Hello all. I haven't updated any of my fics in a while. Haven't got much creativity for those stories to do so, and can't be bothered to since I think it's half-assed work, and I don't think you guys don't deserve that kind of work. Believe me, I've tried doing everything to spark creativity.

Nothing has worked so far.

But I have been playing games and watching shows recently, and one that I've really come to love is The Loud House.

It's a kids show that all can enjoy, full of morales and lessons to be learnt at the end of every episode, and the characters are all very likeable, loveable and great. Each has their own unique characteristic and flair, and I just love that show.

My favourite characters so far are definitely the older sisters (Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan and Lynn) as well as Lincoln (no matter how many times he manages to mess up). The other characters are equally likeable, but those are just my favourites since they're so great. If you'd like, tell me yours.

Well, anyway, this fic was partially inspired by an author, who I'd really like to give a shout out to.

Mumei Mu, I truly appreciate you due to the amount of work you put into writing fanfics. English is your third language and to top it all off, you're also deaf, which is doubly impressive in my opinion. Yet, you still try your best come up with creative ideas and interesting differences and twists in 'What a Dramatic Life'.

So, to anyone out there who made it this far, if you're not too bothered by not-too-perfect grammar (can't say I've got it) and are interested in a long read, go ahead and give Mu's Naruto and Total Drama Island crossover: 'What a Dramatic Life' a read. Hell, I had never seen TDI (still haven't) but gave that a read. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. Who knows? Maybe you might enjoy it like I did too.

It's also wise to note that the only other Naruto x Loud House fic was also written by Mu too, much to my surprise. I only realised it after I was done writing half of my own story and checking fanfic if there were any others. There may be some similarities between Mumei Mu's story and mine, but to be honest there really isn't much to work with if Naruto's just an ordinary guy living in the Loud House universe. Just know that Mu's fic came first, and that the story I took inspiration from wasn't their Naruto and Loud House fic, but their Naruto and TDI one.

Regardless, without further ado, enjoy a slice of life fic that shouldn't be taken too seriously.

Plus One

As the sun ascended up to the sky, it brought along the earliest of mornings with it. The light of day started to pour over the world, ridding it of the darkness night had left.

It didn't take long before the wave of light came into contact with a fairly sized house located at 1216 Franklin Avenue. Appearing quite ordinary on the outside with its black tiled roof, front porch, chimney and garage; it honestly looked no different from the rest of the houses that ran adjacent to it. A large oaken tree sat next to the sidewalk, tangled in its branches was a replica aeroplane that had crashed into it, promptly forgotten by its owner. Items were scattered all around the outside of the house; lying on the freshly-wet grass, waiting to be picked up. They ranged from bicycles, basketballs, roller skates, a skateboard, a makeshift ramp for said skateboard, and a whole assortment of other items belonging to the inhabitants of the seemingly quiet house.

However, everyone who lived in a two mile radius knew better. Things were quiet now, but once they all woke up, that sense of peaceful tranquillity would be shattered.

Sensing that morning had come, a digital clock that sat silently on a beside table began to beep rapidly, filling up the fairly small room with an irritating cry.

Next to the table was a simple bed with the covers done all the way up and over the pillow. There was a visible lump that stretched from top to bottom, showing that someone was or, since the alarm went off, had been sleeping underneath it.

A hand reached out from under the covers and gently slapped the clock over the head, trying to turn it off. Unfortunately, all it succeeded in doing was knocking it over and causing it to fall off the table. Now instead of beeping, came the sound of plastic crashing against the hardwood flooring, followed by the sounds of the beeping slowly dying off as the clock flatlined.

Yep. Definitely broken.

Upon hearing the clock die, a voice suddenly muttered out from under the covers.

"Damn it."

Now, with the clock unintentionally broken and morning here, the covers were thrown off the person and they rose from the bed into a seated position.

It was a young man, otherwise known as Naruto Loud, currently in the later stages of his teen life and slowly advancing towards adulthood. Wearing a simple white t-shirt and a set of striped boxers, he turned his body to the side and threw his feet off the bed, suppressing a shiver at the feeling of his cold floor.

The first noticeable thing one would first see, even from a distance, was the strikingly yellow spiky hair Naruto possessed, which, even amongst his blond siblings, was brighter than normal.

"Hm…" Naruto blinked slowly, his cerulean eyes weary and slightly bloodshot, but ready to start the day despite it being…

'What time was it again?' He thought to himself, trying to recall. But with a brain that had yet to properly start up, Naruto simply couldn't.

Shrugging, he bent down and picked up the broken clock in order to check the time. Turning it over to face him, he tried to make sense of the numbers he saw, running a hand through his hair and scratching his scalp tiredly.

Well, if the flickering numbers on the cracked screen were to be trusted, it was five in the morning, just like he had set it yesterday night.

"Right… Well, time to freshen up." With that, he placed the broken clock back to where it was, leaving that for another time, and left his room while grabbing a towel that hung from a hook by the door. Closing the door behind him, he set off to the bathroom in order to get himself started for the day.

Affixed to the front of his door was a piece of paper that had been written and drawn on in bright orange ink, acting as a glorified sign. Messily written, but still legible, the words 'Naruto's room' had been written on it by a child of some sort judging by the poor handwriting and drawings surrounding his name.

The eldest of the children of the Loud family —and arguably the most helpful one of them all— now stood in front of the kitchen stove, his now eyes refined and sharpened, a far cry from what it had been before he took a shower. Now out of his sleep wear and into something just as casual, he grabbed the apron that hung by the fridge and tied it around his waist at a speed that showed he was quite used to doing it.

Glancing up to the top of the fridge, he noted today's date from the calender that had been pinned up with colourful magnets.

It was a Sunday, or the last day of the month to be more precise. It was a day in which he would cook the ramen dish that his family absolutely cherished. It was a tradition that had been happening amongst the Loud House for the past few years, ever since he returned from his part-time job at the nearby ramen stand. It was a personalised recipe that he had come up with after working there for months, one that he and his family absolutely adored.

