A/N This is not my first fanfiction nor my first posted fanfiction. I've posted one before for the pokemon fandom but had no idea what I was doing so it got deleted. Anyways, I hope this series will go better for me. Please bare with me for I know that the entries are short but they will continue to get longer.

They met under a starry sky on a brisk night. She was just coming from the medical wing trying to find the quickest way to her apartment. While he was just walking to take his mind off some things.

He was about 50 feet behind her but wasn't paying any particular amount of attention in her direction until he saw a person come onto the path in front of him. The person had a black hoodie on with the hood pulled up. The feeling in Soma's gut intensified when the person was closing in on the blonde girl walking in front of him.

"HEY!" Soma's scream startled both the blonde and her would be attacker. The blonde turned to see the hooded person fleeing quickly, and a guy with red hair, a stark contrast to his black jacket. "Who are you?"

A/N See? Pretty short, but as I said they will only continue to get longer hopefully.

Until next time, ImSinking~