A/N: Hello my lovelies. School has kept me busy but I'm here with a final chapter. ;)

Zero watched both girls from the kitchen doorway. His lavender eyes followed one of the girls in particular.


Things changed. She changed. Somehow.

He couldn't pinpoint the differences in her, exactly.

He was left to assume.

Nia still cared for her cousin as he saw her put her arm around the brunette female in a soothing manner. She murmured gentle words to her. Her hand brushed softly through the girl's brown hair, careful not to tangle the strands. His eyes trailed her movement, the way her finger twirled a dark strand.

Perhaps it was the way she moved. Graceful, slowly, with a bit of a haunting quality. Her scarlet eyes had a luminous look.

The way she stirred, her actions seemed surreal, almost like she was a vampire.

He glanced down to the floor, mulling.

There was no way. His mind was playing tricks.

She was a vampire hunter. Shutting his eyes, he could smell her -her blood was delicious, tantalizing. The smell of pure heaven.

She smelled almost like one of them. A pureblood vampire.

His eyes shot open.

No way! She couldn't be one. She was human.

He shook his head, feeling so sure but...

He felt her gaze and his eyes lifted to hers.

Again, she looked different. Alluring. Her eyes captivating.

Even with the brunette leaning into her, Nia's eyes seemed to cast secrets.

Only vampires had charming traits to pull in their prey.

But, no, something was wrong. Nia wasn't a vampire. He could hear her heartbeat, the sensuous way her blood flowed through her veins. His eyes traced down the outline of her cheek to her neck. Her snowy hair parted, a patch of creamy skin showed.

Sharp tugs at his gums had him retreating from her. He hid in the kitchen, the wall separating them.

Damn, he was hungry and looking at Nia wasn't helping him.

If Yuki didn't distract them, he would have bit into her neck.

The fact she smelled delicious with her wide scarlet eyes and comforting voice... His thought strained to a safer one.

In the face of his anger, she calmed him. Her voice not once raising while her eyes darted to where the other girl might walk in on them during their talk in the kitchen.

Then she had to put her soft hands on his face, her eyes misty. The sadness and the signs of defeat in their depth, he found couldn't refuse her request.

She did change. He didn't know how. He heard rumors, very old and considered folklore -when some humans changed into vampire hunters, they displayed the quality of vampires. But not just any vampire. They had such appealing traits of purebloods.

They had been sought out, especially in the ancient war between vampires and humans.

The ones who existed changed and then died out.

She couldn't be one of them, right?

He clenched his hands into fists. His frame straightening with tension.

Hunger gnawed at him, pulling him from his contemplation.

Her fluster, the redness of her cheeks temporarily caused his lips to kick up in the corners. He got a reaction from her when she was usually so distant.

The tension drained from him. He was hungry. Hunger and her blood had built something inside him.

Shaking his head, he leaned his forehead against his hand. He needed to find Kaien quickly and feed or else he was going to do something he would regret -like go into the living room and bite her.

Swiftly, he exited the kitchen in search for the former vampire hunter.


My breath quickened as I secretly observed Zero from the living room. I could see him, his pale eyes staring but there were tinges of faint crimson reflecting at me and I realized he was hungry.

A part of me wanted to breathe in relief. I was reading more into our reaction in the kitchen. Zero wouldn't have feelings for me. I saw his closeness with Yuki. They were getting along.

I was here in Vampire Knight for the betterment of Yuki.

My primary goals were to protect her and defeat Rido.

I didn't have time to complicate things further with romance. Besides, Zero and Kaname were hers. I decided that a long time ago.

Zero pulled away and finally I was free from his gaze. Blinking several times, I heard Yuki's words.

What did I tell her?

"I couldn't sleep. I keep seeing their eyes and then you weren't there," she said.

Oh right, I was comforting her.

I breathed in, feeling dejected. I failed her. "They weren't going to hurt us," I told her. "They wanted to scare us."

"Their eyes, they look like the Level Es."

"They do."

"How are you not afraid of them?"

I wanted to tell her that I was scared of them, the vampires and the Level Es. But out of all them, Kaname was the most frightening one. The bloodlust in his eyes, I could see it clearly. I felt like he could devour me if given a chance.

I shivered.

"Are you okay?" she asked me.

I slightly shifted my head, blinking my eyes. "Yep. I'm just thinking that vampires are scary but I fight because I have something worth protecting. That gives me strength."

"I don't think have that courage. Even Zero is braver than me."

My finger that was idly curving a strand of her hair unwounded it and then I hit her forehead. My finger hovered, as I saw her eyes rounded.

