April woke up. She felt dizzy and in pain. She could tell there were painkillers in her, but she could still feel exactly where the kitchen knife had been. Then it hit her, the baby. She panicked and tried to get up.
- Calm down! Calm down. It's ok. She's fine, our baby is fine. Sorry, I didn't notice you had woken up. Wait a little, I'll go to you.
Jackson got up and started walking towards her, and she laid down slowly. He had her baby on his arms. "She", he had said. A baby girl. Jackson stood next to her bed, and they just looked at each other, both letting the joy and relief sink in. Then Jackson got closer and put their baby girl in April's reach, without letting go. She thanked it, she felt weak and wasn't sure she could hold her. She was so beautiful and perfect. A little miracle. Their daughter. April raised her hand and touched the little baby's face. She was real, she was safe. April closed her eyes and thanked God. Then she looked at Jackson, he had such a wonderful smile on his face.
- She's so beautiful- April said.
- She is. I'm so glad you are both ok- Jackson's voice broke a little, but his smile never left his face.
April reached Jackson's free hand and she held it. He squeezed her hand gently and didn't let go. Then she looked back at their daughter.
- Is she completely ok? Did they give her a full exam? Is she…
- She's completely fine, April. Don't worry. You did something unbelievable. For a moment I thought… Nevermind. You're both safe.
He squeezed her hand a little more.
- We have a daughter - he said.
- We have a daughter- April repeated and both laughed a little, relieved.
They stayed like that for a while, admiring their perfect and beautiful baby girl. After all that had happened to them, after they lost Samuel, after the fights, the pain, the divorce, there they were, holding their beautiful baby girl, their small miracle. She felt her heart hurt, but she reminded herself that their beautiful baby boy was in Heaven, and someday she would see him again. She said a small prayer and thanked God again.
Jackson wanted April to rest, but she insisted they should name their baby girl first. They hadn't actually talked names before. After a few tries, they agreed in "Harriet". Harriet Kepner-Avery. Jackson didn't seem to mind her last name being first.
- I called your mom, she knows you are both fine, I didn't really tell her much about what happened, I didn't want her to worry too much while she was on the plane.
- Thank you. Did you call your mother too?
Jackson pretended not to hear, looking at Harriet.
- Jackson…
- I will, but I'm pretty sure Richard already did.
- You know - April said,- we should really get Ben a present.
Jackson let a laugh out.
- I'm not sure what kind of present says "thank you for saving my baby and her mother".
April laughed a little too.
- Well, I guess we'll have to figured that out.