It was another dull and boring day over Z city; the civilians going about their day to work, school, shopping etc. Just about any daily activity you can think of most people were doing it.

The weather was average; moderate heat and semi cloudy with a low sun. It was humid and uncomfortable for some; but luckily a gentle breeze kept things through. The perfect day for a date or to go on a trip if you could afford it.

In a local high school called "Z city high" one of the main schools in the district; students were beginning their day and furthering their education. Many students were stood around each other's desks talking; both male and female. The usual chatters about crushes, fashion mags and such things.

However, one student was not taking part in the hustle and bustle of student life. They were instead sat in their seat beside the window gazing at the sky. Watching the clouds roll by like puffy cotton shapes within a deep sea of blue.

Madoka Akagi; aged 16 was quietly sitting beside the window avoiding the annoying conversations of her fellow peers. Her name meant "Red tree flower"; Madoka "Flower" and Akagi "red tree".

It's not that she was anti-social far from it in fact; but quite a few of her fellow peers treated her badly. The gender was mixed when it came to the bullying; she was just prey in their eyes. They didn't bully her because of looks; far from it in fact. Madoka was in fact one of the prettiest girls in her year; it was more because of her personality in fact.

The bullying would often range from rumors, to whispering, to ostracizing, throwing trash on her from a window while she was outside, throwing dirt on her desk so she had to clean it off, and even dumping buckets of water on her suddenly leaving her in a soaked uniform.

Some would even push her down flights of stairs and throw objects at her causing injuries or bumps. A few teachers scolded them when caught but most times the bullies were smart enough to make it look like an accident.

Madoka was one of those quiet, introverted students in her year who tended to keep to herself. She focused more on her studies and was good at reading people so she avoided users. But because of this the other kids thought she was stuck up and believed her to think she was better than them. However, that was not at all the case and they only judged based on their own opinion.

Recently they had found more fuel to harass her for. Because she spent so much time alone Madoka watched a lot of the news. She knew just about every attack and news article on TV given how much Tv she watched.

Unlike most of her peers who idolized Hero's like "Mumen rider" the hero for justice, "Tatsumaki the tornado of terror" who was one of the strongest ESP members of the hero society or "Tank top tiger" known for his strength

However Madoka wasn't like her classmates and she cared little for the other heroes at all. Mumen Rider she didn't hate she just was't bothered by seemed to not understand his own limits and followed rules way too much.

As far as heroes went she looked up to someone named "Caped baldy" or "Saitama". He was a fairly new hero on the scene and had more haters than fans; all bringing negativity on him because he came out of nowhere and had the capabilities of a god.

He was known for his amazing strength and ability to take down enemies with one punch. Many of the students hated him calling him a cheater and saying he caused half the damage that happened to their city. They called him a nuisance, wannabe and attention seeker; someone who felt the need to show off and take other heroes credit.

However, Madoka was not like her classmates. She knew what it was like to be ostracized by others and hated for being different. Like him she ignored other people and continued on without care of how others judged her.

While she didn't admit it vocally; she had a crush on Saitama/caped baldly. When you looked past his lacking in hair; he was a very attractive man. His body was pure perfection and his eyes differed from being intense brown to reddish brown depending on the light.

She felt she could relate to Saitama in the sense they were hated, ostracized and not very popular with other people. They were just people who lived their daily lives doing what they did; but were judged based on appearances and actions. They were the same and yet not the same; which brought her some form of peace.

Suddenly she heard someone coming up towards her. There was more than one meaning they were coming in a group this time. They always traveled in packs after all; more safety. That way if someone tried to fight back they had back up who could put them in their place.

She sighed heavily her voice filled with annoyance; she was so sick of their bullshit and free time. Did they really have nothing else to do but pester her? Didn't they have boys to talk about or make up to fix?

"Hey Akagi!" one of the girls said playfully her tone teasing. Just what did they want this time? Maybe to borrow her notes, dump something on her desk or tell her a new form of rumor that had spread?

Madoka looked to face them her dark hair tumbling over her shoulders. She had been born with raven black hair like her mother; it reached her waist in slight waves with a widows peak for a fringe. Her eyes were violet like her dads making her look haunting yet cute. Her eyes were the reason she was so popular with some of the guys in her year.