She touched where I hit her as I let my hand fall into my lap. "Why?"

"You're only thirteen years and you're already being hard on yourself. Zero is a vampire hunter. He was trained to fight vampires from a young age. I'm no longer human, giving me a better chance to kick a vampire's ass." I smirked.

"That's not making me feel better."

"Instead of sitting here and wallowing in self-pity, let's do something?" I stood up from the couch and held out my hand to hers.

She hesitated.

"You want to get stronger right?"

She nodded.

"Then let's start training. I can show you a few tricks I learned from a great vampire fighter."

Her chocolate eyes brightened. "Really?"

"Yes," I answered.

She beamed. Her hand covered mine. We were going to train together and get stronger together.

But seeing her smile, I could understand why Zero and Kaname protected her. She was innocent, different from the rest of people who were faced challenges and lost the ability to smile. Despite her tragic past, she still retained a cheery disposition.

Her mother wanted her to experience the happiness and carefree life of a human. And now she was experiencing such a life, one which I had the privilege to be a part of, I wanted to make everything right.

Yuki pulled me to the yard.

Seeing her as a fragile human, I couldn't help but see Kaname and Zero too.

She was lucky. The man who loved her, chose to be the predator for her.

The other became a predator.

And both those men did it to keep her safe.

She was truly loved.

Smiling as she let me go, she showed me some of her moves. In her excitement, I noticed how her brown eyes lighted and her childish laughter filled the silence.

My head moved side-to-side in a slight manner. Why wasn't I jealous of her?

Perhaps at one point I was. But seeing her joy despite the darkness of everything, I found myself wanting to be happy too.

"Yuki?" I called her. She stopped in her eagerness, showing me how to punch someone. "Yep."

"You forgot something?"

"What?" She blinked owlishly at me.

I gestured at what we were wearing.

She put a hand to her mouth. "Oh, I'm sorry! We should put on our jackets!"

I laughed as she dashed into the house. She would eventually come out wearing her jacket and with mine dangling in her arms.


"Nia?" Yuki's voice tried to rouse me from sleep. "Come on, Nia?"

The time shift in my sleeping schedule changed. I used to wake during the night hours and sleep during the day. Ichijo had set activities at night for me to train with Seiren and Kaname or to spend some time with him.

Now, I was waking early in the morning with Yuki.

"Nia? Please wake up."

She wouldn't linger long unless it was important.

Opening groggy eyes to look up at her was difficult with the sunshine glaring into her bedroom.


"What is it, Yuki?" I asked tiredly.

I rubbed my eyes with my hands and kept them over my closed lids to block the light. The sunshine really did hurt my eyes.

I felt her lay down next to me. "Guess what?" she questioned in a cheerful voice.

Despite the unpleasantness from the sunlight, my lips stretched across my face. "What is it?"

She hit my shoulder playfully and I pretend to wince. "You're suppose to guess."

"Okay." I couldn't hide my smile. "It's our birthday."


"It's Mr. Grumpy birthday." I was referring to Zero.

"No!" she exclaimed but I heard her giggle.

"Kaien made us breakfast." I hoped with all my heart he didn't.


"Then I give up."

"Nia, you're no fun!"

"Sorry for being lame."

"You're not all that bad." I laughed.

"What is the news you so badly want to tell me?"

"Father said we can have a party to welcome you back!" she said excitedly.

I opened my eyes and peered at her through my fingers. The stupid sunlight made eyes burn. "You don't need to have one," I began to protest. I didn't like parties. It meant socializing with others and Yuki and I didn't know a lot of people besides the Night Class.

"He insists we have one and I agree with him."

Her words got me to rise up on the bed. "But why?"

She looked at me like I was the strangest person in the world. Then she hit my shoulder. "Because you're back with us!"

I blinked my eyes, tears escaping my eyes. She started to panic. "I-I didn't mean to make you cry!"

"It's not you. It's the sun," I said as I pointed to the windows.

"Ooh, I'm so sorry! I didn't think when I pulled back the curtains!" She got up from the bed and dashed around her room to close the curtains.

I couldn't help the smile on my face. She worried over such a petty matter and it was because of me. I shook my head. If she wanted to have a party, who was I to stop her?

"Okay, let's have this party," I agreed.

She stopped handling the curtains. "Really?" The hopeful expression on her face made me want to laugh.

"Yes," I reassured her. She dashed to me and gave me such a tight hug, I felt like I could barely breathe.

