A/N: I'm so bad at thinking of titles and summaries.

Welcome to the second part of my 707/MC fluff story! This was never supposed to get this long, but I'm not complaining lol. It's still an outlet for my feelings towards this game hahahaha! I hope you enjoy it!

"You know . . ." You told Saeyoung casually as you leaned against the door frame and watched as he fidgeted with the wireless mouse of his computer, "it's still safe to have sex with me when I'm pregnant."

"What?" Saeyoung looked up sharply, eyes widening. You had caught him completely off-guard. Good. You deserved a little bit of revenge. Plus the bit of pink that appeared on his cheeks at your bluntness was even better. Sometimes he seemed to forget that you didn't always mince your words.

"Sex. You know, that thing we used to have?" Your head ticked to the side, narrowing your eyes a bit at him in amusement.

His eyes darted away from yours. "I'm not avoiding having sex with you." He muttered.

"We haven't gone all of the way since I told you that I was pregnant." You informed him, walking over to join him at his computer. You yanked his rolling chair out and plopped yourself down in his lap so he had no choice but to focus on you. Once you were properly straddling him and he was watching you, you poked his nose pointedly. "You. Are. Avoiding. Me."

"I'm not!" He insisted, a small whine to his voice before the whine dropped away for him to sound a bit more cautious, "I've read up enough to know it's safe to do those things with you throughout the pregnancy . . . I've just haven't really felt up to it."

"Oh." You said, surprised. And then couldn't help but feel a bit sad. "Why?"

He picked up on your tone immediately even when you tried to hide it. "No particular reason." He shrugged. "I've been busy." It was true, you knew. He had plenty of things he needed to work on now that his store was up and running. He wasn't spending all of his time at home anymore, so when he was home he was usually taking the time to enjoy things he had taken for granted before. He fooled around much more on the computer now. By the time he was usually settled for the night, you were tired and were ready for bed, which he actually started to join you in to follow your schedule a bit more despite his complaints about having a proper sleeping schedule. That left no room for any kind of sexual relationship.

You wondered if you should tell him you've been feeling a bit neglected. He was still plenty as affectionate as before, but you supposed that you had grown a bit selfish in your time spent with him. You didn't really want to seem selfish, so you just made an understanding noise.

Saeyoung wasn't one to be fooled, though. He could read body language just as fluently as the other seventeen languages he knew. His hands wrapped around your waist as he pressed a soft kiss to the bottom of your throat. "Are you lonely?"

You opened your mouth to protest, flustered at being caught, but then closed it finding no point in lying. ". . . A bit." You admitted, somewhat sulkily. Then you felt a bit annoyed at yourself for sounding so sulky. It wasn't like you to be quite to childish. Any out of characterness you were going to blame completely on your hormones no matter what anybody else said.

Saeyoung only grinned and pecked your lips instead. "Ah, you admitted it~" He teased before softening his voice, "I'm sorry. I'm still adjusting to everything."

"I know." You said, completely understanding.

"I'm not avoiding you." He repeated.

"Could you at least cut down a bit on the computer time when you're home?" You requested hesitantly. "Just by a little bit?"

He closed his eyes, letting his head rest against your shoulder. You knew it was a selfish request on your part. He loved his computer and loved everything to do with it. You weren't about to ask him to stop, but you just wanted a bit more of his time. This neediness you would also blame on the hormones if called out on.

". . . I've been researching." He confessed, surprising you.


"About pregnancy . . . children . . . that kind of thing. Saeran . . . mentioned something recently that made me realize how little I actually know about being a parent." Oh, so Saeran had told Saeyoung that as well. Perhaps the twin had sensed something for the future of your family? You didn't know. You didn't exactly like that Saeran had mentioned it to Saeyoung because you hated when Saeyoung was faced with his past again and again, but if anyone was allowed to bring it up it was Saeran. So you bit down that tiny annoyance. "So I've been studying up on it."

"There's only so much you can research about this type of thing." You told him gently, your hand coming up to stroke the back of his head. "And no matter what you'll do well."

". . . There are plenty of articles . . . that say that abuse victims are more likely to abuse their own children." He whispered, and suddenly you understood one of the reasons why he had been distancing himself. He was losing himself in all of the articles on the internet. Doing his own research, but not in a healthy way.

