CorinnetheAnime and Sinking into Ruined Shadows back for the third and final part of our parody!

Apologies for the 1.5 month-long wait for this chapter...CTA had her own stuff to do, and I had my own stuff to do. So we decided to hold off for a bit and finally finished the remaining chapter today!

Here are her words:

This ends the wonderful parody/story of Zarc and his brothers' adventure at getting their dragons back and saving the girls! Wow...this is a strange twist on the "knight saves damsel from beast" trope. XD

Either way, we hope you all enjoy it!

When Owari was finally satisfied with the amount of flames on the ground, the poor dirt was charred and burnt beyond belief, and collapsed into ash as soon as the flames let up.

Yuzu let out a whimper, Rin's jaw was halfway to the ground, and Serena's face was one of utter astonishment.

Ray just stared, her face turning a parade of different colors. First it was purple, then white, and lastly settled on red.

"Zarc," she growled. "Your STUPID dragon did NOT just BURN up half of my GARDEN!"

Zarc paled slightly at her tone of voice. "Ray, I'm sor-"


Owari took offense to her insults, giving a loud roar in her direction as a response. She was mildly unfazed by it, but the shockwaves of the cry caused the ground itself to shake, making a few members of the group lose their balance.

"WHOA!" Yuya cried out, nearly crashing into Yuzu, who was also struggling to stand.

"AAH, CAREFUL!" She cried out, reaching for Yuya's hand and grabbing it to keep him steady.

Eventually, the roar ended, and the tremors ceased, leaving behind a very agitated Owari and four other dragons that were more confounded with their surroundings than angry.

After regaining their own bearings as well, Ray and Zarc immediately glared darkly at each other, cracking their knuckles as if preparing to fight.

"AHEM!" Yuya exaggerated the clearing of his throat as Zarc's eyes began to glow again, signaling his imminent snapping. "I thought we agreed not to fight?"

Ray just cast him a cursory glance before returning her attention to Zarc, her duel disk already deployed. "Your elder brother needs a good lesson!"

Despite Yuya's protests, Zarc stiffened from her words. "So do you, considering that you've been no help."

"EXCUSE ME?!" Ray screeched. "I'VE BEEN NO HELP?! OH, YOU'RE DEAD!"

"Field Magic, Cross Over," the robotic voice came from Zarc's upgraded duel disk, casting the familiar environment for Action Card use over their heads.

Yuya and Yuto both sighed in disappointment. "Dueling among ourselves won't get Owari off the property..."

Yuri just smirked, finally satisfied at seeing a fight between the two elder siblings.

"I'll go first!" snarled Zarc.

As the duo started a fierce battle against each other, Yuya and the others shook their heads in disappointment, deciding to turn their focus on the larger and more dangerous threat at the moment.

Said dangerous threat was currently lying on top of the charred remains of the ground, rolling over as if getting a dust bath.

"I never knew Zarc would have this kind of a pet..." Serena deadpanned. "I thought he was supposed to be a ritual dragon of destruction? I mean, that's what he's so infamous for."

Yugo snorted. "Did you not just see Owari burn up half of the garden?"

Serena flushed bright red, twisting her hands. "Well, he's currently giving himself a dust bath..."

Yuri, Yuya, and Yuto just sighed, while Yuzu, Rin, and Ruri stared at Serena. Since she was the only female counterpart currently not in a relationship with a male counterpart, Serena almost never went over to the boys' house, save holidays and when any of the other girls dragged her along.

"Owari just tries to blow up something every day to take a dust bath," Yuto finally explained. "He loves them for some reason."

"Like elephants!" Yugo exclaimed, which earned him a weird look from almost everyone.

Zarc struggled to stop his black dragon from rolling in the dirt and conjuring up a sandstorm in the process. "Come on, ya big lug, now's not the time!"

