Chapter 1

Michonne sat in the bus station staring at her ticket. She closed her eyes as the announcer makes the final call.

"Final call for Atlanta City."

Michonne slowly got up, adjusting the bag on her shoulders. She followed the long line of people and took a seat beside an old lady.


Michonne smiled at the lady in response. She wasn't trying to be impolite but she really wasn't in the mood to talk. She needed to save her strength for when she get back home. She doesn't want to go back there…to that place but she doesn't have a choice. The one person she cares about needs her and she will be there for them. The bus pulled out of the station and Michonne closed her eyes once again. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Jessie Wallace, Carol Leacock, Amanda Pierre, Debbie-Ann Rivers and Sarah Birch all huddled around a table in the park. Their community, Crystal Savannah is a small but vibrant one. They have all the amenities they could ever want and rarely need to go to the major town for supplies.

There is Ms Carol's Grocery store run by Carol. She is a widow and has two daughters Heather and Megan and the local clinic which is run Jessie's husband Michael. There is also a bank, local cinema, bar which also has a restaurant and a hardware. However, the pride and joy of Crystal Savannah is their 18th century Catholic church. It is the one place that everyone is their community meet up to worship.

There is also the local park which is often used to catch up on the latest gossip as well and that is exactly what these ladies are doing. They were discussing the plans for their annual picnic and fundraiser which has been the envy of the neighbouring towns for years. Debbie-Ann is the chair-person of the Crystal Savannah Committee. She looked over the list that Carol handed her, nodding her head pleased.

"This is a lot of stuff Carol."

"I know but things have been booming at the store I decided to contribute more this year. This will be our biggest turnout in years."

"I hope so. We could raise a lot of money for the church. Michelle at the bank told us that if we could raise atleast $50,000, we could use it as collateral to buy the piece of property next door that Ms Angie is selling."

"That would be great. Then we could go to Donnie's hardware and get material to start building the Sunday school. It will be good place for the children to go to after Sunday morning mass. Keep them occupied for the rest of the day."

"Speaking of you think he will be there?"


Carol rolled her eyes at Amanda.

"Who do you think she's talking about Amanda? Father Rick!"

"He promised to come last year but he didn't."

"He was there the year before though."

"Yeah but he didn't stay long."

A moment of silence passed between them which Debbie-Ann broke.

"I'm sorry but a priest shouldn't look that good. It's a distraction"

"A good one at that." Sarah said with Jessie readily agreeing with her.

"You're married Jessie!"

"So what? Being married doesn't mean I don't have eyes."

"Those blue eyes, pink lips and bow legs….Jesus forgive me for my most impure thoughts!"Sarah squealed.

The ladies burst out is a giggle.

"My girls have a major crush on him. It's the only reason they are in church."

"I'm not surprised. Since he came to replace Abraham six years ago church attendance has been high, especially among the teenage girls. The teen boys come to church too following the girls."

"I would totally have an affair with him...priest or not…married or not." Sarah said without an ounce of remorse.

The others looked at her.

"Maybe you will get lucky and end up like Sasha. How many women could say that a priest left the church for them?"

The ladies shook their heads.

"He locked her down….four children in seven years."

Carol shook her head. She remembered the scandal it caused when it came out that Sasha was carrying Abraham's child. It was an even bigger raucous when it was discovered that they were in fact already married in secret for months before she even got pregnant while he was still in the priesthood. The head priest Father Gabriel was livid and both Abraham and Sasha was made to stand before the church and confess.

Abraham held his wife's hand proudly as he stood before the congregation. He explained that while he loved being a priest he wanted something more...something different. He wanted a family and that's why he married Sasha in secret. He knew the church wouldn't have approved and explained that he fell in love with Sasha and she him. He then rubbed Sasha's four month old pregnant belly as he declared that their unborn child was a symbol of their love.

Father Gabriel defrocked Abraham on the spot but he didn't care. Both he and Sasha walked proudly out of the church with their heads held high and only returned when Father Rick was sent as his replacement and for the christening of their first child Amy. Father Gabriel preached for a whole month after Abraham left. Carol remembered the first time they saw Rick. No one believed him to be a priest…no one. Even Father Gabriel had doubts and called the Catholic Church HQ for confirmation.

Word spread quickly about the hot new priest in Crystal Savannah with many people still in doubt. Father Rick's first Sunday church mass attendance saw some improvement but when word got spread around that the rumours were in fact true his second Sunday church mass was packed to capacity…young, old, married and unmarried….even some men. Christians and heathens alike rubbed shoulders to take in the newest member of their church and community. Carol was sure no one heard or remembered a thing that was said that day in church.

Every mass since then when Rick was the featured speaker there was always a full house and all the ladies took part in the question and answer segment that had been recently introduced. Some of the men, feeling threatened, complained to Father Gabriel about their wives and the many discussions that they were unfortunate to overhear among the ladies. A few even demanded that a less facially and physically endowed priest be sent to replace Rick. Father Gabriel advised them covertly that they are the masters of their own house and it is them that need to control their household. Needless to say, that advice was not well received.