"Saeyoung!" You breathed and pulled back from him to cup his cheeks. He wasn't looking at you, but you recognized that hopeless darkness in his eyes. It was the same look of defeat you had seen on his face time and again whenever he had thought of a hopeless future. Whenever he considered things to already be a forgone conclusion. It gripped your heart and made righteous anger burn in your stomach even as you wanted to cry. You let none of that slip through. "You can't do that to yourself! You have to know that you won't ever do such a thing!"

"What if unconsciously I do?" He asked quietly, numbly. "I wouldn't ever get as bad as my mother . . . but what if I hurt our child in other ways? Without realizing it? I've already hurt you more than once."

"Then I'll be here to set you straight." You assured him. Your thumbed tapped on his face until he finally looked at you. You smiled softly. "You're going to make mistakes, just as you have with me. That's what it means to be a person. You're only experience with parenthood has been from one of the worst sources possible. You can only do better. And I'll be with you. Just like I'll need you to correct me if I'm doing things wrong too."

"When do you ever do things wrong?" He asked, some teasing leaking into his voice. The life was starting to come back to his face, and your smile broadened.

"All of the time, and you know it."

"I don't see it~"

"Stop it." You giggled and kissed him. He sighed against your lips, his body relaxing at your coaxing. Your hands dropped to wrap your arms around his neck as instead his own hands cupped your face, tilting it to the side so that he could kiss you better.

When you pulled back, you breathed against his cheek, pressing a kiss to it. "You put a lot of faith in me." Saeyoung murmured.

"You deserve it." You told him unhesitatingly.

"I-" He cut himself off from what you knew had to be more self-doubt before he just closed his eyes and smiled, pulling back from you. "Thank you." He said instead.

"Next time you feel nervous, tell me and I'll give you a kick in the ass." You informed him cheerfully. That got him to laugh.

"I'll need it once in a while. I don't think I'm going to come out of this pregnancy with my mental stability intact."

"You had mental stability? I never knew~"

"Well," He amended, "I had some. And then I married this beautiful woman in a space station and there were aliens and Honey Buddha chips and Longcat and Chef RamG and . . . bye bye sanity!" He cried, finishing in English.

"You know, the same thing happened to me!" You gasped. "Did we have the same dream~?"

"Your hair is shorter, but you do look like the same woman I married~" He paused and poked your stomach. "If a tiny bit bigger."

"I'm not even that fat!" You laughed, swatting at him. "I'm barely showing!"

"I need to measure to confirm this. I've heard you are quite the sneaky woman. What if those aliens put an alien inside of you?!"

"It's likely." You told him solemnly. "You know how frisky I get with those aliens."

"It's true." He breathed, appearing to think about this. "They're very good-looking." He shot you a sly look that had you both laughing some. It was good to see him back in a better mood.

You groaned and slid off of his lap, unable to handle sitting like that anymore. You instead held your hand out to him. "Are you done researching for now? Let's go out instead and go to a baby store or something. Some real advice may be more useful than anything you can find online. Or, at least, more valuable."

Saeyoung took your hand and linked your fingers as he sighed. "I think you may be right. My head is full of all kinds of scientific knowledge, but you've taught me that actually speaking with people can be useful."

"Thank you. But you may have to put on pants before we go." You looked pointedly at his underwear, which was the only thing he currently had on. You noticed it was the ones he had spilled soda all over and were now permanently stained. It was a good sign that it was time to do laundry again. You made a mental note about it.

"'May'?" He asked, grinning.

"A skirt works too."

"We'd probably have less people talk to us if I dressed like a girl today. Ah . . . Alright, I'll go get dressed." You squeezed his hand and let him go. He caught you looking his mostly-bare body up and down hungrily and winked at you. Admittedly the sexy effect was slightly ruined by the nasty underwear, though. However, you did have an idea in mind for something else he could wear. Maybe it would be in stock . . .

"Saeyoung . . . !" You whined. "There's one more store I wanna stop by on the way back too . . ."

"I already know which one you mean. I'll bring cash." You hopped up and down a bit in excitement. This would be a fun date!