There was a moment of silence as Ray just stared. Zarc had abandoned their duel in an attempt to get the dragon subdued, and she was just standing there, duel disk active, as the other people peered through the miniature sandstorm.

" okay in there?" Yuya had to yell over the massive thumping noises Owari's scaly body made. "Need any help?"

Not like anyone particularly wanted to venture in there to help the poor master of the ritual dragon...

"NO, I'M GOOD!" He called back, panting harshly. "DON'T NEED ANY HELP FROM ANYONE," Ray could hear more strained grunts from inside the storm, "ESPECIALLY FROM YOU!"

She placed one hand on her hip. "Well, SORRY for being concerned!"

"OH, JUST SHUT UP!" Zarc's voice carried out among yelps from Owari. "YOU'RE DISTRACTING ME...OWARI, SIT DOWN ALREADY!"

Owari's temporary sandstorm died down just a tiny little bit, and Ray could see Zarc riding on a bucking Owari's neck as he attempted to buckle the collar around the dragon's neck.

"Fine!" Ray huffed in annoyance. "Do it your way! However you like!"

"I WILL, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" The boy snarled, while his dragon continue to thrash and throw him off. Zarc resorted to grabbing onto Owari's horns...with an iron grip.

Everyone else (including the other dragons) stood in shock and amusement at the banter between the two ex-love birds. Serena was recording the whole thing with her duel disk.

"This is gonna be amazing blackmail..." she was muttering as her duel disk picked up the amusing footage.

"Serena!" Yuzu scolded, slapping Serena's shoulder and shaking her camera angle slightly. "This is not the time to record Zarc and Ray! We should be helping!"

"Zarc said he was fine!" Serena complained, her feed still running.

"Not from the looks of it," Yuto quipped.

"Owari is putting up an impressive fight." Yuri inquired.

"Will you four blockheads stop yapping and start helping him?" Ray snarled at the four boys. "You're all his brothers for goodness sake!"

Yuya and Yuto exchanged glances before venturing into the swirling maelstrom of dust, Yuya's jacket getting tangled in Yuto's cloak as they were whipped around.

Yugo sighed and patted Clear Wing, who was still stunned and staring. "Be right back, buddy."

Yuri was the only one not moving.

"Well, you were his girlfriend once upon a time! Isn't that close too?" he snarled, temporarily forgetting the former couple's aversion to the subject.

Both Zarc and Ray snapped their eyes at him, a bright fire blazing inside of their pupils (with Zarc's glowing a bloody crimson). "DON'T. BRING. THAT. UP. EVER. AGAIN."

Yuri averted their hardened glares, tugging at his collar uncomfortably. "Oh, really? Hehe, no worries."

Ray was still furious as Zarc's attention returned to Owari, who had sensed his master's evident anger and had quieted down. Yuya and Yuto had frozen in their tracks, and Yugo's arm was still in mid-pet. The dimensional dragons had all ceased their yapping and tugging, and the entire space was deadly silent, save for Zarc's shuffling with Owari.

"Thanks, Yuri," muttered Serena under her breath, the recording on her duel disk stopped. "You've made them both mad."

"Best if we all don't mention 'that'," Yuzu suggested under her breath, loud enough for everyone except Ray and Zarc to hear.

Yuri still carried his psychotic, evil smirk on his face. "Hmm, really? I didn't quite hear you very well...Zuzu."

Yuya's ear twitched; he spun his head at Yuri's direction when he heard the Fusion counterpart mention the nickname that only HE used on his girlfriend.

"Yuri...what did you say?"

Yuri picked his fingernails casually. "Aww...did I hit a nerve? Zuzu," he drawled out the "u" in a condescending tone, "is a perfectly fine nickname!"

Yuzu's fan had reappeared at the second mention of her Yuya-only nickname. "Yuri, I'm warning you, one more time..."

Yuya stood shock still, while Yuto looked on nervously. "Uh, Yuri, don't get Zarc's 'favorite pet' mad. You know that's not a good idea."

