No Longer A Shadow.

Welcome to my new story, NLAS- No Longer A Shadow Chapter 1. I know I should update 15:1 but I'm itching to write this story and here it is. I hope you like it. Sorry for any errors.


He walked near a court around his neighbourhood. His heart were shattered as their words stab him in the heart. Kuroko hit his head at the nets pole. The same feeling when the Generation of Miracles tore apart. The same happened to Seirin.

Kuroko created a stronger Seirin and Seirin paid him back by pushing him aside. Kuroko cried. His mind wasn't functioning. Both of his knees on the ground. He felt betrayed, their promise was a fluke.

"And here I thought Seirin would never leave me. What should I do?" He stood up. Tears were still strolling down his cheeks. He looked at his wrist. Two wristband one from Ogiwara-kun and one from Seirin.

He took both off revealing a silver bracelet on his left wrist, his mom gave him once. He keeps the wristband in his pocket. He doesn't have enough courage to throw them away but he knows what to do.

The sky was dark as it was night and it started raining. He was drenched as he walk towards his home, hoping someone would comfort him. He opened the door and came in and saw a women with long teal blue hair. She was short for a normal woman but she didn't mind.

"I'm back. Mom..." Kuroko Hajime turns around to see his son rushing into an embrace. His voice cracked and tears was seen.

"Welcome home. What's wrong, dear?" Hajime return the hug and patted Kuroko's head not caring her son is wet . Deep inside, she was worried. Her son hardly cry before and this was the second time Kuroko came to her like this. The first was when Kuroko's childhood friend, Ogiwara-kun quit basketball and second, right now.

She hug him tighter as Kuroko was crying like crazy. She asked Kuroko what happened but Kuroko didn't spoke a word. Knowing her son, she understand that Kuroko doesn't want to talk about it.

" It's okay. Everything happens for a reason, Tetsuya. That's what they call life and you have to be strong to face those challeng-" she stopped as she sense something.

Kuroko looked infront at his mother, wondering why she stopped. ( their height are almost the same) In an instant, Hajime was at the drawer far from where they were standing and she took out a gun that made Kuroko shocked. Shocked that his mother was gone in a blink of an eye and also the gun in his mother's hand.

She looked at Kuroko and the door. She insert a few bullets into the gun and made a 'click ' sound as she cocked it. She looked at Kuroko who is confused. She walked near the door and sniffed. 'Shit!'. She looked back at Kuroko.

"Tetsuya, go upstairs and call dad to come here as quick as he can. Tell him, demons are here." she said hurriedly and Kuroko straight went upstairs eventhough he is confused.

She continued looking at the door and as on cue, 2 demons came into the house. The demon is in human form with horns and tail which look really scary. It broke the door making a loud crash that made her shock. Hajime hid behind a cupboard. She can sense those creatures coming towards her. She took off a matching silver bracelet from her wrist.

With the bracelet off, she have the power of hydrotelekinesis, that is the elemental power to manipulate water. She then proceed to lift an amount of hot water and splashed it to the demons from her location. She hid back behind the cupboard. She glance at her gun. It is useless against those demons as her gun is to eliminate vampires only. Demons are not her actual target.

The demons screamed in pain. One of it have bigger damage that it fell to the floor while the other one flew to her and she felt her life draining away as the demon attack her the moment she turn back to see the demon.

Kuroko ran up the stairs into his room and called his dad. His heart was racing as he don't understand what is happening. Realisation hit his head when he heard a man's voice.

"Dad! Emergency! Mom said demons are here. What does tha-" Kuroko was cut off when his father hung up. He was dumbstruck. He sat down near the door, not knowing what to do.

He was worried as his mother haven't scream for help...yet. So, he walked slowly downstairs. He saw 2 demons. One was standing on the floor, injured while the other demon made Kuroko's world stop.

The other demon was holding Hajime while sucking her soul. Hajime looked at the side and saw her son. Tears form in her eyes. She felt so weak. Kuroko saw a gun near the stair and took it.

Bang! Bang!

Kuroko shot those creatures but no effect. Both demons looked at him. The demon that was sucking her mom's soul stopped. Hajime took this chance and kicked the demon's leg. (I'm making no sense)

The demon fell but the other injured demon wanted to attack Kuroko. Hajime, who saw this quickly teleported herself to her son and brought him in a room. She wanted to go back but Kuroko's hand held to her shirt.