However on this particular month there was a problem. He simply had not enough ingredients to feed all the mouths in the family. But considering the immense size of their family, which consisted of two boys and ten girls, this was the first time that there hadn't been enough food —they actually had enough originally. Some of the ingredients had just spoiled recently— for them all.

And checking the clock on the wall, he had no time to drive to the store and grab extra ingredients since he would be late if he did. And you did not want to see the Loud family reacting to a late dinner.

Thankfully, his parents had decided to opt out of this month's special meal and gave their portions to their children because they had to visit a distant relative who had gotten sick recently. However, even without having to feed another two mouths, the ingredients that were laid out in front of him were still not enough to feed the entirety of his siblings and himself.

His eyes went over the ingredients one more time.

There were a couple of shining white onions, sticks of healthy leeks, bright green scallions, sheets of crispy seaweed, eggs, pork loin, multiple bones of various animals to make the stock and other miscellaneous items here and there. Not forgetting the the final item of course, which was the large blob of dough that sat off to the side, patiently awaiting the time to be turned into gloriously thin, straight noodles that would pair well with his consommé (broth).

Counting what he had on hand, he had the perfect amount to make exactly eleven dishes, a problem when there were twelve of them in total. Even little Lily, who by all means should not be eating any of the salty-broth noodles whatsoever, could stomach an entire bowl —and make it out fine, thank the heavens—.

If he tried to split the ingredients any further to make even more bowls, it would completely change the taste of his signature dish! And Naruto wouldn't disrespect his meal and family like that. That and the fact that his family knew the exact taste of his ramen. Any less and they probably wouldn't settle for it.

With a sigh, he supposed that he too could opt out of tonight's special dinner in favour of giving his own meal to one of his younger siblings. As much as he loved his own creation, his siblings meant more to him that a bowl of replaceable noodles, as tasty as they were.

His bright blue eyes twinkled at the thought of the people he cherished the most in this world and imagining them slurp up his ramen with delight made him break out into an uncontrollable grin. Now filled with a sudden surge of motivation, he grabbed his trusty knife and raised his arm high up into the air.

The brilliant ray of morning sunlight that had been shining through the open window of the kitchen caused his knife to gleam brightly as the honed edge split the beam in half.

Taking a deep breath as his eyes slowly shut, he gently lowered in and his eyes suddenly snapped wide open. Full of focus and determination, he prepared to work.

It was time to cook!

It was nearly three hours later before Naruto heard most of his siblings start to awaken. That much was obvious from the early morning shouting and yelling from the floor above, arguing over who got to use the bathroom first.

Chuckling to himself at that, he continued to work on his craft. Kneading the ball of dough he had prepared the night prior, he began pulling and stretching it out over the floured table.

It didn't take long before he heard the sounds of someone making their way down the stairs, humming a cheerful tune. There was only one person Naruto knew who had such a sunny disposition so early in the morning.

"Hello, Naruto!" Leni popped her head over his shoulder, her face rather close to his, "Need any help?"

"Wow, you're down early today, Leni." Naruto said with a smile as he turned to face her. To say that his younger sister —or the third oldest of the siblings— was pretty or good-looking just didn't cut it. She was decidedly one of the most beautiful girls at school, judging by the student populace, amongst whom she was also quite popular with. It wasn't just because of her attractiveness, but also due to her big heart and kindness.

"Yeah!" The girl giggled, a large grin on her flawless face. "When I remembered that you were making your special noodles tonight, I got out of bed earlier than normal. Ten whole minutes! Do you need any help?" She asked, tilting her head to the side in a ditzy and cute manner.

"Nah," Naruto smiled at her, "I've got it covered." As much as he appreciated her asking, Naruto did not want her to come anywhere close to the dangerous work station in case she potentially hurt herself. What she had in beauty and kindness, she lacked in smarts. Air headed and rather clumsy, she often ended up hurting herself while trying to help out, something he had learned from years of accepting it.

But it wasn't as if he could say that he was the definition of graceful as he too had accident-prone moments. In fact, he was right behind Leni in terms of clumsiness.

Right before he could turn back to making his noodles, he realised that Leni was staring at him, not saying a word.

"Something on my face, Leni?" He asked, running a hand over his cheeks and chin just in case he did.

"No…" She sighed distractedly, her grin melting into a silly one as she continued to stare right at Naruto, "Just admiring the view…"

Naruto cocked a brow in confusion and glanced behind him. There, the open window of the kitchen showed their street, the morning light painting a beautiful picture as it cast long shadows of the cars, lampposts and houses across the roads.

"Yeah… It sure is beautiful. Guess we don't really see that often since we wake up later in the day." Naruto commented with a smile. While Leni was slightly scatterbrained, she sure had a good eye and could pick out pretty things when she saw one. Maybe that was why she was so good at fashion.

Giving a short shrug, he returned to cooking, unaware of his own denseness. Setting aside the noodles for now and cleaning his hands, he moved on to the next task.

As Naruto continued to cook, with Leni watching from the kitchen table, his siblings came down one by one.

"Mornin', big bro!" The recognisable British accent that came from behind immediately told him of who had just entered the kitchen.

"Top of the mornin', Luna." Naruto replied in another completely different accent, saluting the pixie-haired musician jokingly as she walked on over to him, who bumped her hips into his playfully upon hearing his own accent.

"He-he! Pretty sure that's Irish, bro!" The loudest member of the Loud family said, her voice returning back to normal as she dropped her fake accent.

"Eh. They all kinda sound the same to me." The two shared a laugh together at that, with Naruto ruffling her short brown hair lovingly. The girl ducked after a moment of him messing up her hair, slinking away from his grasp.

"Quit it or you're gonna ruin my rep, Naru!" The girl swatted her hair and arranged it back into place, "Rock stars don't get head rubs!" She said. It might have sounded like she was upset with him, but the large smile on her face displaced her words. Luna didn't think it was possible to get mad at her older brother. Especially since he had been the one to teach her how to play the guitar when she had discovered her true self.

