"I Have Always Loved You"

Ok, this is my first Rin and Fluffy fic. I hope you like it.

"I Have Always Loved You"

It was Rin's Twentieth birthday and Sesshomaru had not found her mate. Many demons as well as human males had asked Sesshomaru for Rin's hand but he found them all to be seriously lacking in strength. If something were to happen to him one day he wanted to make sure that Rin was well taken care of. He definitely knew that a human male was incompetent and although he believed that Rin deserved a demon mate, he had to make sure that they at least matched him in strength. He had fought every demon that had asked for Rin's hand and defeated them all without much effort and then reviled them using the Tenseiga and explained to them that they were not worthy.

Most of the dog demons males in the lands under his domain had also Asked for her hand but he had defeated them as well. Sesshomaru was finally at his wits end. He had to find Rin a mate worthy of her. He wanted to present Rin's mate to her to at her birthday celebration within the castle walls. He had invited everyone he knew of, including his hanyou brother Inuyasha, much to his regret. Rin would surly have his head if he had not invited Inuyasha since she was such good friends with his mate, Kagome. Sesshomaru even had to put up with the perverted monk, Miroku and his mate Sango.

Sesshomaru did not understand how the woman could stand to put up with the monk. He definitely would have the man neutered if he ever did anything remotely perverted towards his Rin.

The celebration was a week away which gave Sesshomaru a week to find Rin's mate. Sesshomaru was in his bed chambers sitting on the floor when he heard a knock at the door. He knew it was Jaken by the toad's sour smell. Jaken needed a bath and quick, thought Sesshomaru as he cursed his keen sense of smell. At times it was a blessing as well as a curse. Jaken entered the chamber and kneeled before Sesshomaru who regarded him as he always did with a cold countenance.

"What is it Jaken?" he asked nonchalantly.

"Lord Sesshomaru, Nioka as well as the other subjects of the court wish to know when you will be choosing a mate. I stated to her that no one asks the GREAT LORD SESSHOMARU whom he chooses for as a mate until he decides, but.but." said Jaken.

"Yes Jaken?" Asked Sesshomaru clearly irritated.

"She as well as the other demons wish to know. They want an answer."

Sesshomaru felt his demon blood heat up. He was tired of Nioka and her tactics. It was clear to everyone, including him that she desperately wanted to be his mate. He could smell her in heat. He had not taken a mate yet, because he wanted to make sure that Rin was taken care of first. He had placed his own needs on the back burner for Rin, but he knew that he could not keep putting this matter off. He HAD to choose a mate. If something were to happen to him he had to leave an air to take his place on the throne and to rule as the King of the Western Lands.

"Very well Jaken. Please announce that I will choose my mate at Rin's celebration party," stated Sesshomaru.

He would have to find two mates worthy of his and Rin's affections in less than a week. He would rather fight Naraku again.

**************************************************************************** ********** Let me know if this is a good start and if you would like me to continue.
