It was dark and cold and the sky drizzled down on whoever was still walking the streets this late into the night. Beca was one of those people. She had waited until she was sure Stacie was asleep to leave the apartment. She had to sell the drugs EC gave her without Stacie noticing somehow. If it meant a few hours of wasted sleep, then fine. Beggars can't be choosers, can they?

Beca had already sold a bunch of the drugs at prices way higher than reasonable. She got a lot of glares and curses tossed her way but Beca didn't really care. They still paid the price at the end. It made Beca want to throw up thinking about how far people would do to get their high. It was all miserable and grey until they popped their pills or injected themselves. And Beca showed up like fucking Santa Claus with exactly what they needed to do that.

Beca was aimlessly walking down nameless streets when she bumped into one of her usual buyers, Gerald. Beca wasn't sure of that was his real name, he looked more like a Gary to her. Irrelevant.

"Oh, hey Mitchell." Gerald grunted.

Beca fought the urge to gag at the smell of alcohol coming off him in tsunami waves, "wassup, Gerald?"

Gerald twitched as he looked around, "nothin' much. You workin'?"

"Unfortunately, yeah." Beca said.

"Can I get some?"

Can you afford it? Suddenly, Beca felt bad. The guy stood in front of her, shivering and drenched. His back was a little hunched, his clothes threadbare and his hair long and unruly. He was the picture of what parents told their kids they could become if they didn't get a good education. Hell, so was Beca.

"Have you ever thought of quitting?" Beca blurted. "There's tons of available help out there. I'm sure they can ween you off and find you a job or something. I could take you."

Gerald gave her a funny look, "this comin' from a drug dealer."

"You don't get it, dude." Beca sighed. "I'm trying to get away from this life. We could do it together, if you want?"

Gerald shifted on his feet, obviously thinking over Beca's words. He stretched his arms over his head. His shirt rode up. Beca saw a gun tucked into his belt. Her heart beat faster, "Is that a gun?"

He grunted, pulling his shirt down, "I ain't used it on anyone. Got no bullets." He said defensively. "It's kill or die sometimes, ya know?"

"No, I don't know." Beca felt sick. "You can't have that."

"I know."

"Give it to me." Beca demanded, she held her hand out, palm out. It was way too much of a hazard for someone like Gerald to be carrying around a gun. No bullets or otherwise.

"What?" Gerald asked, his voice between shocked and reluctant. "You could go to jail for havin' an unlicensed gun."

"So could you." Beca shot back. He fidgeted and thought about it. The whole time Beca's heart pounded loudly in her ears. She blinked once and the gun was placed on her palm. Beca closed her eyes and swallowed, "thanks."

"Sure." He grumbled. "S'only because you're a good one, aren't ya?"

Beca put the gun in her bag, "I'm not good. Any plans for the rest of the night?"

Gerald shrugged, "not really."

"Wanna come with me somewhere?" Beca asked, looking up at the barely visible stars in the sky. You watching mom?

They walked in silence with the occasional car whizzing passed them. The rain was still consistently drenching them. Beca felt cold right down to her bones. She wasn't sure if it was because of the weather or the gun in her bag. What am I supposed to do with it? Where am I going to hide it? What if someone finds it?

They got stopped at a bridge ten feet off over a large river. Beca dropped her bag on the ground and climbed the railing, her feet wobbling dangerously, looking to balance. Her body was buzzing with fear and adrenaline.

"What're you doin' kid?" Gerald asked, warily. "You ain't gonna off yourself, are ya?"

"Don't be stupid," Beca mumbled distractedly, she was busy trying to keep herself from falling. "Join me?"

"Nah, I'm good."

"Fine. Give me the drugs," Beca looked over her shoulder and glared. "And don't even think about pocketing any of them."

Gerald gave the package full of drugs EC had given her at the coffee shop. Beca gripped it with her left hand. Breathed in. Looked at the sky. And chucked them. The package twirled in the air and the tiny white pills spun out. It looked like snow. Poisonous snow. Beca exhaled and then jumped back. Her feet firmly landing on the ground.

Beca smirked at the crazed look Gerald was giving her.

"How're you supposed to give EC his share now, dummy?"

Beca shrugged, "I raised the prices."

"What about money for you?"

"I'm gonna get a real job." That would make her money and appease Stacie. "I'll be fine, what about you? Will you get help?"

"We'll see." Gerald said, he jabbed his thumb to his left. The opposite direction of where they came. "I'm gonna go that way. See where that road takes me. You stay safe Mitchell, ya hear?"

Beca nodded, "you too. And…it's Beca."

They split. Beca back towards her home. People she loved. Stacie. Chloe. Gerald towards some new life. Hopefully one sans drugs.

And for once Beca felt truly, indescribably, happy.

Beca drove to EC's. Left the money she made in his mailbox and drove away. When she eventually got home it was four in the morning. Stacie was fast asleep on the couch. She probably fell asleep waiting for Beca to get home.

Beca went to her bedroom. She stashed Gerald's gun in her sock drawer with a pounding heart. Showered and changed into warm, dry clothes. Then went back into the living room. She nudged Stacie shoulder gently.

Stacie stirred, "mm Beca, where were you?"

"Out," Beca whispered, crouching to Stacie's eye level, one hand on the arm of the couch.

Stacie rubbed her eyes, "doing what?"

Beca shrugged, "righting wrongs."

Stacie gave her a sleepy smile, "you left your cell here. Chloe called."

Beca's heart double beat, "yeah?"


"I'll call her back. You should go to your bed, you've still got at least two hours before you need to get up."

