Naruto stared at the three in front of him, eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about? My kaa-chan had died the night I was birthed."

Hestia shook her head, "It is complicated, Naruto. She is not human. She is a Goddess. Her name is Hera, the Goddess of Family, Marriage, and Home."

Naruto stared at them, eyes narrowed and spoke, his voice cold, "If she has been alive all this time, why has she not come to visit me, or take me away?"

Artemis didn't like the way he spoke to them and spoke up, "You better watch how you speak to us, boy. We are Goddesses. You are only a lowly human and if I so wanted, I could turn you into a jackalope."

Naruto's eyes hardened as he let his chakra explode out of him, the ground cracking and shaking as the clouds above them darken. The three goddesses couldn't believe the amount of power that he was releasing and started to release their own to keep themselves upright, if barely. "You will do to not threaten one you have no clue of their powers, Artemis. You have no clue how powerful I 2truly am, yet you throw threats around like they are nothing."

Artemis narrowed her eyes and upped the output of her power to try to match Naruto's but everytime she came close, his just jumped higher. The landscape around them was being torn to shreds from the immense amount of power that the four of them were outputting and storms were appearing all across the Elemental Nations.

Hestia knew if they didn't stop, innocents would be at risk so she stood between the two and shouted, "That is Enough!" She let her aura of peace flow out, surrounding the two, even as Athena stood next to her, since she knew Hestia was not a fighter, and that if a fight happened, she would be the one who could protect her the best.

Hestia stayed where she was, looking at Naruto and spoke, "The reason your mother has not came to see you is because she is afraid of what Zeus will do if he finds out she had a child with another man. So for your safety, she stayed away."

Naruto chuckled coldly, "For my safety? Has she ever checked up on me, at all?" At Hestia's denial he told them exactly how his life was lived and what the villagers did to him on a daily basis. When he finished, he saw how Hestia was angry, Athena was thinking, and Artemis was frowning.

He watched them and when they said nothing, he turned and started to disappear into the destroyed forest around them, not noticing how Hestia watched him sadly as he left.

He wondered the destroyed forest until he came upon a came which he had lived in for a while. He sat so that his back was against the wall, crossed his legs and slowed his breathing and he closed his eyes. He felt his mind being pulled somewhere, and wondered what was going on.

After a few moments, he appeared in a white room that had a throne in the middle. As he looked over the throne, he saw that it was made of a black metal that he had not seen before and it seemed to be covered in stars and explosions that happened every now and then before it changed. He then glanced at the being sitting on the throne and couldn't stop the blush that appeared on his face.

She sat tall in her throne, her figure was showed perfectly, enhancing every curve and showed off a lot of cleavage to him and her dress fell down to her knees, showing off her long pale legs that were finished off with black high heels.

He opened and closed his mouth multiple times before speaking, "Uh… Who are you…?"

She giggled into her hand, her eyes taking in his shirtless form, "Iam known as Chaos, the Creator. I am the first being, Naruto-kun."

Naruto nodded, she blushing as she moved her hand up her leg slowly, making the end of her dress rise a little before she giggled and stood to her full height of 5'10". She walked up to Naruto and smiled before grabbing his hand, their hands fitting perfectly together as she dragged him to a table that had just appeared and sat him down, before taking another chair across from him.

"I brought you here to ask you for a favor from one of my daughter's children." Chaos spoke softly, yet he could hear her perfectly.

Naruto tilted his head slightly and asked, "What is this favor you are needing, Lady Chaos?"

She hummed softly before speaking, "My nieces, the Fates, have given a Prophecy and someone has heard it and wishes to use the person spoken of in the prophecy to make himself look better and to use it to give him more power. They are not happy, and they have no way of stopping him, but then they heard of you. You are someone they cannot control and they cannot see your fate. You are not bound to the rules that others are. You can do what you want, when you want without worrying of the consequences.

"So they have asked me to ask you to help this girl survive and let HER control her own fate. They said you can do whatever you want, even train her Ninjutsu and the like, as long as you do not control her or her fate."

Naruto sat back, eyes glazed over as he thought of it and asked one question, "How old is she and what has happened to her?"

Chaos sighed, "She is only 5 years old right now. She has lived a hard life where she is beat regularly by her Aunt and Uncle because they wish to, and Iquote, "Beat the Freakishness" out of her. When she has a broken bone, her magic heals it, but her bones are mostly healed wrongly, causing her pain when she moves in certain ways. She is forced to sleep in a cupboard where she only has a blanket that is filled with holes and a sack for a pillow."

Naruto clenched his fist as he heard this before looking Chaos in the eyes, "I will do this for her. But, how will I take care of her if I have no home to take her to, Lady Chaos?"