One smiled and handed her a letter with a heart on it. A love letter? But from who? She had too many fanboys to count. The other two smiled at her but she sensed no threat from them? Could it be these girls were bi curious?

Given they were in high school and hormones ran rampant it wasn't exactly uncommon to experiment with people of the same gender. Not only was high school about deciding your future but also about discovering your sexuality.

The lead girl who was fairly pretty with dark blonde hair and blue eyes smiled at her "Shimura wanted us to give this to you; seems he's sweet on you" she said sweetly. Her voice was so sickly sweet it made Madoka's ears hurt.

Madoka raised her eyebrow curiously her heart halfway between suspicion and hope. She had gotten a letter from Ryuji Shimura? Was this some form of big prank to show her up?

Ryuji was a pretty boy from one of the other classes; she herself found him to be cute and he was very kind to others. However, she never really spoke to him and just gazed at him from a far.

She took the letter hesitantly and stared at its white envelope with a small pink heart seal. It had her name on it in neat writing. She stared at the letter quietly her cheeks dusting a gentle blush. She had never really received a letter from anyone before.

The girls smiled but she was so busy staring at the letter she never noticed the malicious intent and glee in their eyes. They then walked off leaving her there with the letter.


Madoka collected her shoes from the box quietly as she got ready to leave for home. She could be away from them all at last and enjoy her peace and quiet. No more pestering loud noises or giggling; just quiet.

Most girls in her class were hanging out with their friends after school and doing girly stuff. Checking out guys and talking about their personal lives with each other for hours on end. However, she didn't have that; because she was so ostracized she never had any friends except for her pet cat Jet.

Instead she went home and wrapped herself in a blanket fortress and watched anime or read manga. She was called an "Otaku" by society because she was introverted and tended to be more interested in technology or anime.

As she made her way out of the school towards the gates she stared at the letter quietly. She had no idea how to feel about the fact she had received her first love letter. While she could understand that it was maybe to do with being pretty; she never really spoke to anyone so what did he like about her?

She tended to avoid people unless they pushed her buttons then she became a different person entirely. Her scary self only came out under great forms of pressure or fear; but unless that happened she was very quiet.

"What could he possibly like about me?" Madoka thought to herself quietly. Surely someone like Shimura would prefer a more girly and clingy person wouldn't he? Someone who was more vocal and lovey dovey.

She sighed heavily and continued on her way home; she could figure this out later when she was relaxed and less weary from school. She needed dinner and some manga; then she could think clearly. Today had been a long day but at least there had been no attacks in her area this time.


Madoka stripped out of her uniform quietly and placing it into the wash basket. Thank god today was Friday; she could enjoy a good lie in and turn off her alarm. She blessed the ritual of sleep; it brought her so much peace.

Her eyes kept gazing at the envelope on her desk as she changed while jet wound himself between her legs. He was a very affectionate kitty and loved her very much. She couldn't help but wonder what he had said.

She pulled on a red red upper thigh length mini skirt with an elastic waist and white T shirt that reached her waist. It was comfy and since her parents weren't home she didn't have to wear a bra. No underwire digging into her skin; praise kami.

She had always been the type to prefer comfort over most fashionable items; unless it was a necessity. I mean she was a teenager after all; why the hell did she have to dress like an adult?

Madoka pulled her hair out from under her shirt quietly then approached her desk. She stared at the letter for a long period of time before opening it. Her eyes skimmed across the paper quietly her eyes widening slightly as she read it. Her cheeks flushing with an intense blush.

Dear Akagi

Myself among other students have always admired you from afar but never spoken to you out of fear of what you would think.

Dear princess please would you meet me tomorrow outside Mr donut so I may confess my feelings.

I shall wait your arrival; till then

Ryuji Shimura

Mr Donut was one of the places the cool kids went to; many girls in her year were ecstatic over it and loved the sweets they made. Mainly all female groups or couples went there. She herself never went inside and tended to just buy sweets for one from her convenience store; cheaper anyway.

However she was now being confessed to and asked on a date by a guy to go there?! Was this a dream?! Her senpai; the very popular and attractive Ryuji Shimura was asking her out on a date?! While she imagined such things she never believed it to actually happen.

Could it be…she was finally going to get a blessing from Kami after all she had endured?! Please god let this be true!