I'm in Love with a Criminal

Chapter 1 - Remember Me?

Nicole's younger sister Lady Senicourt was a cat just like her sister and parents, but she inherited her dad's height and white fur; though, she didn't inherit his short temper. And try as she might, she was just as doomed as Nicole with her parents forcing her to be the best, and as of now, the traffic kept them from getting any closer to the karate tournament at school.

And to make it on time, Nicole and Lady had to run for it. So, they jumped out of the car and took a shortcut through the park. But they were met with many obstacles, such as wet cement for a newly laid sidewalk, a singing banana, a flirtatious teenage Harold Wilson, a union for hugs as alternative medicine, and even a bad boy biker gang.

But if it weren't for Nicole, Lady might have actually stopped for each one of them, but Nicole wouldn't allow it and pulled her along…but not when they got to the biker gang. When Lady and Nicole ran up to the biker gang, and Nicole jumped on the spray can for a jump boost, she accidentally sprayed one of the boys and Lady in the eyes, causing her to trip and fall.

"Hey, need a ride?" one of the boys, a fingerprint teenager with a black bandana tied across his forehead, asked with a smirk to get the girls' attention. but it didn't work on Nicole, as she just kept running and didn't notice that she accidentally left Lady behind.

And since Lady was left behind, she was also left defenseless, as the spray paint over her eyes made her practically blind…and that's when the fingerprint boy smirked evilly, as knew he could use this to his advantage.

He got off his bike and helped Lady to her feet while pulling her close, making her gasp with fright since she had no idea what was happening.

"Hey, calm down, I ain't gonna hurt ya. Now, hold still so I can get that paint off that pretty face," he demanded softly while wiping the paint off with his arms, and gently massaged Lady's eyelids to wipe the paint from her eyes. But even though he wasn't hurting her, Lady wouldn't stop trembling and whimpering, and she nearly collapsed because her knees kept buckling.

When she could finally see again, she immediately blushed at the sight of a teenage boy's face really close to hers…and she had to admit that he looked kinda cute.

"There. Ain't that better?" the fingerprint asked with a grin and crossed his arms while Lady blushed even more, and she started stammering to even talk, "so, what were ya doin' runnin' so fast, huh?"

"I-I-I…m-my sister a-and I were trying t-to…get to the karate tournament…a-at school," Lady replied sheepishly when she finally got the courage to speak, but she constantly had to shake her head to keep her eyes from drifting down and checking him out.

"Oh, yeah? Well, I'd be more than happy ta give ya a ride?" the fingerprint offered with a smile, and then he stuck out his hand, "name's Sal."

"O-oh, I-I'm sorry, I really am…b-but my daddy says I should n-never talk to strangers, and…and I-I don't even have a helmet," Lady whimpered while shrinking away.

"Ya won't need a helmet because I'd never let a trophy like you get damaged. So, whaddya say, toots? Wanna go for a ride? I promise it'll be fun."

Lady gasped again when Sal suddenly grabbed her wrists and violently pulled her even closer, and when she looked into his eyes, she only saw lust. The other two biker boys started to chuckle darkly, and they did nothing help her, not even when he suddenly kissed her on the lips.

Something came over Lady at that moment. It's like she couldn't control herself, like she couldn't resist…like she loved it. Like she loved the smell of cigarettes on Sal's breath, but the kiss wasn't enough for him, so he grabbed her left buttock and squeezed it, causing her to gasp once more and he slid his tongue into her mouth.

But that was what finally snapped Lady back to reality. She knew what was happening, and she certainly wasn't going to let it go any further. So, without warning, she pulled her paw back, brought her claws out, and she viciously scratched Sal across his face.

Sal immediately let go and grunted in pain while pressing a hand to the wound, and when he saw blood on his hands, he was NOT amused. He growled and scowled down at Lady as he and his two buddies ganged up on her. But Lady was luckily able to use her cat reflexes to dodge them and run away to go and find Nicole.

Sal's two friends were about to chase after her when Sal blocked them, rubbing the blood off on his hands from the stinging scratch wounds.

"Ferget 'er, boys. I'm satisfied. And besides, if I ever see 'er again—I'm gettin' me revenge," Sal growled while glaring off in the direction Lady disappeared, cursing her name under his breath.

20 years later…

Lady had grown into a fine young woman, with a beautiful hour glass figure, flawless white fur, her favorite attire was usually a beautiful and flowing blue sundress, and she remained gentle and kind, unlike the rest of her family.

But today, Lady came out to visit the Watterson house when it was Nicole's birthday, and since she hadn't seen her or her family in a while, she was pretty excited to visit. But when she finally arrived, her brother-in-law, Richard, had asked her to head down to the local gas station to retrieve her nephews, Gumball and Darwin.

When she got to the convenient store, she couldn't see anyone there, there wasn't even anyone sitting at the cash register. Something felt off to Lady, and she really didn't like it. She rounded the corner of the front counter, and all she could see was a busted open cash register, and there was money littered all over the floor.

This could only mean one thing: the store was robbed, and Gumball and Darwin were in here!