Chaos hummed as she stared off into the distance. She snapped her fingers and 3 people appeared. The first two were a male and female, the man had messy black hair and glasses and she looked around, confused, while the other had long red hair and pale skin, looking around the same as the man. The last was an elderly man who wore a long cloak and stood with a staff in his hands. Naruto could feel the power rolling off of the elderly man, and knew this man was no pushover.

Chaos snapped her fingers, 3 chairs appearing around the table and after indicating the chairs, the three quickly took a seat. She spoke softly, "These two are the parents of the one my daughters children wish you to help with. The other is a man I think would very much like to meet you, seeing as he is your great something grandfather on your mothers side."

Naruto looked at the old man, trying to picture him as being part of the Uzumaki clan. Chaos, seeing his look, clarified, "He was not a part of the Uzumaki Clan. He was an outsider that the Daimyo's daughter at the time, fell in love with when he had teleported himself there."

Naruto nodded as the old man spoke, "My name is Merlin Emrys. It seems that you are my every so many great grandson…" He glanced at Chaos and asked, "Why have you called us here, Lady Chaos?"

She smiled softly, "Naruto has left his home world and is being asked by the three fates to help them stop a man from trying to make himself stronger by controlling one of their more major prophecies. Seeing as he is your grandson, I thought you would like to test him and see if he is the Heir you have been awaiting." At his nod, she turned to the two Potters, "You, James and Lily, we will be speaking while Merlin talks to Naruto-kun."

Merlin stood and walked away and Naruto followed. They stopped when they were out of earshot and Merlin asked, "Why is it that you fight, Naruto?"

Naruto frowned and thought for a moment, "I used to fight because I wished to show everyone I was not a monster like they thought of me in my childhood and even when I was older… But now? I'm not really sure… I think I wish to fight to be able to protect those who are precious to me… There was a girl Iran into one time when I was younger and just started out as a shinobi. Her name was Haku Yuki and she asked me the same question and when I told her I didn't truly know, she asked me if I had anyone precious to protect… She said that only when you have someone precious to protect, that is when you are strongest…" Naruto looked off into the distance, a small sad smile on his lips as he remembered meeting Haku and watching as she had died that day on the bridge.

Merlin smiled softly, "So you fight to protect those you call precious? But what about those who cannot protect themselves? Those who are too weak or not brave enough to fight for what they want?"
Naruto closed his eyes as he thought before speaking softly, "I wish to to fight for those who are too weak to fight, to protect those I hold dear and to stop all the fighting… I am tired of war… I am tired of fighting, but if I have to fight to to protect those who Ihold dear to protect them from the world, I will do so gladly…" He was lost in thought, not noticing the look on Merlin's face, showing he was glad of his answer and also surprised.

Merlin spoke softly, "I, Merlin Emrys, give to you, Naruto Uzumaki Emrys, the power of myself and my knowledge of the world of Magic. You are the inheritor of my, and my four students Will. I wish you best of luck my child…"

Naruto suddenly grabbed his head as hundreds of memories of a world he had never seen before flash before his eyes and then he felt Merlin's very own power flood his veins, adding to the power he himself held. He suddenly felt himself being teleported away by Lady Chaos. He threw his head back, gritting his teeth as he tried to reign in his power, yet he felt it explode around him, the white room around him started to distort from the amount of power he was unleashing, battering the rooms barriers that Chaos herself was holding.

Moments Before -

Chaos glanced sharply at where Naruto and Merlin were sitting, completely ignoring the two Potters who were heartbroken over what happened to their daughter. She stood up abruptly as her eyes widened and waved her hand, banishing Naruto to another area and had erected barriers to contain his ever growing powers. As soon as the power was unleashed, she stumbled as she felt the barriers draw upon her own store of power, and was shocked at how much was being used to keep his powers contained. She gritted her teeth as she forced more of her power into the barrier.

Merlin walked over to them, confused and asked what the other two were thinking, "What is going on, Lady Chaos?"

She grunted, sweat coating her face as she spoke through gritted teeth, "I didn't think that his powers were at this level. If I had known, I would have waited until James and Lily were gone to let you do it. It seems when you gifted him your own power, it made his grow substantially to the point that if I had not banished him to another area and erected those barriers, all three of your spirits would have vanished, never able to move on again."

Merlin stared at the barriers and knowing he still had a small amount of magic left, started to erect barriers that helped Chaos's.

Chaos cursed as she felt the amount skyrocket and cracks appeared around the cracks. She quickly spoke, "James, Lily. I will speak with you two later when this matter is finished. Merlin, it is your time to move on."

She quickly sent the three away as the last of the barriers shattered, and she shivered, feeling the power that Naruto radiated. She knew he was at least close to equaling her own power and that was shocking to her, seeing as she the strongest being. She had to use her powers to make her stay standing as wave after wave of power spread through the dimension they were occupying.

