Chapter 3. New family

Shaking her head, Nicole rubbed her temples wearily and briefly closed her eyes.

- Maybe I should not have to make plans about a large family? It's too early… I and two children barely get by, and if there will be more, the end of my sober mind. Oh, girls, do not repeat my mistakes, do not renounce...

At the other end of the forest to visit her family came Nicole's sisters - Silvia and Helen. They also brought with them their daughters to have their children communicate. Brittany and her cousins little sister in played a further off parents. Helen smiled sadly and, looking in the direction of the girls said:

- The stupid are you, Nicole. Children should be as much as possible. Few chipmunks to survive into adulthood let alone the children. If our with Sylvia husbands are alive, we would have given birth to more, would protect them, to grow, despite the hardships. But, alas, it is not meant to be.

- Correctly! - Sylvia put in his word. - You, Nicole, older than us, and speak not the smartest thing. You should give birth much as you can put on feet. And you can do.

Nicole stared at the sisters full of wonder blue eyes.

- What do you pounced on me like eagles? - With a hint of resentment in voice asked chipmunk. - I'm just a little tired, you do not understand. But you cannot argue. I want this child, and you will not put it anywhere. With three and sometimes even easier.

- Jennifer! - Helen suddenly howled, jumped to her two years-old daughter, who was about to hit cousin Evangeline stone to head.

Instantly snatched from the clutches of Jennifer stone, Helen pulled wronged daughter away from the sisters and sat next to her.

Heavily sighing, Helen said:

- Now I understand the meaning of your words, Nicole. One has only to turn away, she already gambol.

- What are you stuck to the child? Give her quietly playing with her sisters - Sylvia smiled at the girl, at that very Jennifer frowned. Sylvia blankly looked at Helen, eyes asking what she did wrong.

Helen immediately said:

- She's mad at me, that I prevented her. After a moment she'll forget, you'll see.

- Let she play. I'm sure she did not want to do bad, because it is a little more. For her, this is a game - Nicole touched niece paw, winked at her, then pointed at Brittany and Evangeline.

Jennifer glanced uncertainly at his mother, and having received permission from it, crawling toward the sisters.

Sylvia looked at them and said:

- Wonderful them some. Rita wanted to play with them, and they chased her. Rita to them, and they crawl in all directions.

Nicole smiled. It's like no one else knew that her eldest daughter is already four-year would not be offended by the little girls, and will not insist on their participation in their game. Growing up during this time, Rita had already learned to hold herself and herself to help her mother in various household chores.

- She will not be offended. But when they are together, Britt from it is not far behind, the tail goes everywhere - Nicole said, glancing at the corner of the eye out of the holes and checking to see if anyone comes.

There was a rustle. It came with the meal Charles and Rita. Deft girl quickly jumped to her mother and hugged her.

- Hello, my help. - Nicole smiled at her daughter. - Well, how many found?

- Mom! I'm not small! - Rita frowned and immediately dodged Nicole outstretched paws.

- Yeah, she's not small, - Charles said, entering after daughter .

Chipmunk tired and was clearly not in the spirit.

- And a good day to you, Charles, - with a sneer in his voice Silvia said.

- Get away, ladies. I go to sleep, - grimly said Charles, waving.

- Yes, please, just do not spoil the mood of everyone, - immediately replied Helen after him.

Charles left something growled softly. Sylvia and Helen looked at each other and understood each other perfectly. They never liked Charles. They thought that he was not worthy of their sister, as well as being a father, he is not capable.

- Good husband you chose, Nicole, - sarcastically said Sylvia.

Nicole quietly giggled and pointed sisters left. It turned out that Brittany, Jennifer and Rita Evangeline took his game. That is, they began to crawl on her and pull her behind the ears. Only Brittany did not do it, but only looked at Rita full adoration eyes.

- Oh, come on? - Sylvia laughed.

- Yes, that's so - Nicole said, rolling his eyes.

Elaine squinted slyly and said:

- And you, Nicole, do you remember how fussed with us? Almost always. Mom hated us...

Nicole turned away for a moment, thinking, then turned back to the sisters.

- Of course I remember. But sometimes it is not wanted. But I love you. But now it is easier to cope with difficulties. Although…

There was a wild yelp, which belonged to Jennifer. Ellen jumped up again and ran to her daughter. It turned out that Brittany bit her by the leg. Rita guiltily looked at her aunt, saying, "I'm not to blame," and hurried away.

- I'm sorry, Helen, did not watch - Nicole said, looking at trying to reassure the sisters yelling obscenities good Jennifer.

Helen laughed:

- It is easily appeased. It's not like Evangeline, that a scandal for an hour.

Sylvia nodded:

- Yes this is true. I was thinking: maybe it's good that I have a daughter. More than I would have failed.

Nicole sighed, and then looked at the sisters. Helen released the silent daughter, realizing that Nicole is going to speak.

- I do not know, girls. It is difficult, do not argue. But also interesting. A third child, too, will not be superfluous. I love children - Nicole smiled happily, imagining their future child.

- Do you think it's will be girl again? - Sylvia asked slyly, poking her sister's shoulder.

- I don't know. When I waited for Brittany, she was sure, but not here. And it does not matter, I think, - said chipmunk absently.

But Nicole wanted a girl again. Only no one recognized, fear of condemnation. She did not know how to do with boys, although she has the brothers. She wanted her daughter was all.

- You know, you do not think like better - advised insightful Helen, - not what could be worse. The child also feels everything.

Nicole according lowered her head and nodded:

- Yeah, I guess you're right. It does not matter boy or girl. His child, I will not love less.

Sylvia and Ellen looked at each other, pleased with the result of the conversation.

- Okay, we'll go. Have a rest. And do not forget to say hello to the nerds, Charles, - said goodbye Helen, taking over paw gloomy and serious daughter.