"Alright, alright, rock star." Naruto shooed her away playfully, a smirk growing on his face, "Go get yourself some breakfast. We've got plenty of cereal left." He jabbed his thumb towards Leni, who waved at the two from her spot at the table, a spoonful of cornflakes in her mouth. It seemed as though she had only started to eat despite having been down here with him for a while.

Luna groaned, her accent returning as she whined, "Aw?! Rock stars don't eat cereal!"

"Well, you'll have to eat something, because it's gonna be a long way away from dinner." With that she too headed towards the table, mumbling something about 'cruddy cornflakes' under her breath.

With nothing left to do besides to wait, Naruto simply leaned against the counter-top to greet his siblings as they came down.

Luan came down the stairs with a skip in her step, her ventriloquist dummy, Mr Coconut, in hand.

"Good morning, Mr Naruto!" The puppet waved towards the eldest of the family and started to wave rapidly. His mouth clicked open and close, with Luan's own moving ever so slightly.

"Morning, Mr Coconut. I take it that you're not having breakfast?"

"Why is that?" Mr Coconut asked, with Luan's lips quirking upwards as soon as he was speaking.

Naruto coughed, "Because you seem to already be… full." He said in regards to Luan's arm being inside of him.

Luna groaned, rolling her eyes at the bad joke her brother made, while Luan laughed loudly, leaning backwards with her hand on her belly.

Sometimes Luna really wished that Naruto hadn't given Luan that '10,000 Puns, Jokes and Gags' book for her birthday, nor shared the same sense of humour as her. But still, that would be rather hypocritical, which was why she said nothing about the matter.

"Hahahaha! Good one, Naruto!" Wiping away a tear with her finger, the neatly dressed girl calmed herself down with a content sigh before she hugged her brother. Looking up at him, the girl's lips pulled back to show him a pleased smiled, exposing her braces to Naruto. "Can't wait for dinner! Udon know how much you mean to me!"

"Hahaha!" This time it was Naruto's turn to laugh, "That was pretty good! Come up with that recently?" His younger sister released him and skipped towards the fridge.

Luan seemed to puff up a little, her chest sticking out in pride. Luna gritted her teeth together at the sight and simply returned to chowing down on her cereal with slightly more vigour. Leni was completely unaware of Luna's displeasure, far too busy taking multiple selfies with her morning meal, which were getting rather soggy at this point after having been soaked in milk for quite a while.

"Yeah, I came up with it while I was thinking about you...uuur noodles!" Luan had suddenly dragged her word mid-speech before continuing, pretending as if she had not stopped at all. But with that said, she hurried over to the table with her bowl and spoon in hand and started to pour herself breakfast.

Naruto didn't have time to think about what she said as he felt a sudden presence appear behind him. The rest of his siblings jumped in their seats, but Naruto seemed completely fine.

"Hey Lucy," Naruto looked over his shoulder to see the Gothic eight year old standing by his legs, "You look fresh out of the grave."

Lucy looked upwards to Naruto, her black bangs covering her eyes, "Hello, big brother… It is pleasant to see you." She replied in her usual dreary tone. However, there was a small, minute smile tugging at her lips from the compliment. It wasn't much of a smile compared to anyone else, but when it came from Lucy, it really did mean a lot. "Even a being such as I, one without a heart, manages to feel warmth from your words."

"Poetic as usual, Lucy." Naruto patted the pale-skinned girl on her head, sending her forwards gently, "Get some grub. Just because you don't have a heart doesn't mean that you don't have a stomach, right?" The dark and dull girl hummed.

"She shoots…!" A voice suddenly interrupted, and a loud thump came from outside of the kitchen.

The Goth moved out of the way, still walking towards the table, as a football came soaring through the doorway. She was far too used to dodging balls in her room.

With impressive speed, Naruto reached his hand out and snatched it out of the air, just before it could crash into the pot of stock that gently bubbled away at the stove. Naruto released a huge sigh of relief.

It would've been really bad if Lynn had knocked that over. And as such…

"And she sccooores!" The sportiest member of the house stood at the doorway, her hands high up over her head.

"Nice shot, Lynn." Naruto said, causing Lynn to cheer out loud.

She started to get into the kitchen, "Thanks Naru-" Before she could fully cross the room, her head was caught in a vicious vice-grip by her older brother.

"Guh! Ouch! The 'Iron Claw'! No fair!" Lynn grabbed the wrist of the hand that had clamped down on her, trying to free herself. But when you were just a thirteen year old girl going up against an eighteen year old boy, one that had gained a bit of strength from years of sports and exercise, it meant that you were in a losing battle.

"But Lynn…" Naruto lowered himself in order to meet Lynn face to face, a haunting look on his visage as he stared deep into his sister's wide eyes. "Haven't I told you not to kick balls around the kitchen when I'm cooking?"

"Hahaha…" Lynn laughed guilty, having forgotten that particular promise, and the fact that Naruto was cooking his special ramen tonight meant that it was doubly worse since it took a long time to cook it. "My bad? But you'll forgive your favourite sister, won't you?"

"Hey!" Leni stood up, her hands on her hips, "I'm his favourite sister… I think…" The blonde bombshell began to tap her finger against her chin, a look of befuddlement on her face. "Am I?"

Lucy simply sighed, digging into her pudding.

"No, I am!" Mr Coconut interjected, earning a soft clonk on the head from his ventriloquist, "Er, I mean… No, Luan is!"

"Great joke, Luan." Luna snapped her finger at her younger sister, firing an imaginary gun at her. Leaning back into her chair and kicking her feet up onto the table, she threw her arms behind her head lackadaisically and proclaimed confidently to her sisters, "Buuuut I'm Naru's favourite."

"Yeah, uh-huh, that's nice and all…" A new voice interjected, this one belonging to the second oldest in the family, the oldest one of the girls, "But I'm definitely his number one."

"Hey Lori," Naruto waved at his younger sister, ball still in hand, as she entered the kitchen.

