It was a crisp October morning like any other in New York. The leaves had slowly begun to change on the trees in Central Park and all that could be heard were the sirens of the ambulances approaching the hospital. Here we go...Fitz thought to himself as he walked through the doors of Mount Sinai Hospital on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. He had established himself as the prominent orthopedic spinal surgeon in the country specializing in sports related spinal injuries. Being located in New York he had the opportunity to be involved in some of the most serious sports related cases as there were quite a few professional teams nearby and Mount Sinai was one of the best hospitals in the country.

He was now in his 20th year of practice and at the age of 45 he was about to step feet first into the land of the unknown…in the land of teaching and he was about to find that his primary function was going to change as he was now about to begin mentoring other surgeons and operating less. The Chief of Surgery Cyrus Beene had been after him for the past few years to mentor up and coming surgeons but he never felt he could devote the time necessary to the program, but with his wife Mellie immersed in her private practice as an OB and their 24-year-old son Gerry in his 3rd year of medical school at Columbia he felt like something was missing and was now up for the new challenge.

After following up with a few of his patients on his morning rounds he needed to meet with his new set of residents that were starting their program today. Walking into the board room he immediately spotted Cyrus along with 3 young doctors. He recognized the hunger and fear in their eyes and remembered what it felt like to be a young surgeon starting his career.

He was a young 25-year-old surgical resident who was new to New York with a wife and young son. He had met Mellie during his first year of college and they quickly bonded over their similar rough childhoods and quickly became an item. After dating for a few months he knew that she wasn't the woman of his dreams. She was stubborn and could often be narrow minded and unwilling to compromise. Those three characteristics often reminded him of his father but Mellie also had qualities that he admired. She was driven to escape her abusive upbringing and she had the determination and focus to succeed as she began her journey into obstetrics. During their last year of undergrad they came to a crossroads and Fitz had to make the hardest decision of his life.

Once they learned that Mellie was pregnant they decided to get married and Fitz devoted himself to their son and both of their journeys to becoming doctors. It was a long painful journey that was filled with sleepless nights, arguments that resulted in long lasting scars and a few open wounds but with their dedication and team work they both achieved their goal. But that was a long time had been years since he felt a part of a team...since he felt loved and some of those open wounds were beginning to surface again. Snapping out of his thoughts he focused back on the three residents in front of him.

"Good Morning Cyrus" he said as he extended his hand to greet him with a firm handshake.

"Good Morning Fitz thank you for taking part in our residency program this year. I know that you have taken a decreased patient load in order to mentor this year and I really appreciate it. I would like to introduce you to your new residents Quinn Perkins, James Novak and Gideon Wallace. They have all decided to specialize in Orthopedics".

Fitz quickly recalled what he had learned about each of them in their files and transcripts and knew that all three of them were promising surgeons if they continued to put in the hard work that was going to be necessary. All three of them were at the top of their respective classes and their credentials were a part of the reason that he agreed to take on the new role. If he was going to mentor a group of surgeons, then he wanted the best group that Cyrus could find.

"It is a pleasure to meet all three of you and I look forward to working with you but I want you to know that this process isn't going to be easy".

He could see the fear flash across their faces and he didn't want to be that kind of guy who lead by fear and taught with threats. He wanted to emulate his onetime mentor who was not only there for him professionally but personally. He had met Dr. Patrick Miller during his first year of residency and they quickly bonded over their California roots and love for their patients. Dr. Miller had been a source of strength for him when times were tough and he pushed him to be a better doctor when he needed it.

"We see some of the toughest spinal cord injuries in the nation and it will take every ounce of your time and effort to succeed and become the best doctor that you can be, but I will be right by your sides; helping you each step of the way but only if you give this program everything you have".

After giving his new residents the hospital tour and their schedule rotation for the next few weeks he wanted to give them his full round of current patients. He assigned a resident to each patient so that they could begin to get comfortable with reviewing their medical history and taking over a portion of their care while also preparing to learn and observe as he took new patients on.

By the time he was finished with his rounds and briefing each of the residents on their new patients it was already 7:00 at night and he was in desperate need of something to eat and for some peace and quiet. After working in a hospital all day and being surrounded by emotional and physical chaos and noise he yearned for time to decompress from his day before he began his trek home to Mellie and their apartment on West 63rd Street.

