Chapter 11

The night of Rin's surprise birthday party had finally arrived and she was so excited that she could barely keep still. The grand party room was filled with lots and lots of decorations and there were demons and lords from all over the western lands in attendance. Rin stood glazing dreamingly out of her and Sesshomaru's bedroom window at the many visitors who were arriving at the castle.

She felt Sesshomaru's presence behind her and smiled. Rin had never been so happy in all of her life. She felt Sesshomaru's arms slide around her waist and pull her back against his strong hard body. She closed her eyes at the sheer ecstasy of his touch as he rested his chin upon her shoulder and nuzzled her neck which caused her to giggle at the ticking sensation.

"Are you ready, my love?" He asked her. Damn he sounds so sexy, she thought to herself.

She turned in his embrace and rested her hands on each side of his face as she stared lovingly into his amber eyes.

"I am ready, my love, my mate."

Sesshomaru kissed her then. He kissed so fiercely that it took her breath away. She pulled back in protest.

"Sesshomaru!" she said out of breath. "If you keep that up, we won't make it to my party."

"They can wait," he said as he looked at her with a passion burning so intently in his gaze that Rin swear that she was melting on the spot.

Rin couldn't protest. Once she was lost in that amber gaze of his, her will was not her own. She closed her eyes in anticipation of his kiss when she heard him growl menacingly.

She opened her eyes to find Inuyasha standing behind Sesshomaru with his arms in his bright red haori with an annoyed look on his face.

"Look guys I don't care what you do, but I'm ready to eat and Kagome says that it's not nice to eat before the guest of honor arrives so hurry up and get your asses down there so I can eat!"

Rin smiled and Sesshomaru growled again at his brother.

"Yeah, yeah, same to you too buddy," Inuyasha said as he turned to leave.

Rin stepped out of Sesshomaru's embrace, which wasn't easy and grabbed his hand to lead him downstairs.

"Cmon, we can't have people starving to death now can we?"

Sesshomaru only growled as Rin lead the way.

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Sesshomaru and Rin entered the grand party room filled with hundreds of guest all yelling surprise! Rin smiled and pretended to be truly surprised as she looked around the room and thanked everyone.

"Now can we pleaseeeee eat?!" she heard Inuyasha say as he stood next to a pregnant Kagome who was red in the face.

"Sit boy!" Damn!" Kagome said as she realized that she had taken the fabled necklace off of Inuyasha the moment that they had become true mates.

Inuyasha only smirked.

Rin laughed at their discourse. "Yes Inuyasha. We can now eat."

Inuyasha's face lit up and he immediately started in on his ramen like a starving man who hadn't seen food in weeks.

Rin laughed again.

Sesshomaru looked less than amused but Rin could tell by the gleam in his eyes that he wanted to laugh at his younger brother also.

The rest of the night went great for Rin. She laughed her head off when Shippou and Miroku did karaoke and ate to her heart's content.

Sesshomaru whispered in her ear his plan to make the announcement that she was to be his mate in the next five minutes and Rin felt her heart flip flop. She suddenly became nervous and her palms begin to sweat. What is wrong with me? I am never this nervous.

When Sesshomaru silenced everyone after the last song by Miroku who obviously had had too much to drink, he motioned for Rin to join him as they stood in front of their family and friends. Rin took Sesshomaru's hand and smiled. He gave her hand a reassuringly squeeze as he felt her nervousness and smiled. "My family and friends, as many of you may already know, I have taken a mate. The mate that I have taken is no other than my beloved Rin," he said as he stared lovingly into her eyes.

"I guess that I have always known within my heart that she was the one for me. Lady Rin is the mate of Lord Sesshomaru, Lord of the Western Lands. Let anyone who is opposed to my choosing speak now or forever remain silent."

Everyone within the room smiled lovingly but of course there were a few female demons that had jealous looks upon their face but no one said anything.

Sesshomaru was just about to declare that Rin was his mate when a huge paw came crashing down the roof and destroying one side of the room.

Sesshomaru grabbed Rin and jumped to the other side of the room as the guests started exiting. Rin was shocked and hurt. This was HER party and HER special day. Who could have done this to her party? As soon as the question entered her mind it was supplied with an answer. Nioka!

Rin's eyes narrowed menacingly. She would take care of that jealous bitch for good! There was so much commotion going around inside the room and the palace that Sesshomaru could barely think. He knew that scent. Nioka! He knew that bitch was crazy but he did not think that she was stupid. There was only one way out for Nioka. To challenge him right before he declared that Rin was to be his mate was a death wish.

Sesshomaru pushed Rin back behind him to shield her away from the falling and flying debris.