Rick may have been clueless as to the icy stares from the community men and the rapid batting of eyelashes of the women at first but after a couple of months it got so bad that Father Gabriel had to deliver a sermon on it. It even caused Father Rick to reduce his sermons from two Sundays per month to two sermons every two months.

While this change did appease some of the men…the ladies too scaled back on their flirting in church but it did nothing to break the record attendance to morning mass. Rick's mere presence at the front of the church, facing the scores of people ensured everyone's active participation and regular attendance.

However, what the ladies held back in church due to Father Gabriel's sermon they let loose at the annual picnic and fundraiser. Then the angry stares flared up again. Carol will admit that seeing Father Rick for the first time in regular clothes caused some stirring between her legs as she is sure it did for the others as well...married or not. She even caught one of her daughters, Heather actually commenting what a shame it was that Rick was priest with two of her friends. She was 16 years old at the time

Carol was shocked at their explicit commentary on Rick's body...about what they would do to him and what they would want him to do to them. She grounded Heather for a month. She knows that it wouldn't stop them from talking because she knew that they would do it out of her earshot. Jessie's eager exclamation cut through her thoughts.

"There he is!" Jessie gasped.

Father Rick waved to them as he passed them and they all vigorously waved him back. They watched as he talked to a couple of people and then walked into the hardware.

"I would so f*ck him if the opportunity presented itself!"

All the ladies turned and watched Debbie-Ann...shocked at her expletive. Jessie smiled to herself…wolvishly. 'Get in line bitch.'~*~*~*~*~*~

Michonne woke up to the gentle tapping on her arm. It was the old lady next to her. The bus had stop at a rest stop and persons were getting off to get refreshments and stretch their legs.

"I didn't want to wake you. You looked so tired."

The woman handed her a bottle of water and a soda

"I didn't know what to get you so I bought both."

Michonne smiled, took the items and pulled out her purse.

"How much do I owe you?"

The woman shook her head smiling as the bus driver began his announcement for everyone to get back on the bus.

"It's ok sweetie."

"Are you sure?"

The woman patted Michonne's hands assuringly.

"I know you would have done it for me."

Michonne smiled.

"I would."

The bus pulled out of the rest stop. Michonne looked out the window as she mentally prepares herself for battle. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

It was nightfall when the bus finally pulled into the Crystal Savannah bus stop. It was the last stop before its finally destination in Lakeview City one county over. Michonne bid the old woman goodbye then she disembarked the bus. She was glad it was night. She didn't want to see, hear or even talk to anyone just yet because the only person she wanted to greet first was her younger sister Natalie.

As she walked down the street to the nearest ATM, Michonne noticed that not much has changed since she left 14 years ago. There were some improvements here and there but nothing major. The familiarity felt good for Michonne because it meant that navigating her way around town would be easy. She wouldn't need to ask anyone for directions for anything unless she absolutely has to.

She reached the ATM and quickly withdrew $1,000 cash. That should service her needs until she is ready to leave in a couple of days. She looked at her time…it was 8:25pm. If she remembered correctly, Carol's Grocery closes at 8:30 pm sharp. Michonne sprinted down the street. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

On approaching the grocery, Michonne was overcome with relief that she didn't see Carol or anyone else that would recognize her in there. Instead she saw two young women…one at the cash register and another turning the sign to from open to closed. Michonne knocked on the door.

"I need to get something. Please!"

The woman at the door looked at the other, who reluctantly nodded. The young woman opened the door and Michonne went inside.

"I hope you have cash." The woman at the register shouted at her.



Michonne quickly walked through the aisles and started picking up items… bread, milk, cheese, yogurt, ice-cream, steak, bottle water, sausage, bacon, canned tuna. She looked up and saw the ladies looking at her impatiently. She also picked up some painkillers and bandages then headed to the cash register. The girl calculated her items with swift precision.


Michonne handed her a $100 bill, collected her change and walked out with her grocery.~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Michonne stood in the shadows of a poui tree opposite a yellow and cream house…groceries in hand. The streets were very quiet and it pleased her greatly. She could hear the faint sound of what could be the TV coming from inside. Then she heard voices and her emotions began to overwhelm her.

Her heartbeat drummed loudly between her ears and she was suddenly finding it difficult to breathe. She closed her eyes and slowly counts to ten but it wasn't working as tears flooded her eyes. Her hand palms were also beginning to sweat. She thought she could do this. She thought she could come back here and it wouldn't affect her after all these years. She thought that she could just ignore it.

Her tears were flowing more profusely now and so were the memories of what happened here…what happened to her, the decision she made and the consequences of those decisions that she has had to live with. Michonne dashed across the street towards the house and soundlessly up the front steps.

She placed the groceries softly against the front door and taking out an envelope from her bag she slipped the money from the ATM inside. Tears dripped on the envelope as Michonne kissed it and put it in the grocery bag. She turned and had only made it down two of the steps when the front door opened.