"! What are they? Stay with me. " Kuroko said as tears started falling again. He was trembling.

" They are other creatures that exist other than human and it is my job to eliminate them. I am an assassinator agent after all." ( does that make sense?) she quickly teleported herself downstairs. Both demon flew towards her at great speed and with little energy, she uses her power to pour holy water at one of the demon, which luckily she found while the other demon that was injured got away.

She sat down on a floor. Wondering what would happen. Her son knows about her job now. Everything will change her son's life. She got up and wanted to go back to him but unfortunately, the demon was not dead.

It pulled her legs and she fell. Her head hit the ground hard and blood came out from her head. Seeing this, the demon sucked her soul until none was left. She was left dead on the floor and it wanted to find the boy. Kuroko, who saw everything at the staircase cried there.

He couldn't believe his eyes. He just witness his own mother died. He gasped when the demon is now standing infront of him. The demon smiled creepily and it's mouth open wide to see its big teeth. Kuroko couldn't scream. He let everything happens as he doesn't care if he lives or not.


The demon fall on top of Kuroko. The demon died as it turns into ashes from above Kuroko. Kuroko eyes wide open as his father stand at the doorstep. Kuroko rushes to him and his father hugged him.

"Dad! I – I am s-scared." Kuroko said while crying.

" Shushh, it's okay now. Where's your mot-. HAJIME!" Kuroko Saito push his son away and flew to Hajime with his demon abilities. Kuroko was dumbfounded when his father flew there.

"HAJIME! HAJIME! Wake Up! " Saito yelled at his wife. He can't believe he was late to arrive. He took out his phone and called his bestfriend.

"Kazama! My wife is dead! I'm too late. I could've save her! Please! I'm sorry! I couldn't live without her! Take care of Kuroko Tetsuya! I'm sorry." He hung up and screamed his lungs out.

Kuroko saw his father going insane. He was crying too. Why him?! Why must he go through all this?! His father took out a pistol and point it to his chest.

" Forgive me, Tetsuya. We've hid too many secrets from you. Forgive me, forgive us." He said gaining Kuroko's attention.

"Dad! What are you doing?! Don't leave me alone! NO! You can't -" blood splashes at Kuroko's face. He had witnessed his own parents die infront of him.

"AAARRGGHHHH!" He screamed letting his stress out and cried on the floor. No one heard his scream as it was raining heavily outside. He crawled to his parents. He moved his father beside his mother and cover them with a blanket. He cried non-stop. He let them flow.

He sat down beside his parents and cries without any care in the world. Why?! Just why him?! Why is fate cruel to him?!

"#01! Saito! Where is he?! SAITO!" a voice came in the house. His black hair shined as it was wet due to the rain outside. Kazama rushed beside Kuroko and pull the blanket revealing two dead corpse. He sat down.

He cried. His best friend died along with his wife. After a moment of silence, he glance at Kuroko. He knew he was their son from his appearance. He looked like #09 that is Hajime.

"You're Kuroko Tetsuya?" he asked, just to confirm his thought. He smiled when Kuroko nodded. Tear were still visible on the boy's cheek. Kazama wiped them. He grab Kuroko's hand and they sat on the couch.

"W-who a-are y-you? D-do y-you k-know my p-parents?" Kuroko asked, his voice was hoarse due too much crying.

"Yes, your father is my bestfriend. We three know each other. We have the same job, actually we create the job. You see, we all are agents meant to assassinate demons and vampires. The thing you see today was a demon." Kazama said calmly. Kuroko was obviously confused. His face was still blank but his mind felt like exploding.

" Uncle, can you please tell me everything?" Kuroko gain his calmness and ask the question at the man.

" Firstly, my name is Kazama Souji and also known as agent #01 for the vampire section. Your father is also #01 for the demon section. While your mother was #09 for vampire section. We all have code numbers for both sections. This agency existed because of me and your father's hardwork. We created it to assassinate vampires and demons. Your parents met in this very agency. They fell in love but that was against the rules. Their marriage was a secret and I'm the only person who knows about it. " he paused.

Kuroko went to the kitchen and handed a glass of water. His mind processing every word Kazama said. He knows that from this day on, his life will not be normal.

