Memento Mori

A Selection of shorts and unrelated one-shots. Mostly stuff that comes to my head while watching the show or things I think should have happened. Things I would like to see. Jane Centric, but there will be shorts about the other characters as well.

Set just before 'Her Spy's Mind.' another way that CIA deputy director Jake Keaton could have been introduced.

I have been sitting on this one for a while, hope you enjoy it. I loved writing it.

When Zapata had woken up that morning, she had a feeling it was going to be a bad day. First, she had spilt very hot coffee down her favourite blouse, secondly, her car wouldn't start and she ended up having to ride the subway at peak hour, the coffee stain that was centred around her left breast attracting some unwanted attention. Then, to make matters worse, she had arrived at the office to some very unwelcome guests.

Apparently, the deputy director of the CIA had shown up in the early morning, bursting into Kurt's office and demanding involvement on their newest case. Something involving a suspicious attack on two Pakistani diplomats gunned down on their way to peace talks. No organization had claimed responsibility for the attack, but the cars registration number was tattooed on Janes left ankle.

There was something about the new deputy director that Zapata took an instant dislike to. Maybe it was his smug smile, his 'I'm better than you' attitude, or maybe it was just the fact that he was CIA.

'Agent Jake Keaton' he had said his name was. Even his name made Zapata dislike him.

She watched him cautiously from where she stood in the debriefing room, only half listening to what Patterson telling them. That shit eating grin of his seemed to be permanently stuck to his face as he sipped his coffee.

It had only been a few moments before Zapata had heard the distinct ding of the elevator, turning her head she glared through the windows at the elevators sole occupant. Jane, late again, for the third time this week. Her eyes were dark and hair was lifeless and untidy. Zapata could tell it was yet another sleepless night for the woman, but for some reason, she didn't seem to care.

She watched as the tattooed woman hurried towards the debriefing room, silently opening the door and slinking into the background as Patterson continued to explain what she had discovered about the tattoo. Zapata frowned at the way the woman had stopped dead in her tracks, her large green eyes filled with surprise as she spotted the new, temporary member of the team. It did not go unnoticed how Jake turned his head to glance at her, a toothy grin contorting his features as he winked at her, then turned his eyes back to the front of the room.

Zapata watched quietly as Jane slunk towards the corner furthest away from Agent Keaton, biting her lip and rubbing her hands together. Jane met her gaze before wrapping her arms around herself and turning her eyes towards Patterson.

When the debriefing was over, Jane was out of the room in seconds.

It was mid-day before Zapata saw Jane again, dressed in her workout gear, her body shining with a thin sheen of sweat as she made her way towards the locker room. She was rubbing her shoulder, as she always did after a strenuous workout, a small grimace of pain tugging at her face as she gently massaged her muscles.

She watched as Jane rounded the corner, heading towards the locker room and frowned when she realized Keaton was watching her too, sitting at the desk he had taken as his own. He waited for a moment, fixing his collar then slowly moved to follow Jane into the locker room.

'What is she up to now?' Zapata thought, pushing herself from her chair and silently making her own way towards the locker room. She waited outside the door and counted silently to ten, before pushing it open and silently slinking in.

If Jane was going to betray them again…she was going to catch her in the act.

"I feel really really sad that you didn't say hello to me this morning Jane." Zapata heard Keaton's voice the moment she had entered the locker room. Silently she made her way to her own locker, watching silently from the darkness as Keaton stalked towards Jane, much like a predator would stalk its prey. Tasha could see the way that Jane had tensed up when she heard Keaton's voice.

"What do you want?" Jane asked. Her voice was tired and strained. She turned to look at him, her face stoic. Keaton chuckled.

"Why so hostile Janie…I thought you would be happy to see me?" Keaton said Zapata could Janes expression falter, her eyes darting nervously towards an escape route.

"So, how's that arm of yours, Janie? Still giving you trouble?" Keaton smiled broadly as he approached Jane, who was nervously biting her lip. Zapata frowned at the trace of fear in the raven-haired woman's eyes.

"Only when's it's cold." Jane's answer was through gritted teeth, there was a slight quiver in her voice as the CIA agent finally came to a stop between her and the wall, trapping her. Jane went rigid as he inched his face closer to hers, lifting his hand to slap her on the shoulder. Zapata felt a surge of anger as Jane bit back a whimper, pain apparent on her face as Keaton squeezed her shoulder tightly. She could see Janes fist curling into a tight fist. Apparently Jake noticed this too.

"Oh, try it, Janie. I would just love to drag you back to that dark hole where you belong, it's only a matter of time before the FBI has no use for you and send you right back to the CIA. If you think you knew pain before…just wait."

Zapata gasped, finally realizing why Jane was so terrified of this man.

"They won't send me back to you..." Jane answered, however, she sounded unsure. "When the mission is over they will…"

"They will what… Invite you to become part of the team. You think you are going to get a happily ever after Jaine?" Keaton mocked. "You really think after all you have done…they will welcome you to the team with open arms. You're a killer Jane, always have been and always will be. People like you don't deserve a happily ever after."

Jane steeled her gaze, moving her eyes to look Keaton in the eye, her lips thinned as she answered him.

"I'm not just a killer. Not anymore."

Keaton kissed his teeth, leaning in closer. So close, his lips were almost brushing her forehead.

"What did I tell you about looking me directly in the eye Janie?" Keaton mocked. Jane held her gaze for a few seconds longer, but then, to Zapata's amazement, dropped her eyes to the floor, turning away from the man that tormented her.

"There you go" he chuckled inching closer still. "At least you finally know your place."

Lifting his hand, he tapped her face mockingly, his smile only widening as Jane flinched violently away from him. Zapata had, had enough. Stepping out from behind the locker, she made her presence known.

"Hey, Agent douchebag. This is the crew's locker room. Visitors lockers are down the hall."

Jake tore his gaze away from Jane, turning to glare at Tasha. "My mistake agent Zapata. I was just leaving." He gave Tasha what he thought was his most charming smile.

"And yet, you're still here."

His smile faulted, Jane still hadn't taken her eyes off the floor. Keaton looked from Zapata to Jane, then back to Zapata.

"Okay then." He said with a toothy grin. He turned to Jane before leaving. "I am looking forward to working together Janie."

Zapata watched him go, her eyes narrowing angrily as he began to whistle on his way out. Jane still stood frozen to the spot.

"Asshole." She whispered. "You okay Jane?" Tasha asked, reaching out towards Jane's elbow. The woman flinched away from her touch, turning around and slamming her locker closed. She sniffed, cleared her throat then turned to face Zapata, her face once again an expressionless mask.

"I'm fine," she said, starting for the door.

"Jane..." Tasha called after her. Jane stopped, looking over her shoulder.

"If you ever need to talk...I hear if you need me." Tasa felt a surge of regret run through her chest as she realized that that was the nicest thing she had said to Jane since the tattooed woman had returned. A ghost of a smile tugged at Jane's lips before the stoic mask returned.

"There is nothing to talk about...but thanks."

The older woman left without another word. Leaving Tasha alone in the darkness.

Hope you enjoyed this, more unrelated one-shots to come! I loved writing protective Zapata!

I have a few ideas for some others that I have already started writing, but I would love to hear your thoughts. If you want to see anything, tell me and I can try and write the scene as best I can.

Hope you all have a lovely day, and please tell me what you think.:)