"Yeah, best not to shake up the pacifist of all people." Even Yugo knew that what Yuri was attempting wasn't a good idea. At. All.

"He blows up, they all blow up." Yuto affirmed, leaving Yuri to scoff.

"Well, at least it would add some fun...wouldn't you agree, Zuzu?"

Cue a facepalm from the only sane boys, as Yuya was twitching way too much to notice anything else.

Yuzu was furious, as mad as Ray was. Which was saying a lot.

"Excuse me?" Her voice was deadly. "I do recall telling you not to call me that name. Maybe you've forgotten your manners?"

Yuri sneered and continued picking his nails, intent on adding a bit more fun to the already fantastic day. "I have great manners, unlike you...Zuzu."

"Alright, that's it! I've had it up to here," Yuzu raised her fan," with your teasing!"

But someone else stepped in front of her before she could smack the paper into Yuri's face (if he let her)...

"Ah, great," Yuto muttered, having the good sense to walk as far away from the scene as possible. "I need to get out of a mile radius, or bad things will happen."

"Ohhh, I'm getting out of here..." Yugo patted Clear Wing. "Good luck, buddy."

Clear Wing howled in protest, but Yuzu was too focused on the current predicament to soothe the poor dragon. "Yuya, don't do it..."

"Shut your mouth," the boy growled lowly, his eyes glowing a bright red and his hair standing on end. A black aura licked around his form.

Yuri's smirk fell by a fraction...only a fraction.

"Finally," he sneered in that condescending tone, diverting his attention away from his nails. "We get some action. C'mon, Yuya-kun, why don't we have a little...duel?"

Yugo and Yuto were backing away, not even bothering with him slowly.

"No! Calm down, Yuya!" Yuzu tried to intervene, but failed with a single glance from her boyfriend.

"You're not in your right mind, buddy!" Yuto yelled, grabbing the attention of the older brother and sister.

Zarc facepalmed, knowing very well that having any one of his brothers (besides Yugo) enter into a supernatural state of rage was NOT a good idea...because it gave his dragon more power.

And Yuya's rage alone granted Owari enough strength and anger to thrash more wildly, making it harder for Zarc to hold on.

"Alright, let's all calm down!" Ray's voice cut through the thumping noises of Owari's thrashing. "Yuya, if you want a duel, do it on me! Yuri, get your scrawny butt out of there before I smack it to the Fusion Dimension!"

Yuri pouted, a sneer still on his face. "But...I want to play with Yuya-kun!"

"Too bad!" barked Ray, roughly shoving the boy aside.

Yuya was too enraged at this point to care about who his opponent was. "Alright, then I'll crush you instead!"

Yuri crossed his arms and pouted. "Still no fair...the one time where I have some fun in this dragon hunt..."

"You know what?" Yuto stomped over, grabbed Yuri's arm, and dragged the boy along before he could protest. "I'll take this filthy rag. Ray, calm Yuya down, please."

"You got it," Ray sent a thumbs-up to the only male counterpart she liked because of his levelheadedness. "He'll be down before you get back."

"No, he won't," another voice cut in. "I'll calm him down."

It was Zarc. Owari was nowhere in sight, and the elder brother looked resigned to take care of his siblings as he slipped the now-returned-to-his-card ritual dragon back into his deck.

Ray placed one hand on her hip, lowering her duel disk. "Glad you decided to show up now."

Zarc sent her a dark glare. "I don't need your quips, I just want to get this all over with as well."

"Then be my guest."

"Yuya," Zarc turned his attention to his little brother. "Don't be like that."

His voice was completely different, much softer and with much more care that once upon a time, he might've given Ray. Yuya's head turned at the sound of that voice, and his eyes widened in surprise.

Zarc was right next to him, with a sweet little smile that suggested that they were going to go do something fun after this entire fiasco was resolved. His eyes betrayed no emotion, and the dragon duelist was holding out a hand to him.

