Hello, my loves! I'm back, sorry for making you all wait. This is sad to say but I might delete this story after this update but I plan to reupload it mid-July if I do decide to delete but I might not. That or I might just take a hiatus until July, we'll see.

Justinjs5: Here you go!

Theblackbird123: Ty! I enjoy seeing your reviews! I'll try not to leave you guys in the dark for such a long time but school makes it difficult.

madeyemoody95: Thank you! I hope you enjoy!

kiba zero: Thank you!

Flash Falcon: I'll try. Thanks for the review!

Madeline Axelle: AHH! I can't believe you read my story! Thank you so much! (I want to gush but I'll leave it for another time). I'm still figuring out the mechanics of my writing like spacing etc so I'll work on it. Ty!

"For the pirates!" Yuki declares loudly as she stuck a miniature pirate flag in the top tower of her sandcastle. Ryoko doubles over with her laughter at her friend's actions, and Ibusaki, who is also near by, watches the ginger with an amused smile. Yuki grins proudly at them before she catches the smile on Ibusaki's face. "Have I entered an alternate universe or did you really just crack a smile for me?" She teases, making her way over to stand in front of him. Ryoko had already wandered off by that time, probably going to find Marui so they can collect seashells pinches her cheek, his smile now gone. "Pfft, as if I would smile for someone as ridiculous as you are." This makes her pout. "That's a shame, I really like your smile," she replies, as she pinches his cheek. The corners of his mouth twitch before a small smile appears on his grins triumphantly, as he covers his mouth with a hand. "I hate you," he says, his hand dropping from his face. "I love you too."

Erina watches the pair from about 15 ft away, smiling as she sees Yuki press a kiss to the normally stoic boy's lips. She isn't certain but she thinks she sees a little color in his cheeks. After that Yuki took off towards the water, discarding her cover up before jumping in the blue waves. The blonde shakes her head smiling before turning back to Hisako. "Are they always like that?" Erina asks the pinkette, nudging her head in the direction of the couple. "Yuki and Ibuskai? Yeah, they are," she says with a smile. Erina nods. "So what about you and Hayama? What're you like?" She nudges her friend with a sly smirk on her face. Hisako's face goes bright red, and she looks down, lacing her fingers together. "He's good to me, almost too good, if you can believe that. I guess it's all just a little new to me, having someone pay this much attention to me, always worried about me…" she trails off glancing in the direction of the silver haired male. Erina follows her eyes and smiles when she sees Hayama, Soma, Megumi, and Takumi in a heated game of volleyball, Marui and Ryoko cheering on the sidelines. "I'm glad you're happy," the blonde says softly, resting her head on her best friend's shoulder. "Me too," she replies in a whisper.

Later, when the sun is high in the sky and the temperature has risen considerably everyone agreed that swimming would be the best way to cool down. Megumi hurries to grab the beach ball and run back in the water before she feels the burn of the piping hot sand beneath her feet. "Circle up everyone!" She commands, holding the ball proudly over her head. "What are we playing?" Erina whispers to Soma, who's bobbing next to her in the water. "This is like an extreme sports version of catch. It's Megumi's favorite game and she almost always wins. She'll explain the the rules so just hang on till then, kay?" He tells her and she nods. "For those of you who are our newcomers," she winks at Erina and Hisako, "this game is called 'Don't Lose'. The objective is to pass the ball to a person in the circle and after the first round it has to be in the same order unless I decide to reverse it. If you mess up the order, hit the ball out of the circle, or fail to catch it, you lose. And what don't we want to do?" "Lose!" They all chorus. "Good. Once there's a winner, the top three people will be exempt from punishment." The look on Megumi's face when she says 'punishment' sends chills down their spines.