Nioka was in her full dog demon form. She sniffed the air and then her red eyes focused on Sesshomaru and Rin.

Sesshomaru growled menacingly and Rin felt a surge of power come from Sesshomaru. She looked at Nioka as the huge demon barked and growled at Sesshomaru and then she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned to see Inuyasha standing behind her.

"Come Rin. Sesshomaru wants you out here while he deals with this."

Rin didn't want to leave Sesshomaru but she knew that he had to do this. She wanted to tell him that she loved him and to be careful but she was afraid that it would break his concentration. She placed her hand in Inuyasha's as he pulled her close and encircled his arm around her waist.

"He knows." Inuyasha said as he read her expression. Then he jumped up with Rin to safety.

Sesshomaru turned into his dog demon form which was twice the size of Nioka. The she demon whined a little and then attacked.

Rin, Kagome, Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku and Shippou where all watching the battle along with others from the castle grounds since the room was now virtually destroyed.

Rin felt as if her heart was going be torn out as she watched the battle unfold. Of course it looked like Sesshomaru was winning but still Nioka got in a few bites and swipes here and there.

The battle lasted for minutes and then Nioka finally turned into her demon light and tried to leave the grounds.

"Oh no you don't!" Rin yelled as she took off to follow Nioka.

"Rin! Don't!" yelled Kagome as Rin went for Nioka.

Nioka's light slowed down as it came to rest at the pond that was Rin's favorite spot on the grounds.

Rin caught up to her just when she had turned into her human form and then delivered a flying kick to Nioka's face.

Nioka flew back against the ground in pain.

Rin ran up to her again and delivered a kick to her stomach. "That bitch, is for ruining my party!"

Rin pulled Nioka up by her long white hair. "And this. This is for Sesshomaru!" Rin yelled as she head butted Nioka knocking the she demon to the ground again.

"And finally," Rin said as she pulled Nioka up by her Kimono. "This is. Hell this is because I just don't like you," she said as she punched Nioka out.

Rin couldn't bring herself to kill the she demon. She heard screams behinds her as the others caught up to her. She felt Sesshomaru come behind her and turn her into his arms.

"Don't ever do that again." He said into her hair as he gently stroked it. "You scared me to death."

"What are we going to do with her?" Asked Inuyasha as he cracked his knuckles.

Sesshomaru looked down at Nioka with intense anger. Her crime is punishable by death. But I think that would be too good for her."

Just when they were all trying to decide a punishment for her, Ursula, the witch demon came forward.

"I have a punishment suitable for her your Lord."

Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow as did Rin. "What is that witch?"

"Why not turn her into what she hates the most. A human."

Sesshomaru pondered over that thought for a while and then he looked to Rin. Rin thought that would be an excellent punishment for her. In fact she thought of another one to go along with it.

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It was weeks after the incident at the party and Rin was feeling GREAT! She had never been so happy before. She sat by her favorite spot on the grounds smiling and humming happily. She laughed when she thought about the punishment that they had bestowed upon Nioka. Nioka was turned into a human, banished from the castle and made to be the slave of the witch Ursula.

Rin smiled again at the image of Nioka doing chores. She felt a familiar presence come up behind her and smiled softly. Sesshomaru sat down behind her and pulled her into his arms and nuzzled her neck which always caused Rin to giggle.

"I heard that you were still secretly going to the village to visit the children."

"Yes, I am." She said.

"You know that I would never deny you anything but Rin how can I protect you if you do not take an escort?"

"I promise that I will take an escort the next time I leave for the village. But Sesshomaru if you could see their sweet little faces and how they light up when they see you. To know that you made their day bright, to know that you have placed a smile on their faces. Sesshomaru, it's the most wonderful feeling in the world."

Sesshomaru smiled. He knew how much children meant to Rin.

"You are right Rin, I don't know the type of joy that feeling brings, but I will soon."

Rin gave him a curious glance. "Soon?"

"Yes Rin. You are with child and soon we will have a son or daughter of our own."

Rin felt her heart swell with joy. "Are you sure? How can you tell?"

"Your scent. Your scent changed after the night we mated in the forest. I wanted to tell you sooner but I decided to wait until the right moment."

Rin felt tears form in her eyes. She now was truly happy. Sesshomaru frowned and wiped them away. "Am I to take this as meaning that you are happy?"

"Yes." Rin said smiling. "I love you Sesshomaru. Always and forever,"

"And I have always loved you, Rin."
****Ok that took me about four hours to write. I hope you all enjoyed the story. Once again I thank you all for the reviews! Please let me know if the ending was too sappy.