"Come on, I know you're not like that~"

"Brother..." The boy stepped back as he struggled to control his emotions, gripping his head.

"Come on, Yuya..." Zarc took a confident step forward.

The glow in the boy's eyes started to die down.

"Good..." Zarc reached out a placed a tender hand on the boy's head. "Let's go get some onigiri, hmm~? Yugo's been telling me about this new place he wants to try, why not go now?"

"Yeah...nii-sama...that sounds great," Yuya's weak but normal voice replied.

"You can bring Zuzu too, and make it a date," Yuri teased, and everyone groaned/yelled at him.

Serena tugged at his ear. "Are you TRYING to get us killed?!"

Yuya head snapped to the side, his eyes locking on Yuri as his anger returned full force. Zarc glared at Yuri with enough anger to make the usually-confident Fusion counterpart shrink back, Serena' fingers still firmly latched on his ear.


Yuri waved his hands. "Nothing, nothing!"

But Yuya already snarled back, "YOU'RE DEAD, YOU HEAR ME, YURI?!"

Zarc facepalmed. "Argh, Yuya, just calm down!"

Yuya's head snapped up to meet Zarc's eyes, the elder boy's with nothing but pleading in his gaze.

"And you, Yuri, shut up or I'm locking you in the stable overnight with all the dragons to handle!" Zarc threatened, before returning his gaze to Yuya.

Yuri was shocked. "What?! Are you serious? Do you have ANY idea of how horrible that idiot Clear Wing smells?!"

Said dragon growled at the comment before sniffing himself. He didn't smell THAT bad.

"Excuse me!" Yugo yelled. "But your Starve Venom needs to take fifty baths before you can say that! That stupid drool-dripping dragon smells worse than a hundred dumpsters!"

Yuri growled. "Why, you..."

"Enough!" Zarc shouted, silencing the two boys before they go crazy as well...and worsening Yuya's mental state. "Both of you just shut up!"

Serena tugged Yuri's ear again before he could protest. "He said zip it!"

"I hate you so much," Yuri snarled, making the girl smirk.

"I know," Serena drawled in an utterly Yuri-like fashion. "It's my profession whenever I see you."

"Get a life," Yuri groaned, slapping Serena's hand away. "Hey, Yuya-kun, you okay?"

Zarc had his hand on Yuya's shoulders again, whispering encouraging words to the boy as he tried to keep his temper down. "Yuri, not a word, you hear me?"

"That depends on what you're offering." Cue another tug and yelp.


"Okay, Okay, yeesh." He flashed his typical smug grin.

Zarc returned his attention back to his little brother as Yuri and Serena began bickering once more, their voices fading into nondescript background noise. "Alright, Yuya, you okay? Do you need anything?"

"," his little brother begged. "Let me...see...Yuto."

"Sure," Zarc said in a gentle tone. "Yuto, c'mere. Your little brother wants to see you."

Yuto was a little surprised at the sudden command. "O-okay!"

He took a few uneasy steps forward, unsure of why Zarc and Yuya wanted him. The latter turned his head towards him.

"Yeah, Yuya? What's wrong?" Yuto asked, kneeling down next to his brother.

"Everything...hurts," Yuya said, leaning heavily on Zarc. "I...don't know...why..."

Zarc jolted, surprised. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Yuya's grimaced face said otherwise. Yuzu decided to step in as well, pained to see her boyfriend struggling with himself.

"Yuya, come on...tell us. What's wrong?" She asked, soothing his left shoulder.

"I...don't...know..." Yuya breathed, Zarc watching him with a slightly annoyed expression.

"That's why you don't get mad so easily," he scolded. "It gives you an aftershock."

"You mean headache," Serena quipped. Yuya growled in pain, clutching his head.

"You're not helping." Zarc deadpanned at the Fusion girl, making both her and Ray glare at him in return. "This is my brother here," the eldest male present snapped. "I don't need your jokes. I'm sure Ray would feel the same way if one of you pesky girls was hurt."