He often found himself stopping at Gerry's apartment on his way home as it was only a few blocks away from the Hospital and Columbia University. He would stop by to have a few beers with him, grab something to eat together or just catch up on their busy lives. The bond that he had with his son was the most important relationship that he had in his life and now that Gerry was back in New York after being away in Boston for his undergrad he wanted to take full advantage of their times together as he knew once his residency started their time together would be limited.

On this particular day he decided to walk along Central Park West and enjoy the sights of the leaves changing and the smells of the fall setting in. After the particular hot summer, they had in New York this year, the decreased temperature was a welcomed relief and with the decrease in tourists and now that school was back in session the city was returning to the normal place that Fitz enjoyed calling his home.

After his long walk home he greeted the door man and rode the elevator to his apartment on the top floor. Unlocking the door, he could tell that Mellie had gotten home before him and hoped that there would be something ready for dinner. She knew today was going to be a long day for him and that he would likely be home late in the evening. Loosening his tie as he walked into the kitchen he noticed all of the lights were off and went in search for Mellie until he located her in her office.

"Hey honey…how was your day"? she said to him not bothering to turn and acknowledge him as she focused in on her computer in front of her.

Instantly feeling a sense of loneliness he finished removing his blue tie from his collar and his cuff links from his white dress shirt. "It was a long day Mel…I had the group of new residents start today so between my regular duties and getting them up and running I am exhausted…I am just going to hop in the shower."

Mellie finally broke her focus from her computer to make eye contact with him. "Oh my gosh Fitz I completely forgot that was stating today…so how did it go"

Smiling at her sudden interest in his day he wanted to clue her in on his day. "Well I have three new promising surgeons to guide and with their already proven credentials I think all three have a real shot at becoming the next face of Orthopedics if they want it…the question will be who wants it the most and how hard are they willing to work for it". He felt a sense of pride taking on this new role and his past experiences played a big part in his decision.

"Well that's great honey but don't let it get to your head Fitz…you still need to stay focused on being a surgeon…that is who you are. I have never heard of anyone making a name for themselves being a teacher…you need to protect your legacy".

That was all that it took for Fitz…he was done…Mellie knew that taking this new journey was a hard decision for him to make and she also knew what an impact his mentor Dr. Miller made on him…she was there for all of it…through all of it and she knew that Dr. Miller was a big reason for making the decision he made to take on the role as mentor for the residency program.

If he could impact and be a mentor for one person like Dr. Miller was for him, it would be his way of paying it forward and leaving a legacy that he was truly interested in making. If anyone should know what type of man he was it should be his wife but as each day passed it was clearer and clearer that she had no idea who he really was as a man and a surgeon. Each day he found himself sharing a bed with a stranger and it was the loneliest feeling of all. Instead of starting an argument Fitz decided to retreat to the master bathroom and wash the day off of his body before he succumbed to exhaustion.

As he entered the shower and felt the hot water begin to pour over his sore muscles he heard the door open and instantly let out a sigh as he knew what was about to come. He didn't want to fight with her, he just wanted to wash the day away and hope for a better tomorrow.… "Fitz…what the hell I was talking to you…I was trying to tell you that I will be going to Houston in a few days to consult on a case of sextuplets that will be delivered at Texas Children's around Christmas." The anger and hurt that he felt was emulating from his eyes and he knew that she could tell he was pissed… "Okay Mel…thanks for letting me know".

Fitz turned his attention back to showering hoping that she would get the hint and leave him in peace, but his luck had run out for the day. "Fitz…what's the problem? I told you that you were going to regret finally giving into Cyrus but I didn't think it would be this fast. Why are you in such a bad mood all of the sudden?"

"Mel…can we just not do this tonight? Can we just not go over all of the ways you think I am failing you and I can fast forward to me not saying things that will hurt your feelings so that I don't have to apologize and sleep in the spare bedroom for a few nights"?

Mellie looked at him like he had two heads and clearly was missing his point. With a huff she began… "Fitz…I don't know what you are talking about. I just wanted to let you know what was going on with my schedule for the next few weeks and here you are being a downer because you already regret the decision you made…just tell Cyrus that you realized you made a mistake and that it will set your career back and you can go back to being a surgeon".