"There is a lot to tell you. I can tell everything but I will tell if you join the agency. Your situation is different from other people." Kazama said.

" what do you mean...different?" Kuroko asked.

" Well apparently, your parents are vampires and demons agent and every agent have one power based on their section and luck. Every agent must have the same abilities whether they are VA or DA agent . What I'm worried about is since your parents are different sections, you might be born with both demons and vampire power. Have you ever experienced something...weird ?" Kazama asked but then he spotted a bracelet on Kuroko's wrist. He chuckled.

" nevermind. It seems you haven't. That bracelet was given by your mother right? That bracelet was supposed to suppress your abilities. " he said while pointing at the bracelet. Then, he drag Kuroko to the end of the living room. Kuroko was more than confused, his mind is lost. Kazama took off his and Kuroko's bracelet and within a second, he was already at the other end of the room. Kuroko's jaws dropped when the man disappeared from his sight.

" As you see, I teleported here with my vampire ability. So, you can either teleport as a vampire or fly within a second as demon here. Now, when I count to 3 you either fly or teleport with your abilities. 1...2...3!" he counted and was shocked to see Kuroko nowhere in the living room.

" Umm uncle. I think I misplaced." he said from upstairs.

" wow! So you teleported upstairs huh? Hahaha!" he laughed. They teleported at the couch and sat down.

" Now Kuroko, you have to join the agency. For your own sake and theirs too. But you have to leave school, club, memories, everything here and move in the agency. " Kuroko's face lit up. He could leave Seirin.

" Okay, I will go. But could you come and fetch me tomorrow at school. And what should I bring with me?" Kuroko asked.

"Sure, you attend Seirin High School right? There isn't much to bring. You just have to bring important documents and a pair of clothes. Other things are provided at the headquarters. " Kazama said. Relieved at Kuroko's answer.

Kuroko nodded. Kazama brought Kuroko to a place to sleep that night since the house was...blooded. Kazama had called some of the agents to secure the house with the bodies and wait for his orders. He has also informed FDVAA headquarters about #02 and #09's death.

They slept separately in their rooms in the apartment and the next morning was normal like nothing ever happen. Kazama sent Kuroko to school by car and waited until Kuroko stepped outside the school gate.

Kuroko walk straight to the basketball gym. He stick a letter on the door of his locker, a place that can be seen and soon he left. Fortunately for him, Kazama has settled everything by the time he leaves Seirin. All the documents about his existence has been deleted. His very existence will be vanish. Something that team Seirin of basketball would want, or so he thought.

He went to his classroom, 1-B and peeked in the classroom to see his homeroom teacher taking attendance. He slightly open the door without anyone realising which is normal and heard every single name that was called.

"Haruto Akita" the teacher said another name.

"Here" a boy replied while raising his hand.

"Iori Fukuya"


"Kagami Taiga"

"Here" a red head raised his hand at the teacher. The teacher smiled.

" You're unexpected early today. I hope you will be early from now on." The teacher said at him. Kuroko glace at Kagami with hatred. His words crushed him into pieces and he will never forgive the redhead.

"Layla Heartfillia" the teacher continued taking attendance.

"absen-" a student said but interrupted by a certain red head. Kuroko was about to leave when he heard a familiar voice shouted.

"Sensei! What about Kuroko Tetsuya? You didn't check his attendance" Kagami stood up and shouted at his teacher. He knew why Kuroko didn't came but he couldn't just let the fact that his homeroom teacher forgot about the boy.

" Excuse me Kagami Taiga but who did I miss?" the whole classroom look at the red head including Kuroko outside the classroom.

"Kuroko Tetsuya? His sits behind me but today his not here. There's no name?" Kagami points at the sits behind him that is unoccupied.

" I'm afraid you've mistaken him with a different class, hmm? There's no such name in this list." The teacher walked to Kagami and showed him the list.

Kagami was confused as to why no one remember Kuroko, he knows why but why his name is not on that list. The teacher then continues the lesson. Kuroko looked at the red head. 'Bye Kagami-kun' and he left the school, picked up by Kazama.

After what felt like forever, bells rang signalling ends of school. The time where Kagami Taiga and his team practise basketball. He walks straight to the gym where their coach is taking attendance.

" Okay boys! Is everyone here?" her voice echoed through the gym.