"So this is what you girls are up to," said another voice from the doorway. Yuki finally let me go. Her eyebrows drew together on her face. The brunette girl was truly clueless.

"We're not doing what you're thinking," I replied to the silver-haired boy, knowing his train of thought.

He smirked. "What are you insinuating, Nia?"

As if our not so innocent conversation dawned on Yuki, her cheeks reddened. "Zero!" she yelled. "How can you say such a thing?"

I burst out in laughter. Zero joined in, leaving the poor girl to exchange glances between us. When my joy subsided, I let my feet touch the floor. Raising my hands above my head in a simple stretch, I directed my attention to my cousin. "Okay, let's get prepared for this party."

"What party?" Zero questioned. It was his turn to be left out of the loop.

I smiled, but my smile was wicked. "You're going to have to find out from Kaien-sama."

He visibly flinched. He must be thinking that Kaien was going to cook some horrendous meals.

I walked up to him, my hands going to his side. Taking note of his distraction, I pushed him to the doorway and then I added more force to send him tumbling out of Yuki's room.

"We're going to change. That means you stay out."

He blinked his lavender eyes. His mind registered what I said and his face turned into the color of a tomato. I stifled more laughter behind my hand as I watched him awkwardly backed into a wall. Yuki closed the door and we both fell to the floor, our laughter bouncing off the walls.


Kaien, Zero, my cousin and I were at the market to buy stuff for the party. I watched as Zero kept his distance from Yuki and me and I couldn't help but think maybe I went too far in teasing him. Just seeing them again, I forgot how much time passed us. He was different than before.

I sighed. I would have to wait to apologize to him. Hopefully an apology would suffice.

Kaien instructed us to stop and then gave each of us a supply list. We were responsible for getting the materials on the list and since there were four of us, we would cover more ground quickly.

My eyes darted to Yuki. Was she going to be okay walking the market streets alone?

Zero went to her side and my lips tugged upward on my face. Of course, she was going to be fine. Kaien and Zero would never put her in danger.

Feeling the stiffness leaving me, I turned to go my own way. I knew to meet them by the limo once everything on the list was purchased. Scanning the words on the paper, I lifted my head to the different stalls. I paused and bought whatever was on the paper. When I bought everything, I was about to make my way back to the location of the limo until a white huge sign with black cursive letters "Flowers Signora" captured my attention. I had some leftover and getting a little present for my cousin sounded like a good idea.

I walked into the shop, a bell making noise at the threshold. Instantly, colorful flowers filled my vision. The place smelled really good. I blinked, surprised at my reaction. I was never into flowers, thinking flowers were for people into romance.

An old lady came my way. Her blue eyes studied me behind tiny spectacles. "Can I help you darling?"

"I'm looking for flowers," I replied while shifting the shopping bags in my hands.

"You can put those bags down on the floor dearie. There's no one else in the flower shop." She walked to me and helped me put some bags on the ground.

"Thank you."

"Don't worry about it. Are you having a party?"


She got glimpses of napkins, plates, and fruits from one bag. "Flowers are a great gift to give for..."

"It's not for a birthday. Rather it's a welcome back sort of party."

"Ah," the woman said. She pointed to a corner of her shop. "Those flowers are what I would recommend for a nice occasion."

"White and pink."

"Yes, they are great colors for any occasion."

"Yeah," I agreed. I walked toward the section she directed me and I let my hand slightly brush over some flowers. I prided in having some knowledge about everything but flowers sadly wasn't one area of my interest.

I halted in front of some pink flowers. My forefinger and thumb gently squeezed one of the pink petals. "This flower is so soft," I murmured.

"Yes, it's a rare type of flower. It only blossoms in the spring from Cherry Trees."

My eyes widened. "Cherry blossoms."

"You know it."

"But how?" Cherry blossoms were hard to maintain once picked from a tree. They lasted only a day or two before dying.

"These are special flowers. I was lucky to get a delivery this morning. I usually have to wait in the spring to get them."

Just by looking at them, I knew my cousin was going to love them. She liked flowers and had affinity to roses. But cherry blossoms were also one of her favorites.

"I can't afford them," I said while feeling sadness consume me. The thought of leaving such pretty flowers was disconcerting.

"How much do you have dearie?" the woman asked me.

I told her the amount and to my astonishment she took the money from my hand in exchange for the flowers.

"I can't," I began to protest.

"I can leave these cherry blossoms here and all they would know are these walls. Or I can give them to you, a pretty girl with a special occasion. And do not worry about money. I have a feeling these flowers were meant for you."