"Alright." Stacie got up and then wrapped Beca in a warm, sleep hazed hug. "I'm proud of you."

Beca was lying on a hill on campus, with her headphones blaring Lord Huron's Love Like Ghosts, while she waited for Stacie's class to let out when she felt someone gently nudge her foot. Beca took off her headphones and raised her head. Her eyes locked on bright blue ones and her lips raised without her permission. Beca let her headphones drop to her neck and stood up.

"Hey," Chloe smiled softly at her.

"Hey yourself, I was wondering why the birds started singing."

Chloe's cheek tinted pink and Beca's felt warm too. "What're you doing here?"

Beca reached over and tugged Chloe by her sleeve closer to her, "I was waiting for Stacie to finish class, we were going to get lunch together. You could join us, if you'd like?"

"Would I be intruding?" Chloe asked.

Beca shook her head, "nah, we have every meal together. And anyway, I don't think I can wait 'til Saturday to see you again." Also, its probably time that you and Stacie met, officially.

Chloe smiled and cupped Beca's cheek with one hand. She rubbed Beca's face softly with her thumb, "you're really sweet."

"Mmm," Beca hummed, her eyes closed. She soaked up the feeling. This was a different kind of – love? – something Beca has ever received before. She liked it. She really, really liked it. And they haven't even gone on their date yet. "Just having a good day."

When Beca opened her eyes again, she immediately tensed. Tom was standing across the path under his own tree. Same sad look in his eyes. Leave me alone. God-fucking-dammit, I'm sorry. Beca wrapped one arm around Chloe's back and pulled her closer into her front. Chloe's hand dropped from Beca face in favor of wrapping both of her arms around Beca's neck.

"You okay?" Chloe murmured, into Beca's shirt.

"Yeah," Beca blinked until Tom disappeared. "Let's go get Stacie, yeah?"

"So, what're you majoring in?" Chloe asked Stacie, wiping her mouth with her napkin.

"Neuroscience. Gotta love the brain." Stacie answered with a genuine smile.

After they launched into the topic of school – Beca who was sat in between Stacie and Chloe at their circular table – tuned them out. At the beginning Beca watched them warily but once the food came all the awkward tension vanished and they seemed to be get along perfectly. It made Beca feel warm all the way down to her toes.

"Beca, eat your food." Stacie said, startling Beca by tapping Beca's plate that had an avocado sandwich on it with her fork.

Beca scrunched up her face, "I don't like it."

"Why'd you get it then?" Chloe asked, with a small laugh. "Here we can switch."

"Nah, I don't want your salad." Beca teased.

"Hey! Salad is good for you." Chloe countered.

"Oh, is it? Didn't know you had a PhD in Salad." Beca joked, rolling her eyes. Chloe went to shove Beca but Beca caught her hand and grinned.

Stacie's phoned buzzed against the table. She picked it up, checked who it was and set it down again. Beca didn't miss how Stacie's mood shifted from being happy to uncomfortable.

"Who is it?" Beca asked, letting go of Chloe's hand.

"No one." Stacie shrugged and went back to eating but the grip on her fork was so tight that Stacie's usually tanned skin turned white.

Beca squinted at her best friend, you're lying she wanted to say. But she also didn't want to confront Stacie in front of Chloe so she held her tongue.

The conversation stayed between Beca and Chloe for the rest of lunch until Chloe said she had to go back to her apartment because her roommate was apparently freaking out about something.

"Do you have to?" Beca almost whined.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Chloe said, wrapping her arms around Beca's neck. Beca put her arms around Chloe's shoulders and squeezed. The hug was long and warm and relationship-y. Chloe pulled slightly away and smiled at Beca, "I'll see you Saturday for our date though, right?"


Chloe kissed Beca on her cheek and then looked at Stacie, "it was honestly a pleasure to meet you. We should most definitely do it again soon, yeah?"

Stacie nodded, "yeah, definitely."

"I've never seen you like that before." Stacie said, they walked back to their apartment. Neither of them had money for gas, so they had to leave their car at their apartment that morning.

"Like what?" Beca asked.

"Like, I don't know." Stacie shrugged. "I guess I've just never seen you interact with someone so…affectionately."

Beca smiled, "it's weird, right? I've never been like that before with anyone besides you. Do you like Chloe? 'Cause it's important to me what you think."

"Yeah, I do. She's really sweet." Stacie pulled Beca into a side hug. "I'm so happy that you found someone like her."

Beca beamed. Beamed. "Me too. Wish it was under different circumstances though. I mean I killed her best friend. One day I'm going to have to tell her that, won't I?"

"You definitely have to. Like Lindsey, our cabin leader at TY camp used to say, 'honesty's the best policy.'"

Beca rolled her eyes, "speaking of honesty, who texted you at lunch? I know it's not just no one."

Stacie's mood changed instantly, she slowed her pace, her eyebrows furrowed. "To be honest, I don't want to tell you because I'm afraid you'll do something stupid."

Beca stopped walking, her stomach twisted anxiously. "I won't."


"I can't-" Stacie gave her a stern look. Beca sighed, "fine. I promise."

"It was EC, he's been" Stacie shook her head, thinking of a word to describe something. "harassing" she finally decided. "me since you met up with him two days ago."

"What?" Beca growled, her vision blurred. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? I'm gonna fucking kill that bastard."

"Beca," Stacie tugged on her hand. "Calm down. It's okay, I'll just get a new phone number."

It's okay? It's not fucking okay.

When Beca wouldn't budge, Stacie shoved her so hard she stumbled, "Beca, lets go home. Now."