"Morning, Naruto." The girl yawned deeply and stretched in front of Naruto, "Can't wait for dinner." She glanced towards the pot and sniffed the air gently, already smelling the stomach-grumbling, mouth-watering broth being cooked. "Ah… Smells good as always."

"Thanks, sis." Naruto then returned his attention to Lynn, who was still trying to escape from his iron claw, a technique he had learned when they were watching wrestling together.

"Come on, Naruto! I'm sorry for kicking the ball in the kitchen, I promise I won't do it again." She begged, a desperate look on her face. If Naruto still wouldn't let up, she would have to resort to the ultimate manoeuvre that would absolutely cripple him.

The Puppy Dog Eyes! Truly, it the ultimate weakness that was capitalised by cute little sisters against their caring older brothers. With that technique, his heart would undoubtedly shatter into a million pieces!

But Lynn didn't fancy using that since it always made her feel weird afterwards.

"Fine." The blond released his grip on her, running his hand through her brown hair, earning a elated smile from her. Then she held her hands out, silently asking for her ball back. Unfortunately for her, Naruto had no intention of returning her ball, "But I'm confiscating this until after breakfast."

"Aw… Fine." Seeing his little sister get upset, Naruto stuck his fist out towards her. Seeing the fist directed towards her, Lynn's eyes lit up and she punched it, bumping fists with him. A mutual grin broke out amongst the two and Lynn quickly jogged off towards the fridge, where Lori was as well, scouring for something other than cereal to eat.

Lisa, the second youngest in the family, entered the kitchen after Lynn, her nose buried in a clipboard that was riddled with Math, scientific theorems and an assortment of other things legible and comprehensible only by Lisa herself.

Despite being the second youngest in the family, at a mere four years old, Lisa's intelligence far surpassed everyone else's. Having won a Nobel Prize for something to do with mustard and ketchup, she had certainly laid claim to being one of the smartest people in their country. It was rude to say, but her lisp also may have made her sound rather nerdy.

Yet, even as smart as she was, she was still treated the same as everyone else by her family members. Such was the ways of the Loud family.

Before she could proceed any further, Naruto gently placed a finger on top of her frizzy head and stopped her in place.

Lifting her nose out from her work, Lisa stared at Naruto before adjusting her glasses. It was a huge piece of plastic with thick lenses that aided the youth in seeing clearly. "Oh, hello big brother. I have simply come down from my room to acquire my daily nutritional requirements, such as-"

"-Good morning to you too, Lisa." Naruto smiled, interrupting her before she could give him the scientific names of every single object she was about to consume. As much as he appreciated her intellect, sometimes it could be a bit overbearing.

With the introductions said and done, Lisa tried to continue on forwards, but was stopped when Naruto held his hand out in front of her to stop.

"Nuh-uh. No chemicals anywhere near food, Lisa. We've talked about this before."

"Surely you trust me, don't you, Naruto?" She asked staring blanking at the her only blond haired brother.

"Yeah, I trust you, but only to use your siblings as guinea pigs." Naruto deadpanned before he turned his hand around and held it out for Lisa. "Now come on. No breakfast until you've got none of your science projects in your pockets."

Lisa sighed as she shoved her hands into her pockets and fished out multiple vials. Shimmering liquids of unnatural colours swirled and shifted within, some fizzed, others bubbled, but all were definitely up to no good. "You know me too well, brother."

"That I do, kiddo." Naruto moved his hand and allowed Lisa to pass, leaving her chemicals at the counter top near the door for her to collect later on.

"Naruto!" Twin voices cried in unison, and Naruto braced himself as two blonde missiles came flying towards him from the stairs. Wrapping his arms around them as they slammed into his chest, he spun around and turned his backwards the carpeted floor of the main hall and crashed like a mighty oak being felled with the two blondes wrapped safely in his arms.

"Ugh… Morning girls…" Naruto mumbled under the blonde twins, his vision filled with stars and two identical twins, who both lacked their front two teeth. "Glad you could join us." Despite being identical twins, it was quite easy to tell them apart since their personalities and outfits were opposites.

"Lana, look what you did to him!" The more feminine twin in the sparkling pink dress and silver tiara frowned at her sister.

The one in the red cap and overalls glared back at her, "That was your fault, Lola!"

"Girls, girls, I'm fine. So stop bickering, will ya?" Naruto grabbed them both by the scruff of their necks and gently lifted them off of him, "Today's a special day, and neither of you want to ruin it by being mad at each other do you?" Naruto knew full well that neither of them could stay mad at each other for more than a few hours. They always managed to get back together and make up by the end of the day. He supposed that it was a twin thing.

"Alright, Naruto." Lana ran off with a hop, "C'mon, Lola, let's get some pudding!"

With that said, the two bounced off in search of pudding, leaving their oldest brother on the ground.

Knocked onto the floor with his head peeking out of kitchen, Naruto saw his the other male sibling coming down the stairs with the only baby of the family in his arms. Lincoln had a strange habit of staring into space and speaking to himself as if he were on television, a habit that only Naruto really seemed to notice.

"-as you can see, even though I'm was the last to use the bathroom, I didn't need to rush like my sisters-" Lincoln paused, mid-speech and step. "Naruto? What are you doing lying on the floor?" The boy with the snow white hair asked, his eyebrow rising as he stopped to stare at his brother. Charles the dog ran up towards the downed blond and began to lap at his face, causing Naruto to laugh from the tickles sent his way by the family dog.

"Hey Linc," Naruto smiled at his younger brother, softly pushing aside the dog and sitting upright, "It was just the twins." Charles quickly rushed back and dove under Naruto's hand, wanting to be pet. Naruto obliged with a small smile.

Lincoln didn't have to hear any more and simply nodded, understanding completely. Lola and Lana were a little crazy when it came to their older brother, being quite protective of him while simultaneous managing to hurt him at the same time.

"Breakfast?" Naruto asked as he stood, brushing himself of the dust he had picked up from the flood. Lincoln nodded and joined his brother, heading into the kitchen together with their tiny dog in tow.