"But they're not for me."

The woman waved her hands in dismissal. "You know what I mean." She ended up packaging the pink flowers in a beautiful white paper. When I gathered all of my bags, she tucked the flowers safely in my arms.

"Thank you darling and you have a blessed day," she said as waved at me.

Glancing at her over my shoulder, I smiled in gratitude but I didn't pay attention to where I was going. I bumped into something or rather someone. Careful hands steadied me and I found myself blinking up at someone wearing a hood that obscured a face. A whoosh of air escaped me as I swiftly retreated from the person.

"Be careful miss," the stranger said, the voice sounding much like a teenage boy.

"Excuse me." I blinked my eyes at him. My eyes flickered around me. There were people around us but oddly they seemed to be passing us without noticing us.

The stranger lifted his face. The sunlight peered at the bottom part, revealing thin lips that lifted into a small smile. "You have beautiful flowers. Cherry blossoms isn't it?"

A cold wind swirled around us. Carefully, I nodded my head.

"They are beautiful like you." I blinked again, unsure how to answer him. A part of me wanted to bolt. Another part of me waited. He could have hurt me but he didn't. It seemed he wanted me to acknowledge him.

"Thank you," I found myself replying.

His smile vanished. "You should be careful. You shouldn't be walking alone, especially since you smell like him."

My eyes widened and this time I did take a few steps back. The person in front of me was clearly a vampire and he was walking around in broad daylight. My time at Cross Academy softened me.

He put his hands up. "I didn't mean any disrespect."

It was too late, he didn't attack me but his words alarmed me to the point I reacted. I turned around and sprinted toward the direction of the limo. While running and heaving air, I peered over my shoulder to make sure he wasn't following me. By the time I made it back to the vehicle, Zero and Kaien were putting their stuff in the trunk.

"Nia, it's about time," Zero said but one look at my face had him straightening up and moving toward me. His sharp eyes searched the vicinity. "Are you okay?" he asked when he didn't see anything threatening.

I nodded.

"Get in the car," the ex-vampire hunter instructed.

We listened without arguing. The silver-headed boy took my bags and deposited them in the trunk. I refused to give up my flowers as I went into the car. Yuki was already fast asleep in her seat. I took the seat next to her. The others got in and the ride became uncomfortable.

"What happened?" Zero was the one to break the silence.

I didn't answer.

"Nia, what happened?"

I clutched the flowers closer to me.

"Nia," I heard the silver-headed boy growled at me.

"Nothing," I whispered.

"We didn't see that," Kaien said.

I lifted my chin, looking straight into their eyes. I said my next words without wavering. "Nothing happened. Just leave it at that."

No one said a word after that.


The brunette girl couldn't understand why everyone was suddenly so serious. She awoken in the car to see that Nia stiffly got out of her seat and went into the house with blossoms safely tucked in her arms.

She had found it strange that her cousin was fixated on flowers when before she never cared for them. Yuki ran after her leaving the males to take care of everything else.

When Yuki entered the kitchen, Nia was arranging the flowers in a vase.

The brown-haired girl halted, taking in the vision of the lovely pink petals. "Cherry blossoms," she whispered. "And in such a weather."

"I know. They're a rare find. I got them for you."

Yuki's eyes rounded. She put a hand to her chest. "For me?"

Her cousin laughed. "Yes, for you. Who do you think I got them for?"


The white-haired girl laughed even more. "Him? Really? Imagine his face if we give him pink flowers as a present."

Yuki covered her face with both hands to hide her amusement. The subject of their conversation walked inside with a handful of bags. He glared at them. "Can I get some help?"

Nia smiled. "Of course." She strolled to him. Relief flooded his face. He was getting ready to give her the bags when she walked pass him.


The white-haired girl's amusement twinkled into the house. Zero dropped his bags and chased her. Yuki continued to laugh as she watched the pair running around the whole household. Even their father didn't complain about them causing havoc. It had been a long time since the Cross residence experienced joy and now that Nia was back, everything seemed to be lighter.


Both girls were in charge of the decorations and cooking. Zero let out a sigh. He couldn't handle Kaien's cooking. He didn't know how Yuki stomached his food. The poor girl, she was too kind trying to please people. The welcome back party had been her idea to make Nia happy, which he had to go about learning the hard way.

His pale eyes drifted to them. He heard the brunette girl was singing some random song. He liked to hear her sing. On some mornings he would hear her making up lyrics while she poured herself some ceral.

