down. "Are you hurt?"

"Only my dignity is..." Bradley groaned.

Melissa blinked... then crossed her arms. "Nope. Doesn't ring a bell."

Bradley gave a frown as he said, "Come on, Melissa, you can't be serious! Here I am, trying to spill my heart to you, and try to get you to ask me to the spring weekend dance, and all you can do is rebuff me!"

Melissa rolled her eyes. "Then why don't you just ask me?"

"If you haven't been paying attention, it's not the boys who ask out the girls for the spring weekend dance. It's the GIRLS who ask out the BOYS." Bradley said as he crossed his arms. "Haven't you read the fine print of the poster?"

It was at that moment Bradley pointed towards a poster as Melissa looked it over. It was then she read it.


"Oh. That poster." Melissa frowned as she started to walk off... then her eyes widened. "Wait a minute... I get it now!"

Bradley smiled. "Finally, thank you! Took you long enough!"

"I can't believe the answer was in front of my eyes this whole time!" Melissa gave a warm smile.

"I knew you'd come around." Bradley smiled.

"This is going to be great!" Melissa said, holding her heart.

"Go on, ask those simple words. I have an answer ready." Bradley gave a smirk.

It was at that moment Milo walked in as he smiled. "Hey guys..."

"Milo, I want to ask you something." Melissa smiled.

"Milo?" Bradley asked in confusion.

"Sure, Melissa." Milo said in confusion. "What do you want?"

"Well... you know, the spring weekend dance is... on Saturday and... well, I actually want to go and... well, I guess what I'm trying to say is... Milo, would you go to the dance with me?" Melissa asked.

"Wait, back up! What?" Bradley said, his mouth dropping in shock.

Milo's eyes brightened as he smiled, "Sure, Melissa. That sounds like fun."

"Thanks, Milo!" Melissa smiled as she hugged Milo. "You're the best."

"Uh, no. No no no no no no no no, no. No, that is not the proper response." Bradley frowned as Milo looked over to Bradley.

"Oh, hi Bradley!" Milo smiled.

"Melissa, as much as I respect you, do you KNOW who Milo Murphy is?" Bradley asked. "The minute he enters this, the punch bowl will break apart by itself, decorations will be torn apart by buzzsaws and boulders would destroy the school!"

"Baby." Melissa rolled her eyes towards Bradley's complaints. "And anyway, people have experienced Murphy's Law before, what would be any different?"

Melissa smiled as she turned towards Milo. "So, we'll be prepared on Saturday night!"

"Of course! I'll pick my best suit!" Milo smiled as he and Melissa started to walk off, leaving a stupefied Bradley.

Bradley then said, "Just what does she see in that Milo?"

With that, the first chapter is done! How did you guys like it? If you have any suggestions, let me know through private message, I'm more likely to respond to those! Anyway, read, review, criticize and suggest, folks!