Entering the kitchen, the two watched as their sisters squabbled over something. Yelling, shouting and screaming at each other, the women of the Loud family were fierce and unwilling to let any other besides themselves be the victor. From what they could see, it was mainly the older girls, from Lori to Lynn, arguing.

"What is going on here?" The brothers said in unison, staring at their sisters. Immediately, the noise died down as the girls stopped and stared at Naruto and Lincoln, who were still stood at the doorway.

The silence that followed lingered on for a moment too long to be considered comfortable, but was ultimately broken by Lily, who began laughing and clapping.

"Um, we were just discussing about… Who got to watch TV tonight." Lori said, a tight smile on her face as she looked to her sisters, who nodded furiously.

"Yeah… The TV."

"Mhmm. Good shows on tonight."

"You girls have been fighting on every Sunday night, exactly at eight, for years now. I'm surprised you lot haven't figured a system out yet." He shook his head at them and the girls breathed a sigh of relief as he bought their excuse, walking with Lincoln over to the fridge. If he had known what they were really arguing about…

Despite having woken up early, Naruto had yet to eat breakfast yet. And what better time than to have it now with his family?

Grabbing jam, a few slices of bread and a knife, he skilfully toasted the breads on a skillet, and lathered their perfectly browned and crusted surfaces with grape-flavoured jelly jam. created multiple jam sandwiches and handed them out to whomever wanted it. How Naruto managed to make making sandwiches look good, none of them knew. Lincoln accepted his and sat down on an empty chair, next to his older brother.

"Well, and that's how things normally are in the Loud family." The white haired boy said, glancing towards the camera that only he could see, taking a bite out of his sandwich, humming in delight at the taste, texture and sensation of the perfectly made sandwich. "My sisters are noisy, my brother is pretty cool and I'm stuck in the middle of it all. Still, can't say that I would want to change anything, or trade any of them for anything in the world." His attention was turned back towards his family, who were now in the midst of discussing about the latest horror movie they had watched, and which was the scariest.

Day came and left, the sun taking the bright blue skies along with it to the other side of the world while the moon rose, bringing along night.

The Loud Family had come and gone, and it being a Sunday meant that none of them had school. So they each did their own things, some leaving for their own personal events before returning home at the crack of evening, while others simply locked themselves in their rooms and did whatever they pleased.

And with night, came proof of the hard work and toil Naruto had put into creating the famed dish in the Loud household.

In the nearby pot sat the slow-cooking, mouthwatering broth that had now finally reached perfection. It's flavour balanced perfectly on the scale of saltiness and had a tinge of sweetness behind it. The ingredients that would soon be the toppings had been placed to one side, already cut and arranged. And the final product of the large ball of dough from earlier on in the morning was now a large batch of springy noodles, which had been pulled and kneaded for hours before being turned into ropes of gold for the mouth.

Even the warm air of the kitchen was permeated with the heavenly scent of the broth, and just a single sniff could make anyone's tummy rumble in hunger.

Which was why Naruto was in agony. Unable to eat his beloved meal, and being teased by it from having to taste test it every so often, the boy felt a bit of him die inside. Truly, if there was a special hell for him this was it. Still, thinking about the looks on his siblings faces as they ate the meal left him beaming wildly, forgetting about his troubles and allowing him to push forwards. Wiping away beads of sweat that had formed on his brow, Naruto noted that was just a while more before he could serve dinner.

Soon, the clock struck eight and Naruto peered his head out of the kitchen's door way, half-expecting his sisters to already be fighting over the television remote, arguing about who got to watch their own programme.

Much to his surprise, he saw the couch completely empty.

"Huh, I guess they made up." Naruto was rather surprised. For the first time in a long time, the living room wasn't torn apart in a large, free-for-all cat fight. "Maybe tonight will just be an ordinary night." That was a little hard to comprehend. Nights at the Loud house were never quiet, or at least until everyone was asleep.

As soon as he was done thinking about it, the power to the house went out.

Naruto sighed and palmed his face. It was just his luck.

Glancing behind him at the stove, Naruto quickly turned off the gas, and thus the flame. Then gently lifted the heavy pot of hot consommé off the stove with a grunt. Slowly walking in the darkness with his pot in hands, he managed to locate the counter top and placed it onto it. Safety was very important, and when it came to things that could hurt his siblings, Naruto knew better and took extra precautionary steps to prevent any injuries from happening.

Pot of stock now stored safely, Naruto wandered out of the kitchen and into the main hall, where he heard his siblings putting up a fuss on the second floor at the sudden blackout while Lori tried to calm everyone down.

Naruto shrugged and started to make his way down to the basement in order to get the power back on.

Meanwhile, upstairs…

"Okay, so how about we get that power back on?" Lincoln asked rather hurriedly, wanting to watch his show.

"Hey," Lori stopped him, "When mom and dad are out, I'm in charge. So first," She glanced around at her siblings, able to see due to the glowing green light that radiated from every inch of Luan. Luan was glowing green like a glowstick, the product of absently consuming food given to her by Lisa, a thing that all Louds should approach with a great deal of caution. Still, it worked in their advantage, as it provided the scared residents some visibility in the dark. "We need to make a headcount to make sure we're all here."

"One-two-three…" Lincoln began to count at fast pace, "…nine-ten. And me, that's eleven. Naruto's probably still downstairs. That's twelve. So that's all of us. We're all here and accounted for."

"You forgot me."

Lincoln took to the air and crashed into the floor following Lucy's words. The Goth had been behind Lincoln the entire time, blending into the darkness due to her choice in hair and clothing.

"Can I go flip the circuit breaker now and get the lights back on before Lucy gives me a heart attack?" He begged Lori as soon as he got up, pointing a finger at his creepy little sister.

"Again, in charge. I'll do it." Then she raised an eyebrow at her little brother, "Where is this circuit breaker thingy?"

"In the basement." Lincoln said.

