If Rarity had been given a real choice, she would have stayed home with Opal. Poor girl must be feeling so lonely right now.
Her hair was a total mess, her makeup was long gone and she had broken a nail because of Pinkie Pie's crazy anthics.
But, seeing everybody smile and laugh made the sour mood she had accumulated over the past week disappear into nothingness. After all, what if she was a wreck right now ? She was here with her friends, and they were all having fun.
She looked down to watch her handiwork on Applejack's hair. She had absolutely insisted to braid her hair, seeing as they were a tangled mess as usual. The farmer, unlike her, didn't care much about her skin or hair, but that didn't mean Rarity had to helplessly watch Applejack go around with a nest on her head. The blonde girl, however, didn't think much of it, she was listening to the spooky story Pinkie Pie was telling them, with the whole flashlight under the face and big, unfocused eyes. With the corner of her own dark blue eyes, she saw Rainbow Dash eat some candies and drink soda, half listening, half snickering at some stuff she was reading in her comic.
They have discovered, after a phone call from Pinkie Pie, that they still had electricity and heat, but the first floor seemed to lack that last one. So they had brought blankets. Now, the living room was somewhat suitable and big enough to have the party Pinkie Pie had wished for so much.
Creepy Halloween music was blasting out from one of their phone, and as Pinkie Pie continued her story, it was punctuated by the echoing sound of her voice and distant wind hissing against the windows. At every step, the floor would crack and wimp, old as it can be, sometimes jolting Fluttershy out of her chair in fright.
''And Doctor Shtrein approached, blood dripping down his scalpel. Sunset Shimmer could do nothing but watch as it tore through her skin…''
The point of the story had been to scare Sunset Shimmer, who had said not fearing a lot of thing in life. But the bacon haired girl could only smile in amusement at Pinkie's story.
At some point, Rainbow Dash sighed.
''What's da matter, Dash ? Do ya miss yar boyfrien'?'' Applejack teased with a long, long smile.
Rainbow Dash turned red once again, turning to face her friend.
''He's not my boyfriend!''
''Oh, sure. ''My name's Dash. Rainbow Dash. Hihihihihihi!'' She snickered like a little girl, but giggled even harder when her friend started hitting her.
''Will you two quit it and grow up! I'm trying to work here!'' Rarity complained, breaking them apart. ''And Applejack, stop teasing her. We all know it was adorable, but it's behind us.''
''This was not…'' Went to say Rainbow Dash, only to be interrupted.
''Someone wants a piece of chocolate cake ?'' Came the sweet voice of Twilight, handing them some plate with a big, holy piece of brown deliciousness.
''I never say no to chocolate.'' The blue skinned girl admitted.
Twilight smiled and turned to Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer.
''AND THAT IS WHEN YOU DIE IN HORRIBLE PAIN!'' The curly haired girl cried out, falling to her knee, blue eyes revulsed in an attempt to scare the horse out of Sunset. But the latest only grinned wider.
''I'm terrified.'' She said, trying to sound convincing.
''Awwww. I really thought I'd pulled it off at the end.'' Pinkie Pie lamented.
''That was not scary, Pinkie Pie!'' Rainbow Dash said.
''I found it scary….'' Fluttershy's voice piped up from behind her chair.
''Now, let me tell you a story that is worth listening.''
Rainbow popped the whole piece of cake in her mouth, coughed a little then swallowed it whole, earning a jealous gasp from her favorite party planner.
She placed herself in front of the couch, watching as all girls had her eyes on her, even Rarity who was finished with Applejack's hair. Sunset was sitting right next to poor Fluttershy, who had leaned slightly toward her. The music suddenly stopped as Rainbow Dash started talking.
''This is a story about a killer.'' She started, eyes unfocused, eyeing each of her friends with a smile that could scare the death itself. ''A killer called…. Pinkamena.''
''Wôôô, that's me!'' Pinkie shouted excitedly, grabbing Rarity's arm in the process, shaking it like she wanted to rip it off.
''But Pinkamena was not any killer.'' Rainbow continued, frightening smile spread across her face spotlighted by the flashlight. ''She was also called The Cupcake Killer.''
''Wôôô, cupcakes!''
''She was well known as a girl full of joy with the sheer purpose of making her friends smile! And for a while, it really was the case. But at some point, she started hearing voices.''
''Good voices?'' Fluttershy desperately tried out.
''Bad voices.'' Rainbow Dash replied.
There was a gasp in the audience.