"Kagami is no-. Nevermind, he just arrived." Furihata said but then saw Kagami walking towards them.

"You're lucky you're not late Bakagami. Those who are late, have quadruple training. Anyone else?" Aida asks the boys while looking around.

"Umm, coach. Kuroko is not here." Koganei spoke and the whole gym fell into silence. Who could forget about the teal teen? He is the one who made them the best in Japan.

They won the winter cup because of Kuroko and yet they forgot to thank him, treasure him instead they were busy showing off. What was worse, they hurt him with words that they could never take back.

"I don't think he's going to come. Besides, we don't need him." Kagami spoke. All eyes directed to him, shocked that Kuroko's light has said that.

"Why do you say that? We're a team. Everyone should be here especially him. He is the one who made us win." Hyuuga asks Kagami. His eyes twitched when Kagami said that.

Sure, he did said something that'll hurt Kuroko but he realised that the team was incomplete without him. He can't let another player left the team. The team felt empty since Kiyoshi left and now if Kuroko gone, it'll not be the same.

"He was absence this morning but that's not all. His name wasn't at the attendance list and no one remember his existence." Kagami said again.

"Huh? That's strange. It's like his existence vanished. Is what Mitobe says." Koganei said, passing Mitobe's message to everyone.

"COACH! " a screamed came from the locker room. Izuki ran out with a letter and two wristbands in his hands. He gave the letter to Aida and she cover her mouth with her hand. Tears formed in her eyes after she read the letter.

Everyone looked at the letter. Hyuuga, who was near her took the letter and gasped when he saw the content. Behind the paper wrote, Kuroko Tetsuya's resignation letter.

Kagami rushes to his senpai and took the letter. He read the letter out loud. The whole teammates was depressed after he read it. They didn't believe the letter was from Kuroko, especially the words.

Dear Seirin,

I, Kuroko Tetsuya am resigning the basketball team due to team play's loss. Today is the last day I will be playing basketball and also the last for you to see my existence in this school.

Thank you team Seirin for all the precious memories not to mention the painful ones as well. (the word 'painful ones' imagine it to be bad handwriting due to anger and hatred)

Thank you senpais for everything you've done for me. Through all this hard times with me. For Kiyoshi-senpai, thank you for not hurting me.

Thank you Kagami-kun for being my long lost light that was once the most happy moment for me. For the other first years, thank you for supporting me.

Lastly, thank you for all of your words that inspired me to hate basketball again and this time, forever.

Your abandoned shadow,

Kuroko Tetsuya

They were stunned at Kuroko's words. His words struck them like lightning. The words obviously because of sadness, anger and hatred. They looked at Kagami. His head looking downwards. They know he felt the emptiness Kuroko left.

They stare at two wristbands that are in Izuki's hands. He left them, left basketball and left his love for the sport.

"What does he mean ' hate basketball again forever'?" Fukuda asked.

"It is exactly what it means! Don't you understand?! He left us! He left basketball! He left Seirin!" Kagami yelled at the poor freshmen. He was depressed.

"And who's fault is that?! Who caused him to leave?!"Hyuuga shouted as well at Kagami. He felt guilty.

"Shut up, boys! It's obviously our faults, okay! And Kagami, stop taking your anger out of people.!" Aida said as she hit a board at Kagami's head.

" I'll be heading home. Quadruple my training, I don't care." Kagami said and left leaving other players speechless. They swear they could see a tear in Kagami's eyes.


A group of people walked under a tunnel.2 men and 2 women. Both men hold their woman at their waist. They were drunk. The laughed for no reason, not caring the world around them.

Around a corner, red eyes were glowing as the creature watched a 'meal' yet to be eaten . A woman screamed when she felt pain at the neck. A vampire sank their fangs in her flesh deeper. Another scream came from the other woman as another vampire did the same. Both men ran leaving both women.

A flash of teal blue appeared. He shot both vampire in front of him with one shot in the head. Blood splashed on his face. He smirked as his left hand wipe the blood off his face and look at it, amused.

His movements was too fast for naked eyes to see. He ran at lightning speed to a woman and the next second he was by the other woman. He let out a breath, both woman just passed out from shock. He vanished again when he sense another presence nearby.