Lori stood at the entrance of the basement, her hands held together in a slight bit of fear and her face hesitant. Absolute darkness greeted her from beyond the door, the pitch black terror playing tricks on her mind. Unknown monstrosities that her mind had made up were hiding in the dark, waiting for her to take a few steps into the basement before they would grab and take her away.

If there was ever a time to appreciate the sun, it was now! Well, that and tanning, but that was besides the point now!

"Why am I the one who has to do this?" She asked, already dreading the prospect of stepping into the abyss they called their basement.

"Because you're in charge!" Her sisters and younger brother said simultaneously in frustrated voices.

"Alright! Alright… Come on, Luan," Lori said, as Luan gave her a glowing smile, "Light the way."

"That's the brightest idea you've had all day." She laughed as she was pulled by the hand, following behind Lori. But before they could step into the darkness, the Luan's glow faded and she returned back to normal.

The family gasped.

"Ooh! I though I was staying in tonight, but I guess I'm going out!" She laughed again as her family groaned, both at the joke and at the lack of light.

"Lisa, do you have another one of those cookies?" Lori asked, before she added in, "We won't tell."

"Negative. That was the only one." Lisa said, recognisable in the darkness due to her audible speech impediment. "Prototype."

"Just great." Lori deflated. As if to punctuate her sentence, something from the basement gave a metallic groan. The echoes carried the scary noise up the stairs and out of the door, freaking Lori out.

Dashing away from the door and behind her siblings, Lori's pretty face was twisted with uncertainty and fear.

"There's something in the basement. I'm not going down there."

"Ooh!" Lynn pointed a finger at Lori, a teasing grin playing at her freckled face, "You're scared of the dark!"

"I am not!" Lori denied, placing her hands on her hips, "You're the one who's scared."

"I'm not afraid of anything." Lynn shot back, only to yelp in terror as Lucy gave a small 'Boo' into her ear.

Triggering a chain event, they began to squabble again, this time causing Lana and Lola's eyes to water and their lips quiver in fear.

"There's a ghost in the basement! Waaahh!" They began to cry loudly, their cries joining together with their older sisters loud exchange.

"What is going on up there?" Naruto asked with a wince, rubbing the spot on his forehead where he had bumped into the giant furnace.

"Okay, quiet!" Lincoln silenced his sisters, before kneeling down and holding his arms out for the two crying twins. "Come here you two. It's okay, because there's nothing to be afraid of. Your big brother will protect you. In fact," Lincoln stood tall and strong, gaining courage in order to solve this problem, and subsequently to make sure he could watch his show and that his sisters didn't start bickering again. "I will protect all of you!"

Naruto fumbled around in the dark before he heard the familiar cry of Lincoln, and the sound of hard thumping, progressively getting louder and closer. It was finally concluded with one final thump, of which was far louder than the rest.

"Ow." The boy groaned, his 'night-vision' eyepiece having provided no help to him for seeing in the dark.

"Linc-Urk?!" Naruto stood up and banged his head against another pipe, sending the blond backwards into a heap of clothings, out cold. The metal clang reverberated throughout the basement and turned ominous. Frightened by this, Lincoln screamed and dashed back up the stairs, far faster than he had fallen.

A minute later, the children of the Loud family had banded together —sans Naruto, for obvious reasons— and had gone down with Lincoln in front, holding onto Luan's camera, which fortunately had the function of actual night vision, and thus allowed them to traverse the darkest part of their home.

"We may want to stay close." Lincoln said, walking a short distance in front of his sisters, who were all clumped up together behind him. "There's no telling what could be lurking down here in the dark."

"There's nothing funny about being in this situation," Luan commented, "Although I do like dark humour."

"Is someone touching my hand? Leni asked frightfully.

"Are you touching your own hand?" Lynn replied, equally afraid.

"I hate basements." As if offended by this, the basement responded in the form of a low, ghoulish moan, "Ah! What's that moaning?!"

"Don't freak out!" Lincoln moved the camera and directed it towards the ceiling, where the sound had come from. "It was just the pipe settling."

"What's that scratching?!" Leni asked, "And that smell?!"

"It's just Cliff, the cat!" Then Lincoln moved the camera towards Luna, who was carrying an elated Lily, "And that's just Lily with a full diaper." The Loud siblings sighed and felt relieved at the lack of monsters in the basement. "See guys, I told you, there's nothing to be afraid of." Then he gasped in shock, causing his sisters to recoil.

"What is it?!"

From the shadows, a figure that was larger than the rose off of the floor. Groaning and moaning, it clutched at its head, "Buuhhhh… Braaaaaainnn…" The figure slowly stumbled over to the crowd of teens and children, and they all screamed at the top of their lungs.

"It's a zombie and it wants to eat our brains!" Lincoln cried out loud before the entire basement was sent into disarray. The girls were now spread out, running around in the dark and trying not to get caught for the sake of their brains. Lincoln, on the other hand, pulled himself together and raised his fists. "I'll save you sisters! Ahhh!" With a strangled cry, Lincoln leaped towards the zombie and threw himself at it.

Right as he was about to make contact, there was the sound of a switch being flipped and the lights were back on. Now with vision, the white haired boy was very much aware of what, or who, he was really slamming into. Nonetheless, it was far to late to stop what was already in motion.

Lincoln slammed into his elder brother and the two were sent towards the floor. Had Naruto not given himself two bumps on the head, a concussion, and very blurry vision, perhaps he would have been able to dodge his brother's tackle with finesse. However, as it was now, he was in no state to do so and as such, was lifted off of his feet, doubled over the shoulder and out of breath due to his little brother, who had speared him right in the gut.

The back of Naruto's head was introduced to the floor hard. With a cringe-worthy crack, the lights in his eyes slowly dimmed and rolled to the back of his head as everything turned dark.

The last thing he could see was the guilty face of Lincoln and the darkened shapes that were his sisters surrounding him, their cries slowly fading away as if he were sinking in water.