Nia just listened while she moved all over the kitchen. The white-haired girl was in charge of baking a cake. Yuki paused in her tune. "I know, let's put on the radio."

The other girl shook her head. "I rather listen to you sing."

"Please," the brunette said. She clapped her hands together in a begging motion. "Pretty please."

"Okay," the other girl gave in way too quickly.

"You're the best!" Yuki pitched in. Her happiness caused her to bounce as she reached for the radio.

"You're only saying that," Nia muttered but Zero saw how she struggled to hide a smile.

"I mean it!" Then the music turned on and the brunette started dancing, her movements comical. Zero felt his lips tugging upward on his face.

"Come on, dance with me, Nia!" The girl motioned her cousin to join her.

"No." The answer was quick and quiet.

"Please, you can show me some moves."

The girl shook her head. Yuki became deflated. "This day is for you. All I ask is for you to dance."

The white-haired girl put her elbows on the table and rested her forehead in her hands.

"Pretty, pretty please."

"Fine." It seemed Yuki had a way of getting her cousin to do things.

Nia stood straight and walked into the center of the kitchen. For some reason Zero grew interested with the scene and he shifted on the living room couch so he could get a better view of the girls.

"Are you just going to stand there?" Yuki asked, sounding exasperated.

"I'm trying to listen for a beat."

"You just move your head."

"That's rock music."

"Okay, then move your hips."

There was silence except for the music.

"Come on Nia."


"You said you were going to dance."

"I have to get back to the cake."



She stood there and then her head turned to him. He almost fell out of his seat. "I won't dance if Zero's not dancing."

"What?" he questioned out of taciturn.

"You heard me, Zero."

Her scarlet eyes narrowed on him. Yuki, liking the idea, came to him. Instantly, he jumped out of the couch, intending to hightail it out of the living room but Nia appeared behind him. Her eyes were huge and luminous. He swallowed. Both girls had him cornered and they dragged him to the kitchen.

"You're going to dance."

"No," he said.

"Oh come on, a vampire who can't dance. That's a first timer." Nia's voice sounded taunting and something inside of him wanted to prove her wrong.

He grabbed the girl's hand with a tight grip, one she couldn't break so easily, he brought her to him. A clear challenge presented in his lavender eyes. "I will dance only if you do."

She lifted her eyebrows. "Okay, but the guys always lead in a dance."

He froze. Dancing was one area he disliked. He had no reason to show any interest in the past.

"Come on." Nia's voice broke through his haze.

He swallowed before tentatively moving.

"Seriously, that's not dancing," Yuki answered in the background.

"It goes something like this," the other girl said. She curved an arm around his shoulder, the one he wasn't holding. Her hold positioned her in front of him, almost to the point that their bodies were touching. His heart began to pound. He found himself looking at anywhere but her. "Follow my lead." She shifted to the left. He easily glided with her. Then she moved to the right. He followed her pace. Eventually, he let go of her hand as he tried to concentrate on their next steps.

"See, dancing isn't so hard," she said. She was beaming at him, her face more beautiful then he could remember, and then he was stumbling and falling over his feet. Yuki caught him and helped him up. Why was he jumpy over a girl he viewed as a friend?

"Now, it's your turn," she said to her cousin. Yuki switched places with Nia. Standing in front of him, the smaller brunette shyly clasped her hands at the back of his neck. Unlike her cousin though, she waited for him to lead. He moved to the left and then the right, the girl tried her best to keep up with him. He adjusted his pace so she wasn't stepping on his feet. As he looked down into her chocolate eyes, he could see the joy shining in their depths.

"Very good," Nia said. His eyes shifted from Yuki to her and he saw the same expression on her face, the same bright smile that she finally gave him. His heart was thumping a mile in his chest, he averted his eyes to two tall figures standing by the kitchen doorway. Instantly, he stilled. Then he stumbled away from the brunette girl, feeling like he was caught for doing something wrong.

The brunette girl was stunned. "Kaname-sama," were the only words she could form.

"Yuki," the pureblood vampire said with ease.

The music stopped, giving Zero some time to compose himself. The action, however, didn't stop the apprehension filling into the kitchen. All eyes locked on Nia as she moved away from the radio. Her hands clutched tightly on the hem of her shirt before she bowed gracefully in front of the pureblood. The silver-haired boy gritted his teeth.

Who invited the damn pureblood vampire to the party?

As if his question was answered, Kaien chose that time to scratch the back of his head nervously. "Ah, my children, I had to see Kaname-sama for some business and I told him about our party. I invited him to tag along."