" #01! You should have call for back up! What if something were to happ-" a girl yelled at the teal haired teenager but stopped when she realise he was not there.

#01 stand far from the girl. A scream echoed through the tunnel when the girl felt a tap on her shoulder. #01 teleported to her to scare her and far away in an instant when she screams.

"Don't worry. Nothing happened and everything is settled." He said with a deadpanned tone as he ran pass #23. ( #23 is the girl who yelled) Her short hair was blown back as #01 ran like the wind.

"#01, stop scaring me! Nevermind let's get back to the headquarters." #23 teleported beside #01 and drag him to a helicopter. They flew off and #01 looked outside where the night sky was dark. No stars or moonlight to brighten the sky, like his heart.

He smiled as he remembered the first day he join the agency. The day he was called as #01 byFVDAA. Federal Vampire and Demon Assassination Agency. ( I know the name is ridiculous, sorry) He never felt better since the day he left his basketball world. It was a long ride and flashbacks came.

" why would I need a shadow if I'm already the best in Japan?" the redhead said, crushing his heart into pieces.

" This team has become unstoppable. Why would we need a shadow to rely on?" his senpai walked away as he said that. Flashbacks end.

Those words struck him. He began to hate basketball...again but this time, he will never go back in the basketball world.

He wiped a tear in his eyes as the helicopter landed. They walked to the FVDAA headquarters. A man in a uniform approached them the moment they set foot in the building.

"Sir Kazama wants to see #01 in his room now."

The teal teenager is now standing infront of the most powerful man in the agency. The one who took him in.

The teenager looked at the man infront of him. The man didn't turn around so #01 could just see his back. He bowed out of respect.

"Sir, you said you wanted to see me." He said with a blank expression, like he always do.

"#01, I was told about your actions. Not a wise one, as always. But you did save those women without using your powers so you're forgiven." He said while turning his back to he could face the teal teenager. He smiled at the teenager.

#01 smiled back at the man and bowed again. He looked up and was shocked the moment he saw the smile change into a serious expression.

Kazama Souji looked at the teen. #01 felt chills down his spine but his face was still blank. Kazama felt sad as the teen reminded him of Kuroko Saito, his bestfriend which is actually #01's father.

" You have done quite well this 5 months and you're training ends today. Starting tomorrow, you'll be attending high school as a 2nd year. You will attend Seirin High School." #01 was stroked. He never thought he would go back to that school.

" but sir, you know I can't." #01 looked down when Kazama rolled his eyes. Then, Kazama walked to #01 and pat his head ,shocking #01.

"I know, son. But you have too. The headquarters gave an order. It is said that vampire and demons are wandering around that area." Kazama said as he lift #01 face.

"Yes sir. I understand." 01 nodded and saluted him. He turned around and hold the door knob.

"I'm sorry for sending you to that place again. I know how you hated that place. Now go Kuroko Tetsuya. You shall leave tomorrow. " Kazama said.

Kuroko didn't turn around and just left the room. Kuroko head to his room in a dorm. Conveniently, the headquarters provide dorms for all its agents. A room with 2 persons. Kuroko sat on his bed. He sighed.

"I never saw that expression on your face before. Tell me, what's wrong?" Kuroko's roommate, Kazuya Hatori spoke.

"Kazuya-kun, you startled me." Kuroko turned around while saying with a blank face. Kazuya lean by the wall while folding his arms.

Within a second, he was infront of Kuroko sitting on a chair. Kazuya chuckled.

" that's how I felt whenever you use misdirection Kuroko-kun." Kazuya or #43 is a VA agent. That is Vampire Assassinator agent. ( does it sound weird?) He is trained to kill vampires but not demons.

Because of that, he has vampire abilities such as teleport, faster and stronger than normal human. But since he is just human, who borrowed the abilities, his strength and speed aren't as fast as real vampires but still faster than any human.

Every agent have the same abilities like teleport, faster speed and stronger than a normal human but there is an exception. Every VA agent has one different power from any other agents. The same goes for demon abilities except for teleportation. Instead of teleport, demons ran or fly at fast speed.

All VA and DA (Demon Assassinator) agents have the same abilities but one different power. Example, Kazuya is a VA agent with one power that is Telekinesis. Telekinesis is the power to manipulate and control objects with the mind.