Cold and wet was the sensation Naruto felt on his head when he came to. That and the familiar sensation of the couch he was currently lying on. That couch had been a part of their family for far too long, enough so that Naruto would be able to tell what it was just by getting a good feel of it. The long blue couch that could fit all ten of them —not all on the seats— was slightly scratchy and worn out in some places.

"Whu… What happened?" He asked himself in a low voice, trying to recall through the pain at the back of his skull.

"Naruto?" He heard Lincoln's voice close by, "You're awake! Are you alright?"

"I… I think so…" Naruto grumbled, covering his eyes as his head throbbed, "My head hurts a lot though."

"Yeah… about that…" Lincoln sounded very ashamed, and Naruto could picture him rubbing the back of his head, a trait his brother had picked up from him, like he always did when he got in trouble.

"Let me guess… You tackled me and knocked me out, didn't you?"

"How'd you know?" Lincoln asked, his voice bewildered.

"Lucky guess." Naruto said with a bit of sarcasm lacing his tone. A small smirk sprouted on his face, finding amusement in the situation.

"Sorry about that. I thought you were a zombie in the dark."

"Well, it's not like I can really blame you. I must have been moaning and groaning a lot, huh? After all, I did knock myself out once shortly before you did."

"Seriously?" Lincoln tried to hide his snort lest he offend his brother, slapping his mouth shut after he accidentally let it escape his sealed lips.

"Yep." Naruto chuckled before wincing in pain, "Ow… Pretty embarrassing stuff, but ya know… It's always good to laugh with others, right?" Hearing that, Lincoln decided not to hold it back any longer and allowed his laugh to roll right out of his gut and throat, an action that Naruto made as well.

"You're not mad?"

Naruto managed to crack a grin, despite being very tired and in quite a deal of pain, "Why would I be? You're my little brother. I can't stay mad at you for long. Not only that, you got your sisters together and even fearlessly leaped into the face of danger to protect them." Naruto's reasoning managed to make Lincoln's face flush red with pride and embarrassment.

"Well… I knew that you would have done the same too."

"Thanks, bud." Then before they could continue talking, Naruto's stomach rumbled, hungry for food, and so did Lincoln's. "What time is it?"

"It's 8:20… We missed our shows."

Cracking an eye open, Naruto stared at Lincoln seriously.

"You haven't had dinner yet?" Naruto asked, surprised by his brother's hungry stomach.

"Nope." The boy shook his head, "None of us have. They're still in the kitchen, waiting for you to wake up."

"Well, best not to keep them waiting right?" Slowly standing with the help of Lincoln, Naruto walked over towards the kitchen with one hand holding onto the icepack on his head, his other around and over his younger brother's shoulder, who supported him all the way.

"Should we check on Naruto? It's been a while, right?" Leni asked, "What if he doesn't make it?" The girls stood and sat around the kitchen, waiting for Naruto to awaken. They couldn't start dinner without him, especially since he had spent all day cooking it for their sake.

"It's not brain surgery, Leni," Lori rolled her eyes at her sister's thoughts, "It's a concussion. Besides, Naruto's been hit worse than that." Years of accidents involving Naruto and various sports had come to mind, some far worse than this. That one time he had fractured his leg playing basket ball, or the other time he had been hospitalised after taking a wooden bat to the ribs after the batter missed and slipped while swinging.

"Aren't you worried about him at all?" Lynn asked with her chin propped up against the backrest of a wooden chair, frowning at her older sister. To say that she wasn't worried at all when it came to her older brother was simply insulting her. She had been caring for Naruto long before her little jock of a sister was even born!

Before Lori could respond back snappily, Naruto and Lincoln came through the door way. From his face alone, the blond brother looked beaten and worse for wear, but fine and alive.

"Naruto!" The nine sisters were about to leap onto him, but they suddenly remembered that Naruto had just got up and was still recovering from his concussion, and thus stopped before they could take off. Instead, they hurried over to him and embraced him as softly as they could, while still trying to show their joy at seeing him safe and sound.

"Hey girls," Naruto closed his eyes and smiled, trying his best to hug all his sisters with his arm, "Did you miss me?"

"Did I!" Lynn and Luna cried simultaneously, while Luan smiled, already thinking of a joke.

"You know who didn't miss you?" The girl gave Naruto a brace filled smile. "Lincoln!"

For the first time, the sisters found one of Luan's jokes to be funny. "Hahahahaha!" They all erupted into laughter, remembering how 'heroic' he had been at taking down the 'zombie'.

Lincoln's cheeks heated up again, but this time they were burning out of shame.

Naruto had to admit that one was rather good, but stopped himself from laughing as loud as his sisters were. Instead, he chuckled lightly, pulling the arm still wrapped around his brother closer to him.

"Alright, alright." Naruto began as soon as he was done, "Make fun of him all you will, but at least he was brave enough to fight a zombie for you girls."

Almost abruptly, the laughter stopped and they looked a bit surprised, not having thought about that at all. Then, they felt a little bit bad for having made fun of him. After all, besides Lori being the one who turned the power back on, Lincoln was the one who had tried to save them while they ran around in the dark like a bunch of headless chickens.

"That is true…"

"You're right, Naru… Sorry, Linc."

"Yeah, we shouldn't have laughed at you."

"I appreciate it. But I would have preferred it if you hadn't." Lucy sighed. Even if it hadn't actually been a real zombie, she would still have liked to have experienced that moment just a bit more.

One by one, the girls offered their apologies, with Lincoln dismissing every single one. And soon, things were back to normal.

"Alright," Naruto asked, a smile playing on his face, "Is anyone ready for dinner?"

"Goo-goo!" Lily's elated cry came from somewhere.

"Aw, even Lily's excited to-" Lincoln was cut off as there was the sound of something heavy crashing into the sink and water gushing rapidly.

Turning around, the Loud family saw Lily sitting on the edge of the counter, having somehow managed to topple the pot of steaming broth into the sink.

"LILY!" They all screamed, running towards the relatively unharmed baby.

Being the first one there, Lynn lifted Lily up and quickly inspected her for any burns. Lily seemed completely fine, clapping her hands happily as she was lifted up into the air.


