Disclaimer: Disney owns Star Wars, not me. All the characters and places (except for my OCs Analise Joy, Gasper, Myra, Sibar, and Serria) belong to them.

"aaaa"-talking out loud."aaaa"-talking through a holo or com. 'aaaaa'-inner thoughts. aaaaa-talking through a Bond. "aaaa" (bold)-another language.

AN: Here it is! Number Seven of Eleven in the my Anakin and Analise series! Though the twins will only be mentioned and actually appear once in this story which is all about AHSOKA! She's my favorite charcter from Clone Wars and next to Anakin and Rey, the character I connect with the most.

The Hunt marks a shift in focus. The Hunt, First Fight, and a good chunk of Crossing Battlefields will focus on Ahsoka as she grows up not just during a war, but fighting on the frontlines of that war. I also think a focus on Ahsoka will highlight the differences between Obi-Wan's apprenticeship (a time of peace), Anakin's (peace that grew into unrest and the start of war), and Ahsoka's (all-out war).

I was inspired by the story of Ahsoka before she was found from the Ahsoka Tano: Untold Tales from Star Wars Celebration this year.

Thank you for all the reviews on the final chapter of Edge of War. Thank you rotjfg18, Luckygirl1013, StormSkye, Darth Becky 726, and Arbiteramari! May the Force be with you and the Lord bless you:)

Also I will not be posting a chapter Friday, October 21st. I will be spending the entire day with family and will be out of town.

Please enjoy this short, but somewhat important prologue to The Hunt:)



Yoda sighed.

He sighed often these days.

Days following the bloodest battle in the recent history of the Jedi Order. The sands of a Geonosian arena had been turned to mud as the blood of dozens of Jedi; Padawans, Knights, and Masters seeped into it. The halls of the Temple rang often with silence, but a silence light and happy broken often by cheerful cries and bright laughter. Now the silence was heavy, weighed down by broken hearts and sadness.

Days following the onset of what was already being called the Clone Wars. The majority of politicians were already debating how much more was needed to be spent on adding to the already overly-large army while a small minority begged for funds to be set aside for the millions of refugees that would result as new boundaries were created. For those who would feel the pangs of want and need as food, shelter, clothing, health was sacrificed to the war effort among the poorer beings.

The Darkness cheered at the change. It welcomed the coming blood-baths of battle hard-fought for victory. Would roar even louder as those battles resulted in loss for those on the side of the Light.

The Light wept for what was already lost and what would be lost in the future. Yet it refused to bow to the Darkness. Where there was hope, there the Light would always be and the Jedi had hope. Hope that the Order and the Republic would break through, end this way and be the stronger for it.

Hope in the form of a pair of twin Padawans. Not Jedi Knights or Masters, but Padawans. The Force's own children. Its Sun and Moon. Upon their shoulders, deep within their souls rested a power that not even Yoda, the Grand Master of the Jedi Order could full comprehend. He doubted that he would ever understand and simply accepted that it was the Force's Will that he remain ignorant of the true power of the Skywalker twins.

Padawans for long Anakin and Analise would not be. The young adults he regarded as great-grandchildren would soon be made Knights of the Jedi Order. In Yoda's mind they were far too young to be taking on so much responsibility. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Analise's betrothed had been too young for Yoda when they had knighted him all those years ago after the Battle of Naboo.

Now though Obi-Wan would shortly become a Master of the Jedi Order and be granted a seat on the Jedi Council. The youngest such Knight named a Master and given a seat in generations. Yoda only trusted this decision because he knew the man was good and wise beyond his years.

Still it was too soon. Too soon for the twins to become Knights and too soon for Obi-Wan to become a Master. Still they had no choice. Too many Jedi had already died in this war. Their ranks thinned by years of living by a strict code had been made thinner by the blasters of Geonosians and droids.

The ceremonies would be held after they returned from Naboo. Analise and Obi-Wan were to be married in a joint ceremony Anakin and his betrothed Senator Padme Naberrie of Naboo. Sadly Anakin and Padme would be forced to keep their marriage a secret, wanting to use their relationship as a way to draw out the Sith heading in the Senate.

Yoda would be there to witness the marriages. He would not miss them for anything in the galaxy. He would be there along with Qui-Gon Jinn, Plo Koon, and Padme's parents.

There was one other who would be there. Ahsoka Tano, the twins' almost-baby sister as they called her. The trio had formed a Bond the moment they had met, a Bond that was still forming and growing.

The Grand Master sighed, feeling older than his years. Like the Skywalkers and Obi-Wan, Ahsoka would soon be raised to a place that in his mind she was far too young for. After the wedding celebrations, Plo and Shaak Ti would be taking Ahsoka to Shili. There she would hunt and bring down an akul, a rite that Togruta Younglings raised in the Temple took part in so that they could be given the rank of Padawan.

Under normal circumstances, a Togruta Youngling would not be sent on their Akul Hunt until they were thirteen or fourteen, the typically ages for Younglings to be chosen as Padawans. Ahsoka though was still twelve, weeks and weeks away from turning thirteen.

Too young...Too young...

And yet...What choice did they have?

Not even thirteen and soon little Ahsoka would be on the battlefield.