Hey, everyone. This is kind of a test run, as I'm still in the process of writing. This is Mikaelson family feels heavy. There are quite a few OC's, and characters from The Originals, as well. My thought process while writing has so far been "how can I make life as difficult and unfair as possible" and the answer that I got was this fic. They have a lot of extended family that they don't know, and may or may not be introduced.

This was also posted on AO3. As for the chapters, length will vary. They'll be chopped into pieces based on POV: 0's are Leif and co., 1's are Freya, 2's are Finn, 3's are Elijah, 4's are Klaus, 5's are Kol, 6's are Rebekah, and 7's are Henrik. Their birth order is this: Freya (Apr 26, 1979), Finn (Oct 28, 1981), Elijah (Mar 14, 1985), Klaus (May 16, 1987), Kol (Aug 4, 1990), Rebekah (Jun 11, 1992), and Henrik (Oct 14, 1994). This is set in 2013, and they were separated on May 10, 1996.

WARNINGS: There will be some discussion of drugs in the future, unhealthy relationships, statutory rape, child abuse, etc. I will warn before the chapter if you should expect anything of that nature. I'll also warn when a character has a panic attack.

And finally, ships: Freya/OC, Finn/Sage, Elijah/Katherine, eventual Klaus/Caroline, eventual Kol/Bonnie/Jeremy/Davina, Rebekah/OC, and Henrik/no one. Sorry, Henrik.


Leif grabs the phone with a shaky hand. He's sitting in his chair, and the phone is closer to him than Aerona, who sits on the couch. Usually, she insists he doesn't answer the phone, but this time, she just watches a little cautiously.

"Leifson household, Leif speaking. What can I do for you?" Aerona gives him an approving look. Usually, he'll say something inappropriate, and scar one of their many children.

"You're Leif Trulsson?"

"Yes, I am. Who are you?"

"My name is James Collins, I work at the Mystic Falls prison in Mystic Falls, Virginia. I have news about your son. Just making sure, but, your son is named Mikael Sebastian Leifson, right?"

"Mikael? I haven't from him in almost 35 years. Have you found him? You said he was in prison?"

"Yes, I'm sorry. I have some unfortunate news, actually. He died yesterday of a heart attack."

"What?" His voice comes out a little strangled.

Aerona, already looking concerned by the prison comment, raises an eyebrow.

"Yes, I'm sorry. You said you haven't spoken to him in 35 years?"

"He went off to London for school, and never spoke to us again. We knew he wasn't lost because he said he was running to America with his girlfriend…. I just realized - does he have a family?"

James makes a noise that Leif doesn't quite understand. "Ah, yes, he did. He had seven children, Freya, Finn, Elijah, Niklaus, Kol, Rebekah, and Henrik. They went into the foster care system in 1996."

"What...what about their mother?" Surely, she took them in when Mikael went off to prison.

Aerona raises her other eyebrow. Leif is just trying to comprehend that he has more grandchildren that he's never met or even heard of.

"That's why he went to prison. He killed her and nearly beat Niklaus to death."

"Oh, my god. Is Niklaus okay?"

"He lived, yes. He aged out of the system and can't be traced now, however."

He breathed for a second, a little overwhelmed. He can't imagine his son hurting a child, his own child, but then, he hasn't known Mikael in almost forty years. "Have any of them been contacted?"

"Unfortunately, no. Mikael had no contacts, and took all of the children out of his will. You were still in it, so we searched for you. It isn't as easy with the kids. All we have right now are names from the backs of pictures in his belongs."

"So none of them know their father is dead."

"No. To be frank, I don't believe they'll care. The older ones would be happy, and the younger ones were adopted."

Leif sighs heavily. "Is there anything I can do? I live in Tromsø, and they must all live in America, right? Is there anything, anything at all, that I can do from here?"

"I'm sad to say but, no, not really. All we've really been able to gather is that they should all be adults by now, and that the ones who stayed in the system were problem children."

"Well, if they were separated, then I'm not surprised."

James sighs. "Yes, I agree. Like I said, though, there isn't anything you can do. I'm very sorry. If there are any developments, then I'll call and let you know immediately."

James hangs up abruptly. Leif pulls the old home phone from his ear and stares at the tiny screen incredulously.

Aerona asks, "who was that?"

Leif, for a moment, doesn't know how to answer. Then, "a man in America, saying our Mikael has died."

Without communicating their intent, they give a moment of silence for their son. They haven't seen him or spoken to him in so long, though, it's almost easy to get over their grief.

Especially after Leif tells Aerona about the crimes he committed against his family.

Aerona drags a hand down her face. "I suppose we need to tell our other children another sibling of theirs had passed."

Leif nods. They'll do that, and then he'll let Aerona in on the idea forming in his head about how his grandchildren will be found.