/The following morning/

"Good Morning team!" Tony announced his entry to the floor. Alongside your parents looking excited for the day ahead. Tony had made an itinerary for them to follow. He was treating them like royalty in his own mind.

"Good morning!" You said leaving the kitchen to see your parents. Everyone had decided to eat breakfast in the biggest floor, that way everyone was present to greet your dear parents.

"Good morning everyone! Sorry to interrupt your breakfast!" Your mom said with a little shy smile that looked like yours.

"No need to worry Ma'am, we were just finishing up." Steve said giving her the sweetest smile. This made your mom gain a rosy color on her cheeks. Your father didn't let that escape his eye.

"So…Mr. Stark has yet to tell us how come ya'll work and live here?" Your father questioned with a raised eyebrow. Thus, making everyone look like deer caught in the headlights. Thankfully, Tony had regained composure faster than the rest.

"Living in California is quite expensive. These living arranges have always been giving to those that I see true potential, all of them are unique to their job. Yes, they might do the same job, but they give their own touch to their work," He said with a serious face before changing to his known smirk, "Also, this building was initially just to satisfy my ego, it became lonely after a while, then I started the company and living headquarters."

Your parents looked surprised at Tony, then looked at the rest of the team, and finally they looked at you. They gave you a smile that screamed 'proudness' to you. That smile was meant to be given to you once you graduated, not when you were lying to them in such massive way.

"Well then, I'm pleased to hear that Y/N was offered to live here. It makes us happy. Now, I want to see her work!" That last part made everyone suppress a massive grimace. But you were cringing so hard it was almost awkward to see you stand there.

"Well, I'll give you a tour of how we work. So, while these guys get ready, we will be paying a visit to our design crew on the first floor." Tony grabbed your parents, Jarvis following behind. Surely to ensure Tony doesn't spill anything, or anyone for that matter.

"See you later, honey!" Your mom said while making her way to the elevator, you father almost dragging her. "Bye mom." The elevator's door closed with a ding.

"Today is going to be quite an interesting day." Loki broke the silence with his remark, smirk on his face.

"Indeed, brother. Cassie, did the results of the poll come out?" Thor asked. Cassie looked like she had just remembered about it, taking her phone to look for something, "mmmmmm…. okay. So, according to the results, you guys have chosen to do the 40's."

"Okay we've got the theme, but what exactly are we doing?" You asked looking at your best friend. "I…. have no clue." She gave a sigh.

"Pin Ups." Steve and Bucky said at the same time, gaining a smirk from Nat.

"We can't do anything revealing though." Clint said looking at both men. "and that's why pin ups work perfectly for us!" Wanda interjected happily.

"How?" Both Loki and Thor asked. Loki looking slightly annoyed by Thor's enthusiasm after saying something at the same time.

"Because that way we can still do our jobs while doing 'our' jobs." Cassie said just as happy as Wanda.

"Of course! We still make content worth publishing, and we don't waste time while Y/N's parents are lurking behind our backs." Pietro said amused. "No offense," he said after you looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Well then, now that we have everything sorted out, let's get to work." Steve announced after setting his dishes in the sink.

"You heard the Captain, so let's get moving." Bucky said following Steve's step.

"Lord, let everything go smooth." You silently prayed.


"Okay! You all look so…so 40's like." Cassie said smiling at the team in the studio. 40's music could be heard inside the studio, helping with the vibes that the stars had to get into.

"That means Maria did an amazing job with the outfits in such short notice." Pepper said to Cassie with a smile. She was here to help with the organization of the shoot.

"Let's hope Darcy does great with the makeup." Peggy said jokingly to her. "If you look like Ursula by the time I'm done with you, don't come complaining," Darcy said with a little cute smile.

"I highly believe I look ridiculous in this. I rather wear that massive green costume than this. I've never felt more humiliated." Loki said while looking at his clothes annoyingly, gaining a couple of loud chuckles from his brother. "You look like a little annoyed cat, Loki."

"Says the one that looks like an over excited big dog." He left his side to sit on his chair, so they could do this hair. Thor only gave his cheeky smile before heading to his chair.

"Okay, let's do this by group first. Steve, Nat, Clint, and Thor." Cassi said with her megaphone. "He is not ready, give me 10 minutes," Darcy said just starting to do Thor's hair and makeup.

"Okay then, Y/N. You're up." Cassie called out your name. You looked away from your phone, "me?"

"Yes, you. Come on, you can text later!" Cassie said to you, making you roll your eyes at her.

"I bet she was texting one of those many fans that she finds cute, " Natasha joked while she stood next to Steve and Bucky. Her words made you giggle like a high school girl because it was half true. You were replying to some thirst comments on your Instagram.

