Third person POV

"No! You can't make me!", Percy shouted at the 14 olympians(that was on purpose).

"Please Percy, we are trying to help you," cryed Athena, who finally aproved of Percy's relationship with Annabeth.

"I don't need your help! I'm not crazy! I can handle it! Just, please don't make me leave Annabeth!"

"Percy, you need this! You know that if you fall so do the Greeks and then the romans. Percy you are needed and if you can't stand strong then the camps will have no rock to stand on. Please percy, for the camps," pleaded Percy's father, Poseidon.

This stumped Percy; he didn't want to leave Annabeth, but he needed to fix himself in order to help the camps. Percy gazed at his hands, remembering why he was in this possition. No, Percy! Don't think about it!, he thought.

"Fine," he voiced aloud, "only because camp needs me to do this and because Annabeth would tell me to do it".

"Oh, thank you, Percy, I know you'll love it, even if you don't believe it yet," exclaimed Athena, despite her reputation.

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Percy walked toward the infirmary one more time before he had to leave. But as he walked he started to feel dizzy then he found himself in the throne room of the gods.

"Hades' underpants, what is with you people?! Can't I at least say good bye to my girlfriend before you ship me off to some 'superheroes's' tower," he exclaimed complete with wild hand motions and everything.

"We apologize, Percy, plans we were pushed forward it was unavoidable," Athena responded level-headedly(is that a word?).

"Amazing, I guess I'm leaving now then."

"Follow me," commended Posiedon. Both Athena and Percy followed him towards the exit. Not, however, without Zeus booming his 'good luck' at them, but then again they might need it.