Suddenly, two screams were heard from the back of the store, and Lady assumed it could only be her nephews, so she followed the sound and rushed through the aisles to find them. But as hard as she skimmed through each aisle, she couldn't find anyone.

But the second she turned her head to look behind her, she made of the mistake of watching where she was running, and it was too late when she accidentally ran into something and was sent into a rolling heap.

It was actually a who that she ran into, and whoever it was immediately started fighting back. When the person finally stopped them from rolling and overpowered Lady, they pinned both arms down effortlessly with just one hand, and tightly straddled her waist to keep her from escaping.

Lady tried to break free of the stranger's grasp, but she suddenly froze when she looked up at who it was. It was a middle-aged, fingerprint man with a black mask, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle style, over his eyes. Something about him just made her blood run cold…but her heart truly stopped when she saw the steak knife clasped in his other hand.

"What're you lookin' at, ya slut? Eh?!" the fingerprint man asked angrily while grasping Lady's wrists even tighter, causing her more pain. But when he fully took in her image, his evil expression suddenly dispersed into shock and confusion.

But his surprised look was short-lived, and he replaced it with an evil grin, licking his fangs and chuckling darkly.

"Well, aren't ya just a sight fer sore eyes," he sighed happily, as if it were matter-of-factly, and he brought the blade to Lady's neck, and that was the moment she finally realized that this was the robber.

"N-no, please! D-don't hurt me!" Lady begged while continuing to struggle, but to no avail.

"Ya know, I do like a woman who begs—but I'm afraid I ain't fully satisfied."

"W-what? Who are you?!"

"Ya mean ya don't remember me? Then lemme remind ya." Without warning, the fingerprint suddenly leaned down and connected his lips with Lady's, kissing her roughly. As Lady tried to screamed into the kiss, it only came out as a soft muffled cry, and it soon turned to moaning when he bit her lip and shoved his tongue inside, and she could cringed at the horrible taste of cigarettes and alcohol, as his nasty, snake-like tongue explored every inch of her mouth.

And then it hit her. She swore she could remember that taste, the rough kissing…and even the fingerprint man began to seem familiar. But she didn't have enough time to try and recall how she would remember any of this when she heard a loud THWACK, and the man suddenly stopped and was pushed off.

It was Nicole who had delivered a hard blow to the back of his head and knocked him out, and Richard and her niece Anais had come with her, as the three of them all stared down at her with fearful expressions.

"Oh, my God! Lady, are you ok?!" Nicole asked with concern while helping her younger sister onto her feet.

"Y-yeah, I-I'm alright…" Lady replied while blushing, trying to forget the whole 'event' between her and the criminal, but then she gasped when she remembered something, "where are Gumball and Darwin?!"

"We're right here!" the said young Watterson sons called in unison, as they approached Lady from behind.

"Thank you for saving us from that bad man, Aunt Lady," Darwin thanked with his usual big and bright smile.

"W-what?" Lady questioned.

"Yeah, while you kept him distracted, we were able to keep the money from him, free the cashier and give the stolen money back to him," Gumball happily explained.

"That's all I needed to hear!" a voice called, and everyone turned to find that it belonged to the local donut cop, "I was on my way back to pay for that donut, but thanks to you, this store can sell donuts for another day."

"Oh, uh…you're welcome?" Lady said sheepishly, and the cop handcuffed the unconscious fingerprint man.

Later that night, the Wattersons and Lady all headed back to their house to actually celebrate Nicole's birthday, as they all sat in the living room, laughing at a hilarious movie while eating some vanilla cake with white frosting…but not everyone was having fun.

While the Wattersons were all together on the couch, Lady sat alone at the dining table, gently poking at her slice of cake with a fork, unable to forget what happened at the gas station.

"Would you like me to send some cake home with you?" a gentle voice asked, and Lady looked it to see Nicole, who smiled and sat down next to her.

"Why aren't you with us? We're watching Kung Fu Panda 2."

"I know, and thank you for the offer Nicole, it's just…" Lady tried to find the right words, but she paused and blushed with embarrassment.

"It's the fingerprint guy, isn't it?" Nicole suddenly asked, making Lady look at her with surprise, "I saw what he did to you before I knocked him out. I understand that it didn't feel right, so if you're not feeling ok, then-."

"No, no, I'm fine, Nicole…I mean, yes what he did didn't feel right and will probably scar me for a few days…but I'll get over it. And besides, it's like you said, I should be watching Kung Fu Panda 2 with you guys," Lady suddenly interrupted Nicole, but she smiled sweetly at the last part.

"Well, if you ever need someone to talk to, you're big sister is right here," Nicole reassured while giving Lady a sincere hug.

"Not THAT big. I'm only three years younger than you," Lady scoffed with a smirk.

This is me first Amazing World of Gumball fanfic, so please, no haters. If you couldn't tell by the title, this story is kinda inspired off of Brittney Spears' "Criminal", and for a good reason. Sal Left Thumb is a rather interesting yet sadly underrated character, so why shouldn't I give him the praise he deserves?

Sorry for chapter one being so short. I will try to make future chapters a little longer, but with that being said, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

Until the next chapter, I'm TRikiD, bye-bye!