But his power are suppressed by a bracelet given from the FVDAA agency. The silver bracelet is important for every agent since it suppress and also control the overwhelming power except the abilities. Vampire and demon powers are too strong for human bodies to contain and it will destroy the body if the user can't control it.

While Kuroko, he was different. There is a reason why he is called #01. He is the VDA agent. The one and only VDA agent that has ever existed. He is both vampire and demon assassinator agent. The only one with real demon and vampire abilities since he was born with them and also with many powers than one. Therefore, he is half human and half vampire/demon.

"Kuroko-kun, Kuroko-kun" Kazuya shake the teal teen's shoulder. He was pissed as Kuroko didn't gave an answer and spaced out.

"h-huh? Sorry, Kazuya-kun. What were you saying?" Kuroko asked him with a blank face.

"Kuroko-kun~ mou~ how could you ignore me?" Kazuya's behaviour changed. Kuroko twitched. He is acting like him and he hates it.

"Kazuya, you know I hate this attitude of yours. I prefer the normal one." Kuroko said with a cold tone and his eyes were giving a death glare. He didn't realise he didn't add kun to his name.

" hai, hai. So, what were you thinking about?" Kazuya teleported to the fridge and pour cold water into a cup. He teleported back and sat at his bed which is beside Kuroko's bed.

Kuroko looked down to his feet. The moment he steps in this room, he met Kazuya-kun and with no reason he told him about his life. Why he join the agency and his hatred towards basketball. He flew in normal speed to the window. Kazuya teleported there as well.

" I have to go back there. The headquarters gave an order. They say there are vampires and demons wandering there. I have to attend the same shitty school and protect the students there." Kuroko lowered his voice but Kazuya can hear it.

Kuroko turn to see Kazuya but Kazuya had no expression. Usually he would whining because Kuroko is leaving him and Kuroko would go back to 'hell' but this was unexpected.

" It's okay. You have to be strong and forget the past. Do it for your parents. Your parents wouldn't want their son to stuck in the past right? Besides , I'm going too. " Kazuya said in relaxation. He was given an order by Kazama, the person in the highest position in the agency to be with Kuroko at all times.

"Eehh?! You're going too?!" Kuroko shouted. Kazuya was laughing to see his shock expression. Kuroko never shows an expression and this is the first time he did.

"Of course. Your 'dad' wouldn't let you go through 'hell' alone, would he? Hahaha your face was priceless, Kuroko-kun. " Kazuya tease him and continued laughing.

" 'Dad' huh? Everyone thought he's my dad. You know he is not, Kazuya-kun." Kuroko looked at him. Kazuya was still laughing, rolling on the floor. Kuroko teleported beside him and chop his head with his hand gently.

" ouch! Kuroko-kun! You could have chop my head in half with your super strength! I know he is not your dad! I'm just teasing!" Kazuya stand up and rub his head.

"I've done packing. We have to arrive tomorrow morning. I' going to bed now. Goodnight, Kazuya-kun." Kuroko flew slowly to his bed and lay down. After a few seconds, he fell asleep.

Kazuya stand up and teleported between his and Kuroko's bed. He stare at the sleeping figure. He felt pity towards his friend.

I know you've been through a lot. Your heart is still closed. I know your true personality in this five months and you're different. You were hurt, abandoned and left behind. That's why I will be there to protect you. Always.

Kazuya thought and fell asleep too.


Kuroko walked towards a crowd. Kazuya was left behind when he was distracted to a club. All third years are attracting new members to their club. Kuroko shift left and right to avoid bumping into someone. Of course no one see him, he lack presence.

He walk to a board. He wanted to find a club that can give advantages. His eyes wandered from name to club names and stop when its written 'basketball'. He look at it with hatred. God knows how much he hated basketball.

After sometime, he chooses to join two clubs which is Library Club and Archery Club. Both can put him in ease and calm him. Besides, archery can train him to shoot the right target. He then proceed to walk to both club and register without anyone noticing.

"Kuroko-kun, where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere. Huh? So you join the Library Club?" Kazuya appeared from nowhere, panting for air.

" I'm here the whole time and yes, I'm joining this club but I join the Archery Club too." Kuroko gave an answer that made Kazuya shock.

"Eehh?! You can join 2 clubs?!" Kazuya shouted gaining the students attention. Kuroko covered his ears with his hands.

