A/N: originally written for the Castlefanfics prompt challenge. Posted for Castle Fanfic Monday.

"He won't stop crying."

"I know." Castle's eyes flash to hers in panic. "What do we do?"

"I don't know," Kate hisses back, "I think I broke him, Castle, I was not expecting this."

On the couch in front of them Esposito hiccups, sucks in a loud, obnoxious breath and wails again, "I'm. So. Happy. For. You. Guys."

He's been crying for the last ten minutes. Since Kate sat him down and explained why she had fled from the precinct this morning. That yes, she's fine. No, there are no complications from the double shooting that has left her team (especially the man in tears between them) hovering around them like mother hens.

It's been sweet, really, if a little suffocating.

He hadn't believed her of course. His eyes flashing between her and her - failing at suppressing the biggest smile ever - husband. They'd barely had time to digest the news themselves before Espo was demanding answers, adding up her symptoms one by one and getting nowhere near eating for two.

"I'm pregnant, you idiot." She'd finally blurted out, laughter following the words as her fingers tripped up to her lips. She'd reached for Castle only to find him already there, a hand dropping low on her back while the other hovered over their baby.

Oblivious to the man in front of them they'd kissed, only to pull apart as the loft was filled with a high pitched whine.

"Javi please, if you stop crying I'll -"

"Kate, don't do it."

Side eyes dart to her husband as she hisses at him again, "I don't know what else to do."

"Not that, we agreed."

"You...guys are gonna have a ..." Waving a hand in front of his face he finds himself lost for words, emotion bright in his eyes and across his now pink cheeks.

"Please, Espo if you -"


Esposito sniff-snorts and nods, face darting between the two of them. "If I?"

"Stop crying-"

"I'm just so hap-happy for you, Beckett." He shakes his hand, mouthing I'm okay and that she should continue. He sobs again.

"I'll-" She looks up only to find her husbands eyes shining now too. Overcome with emotion he nods. Beckett laughs, suddenly overwhelmed with it herself. "I'll name the baby after you if it's a boy."

The crying ceases immediately and Espo grins, "Excellent, Ryan owes me five bucks."