She stared at Naruto as he was in the center of the maelstrom of power that continued to grow. He stood at 6'4" with his long spiky blond hair changing to silver, with the spikiness staying. His skin paled and his body seemed to grow muscles, yet he looked lean. He seemed to be built for speed, yet his strength was just as good.

She saw he had 8 silver wolf like tails that had black covering the tips. She gulped, seeing as he still had to tails left to go and he was already at her strength in power. She growled as she forced her power into the dimension they were, seeing as his power was actually destroying it. She flicked her wrist, summoning 4 of her children. Before her appeared Tartarus, Chronos, Aether, and Erebus. She sent them a quick telepathic update and they quickly obeyed her and combined their powers with hers, stabilizing the dimension.

Naruto couldn't think of anything but the pain he felt running through his body. He felt his chakra running through his body, breaking down bones and regrowing them, making them stronger and aligning them correctly. He felt pain explode from his back for the 9th time and felt his chakra expand greater and felt the place they were in shake from the strain of holding back his powers. He threw his head back, unable to contain the scream of pain that tore through his throat as he felt as if he was being burned alive.

Chaos saw Aether pass out from exhaustion after over a day has gone by, suppressing the continuous waves of power Naruto gave off. She flicked her wrist, sending him away before two others appeared in his place, Nyx and Hemera. They were already told what to do by Aether and Erebus and quickly helped Chaos.

As the day went by, and the waves continued, they were shocked when another wave came, this time it was greater than any other time. They heard Naruto scream in pain as his body was dissolved by his own power, and he floated their, as a formless mass in the certain of the maelstrom of power. The mass flickered before it formed into Naruto again, with 10 tails now. His ears were changed into ears that resemble wolves. His eyes were shown to be the rinnegan and his face looked to be carved from stone.

His nails on his hands and feet were longer, and sharper, showing them to be claws. Going down his shirtless back was what looked like hair that stopped at where the tails appeared. He had grown muscles, not looking like a bodybuilder, a six pack, and his skin had darkened to where it was still pale, yet it looked like he had seen sun a few times.

He stood their, eyes blank as he restrained his powers, forcing them to stop destroying the dimension. He tilted his head slightly, seeing the 5 being on the ground, breathing heavily. He waved his hand, and suddenly they all felt at 100%.

He walked over, form shifting until he had on baggy black pants, a red sword on his waist, and no shirt, that caused Chaos, Nyx, and Hemera all to blush, with Chaos covering her nose that started to bleed. Naruto smirked, revealing his razor sharp canines as he saw the reaction.

He turned to Tartarus and Erebus and asked, his voice coming out as a silky growl, "Who are you two?"

Tartars stood at 6'10" with short black hair, black sunglasses and a blood red suit. "My name is Tartarus, the Primordial of the Pit."

Erebus stood at 6'7" with long black hair held in a ponytail and wore a black suit that had a few buttons undone, showing off pale skin underneath, "My name is Erebus. The Primordial of Darkness."

Naruto nodded and introduced himself, "My name is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze-Emerys-Le Fay-Gryffindor-Slytherin-Hufflepuff-Ravenclaw. Primordial of Nature, Animals, Weapons, Speed, Strength, Magic, Peace, Wisdom, and Justice."

They gaped at him. No other being had as many titles. Naruto turned to the other three and saw Nyx and Hemera. His eyes glossed over for a moment before addressing Nyx, who stood at 5'9" with bushy black hair and soft black eyes with two shadow like wings spread from her back, wearing a form fitting dark purple dress that showed off all of her curves and showed off a lot of cleavage. "You are Nyx. The Primordial of Night. A pleasure…" He took ahold of her hand and laid a soft kiss on her knuckle while looking up at her in her eyes, making her blush, easily appearing on her pale white skin.

Naruto turned to Hemera who stood at the same height as Nyx, her skin was tanned and she wore a white and gold robe that hid her frame from view. He kissed her knuckle like he did Nyx and saw the blush appearing on her cheeks.

He stood up straight, mischief seen in his eyes as he looked at Chaos who was trying not to look at him.

He walked to her and grabbed her hand and laid a kiss on her knuckle and then whispered something in her ear, making her shoot back anime style with a nose bleed. Naruto chuckled before asking her, after she got up, "When am I sent to Earth to help the girl?"

Chaos waved at her children who nodded before disappearing before turning to Naruto, "Let's go somewhere else where we can talk to them, Naruto-kun."

Next chapter he will talk to James and Lily.

I know i made him overpowered a shit but hey, it's my story and i think it'd be fun to see Naruto toss around people from both, PJO and Harry Potter verse.

Since it seems Harem is wanted by pretty much all, it shall be a harem.

New Poll: How many in the Harem? Not sure if i will do Lemons since i have never written one. If i do, i will only do them rarely and that's only if the first one is okay.