''Those voices, those bad, bad voices, they told her to do things, things she didn't want to do, things, that ended killing one of her dearest friend… Rainbow Dash.''
Twilight frowned. Did Rainbow just put herself in the role of the victim? Well, that was unexpected.
''It all started one fine morning. Pinkie Pie had asked her awesome friend Rainbow Dash to come over her house to help her prepare some cakes for her future customers. Rainbow Dash, seeing how her friend needed her help, accepted, because she's just that awesome.''
Applejack rolled her eyes and pinched the bridge of her noise. She was just so full of herself, wasn't she?
At this point, everybody was listening carefully, even Pinkie Pie had a blank smile plastered on her face, not even blinking. Beyond the windows, the glass screeched painfully under the pressure of the cold wind. For a minute, the howling of the breeze was all the girls could hear.
''So she went with the best intentions, and once there, Pinkie Pie offered Rainbow a drink, which she accepted. She had ran all the way from her house to Pinkie Pie and she was exhausted.
But then, she started feeling funny in the head, and before she knew it, she was out cold.''
Sunset dug her left hand in a pack of chips, her eyes not leaving Rainbow Dash. The girl sure knew how to tell a spooky story, but she wasn't sure she was digging where the story was leading. Pinkie's smile never faltered, as if she didn't knew she was the killer just yet.
Rainbow cleared her throat, then went back to her story. Twilight removed her glasses and started wiping them on her pink shirt.
''When she came to her senses, Rainbow Dash discovered she was in a very, very dark room. She could barely see a thing, so she yelled ''Hello?! Hello?! What's goin' on?'' but no one answered her.''
Pinkie Pie gasped.
''No one?''
''No one.'' Rainbow parroted, then looked at Fluttershy who was already scared out of her mind.
Her friend hid a smile and continued.
''She called again: ''Hello?'' ''Hello?'' And then, a very familiar voice came to her ears…
''Hi Dashie!'' Pinkie Pie said, making everybody jump out from their skin.
Rainbow Dash looked at her confused.
''How did you know exactly what I was going to say?''
''Oh, you know, just a hunch.'' She smiled brightly.
''Ookkkayyy… So yeah, ''Hi Dashie!'' She said. The lights flickered open and what did Rainbow Dash see ? Pinkie Pie, wearing what seemed to be a dress made out of human skin. She also wore a necklace filled with fingers and instead of her natural curly pink hair, there was many wigs, or that was what Rainbow thought! But those were real hair taken from her previous victims!
''When the hell did she made that story up…'' Sunset muttered to herself, trying to comfort a whimpering Fluttershy.
''''Hey Dashie.'' She said.'' What's going on ? What-why Am I tied up?'' Rainbow asked. She was in fact tied up to a metal bed with thick leather straps. There was no way out. She couldn't even move her head! What's an awesome girl to do in this case?''
''Cry?'' Applejack guessed with a grin.
Rainbow Dash shot her a glare.
''She shouted! ''What the hell Pinkie! What kind of game are you playing?! What's all this?'' ''Oh Dashie, see I wanted to make cupcakes, that's what I called you for right ? Well turns out there's still a tiny winy ingredient I need for my special cupcakes!''''
Twilight's eyebrow shot in the air. She didn't like where it was going. Pinkie just kept on smiling, though her smile wasn't as wide as before.
''Rainbow Dash continued to yell and struggle, but she stopped talking when she heard her friend talk about ingredients. ''What ingredient?'' She asked. ''You silly!'' Pinkie Pie answered with the craziest, yet most innocent smile she could muster. At this point, Rainbow Dash started to panic, but she kept calm! She had to find a way out if she didn't want to finish as cupcakes! She was trying to come up with an idea when Pinkie Pie suddenly popped in front of her with a knife. Rainbow's heart was beating so fast it hurt, but never did her cool gaze faltered! ''Stop this madness Pinkie! You can't kill me! I'm your friend! I'm awesome!'' ''But I need ingredient.'' Pinkie Pie said, still smiling like nothing was wrong. She then started to cut open her clothes so she could slice a piece of her skin for her dress!''
''Aw common, that's disgustin'.'' Applejack cried out, quickly mimicked by a very appalled Rarity.
''Why would Pinkie Pie hurt you?'' Twilight asked, confused.