Ray crossed her arms, deliberately ignoring the "pesky", but agreeing with Zarc's statement. She wouldn't have taken any of the boys' quips if it had been Ruri, or Serena, or Yuzu, or Ruri injured.

Speaking of Ruri...

"Hey, girls...okay, what happened to the place?!" Said girl greeted, her voice dropping a few decibels when she noticed the destruction on their home.

"Long story," Yuzu assured her.

"I know that the boys were trying to take care of their dragons, but I wasn't expecting THIS much damage!" Ruri sighed. "And just when I have the four cards too!"

"Ah, you're a bit late on that one," Serena gazed around the property. "Zarc's got Owari back in his card, Starve Venom and Dark Rebellion are tied up near the windmill, and Odd-Eyes and Clear Wing are right here."

Ruri sighed and turned to Ray. "Your father is a pain, with an extra exclamation point!"

Ray snorted. "Tell me about it...well, looks like we should wrap things up for now. Since the dragons are rounded up, the boys are no longer needed here."

"Why can't they stay with us for a little longer?" Yuzu asked, noticing that the sun was already low on the horizon. "They can stay for supper before they leave."

There was a thump as Yuya toppled over, unconscious with a peaceful expression on his face. Zarc scooped up his little brother with no difficulty, Yuto hovering anxiously as he did. Yugo and Yuri were holding the four cards containing their dragons, and the five were definitely ready to go.

"It looks like they're leaving already," Ray commented, placing a hand on Yuzu's shoulder. "They can stay next time."

"Will there be a next time?" Ruri asked, placing the four spell cards in her pocket.

Ray gave her a knowing look that indicated otherwise. "Well..."

"Please? Pretty please?" Ruri then gave her the most adorable puppy-dog-eyes look that would melt anyone's heart. Even Ray shivered under the stare.

"Ruri...but...Zarc and I..."

"It can just be our boys, then," Rin suggested. "You can be out of town."

Ray cast a glance at Zarc, who was cradling his brother with utmost care, and wrapping Yuuya's jacket around him so he wouldn't get could in the oncoming night walk home. His eyes were looking at the unconscious boy with an expression of intense care, an expression Ray wished that she could get from him again.

"Uh..." she stuttered, Ruri's puppy-dog eyes still on her. "Maybe...we..could...try?"

That was enough for the other girls and their boyfriends, all of them cheering in their own way (save for Yuri and Serena, who glared darkly at each other). Yuya groaned from the noise, opening his eyes to reveal the lack of glow in them.

"Ehh...mhhhmmmm..." Zarc's eyes lit up upon realizing the boy was waking up.


"Z-Zarc?" Yuya groaned again, and lifted a weak arm. "W-what just..happened?"

"You got mad," was Zarc's simple reply, a light scolding tone in his voice. Those words alone were enough explanation for Yuya to understand what had just gone down.

"Oops..." he muttered, and closed his eyes again, snuggling into Zarc's chest. "I'"

"After everything that happened today, I wouldn't be surprised," he replied, swinging the boy's arm around his shoulder. As he lifted the boy up in his arms, he looked over at everyone else, the last one being Ray.

"What?" she asked sharply.

"This is so hard for me right helping us," Zarc replied through gritted teeth, obviously not happy.

Ray casted a coy smirk, leaning her head closer. "What was that?"


"Fine, fine," Ray said, smirking. "Get lost now. The girls and I will be going out for supper."

"I'll bring some takeout by with Yuzu later," Ruri winked at Zarc, the elder brother sending her a thankful smile while ignoring Ray's protests. "Yuya's in no shape to go out. Get him to bed."

Yuto patted Yuya's jacket down as the sun slowly sank down even further, the girls escorting the boys to the edge of their property. Yugo and Yuri stood on the sidewalk, hands in their pockets as they waited for Yuto, Yuya, and Zarc.