Turning off the shower and reaching for the towel he began to dry himself off and walked into their bedroom. Opening his dresser drawer, he retrieved a pair of black boxer briefs and slipped them on. Drying his damp brown locks he noticed that Mellie had followed him into their bedroom and as he looked in her eyes he knew she wasn't going to let up. He suddenly decided…ok if we are going to do this…we are going to do this.

"That's the thing Mel…I don't regret my decision. For the first time in a while I am really excited and optimistic. I have the opportunity to make a difference like someone had made for me and I only hope someone will make for Gerry at some point during his career". Letting those words leave his lips was the first time he affirmed to himself how excited he was for this next stage of his life. He just wished he had someone by his side to share it with and who understood him.

Crossing her arms across her chest, Mellie settled herself into her stance and looked him in the eyes "I just don't get it Fitz…you are a surgeon…that's what you should be doing. Performing top notch surgeries and publishing your breakthroughs. We have always been on the same page with your career I don't understand why you are suddenly off the rails…what has gotten into you"?

"Mellie...why are we kidding ourselves. We haven't been on the same page in years. Since Gerry left for college we have both thrown ourselves into our careers which has been a nice distraction but I have realized that we are strangers living in the same home".

"How can you say that Fitz"?

"Think about it…we have been on auto pilot living our separate lives and at the end of the day we lie in bed with our backs turned to each other and wait for the next day to begin. I find myself coming home with a goal of avoiding any conflicting arguments so that I can toss on a Yankees game and finish my evening in peace rather than arguing with you and spending the night in the guest room".

He knew that he was opening a can of worms and once he lifted the lid there would be no replacing it but he was done being complacent he was done living his life alone.

"I don't know how you can make this my fault…you have done your fair share of distancing yourself from me and focusing on your career. Every spare moment that you have you prefer to spend putting in extra shifts at the hospital or with Gerry".

Here she was pulling the card she always pulled that made Fitz cave and apologize but this time he wasn't going to fold. He was going to lay it on the table consequences be dammed. "You're right Mel. It is not all your fault. I am to blame was well, I have distanced myself from you. I lie in bed at night with the woman who is my wife and during that time I have never felt more alone. We built an amazing life together but we are at the point where we don't even know who each other are anymore. I know you are not happy. I know you have been visiting Andrew every time you go to Houston to consult on a case".

Mellie's face dropped and as she realized that he knew of her relationship with Andrew she realized her marriage was over. "Listen Fitz…nothing inappropriate has happened between Andrew and I. He is just someone who I can talk to… someone who understands me and my practice. We work on a lot of cases together in Houston and he just gets it…he just gets me".

As the tears formed in his eyes he came to the realization that he was no longer sad…he wasn't angry…he was relieved that everything was on the table. "That's fine Mel. I want you to be happy and if Andrew and being in Houston is what makes you happy then I think that's where you need to be. I think we can both agree that this situation isn't working for either of us anymore. I don't want to fight with you, I don't want a long drawn out divorce. I just want to be happy".

Mellie sat on the corner of her bed and covered her face with her hands. She knew this conversation needed to happen and that recently she had been finding excuses to spend more time in Houston. "To be honest Fitz…I knew that this day was coming. I was just hoping that we would find our way back to each other but as time has passed I have realized that it is not going to happen. I think you're right…we need some time apart".

Her upcoming trip to Houston couldn't have come at a better time. "Listen Fitz…I am leaving for Houston in a few days. While we are apart let's just take the time to think about what we want our next steps to be and when I return we can go from there".

"I think I have made my intentions clear Mellie. I want to be happy in this next stage of my career, I am not sure what that looks like yet but I know that continuing this marriage is not the answer. I want a divorce".

There it was he said it…he pulled the band aid off and there was no going back.

"Okay Fitz…Once I get back from Houston we can file and sort everything out. I don't want to fight with you. I don't want a nasty long drawn out divorce that fights over every little piece of property and assent and most of all I don't want it to affect Gerry. He needs to focus on his schooling and his career".

For the first time in quite a while they were on the same page. The last thing that Fitz wanted was for anything he and Mellie were going through to affect their son. "I completely agree Mellie. Let's make this painless as possible. I'll stay with Gerry for the next few days and once you go to Houston I can come back here and then we can figure it out once you return. I think we just need space right now".