The siblings sighed in relief, relaxing now that they knew Lily was fine.

Lana stood at the edge of the sink, on the counter top, peering at the overturned pot. "Um, Naruto?" The blond turned to look at his little sister, who was up on the sink, "Your ramen water is going down the drain."


The Loud family looked over to the sink and saw that the pot of broth had been completely emptied out into the sink, and three quarters of it had already gone down the drain.

Standing at the sink as he lifted the pot up, Naruto watched as the last of the clear soup drained away, forming a small little whirlpool in the centre of the sink before clearing away. Some part of him hurt quite a bit seeing all his hard work go down the drain. They still had the noodles and toppings, but without the broth, ramen was nothing.

"Well… There goes my whole day…" Naruto mumbled, his headache rising again, "And your dinners. Sorry guys, I know you were really anticipating that dinner."

"Don't apologise to us, Naruto." Lori said, feeling bad for her older brother after seeing the downcast look in his eyes. "You spent all day working on that, and you weren't even going to eat it!"

"How'd you figure that out?" Naruto asked, his eyes wide. He had intentionally tried to hide the fact that there wasn't going to be enough for them all, and that he wasn't going to eat any because he knew how crazy his sisters would get.

"Woman's intuition." The rest of his sister's nodded, surprising him greatly. Women and girls were scary like that.

"I'm just glad that Lily didn't get hurt." If she had burned or scalded herself and got scarred from what he did, Naruto didn't think that he would ever be able to sleep well ever again or forgive himself. Naruto rubbed the top of the baby's head, causing Lily to squeal with joy. Her laughter caused the Loud family to smile too, each one happy that everyone was fine and unhurt.

"I don't wanna be rude…" Lynn started, looking around at her siblings, "But what are we gonna do for dinner?" Silence fell onto the children of the Loud family as each one thought about it. It was pretty late at night, and most of the places they would normally go to for dinner were too far out or closed already.

So where was a place that was both nearby, was open 24/7, and had cheap but delicious food?

Naruto blinked before he lifted his head up towards his brother and sisters, his eyes returning to their usual dazzling state. While they had often wandered about it, not a single one of them ever decided to bring up the fact that Naruto had bright blue eyes instead of black ones. They simply chalked it up to inheriting it from their great grandparents, whom they had never gotten a chance to meet.

"Burpin' Burgers?" Naruto asked his siblings with a bright smile, as if already anticipating their answers.

They looked around at each other for a brief moment before looking back at Naruto, nodding furiously.

"Burpin' Burgers."

Ten minutes later and on the way back from Burpin' Burgers, each of the Loud house children had a burger, fries and a drink in hand. Save for Lori, who was driving the van since Naruto was out of commission. Instead, she had an amused Naruto riding shotgun, feeding her fries, and occasionally a sip of her drink, as she drove them all home.

Sitting behind the two, Luna, Luan and Lynn scowled at the sight, quietly munching on their dinners. It wasn't as if they could complain much since Lori was the one driving, but that smug look she had shot them with the rear-view mirror as Naruto fed her —and even dabbed her mouth clean with a napkin upon request!— made the trio increasingly annoyed. Eventually, they had given up on glaring at Lori from the mirror and began talking amongst themselves, chatting about inconsequential things while Luan cracked jokes every now and again.

Leni, unaware that her siblings had been locked in a silent showdown, was busy playing with Lily, who was between her and Lincoln.

"While the Loud family may cause trouble for each other, when it all comes down to it, we've always got each other's backs. No Loud left behind!" Lincoln said, glancing towards the camera, "Although I do feel like we're missing something…"

"Hey, you're right…" Lori frowned from the front of the van, "I get that feeling too."

"Really? Me too! All the time!" Leni piped up from the third row, glad that she wasn't the only one.

"You guys forgot Lucy." Naruto said as he took a sip of his drink, "She got off at Burpin' Burgers and went to the toilet."

Lynn jumped onto her seat and looked over to the back rows, trying to locate her little sister and roomie. After a few seconds, results of searching for a the only black haired person in their family returned empty. "Oh my god! We did! We left Lucy behind!"

"Turn the car around and go back for her!"

"How can we turn the car if we're in it?!" Leni screamed, panicking at the prospect of losing her sister.

"I'm just kidding, guys. Lucy's in the trunk. She came back before we left. Didn't think any of you noticed though." Naruto chuckled at the joke that had nearly scared his family to death. Leaving a Gothic eight year old with a penchant for dark things behind at a fast-food joint in the middle of the night was something they would definitely panic about.

"Naruto!" Lori chided her brother, punching him in the arm for nearly scaring them to half to death, earning a pained cry from him.

"What? She agreed that it would have been funny!"

"It's true." Lucy popped her head out from the darkest part of the van, "I managed to see your souls, as brief as it was, thanks to Naruto's help."

Lincoln slumped back into his chair and looked back towards the camera, "Remember what I said about having each other's backs? No one does it better than Naruto. If any one of us has a problem, he would never turn us down willingly." The teen took a bite out of his burger, crumbs falling all over his orange tee. "But seriously though, I have no idea how he keeps track of Lucy. How does he do it? It's a bigger mystery than how Lucy keeps managing to vanish!"

The van prattled loudly on the way home, down the dark and deserted road. A smaller family would've felt unnerved by it, but when it came to the Louds, from their numbers and how tightly knit they were together, things were never lonely.

And on that note, the entire car began to fill with the sound of singing, the jingle of Burpin' Burgers being sung repeatedly by the twelve siblings as they headed on back home.

And that's that. Tell me how you felt about it. Did you like it, or hate it?

Again, try not to rag too hard on this particular fic. I've never done slice of life fics before, so this should be new and fun!

Also, I've been working on another fic as well, this time a Naruto x Dishonored fic in celebration of Dishonored 2. Ooh! I can't wait to play as Corvo again, and grown up Emily!

Anyway, it may just be a oneshot, or it may be a bit longer depending on how it goes, but fingers crossed that I'll upload it!