"You did the dragons get out here in the first place again?" Yugo asked, making Yuri facepalm.

"That was your fault, idiot." Yugo glared at him, gritting his teeth.

"Not that, but what I meant was...why here? Why this place in particular?"

"Why don't you ask your stupid dragon, then?" Yuri quarreled back, which really aggravated the Synchro counterpart even more.


"Though...Yugo does have a point," Yuto assured before the two could get in another fight. "There were dozens of houses around our neighborhood with beautiful flowerbeds, tiled roofs, and almost everything our girlfriends' house has. So...why did they come way over here?"

The three slowly turned their heads to find Ray, who squealed and attempted to cover her face with all the sudden attention. "It's not my fault!"

"Maybe it is?" Yuto shrugged. "You and Zarc were once upon a, so maybe they missed you? You've probably visited them tons of times when Zarc invited you over."

Ray blushed a bright red. "W-where's this coming from?"

"Well...unless you find another reason for the dragons to come over to play with your house..." Yuri trailed off on that note, hoping that Ray caught the hint.

Which she did. "You think I WANTED the dragons to come over?! LOOK AT WHAT THEY DID TO MY HOUSE!"

"Well, maybe not the dragons...but someone else in particular. Eh? Eeeehhhhhhh?" Yugo edged on with less grace, making everyone stare at him.

"Come on!" Yuri exclaimed, waving his hands around in exasperation. "Are you guys all idiots or something? Think! Dragons going Ray's house!"

Slightly hurt at Yuri's sharp choice of insult, the rest of the people present (minus Yuya) began thinking. Eyes inspected every member of the group, before they fixed on one person.

Zarc looked up, noticing everyone's eyes on him. "Umm...why is everyone staring at me?"

"Did you plan for all of this," Ray gestured to the broken house and the entire group, "to happen?!"

"No," Zarc replied bluntly, scratching his head. "At least...not that I know of." He noticed her accusing glare and raised his hands. "HEY, I'm JUST as surprised as you are!"

Yuya made a small whimpering noise in his brother's arms, and dug his face deeper into the warm cloth of Zarc's jacket. "Hmm...mmm..."

Ray cast him an accusatory glare. "Zarc...don't lie to me."

"But he's not!" Yugo exclaimed suddenly.

"Now you're going against your own statement?!" Rin threw her hands up in exasperation.

"No, listen!" Yugo cried. "Zarc was chatting with Yuya way before this all started, about twenty minutes after he came back from your house! The dragons weren't there, right?"

"They showed up about thirty minutes after Yuya left," Yuzu confirmed.

"Then Yuri walked into the room, and then I did. There was no one to open the stable and let them out! To add onto that, Dark Rebellion was in his card! So someone else had planned this all before, and had gathered us in one room to let the plan commence without interruption! Multiple people were in on this!" Yugo explained, smacking his forehead. "But, who were they?"

"You that I think about it...Ray's dad said something funny when I visited him to get the cards," Ruri pondered, tapping her chin.

That grabbed everyone's attention. "WHAT DID HE SAY?!"

"He said 'Tell Ray to watch out for surprises. They come at unexpected moments'," Ruri quoted.

Ray's eyes narrowed. "Huh...?"

"I didn't think much of it before, but now..." Ruri's voice trailed off.

Ray seethed with anger at the implications. "That old man..."

"Hey, we can get back at him later...for now, let's go out and have a...triple double date while Zarc and Yuya rest up at home with the dragons!" Yugo offered, hoping to lighten up the subject.

"But...what about Yuzu?" Yuto inquired, but the girl interjected before anyone could reply.

"I can go with them, make sure Yuya is alright."

"Alright," Ray sighed. "I'll start cleaning up the place. Ruri, Rin, Yuzu, have fun!"

"I'm staying with you," Serena declared, intent on getting away from Yuri. "I can help."