" Kazuya-kun, please be quiet. We're infront of the library now. So, what did you join?" Kuroko put his hands down. He looked at Kazuya.

" Basketball. I'm sorry Kuroko. But it was really interesting. And I want to know your teammates." Kazuya spoke the last sentence quietly. Unfortunately, Kuroko could hear it very clearly since its one of a demons ability.

" It's okay. Its your own choice." Kuroko said and walked to board with students name list assorted to classes. They both find their name in a class and meet again.

Kuroko teleported infront of the list and teleported back far away after he found his name in class 2-B

"Nee, Kuroko-kun~ What class are you in?" Kazuya asks eventhough he saw Kuroko's name below him.

" Kazuya-kun, you saw my name under your name right?" Kuroko said with a blank face. He hope he is not the same class with him and unfortunately, he saw his name above Kazuya's name.

They both teleported infront of the class which luckily no one noticed. Its too tiring to walk here when they have abilities. They both step in the class and no one noticed too.

"Kuroko-kun, is this how you feel when no one notices your existence? I feel lonely." Kazuya said while sitting on a chair infront of Kuroko's seat.

"Yes but I don't feel lonely. I am already alone." Kuroko said not looking at his direction. He was looking at the door, worried if he appear.

"Kuroko, I'm here for you. Never say you're alone! Now, I want to tell you something. Just now, when I ..." Kuroko spaced out. He wasn't listening Kazuya's talking until the bells ring.

A teacher that Kuroko recognise came in. He was tall for a normal man and handsome too. He really got the girls attention.

"Good morning students, as you now I will be your homeroom teacher this year...again. I don't understand why the school wants me to be this class's teacher. Anyway, let's check attendance.

Nakamura sensei that is the homeroom teacher check everyone's attendance by calling out names.

""Haruto Akita" the teacher said another name.

"Here" a boy replied while raising his hand.

"Iori Fukuya"


"Kagami Taiga... Kagami Taiga?"

"Absence or maybe late?" a student near the teacher said.

" maybe late. Continue on, Kazuya Hatori." The teacher continued.

"Here!" being a cheerful person, Kazuya shouted and stand up gaining everyone's attention.

"Huh? Are you new this year, Kazuya-kun?" Nakamura sensei asked.

" Yes! Pleased to meet you and everyone else too!" most of the students chuckled. Especially the girls since Kazuya is quite a handsome guy.

" Next, Kuroko Tetsuya."

"here" Kuroko said in a low voice. No one seem to notice him nor care.

"Layla Heartfil-" the teacher was interrupted when a certain person opened the door, loudly.

" Kagami Taiga, late again? On the first day school! Please be early next time. "The red head nodded. He was panting heavily for air.

Kuroko stare at the red head. His fist clench onto his chest where his heart is. The red head didn't seem to notice him until...

"hey! You're new this year right? I'm Kagami Taiga. You are?" Kagami sat down and turn back to see a new face in the class.

"Oh, hey! I'm Kazuya Hatori. Please to meet you!" Kazuya said, not knowing that the red head is the one who hurt his precious Kuroko.

"Kagami! Kazuya! Please pay attention in class!" Nakamura sensei shouted and continued his lesson.

Kagami turn infront, paying attention to the lesson. Same goes for Kazuya. Kuroko gave a little smile. He might survive in this school without being noticed by them. He glanced at the red head before looking back at the teacher. 'Bakagami' he thought.

Bells rang ending the school hours. Most students went home except for those who have club activities. Kuroko went to the Archery Club. A third year is giving a speech or anything. He don't care.

"Hello freshmen! I am the manager ,instructor, and every highest position in this club. My name is Karasuma Keiji! Now please make a line." The third year student shouted and in a second, everyone made a straight line including Kuroko.

Karasuma observe his members until he was finished. He wanted to test his new members on their archery skills. He took a bow and an arrow. He took aim and shoot right at the dot in the middle of the round picture which earns 10 points. Everyone was in awe except Kuroko.

The target is a round picture that has each point for one round. The point in the middle earn 10 points for one who hits it. And the further the shot, minus 1 points. The furthest from the dot, earn 1 point.

"Now, I want you all to try shoot an arrow at that target. Try to earn at least 5 points. Choose a bow and an arrow and ready in position. Don't shoot yet." Karasuma spoke again.