''Let me finish damn it ! As I was saying, Rainbow Dash could feel pain jolt throughout her body, but she still managed to refrains her tears. She asked '' Why are you doing this ?'' ''Because she asked me to!'' ''Who is this she?'' ''The voice in my head, silly!'' Rainbow knew at that point that her friend had lost her mind, and she did the only thing she could think of!'' She yelled, she yelled so loud that the light suddenly-''
The room was all of a sudden covered in darkness, making all girl scream in utter fright at this abrupt lack of light. The high pitched shouts echoed in the empty hallways in a disordered harmony, even the crows flew off their spot under the roof of the manor with violent, harsh flicks of their black wings.
''What-what?'' Rainbow Dash stammered, trying to calm the beating of her heart. The room was pitch dark.
''Is everyone alright ?''
There was a light in the total dimness of the living room. Applejack's face came into view. She then pointed the spot of light around the place in hope to find her friends. None had budged, but Fluttershy was totally clinging after Sunset Shimmer who had jumped out of her seat in surprise at the unanticipatedly burst of the light bulbs above their head.
''What happened?'' Rarity's voice was heard in the ruckus of murmurs.
''I think the light died on us.'' Twilight explained, also taking out her phone for more light.
''Everyone's there? Pinkie?' Rainbow Dash called, pointing her phone where her friend should be.
Even though she had been surprised, she didn't show it. Instead she looked at Rainbow with sad eyes.
''Why did I hurt you Dashie? I would never do that!''
''Pinkie, it was just a story! More importantly, what are we going to do ?'' Twilight waved her phone around, trying to make sense of her darkened surroundings.
''The lights are out. Probably nothin' but we should check the generators to be sure.'' The cowgirl declared, scratching at her head.
''Good idea Applejack! Let's do it!''
''But AH think we should do it in the mornin'. I can probably fix the problems, ah can repair 'bout everythin' but not now it's too dark to try anythin'! We should just go to bed and have a good sleep and hope for the best t'morrow!''
''Soooo, party's over?'' Pinkie called, defeated.
''Ah'm afraid so Sugarcube. But don't ya fret, we'll have more fun t'morrow!''
Applejack had tried to sound convincing, but she was tired and this slight scare had put her on edge.
They all made their way to the staircases, each steps threatening to crush the woods under their feet. At this point, everybody had taken their phone out, except for Sunset's who had lost hers few weeks ago. Their source of brightness were limited, but it was enough to get them to their bedrooms. They each had one, but Fluttershy insisted that Rainbow Dash stayed with her, too scared to even think of sleeping alone. Her best friend accepted without hesitation. It was her who had insisted she'd come anyway. They all bid their goodnights and were off to sleep.
Soarin sighed when he closed the door of the service station. He put the keys in his back pocket and made his way to his car, tired of his godamn long day. With eyes threatening to close, he grabbed a big can of redbull and popped open the lid and drank. Another eventless day. Well, except for that pretty cute girl from earlier.
He grinned at that. She was cute indeed, maybe a little tomboyish, but hey, who said tomboy girls weren't to be cute? And more importantly, she looked fairly interested too.
Too bad she had to leave without even giving him her phone number. He had seen many cute girls before, but this one particularly stood out. Must be the rainbow hair.
Running a hand through his own blue hair, he sighed again and his car roared when he inserted the key into the ignition. Tomorrow he was free, and he wondered if he shouldn't try to find her on Mystabble. Rainbow Dash, she said ? He doubted there was that many girls with a name like that, she should be easy to find. He smiled perversely at the idea of those long, muscled legs around his hips. Once a girl in his mind, the only way out was to get into the said girl's pants.
Anyway. Time to go home now.
He frowned. Why wasn't the car functioning? He turned it off, and back on again but it didn't have any of it.
''What the heck!''
He was toooooo tired for this shit. He jumped out and did a 360 of his old white dodge. He grunted upon seeing his tires, all of them were totally flat! Nice! Alright! Cool!
''If I catch the little gnat that did that, he'd wish he was never born! GODAMN!''
He took off his phone to call his best friend Spitfire. She owned him one anyway, so she'll see no problem picking him up. That was going to take him a whole lot of money to repair those damned tires! Money he didn't have right now!
As he started to press the buttons corresponding to Spitfire's number, a noise near him caught his attention.
''Hello?'' He said with his boyish voice of him. ''Someone's there?''
But the area went back to an uncomfortable silence. No one was there.
''I'm losing my damn mind now… I wish that girl was with me.''
But before he could go back to calling his friend, he felt something hard hit the back of his head and he fell forward. All he could see before losing consciousness was the asphalt coming toward him in a dangerous speed.
And then there was a crack and all became black.