"I'll go with you," Yuri said to Zarc, avoiding Serena like a plague. "Yuya'll need all the brothers that we can spare at his side when he wakes up. He hates it when he gets mad, and you know what happens."

"But you were the one that got him angry in the first I'm leaving you here to help clean up with Ray and Serena as punishment." Zarc snapped, making the Fusion duelists both step back in shock.


"I CAN'T STAND HIM!" They both pointed fingers at each other accusingly.

Zarc rolled his eyes as he turned to Ray. "Deal with it. I'll be back later to drop Yuzu off and to pick Yuri up, okay?"


"Good." He was about to turn when Ray grabbed his shoulder.

"Wait!" He turned back to see her conflicted expression.

"What is it?"

"Umm...thanks for...getting the stupid dragons off the property..."

Zarc sighed and held out a hand, shuffling Yuya's weight onto his other arm. "We can't hate each other forever, Ray. Truce?"

Ray stared at him in surprise, looked down at his hand, and then captured it in a firm grip. "Truce, Zarc. See you later."

"Yeah, see ya," Zarc said. He kept his hand on hers for a little while longer, before turning and headed down the street, Yuya's bright hair like a flashlight over his shoulder. Stars glimmered over their heads in the night sky as they turned the corner and vanished.

That's a wrap! Thank you to all those that read, favorited, followed, and reviewed this parody! (still not as funny as Donjusticia/CTA collabs though...:| XD)

And now...replies:

CorinnetheAnime: Same, same. Odd-Eyes as an ostrich is just amazing. THANKS FOR THE COLLABORATION! YOU'RE THE BEST!

aqua9597: Hey, don't worry about it! I laughed at that part too, it was funny reading Corinne's additions to the parody. I stole that idea from Donjusticia...don't kill me.


Epsilon Tarantula: Ahh...insanity still runs the ARC-V fandom. You lot...XD. Thanks for the review!


Thanks for the review! I'm pretty sure we're both girls...

Jay Hayden: long ago, when there was still plenty of egao...did I mention I have a copy of that card? ;P
Dragons are very feisty creatures...make sure to get a strong leash next time, Jace! Thanks for the review!

Donjusticia: *busts out laughing* ahh...good ol' Yuuya...
Have fun making my newest angsty one funny! But thanks for the review!

Lspaceship: That's your opinion. I personally adore the date! Thanks for the review, though.

ScalchopWarrior: Thank you! I feel good now!
I'm not sure, as CTA and I never planned the age thing out. I like to think that the counterparts are quadruplets and Zarc and Ray are born before. Thanks for the review!

HunterHQ: Sorry, buddy. None of those things will be happening. Thanks for the review, though!

Apprentice to Fantasy: Same answer to the first few questions above. And no, Ray's too nice to do that. XD. Thanks for the review!

Here's Corinne's part:

WHOO! Finally done! And just in time for Christmas too!

I don't know about a sequel because this was a lot of work, so i'll leave that up to Shadows (Shadows: ehhh...maybe, when FusedShipping's wedding is over? XD). And now, reviews!

Apprentice to Fantasy: Sorry, they're hanging out at the Christmas Party. XD And look, A HAPPY ENDING!

To Hunter HQ: Not in this story...but who knows? :)

Scalchop Warrior: Yeah, you got them all.

Lspaceship: That's because it's more serious...ish.

Donjusticia: WE HAVE DRAGONS FOR PETS! XD And just add this to the Egan Force! :3

Jay Hayden: How about a dragon of destruction that acts like a dog...or a pig, in that matter?

RubyTheLazyWhiteCat: Rats, they're onto me! QUICK, TO THE EGAOMOBILE! And yes, thanks for dying from hilarity!

Epsilon Tarantula: Insanity, that's what. XD

aqua9597: XD It's fine. Glad you liked it either way! :3


-Sinking into Ruined Shadows and CorinnetheAnime