Silently confirming their plan Mellie retreated to her office to get the space she so desperately needed in the moment.

Fitz began to pack a bag with all of the items he would need for the next few days and as he zipped up his suit bag the past hour of his life began to set in and the weight that had been on his shoulders began to lift from him. He was a long way from happiness but this was the first step in the right direction.

After an awkward goodbye with his wife he hailed a cab and made his way to Gerry's apartment. He wasn't sure if he should tell his son that he and his mother had decided to divorce or wait to tell him together. It was no secret that they were not the happy couple they once were and the Gerry knew that better than anyone. It was one of the reasons he had made the decision to go to Boston for his undergrad. He wanted to space from the volatile environment that had become his parents' marriage and home.

He had texted Gerry while in the cab so he was expecting his arrival. He knew he would be comfortable staying with him for a few days as he had a guest room and to be honest he looked forward to spending a few days with his son. Ascending the stairs to his third floor apartment with bags in tow Fitz knocked on his door. Gerry swiftly opened the door and greeted him with his 100-watt Grant smile and a hug. "Hey Dad…It's good to see you come one in" he said as he took the duffle bag from his shoulder and Fitz began to make his way into Gerry's apartment.

As he made his way towards the guest room he suddenly noticed that they weren't alone. Sitting on Gerry's couch with a glass of red wine was the most gorgeous woman he had ever laid eyes on. She was dressed in a lace camisole and cotton pajama bottoms. Her piercing brown eyes met his steel blue's and the only words that could manage to leave lips was "Hi".

She smiled and him and returned his gaze as she muttered her simple response "Hi Mr. Grant".

Fitz could feel his heart begin to race as he moved towards the guest room to settle his things for his few day stay. In that moment he suddenly thought that she looked oddly familiar but he couldn't place her.

Fitz placed his hand on Gerry shoulder and said "Sorry son I didn't know you had company. You should have told me…I could have stayed with Cyrus or gotten a hotel for a few days".

Gerry smirked at him… "Dad…it's not what you think. Oliva is in town looking for an apartment. She is moving back to New York and about to start her residency. She just needed a place to stay for a few days while she figures out where she wants to live".

Fitz had a quizzical look come across his face like he should know who Olivia was. "Olivia"?

"Yea Dad…my best friend from high school Olivia Pope".

The bells went off and suddenly everything clicked for him. This gorgeous captivating woman that he had just laid eyes on was little Olivia. The Olivia that was his sons best friend all throughout high school and who had graduated from John Hopkins at the top of her class and was about to begin her residency at Mount Saini in physical medicine and rehabilitation.

While watching his father unpack his belongings Gerry inquired… "Another rough night with mom"?

Fitz returned his sons knowing glace with a smile. "You could say that but let's talk about that tomorrow. I am sorry to impose on your time with Olivia; I am sure you have some catching up to do".

"Dad, I told you it was no problem you are welcome here any time. I am actually glad you are here. You can be a great resource for Olivia. She needs help looking for an apartment that is close to the hospital and is within her budget".

After he finished hanging his clothes in the closet and placing his toiletries in the bathroom Fitz decided to join Gerry and Olivia in the living room. After pouring himself a glass of red wine he settled himself into the arm chair and relaxed as the sweetness of the wine passed through his lips.

Fitz knew the upper west side very well and had a few colleagues who lived within walking distance of the hospital and would for sure be able to help her find an apartment that was in her budget and ensure that she wasn't being taken advantage of.

Gerry turned to Olivia and said "I was just telling my dad that you are looking for an apartment near the hospital".

"Yes…I only have a few days to find a place and to get settled before I start at the hospital. I hope I am not imposing on either of you".

"I would love to help you find a place Olivia…just let me know what your budget is and I can ask around the hospital for a few leads and Gerry or I can go with you to check them out".

Making eye contact with him once more Olivia took another sip of wine and as she bit her bottom lip she contemplated the thought of spending time with the man that she had a crush on since she was a little girl. "Thank you Mr. Grant I appreciate it. I have been away from New York for so long I feel like I have lost touch".

Fitz chest began to stir as he saw Olivia biting her lip and found himself suddenly thinking of her again as the gorgeous woman that she is rather than the little girl that he knew long ago. "No problem Olivia…and please call me Fitz".

"Thank you…Fitz"