Everyone was in position with a bow and an arrow, getting ready to release the arrow. After Karasuma fix some of the students position, he walk to the first student and told him to release it. He missed. The arrow didn't even reach the target.

Karasuma went to the next member and onto the next one and the other one. He was not satisfied. Up until now, not one new member has earn 5 points. He stopped at another member. It was a teal blue hair and short boy. ' he's a 2nd year. I guess he just joined this year.'

"What's your name and are you strong enough to release it?" Karasuma asks the teal teen, obviously looking down on him.

"My name is Kuroko Tetsuya and don't judge its book by its cover" after saying that, Kuroko release the arrow. The arrow was like in slow motion and


Everyone jaws dropped, not expecting the boy to hit the target earning 10 points. They clapped and cheered for the boy.

The arrow was released at fast speed. It got through the target as it was just a cardboard. Karasuma saw this and was speechless. ' don't judge its book by its cover huh? Lets see what you can do.' Karasuma thought.

" Kuroko Tetsuya, right? Lets have a battle. You and me, right now, right here" Karasuma walked up to Kuroko, challenging him. He was giving an aura that normally people would ran away.

Kuroko turn to face him. Karasuma was shock to see the boy has no expression. 'He is not afraid?' Kuroko look straight to his eyes. Kuroko shook his head.

" It's tiring. See you tomorrow...senpai" Kuroko left the bow on the floor and teleported out of the room. Everyone was shock to see the boy disappear in a second.

Kuroko opened a door. The library. Where he will have peace for a lifetime. He took a book and read until one hour passed. He look at his black and red striped watch, 4 sharp in the evening.

He put the book back and instead of teleporting, he walk to the gym where he can hear the squeaks of shoes, dribbling sounds and lastly a swoosh from the net. Kuroko opened the door normally, not expecting someone to notice.

He stepped inside the gym and lean at the wall, watching his former teammates. His heart was breaking when he saw them play basketball.

" Bakagami, you should pass more often!" Aida's voice echoed, gaining Kuroko's attention.

" Kagami! Here, pass to me!" Kazuya's voice reached his ears. Then, he realised the first years are playing a game against the second years.

He can guess that there are only 5 first years who join basketball and 1 new member of second year that is Kazuya-kun. The senpais and Kagami were there except Kiyoshi.

Kagami heard that and passed it to Kazuya. Kazuya dribble and broke pass 2 first years and then passed it to Furihata. Kuroko smirked. They've grown quite well.

The match ends and 100 – 87, 2nd years won. Kazuya was tired but he was not sweating since the VA training are much worse than basketball training. Kagami took two bottle and gave one to Kazuya.

"Kazuya-kun! Come here!" Aida called out to the black haired boy. He walked to Aida and talked to her. Hyuuga was there too. After a moment, the boy ran to Kagami and gave a soft punch at his right shoulder.

"Kagami! Guess what? Coach decided to make me one of the regulars! Isn't that great?!" Kazuya shouted excitedly. Kagami grinned.

Kazuya fell silence after that. Everyone looked at him, wondering what happen to the boy. They saw he smirked. His face was unreadable. Kagami wanted to ask but stopped when Kazuya spoke.

" I thought you hated basketball. I never knew you wanted to see your teammates that much." Kazuya said loudly, his face towards Kagami and his eyes closed.

"Oi, who are you talking to?" Kagami ask the raven haired boy. His face was confused but not just him, everyone else too. They then heard a chuckle .

" Former teammates, Kazuya. That was in the past." The teal teen spoke. Everyone looked at source of the voice.

They were stunned. Kuroko's face remained expressionless. Kagami was speechless. Kazuya smiled and walked towards him, dragging him to a spotlight.

" Guys, meet my bestfriend. Kuroko Tetsuya." Kazuya introduce Kuroko to them eventhough he knows they knew him. Everyone was back in reality.

Kagami walk towards Kuroko and stopped infront of him. He looked downwards and saw a blank expression.

"Hello Kagami-kun" Kuroko said calmly. His eyes looked straight into Kagami's eyes.


So, how do you like it so far? Pls review! And I will try my best to update both story on weekends. See you next chapter~ _

MUST BE UPDATED ON 15/16 or 22/23, final decision.