"My Lady?"
"Yes, Chat?"
"Will you marry me?"
A tinkling laugh that reminds him of bells sounds from her pretty pink lips.
"Sorry, Chaton, but I'm going to have to say no."
"My Lady?"
"Will you marry me?"
She raises her eyebrows in puzzlement. This was the second time he asked her this question, and he actually looked serious. What was wrong with this cat?
"No, Chaton. Now come on, there's an akuma to catch."
"My Lady?"
"Will you marry me?"
"No. Now keep up, I can't have you slacking on patrol."
"My Lady?"
"What is it?"
"Will you marry me?"
She rolls her eyes.
"No, you silly cat. Quick, on your left!"
"My Lady?"
"Will you marry me?"
"No. And stand up, you're causing a scene!"
"My Lady?"
"What is it, Minou?"
"Will you marry me?"
How many times is he going to ask her this question?
"For the last time, the answer is no, Chat."
"My Lady?"
"Will you marry me?"
"But I thought you said last time was the last you were going to say no?"
She huffs in exasperation, closing her eyes.
"I will always say no whenever you ask that question, Chat. I'm sorry, but we're just not meant to be together."
The woman looks at the mature, young man sitting beside her on the bench.
"Yes, Minou?"
She smiles as she rubs her hand on his arm, already in the crook of his elbow.
"I know you've said we're not meant to be together...and you'll always say no whenever I ask...but I have to ask just one more time. Please, my love, I beg you with all of my heart, will you marry me?"
Her sapphire eyes tear at his words, at the raw pain and desperation and hope swimming in those green irises that she always loved.
"Yes, my silly cat. Of course I'll marry you."