The game went on for what seemed like forever. Only two people remained; Megumi, and Soma. "You're not gonna beat me," Megumi says confidently, returning the ball to him. "We'll see about that," Soma says with a smile. If the game wasn't heated before, it sure as hell was now. They continue to pass the ball between the both of them, locked in their own concentration. Until Soma volleys the ball back to Megumi and Megumi doesn't catch it. They all still for a moment, frozen in shock, but then loud clapping and hoots and hollers fill the summer air. The group swims back to shore, their fingers, and toes pruney from staying in the water for too long. "So what's the punishment?" Ryoko asks, pulling her dress like cover-up over her wet swimsuit. Megumi grins, walking over to where their stuff is piled and pulls out a small red cooler. Setting it in front of them, she opens the lid and retrieves a bottle of an off white liquid and 7 cups. "What's in there?" Hisako asks motioning to the glass bottle. "Garlic juice," Megumi replies, happily pouring a decent amount in each cup. "Enjoy!" She says, twisting the cap back on the bottle of garlic juice and returning it to the cooler. Hayama, Erina, Hisako, Takumi, Marui, Ryoko, and Yuki all hesitantly grab a cup. "See you in the afterlife," Takumi mutters as he lips the cup to his lips. "I don't wanna die like this," Yuki says dramatically, wincing after she catches the horrible smell. Hayama, Erina, and Hisako keep it down with little trouble. They decided to just swallow it all if the twisting of their features is any indication, the concoction is pretty terrible. Takumi, Ryoko, and Marui take it slow but then hurriedly drink, not wanting to prolong the horrible taste. Yuki is the last one left, she stares at her cup with a grim face. "Just drink it Yu, its not that bad if you drink fast," Ryoko assures her friend. Yuki nods and screws her eyes shut before lifting the cup to her mouth. She takes a small sip before shaking her head vigorously. "Just give it to me," Ibusaki says, taking the cup from her hands and downing it. Everyone looks at him in shock, even more so because of the fact that his face had remained stoic the entire time it took him to drink the cup of garlic. After a few moments of silence, the boys whoop loudly and start getting on their knees and bowing to Ibuskai, while the girls burst out in laughter. Hayama gets up brushing the sand off his knees and shins. "The sun is setting, do you guys want to start the fire now?" Soma nods. "Sounds good to me." The rest agree and Hayama and Ibusaki grab the firewood before going off to find a suitable spot for the fire.

It takes them a little over 30 minutes to get the fire started but no one seems to mind the wait. They all help gather their stuff, moving it a little ways away, where the fire is. Erina helps Megumi and Ryoko spread blankets in front of the fire, but not too close. "Looks good," Takumi compliments, as he sets the cooler down. "Thanks," the girls chorus. Once everything seems to be accounted for they all hurry to take a seat in front of the fire, considering the chill that hung in the air now that the sun had set. Erina was between her favorite redhead and her best friend. "Takumi, can you pass the chocolate?" Marui asks reaching his hand out. "Takumi glances at the package at his side before turning back to the dark haired male. "There isn't any left, the rest is still back at the house," the blonde says with a shrug. "I wanted some more too, oh well," Erina sighs. It's then that Soma stands. "I can go grab some more from the house if you guys want," he offers. "That'd be great, take someone with you though, it is dark after all," Megumi says. "Yes mother," he teases, "you wanna come with me, Erina?" She looks up at him, the surprise evident on her face. "Um, yeah sure."

"It should be around here somewhere," Soma says running a hand through his hair. They'd already looked through a couple of cabinets to no avail. Erina is currently rummaging through the fourth one, stretching as far on her tiptoes as her body will let her. Soma comes up behind her to help search, but before he can even say a word she lets out a whoop. "Found it!" She turned around to hold the package up proudly, but her celebration was cut short when she realized how close Soma was to her. Any closer and he'd have her pinned to the counter behind them. Neither of them said anything for what seemed like an eternity, just staring into each other's eyes. She was sure his gaze moved to her lips a few times, and that made her self-consciously lick her lips. And right as his glance left her lips and moved to her violet eyes she saw something in those golden pools. Something that pulled at her heartstrings, something she didn't quite understand. "Kiss me," he says abruptly, shattering the silence between the two of them. She nearly chokes. "Kiss you?" She asks, feeling her cheeks burn with heat. He nods, the look in his eyes is determined."Kiss me," he repeats. And so she does.

Well that's that folks. I finally gave you the kiss scene you so desperately wanted + beach fun with the gang! As always thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed, and see you next update!