"If you're done laughing, can we start the shoot? I don't want your parents walking in when I ask for the revealing pictures." Cassie was a little stressed, but your laugh did help with her anxiety. "Sorry, okay I'm ready."

You started with some sexy group pictures that soon became more and more R-Rated by the minute. Body parts started to get shown as Cassie kept taking pictures.

Meanwhile, to make sure no one came in through the doors, Pepper was standing right outside keeping an eye out.

"Okay Nat, I want you to interact with Y/N. You two sit on that couch, spread those legs. Get turned on enough to make a tent." Cassie had lost any kind of embarrassment after taking the job.

"That'll be easy," Bucky said with a charming smirk while he sat on the couch. "I agree with him," Steve said with a smirk that only appeared when he felt mischievous.

Nat gave you a knowing smile when she saw how your face lit up with mischief. Nat started planning in her head, but you had beaten her on it. Your hands started roaming her half covered slender body. Your faced showed lust that was half acted. Soon Nat started to do the same with your body.

"Perfect, just like that. Show me some hunger. Excite each other." Cassie kept on giving directions and complimenting you both, while Nat and you kept working. You were as tall as Nat thanks to the heels you had on.

Your lips found her neck and you kissed it. Nat threw her head back while her hands rested on your butt. You started kissing her throat making your way down to her exposed cleavage.

"Damn." Bucky's faint curse was heard by you and Nat, growing similar smirks on your face. Steve's face just showed concentration, and slight discomfort.

Nat let out a faint moan when you sucked behind her ear, finding her sweet spot. Nat's hands had found your hard nipples and pinched at them. Thus, gaining moans from your body and your lower area was growing wet by the second.

"Okay, that was completely amazing," Cassie said giving you a smile and a wink. She had caught your plan. "You guys are done. Buck? Steve? You guys okay?" Both men just nodded, unable to say a word.

"Looks like they need a cold shower," Wanda started to giggle making almost everyone give a chuckle.

"Hey, Tony is on his was here with Y/N's parents. Better be all decent," Pepper said walking towards Cassie.

"Okay. Thor, Loki, Gamora, Peter, and Wanda. You guys are up. Nothing too extreme, basic sexy stuff." Cassie gave directions once more.

"Give me something I can cover my hard on with before they get here, " Bucky walked towards his chair rather slow and funny.

"We have arrived!" Tony's voice made everyone jump a little. Steve hid his erection behind Nat, wrapping his arms around her waist. Bucky did the same with you, seeing that he didn't reach his destination.

"Hello everyone, what are you guys working on?" Your mom looked confused, as your father eyed everyone's attire.

"Well, the company has a tradition to release a themed magazine as a celebration of the company's anniversary. This year our viewers took a poll on our website and chose the 40's as this year's theme," Cassie started to explain her job happily stopping the shoot.

"So, you went for Pin Ups?" Your father questioned looking skeptical at everyone.

"We are a company that is known for our models than anything else, that's what we sell; trendy and creative things." Tony said to your father. The air around the studio was thickly tense.

"So, Y/N, you became a model?" Your mom seemed taken aback with this new information.

"Yes, also I write for the website's blog." You didn't lie about that, and you knew she would like to hear that you are working in something you love. You had a section on the website that Tony had given you to write about how things were in the headquarters; like writing a Vlog instead of recording one.

"Well, sweetie, I would love to see some of your pictures once they're done." You mom commented happily, but that happiness was nowhere on your father's face. You didn't let it go unnoticed, making you a little nervous.

"You can see them once the magazine comes out, Honey. Ain't that right?" Your father said looking right at you. You gulped and responded with a shaky 'yes'.

Bucky had noticed your change of behavior and how your anxiety was starting to kick in, his thumbs started rubbing little circles on your waist helping you calm down. It was working just a little.

"We've kept them away from finishing their job for too long and we still have a lot to see. Let's go!" Tony started to make his way towards the door.

Your mom before following Tony out, she gave you a hug and whispered, "keep up the good work, Sweetie." Your only response was to hug her tighter. After that, your father came your way to also give you a hug. What you didn't expect was to hear him whisper: "You've never been able to lie to us. Let's hope you are no starting to do that now."

He left following your eager mother, leaving you standing with shock visible on you.

"Doll? Are you okay?" Silence was all that came out of you. "Y/N?" his voice showed concern. Everyone's eyes were fixed on you.

You responded so quietly that you doubted they heard you at all. "Peaches, what's wrong?" Cassie was now in front of you, worry written on her features.

"He knows I'm hiding something."