"We didn't invite him," a girly voice said, causing all the eyes to land on an unexpected person. Although, she was slightly trembling, she stood strong in front of her cousin who barely lifted herself from her bow. "This party is only for family. You're not a part of our family."

Her words meant to hurt the pureblood. But Zero doubted that anything could harm him. The vampire didn't have a heart. He did everything his way and everything else fell into his line.

"Yuki, is that how you feel?" There was a slight inflection in his otherwise commanding and cool tone.

The silver head had to do a double take at the wounded look in the pureblood eyes.

"You took Nia from us," the girl affirmed. "If I didn't... then she... I would." The girl shook her head. "No more. Just leave us alone."

The tall vampire walked toward her and Zero intervened. He stood before both girls. "You heard her. Leave," he growled.

Something flickered in the dark depths of the pureblood eyes and it took everything in Zero not to visibly shudder before the powerful vampire.

"I'll see myself out," the pureblood said in his detached way.

Kaien, who seemed astonished at the turn of events, broke out of his stupor. "Wait, I'll walk you out."

"There's no need."

"Yes, there is and I'll make sure to give my children a good scolding."

"There's no need to scold them. I interrupted a family event, somewhere I don't belong." He turned and walked away, leaving the ex-vampire hunter to trail after him with apologies.

"Yuki," Nia whispered. "Don't you think you were hard on him?"

He and the brunette girl peered at the white-haired girl. She was pale, her skin almost as white as her hair. Yuki put a hand on her forehead. Her face scrunched. "Are you feeling okay?"

The girl gently brushed her cousin's hand away. "Weren't you being unfair to Kaname-sama?"

"He took you from us and he didn't give me an answer as to when I'll see you again when I asked."

The white-haired bobbed her head. "That was my fault. You see, at the time I was still healing..."

"Stop lying. You wanted to return to us. Why else did you come back here?"

"I came back for you."

"Exactly," the brunette girl finished. "That's why I won't forgive him."

Yuki went to clear the kitchen table while Zero examined Nia. There was a faraway expression on her face. He disliked Nia having a cast-off look, like she was there but her mind wasn't. He was going to change that. He walked up to her, grabbing her hand. Her eyes blinked, his image becoming clear in her scarlet hues.

"Come," he said simply.


"You'll see."

He walked by the front door, still seeing both males through the window. "Put on your shoes and a jacket."

She nodded her head but her eyes drifted to Yuki.

"Don't worry, what I want to show you won't take long," he reassured her.

She quickly put on her boots and shoved her hands through the long sleeves of her jacket. The moment they were both dressed, he called out to the brunette girl to join them outside.

The other girl responded with a "yes."

Then he was grasping Nia's hand and pulling her outside and away from Kaien and the pureblood vampire. He didn't care if they saw him leaving with Nia. As long he was there for either of the girls, they were safe.

They continued trekking until their boots made crunching sounds on the snow. "We're here." He halted before a huge tree, one he noticed when Kaien first moved into the Cross residence. He found it was a wonderful place to relax, to get away from stress.

"It's a tree," Nia said. "A picturesque looking tree." His lips tugged upward. He looked at the white-haired girl while she was too caught taking in the old and large tree.

"You should see it in the spring time."

A few seconds later, her eyes widened. "No way." She turned to him, wonder kindling her dark eyes. "Cherry blossoms."

"I saw the blossoms in your arms earlier and those flowers reminded me of this tree." Had he known she liked cherry blossoms, he would have showed her the tree in the spring, when the flowers were at their peak of beauty.

She slightly shook her head, "Those flowers, I don't know what got into me." She looked away from him. "I saw them and I became transfixed."

The way she was staring at the tree, she reminded him of another person. A tall, elegant woman with long snowy hair. Her head tilted back, her profile majestic as she stared longingly at a cherry blossom tree. The petals fell around her form, casting a haunting image.

He blinked his eyes while moving his head side-to-side. Where in the world did Hio's image come from? Nia and the pureblood female, the only one he ever admired, looked alike but there was no connection.

"Are you okay?" the girl with hair the color of snow asked him. Concern marred her pretty face.

"I'm fine." He made sure to answer her quickly. Usually, he could confide in her but this was one secret he had to keep.

"Okay." She didn't look convinced, but she didn't push him to share either. That was why he liked her.

"Nia! Zero!" Yuki shouted, catching up to them. By the time the brunette reached them, she was heaving lung full of air.

"It's snowing," Nia remarked. All three of them looked into the gray sky, their eyes blinking in unison at the soft flurries.

"Wow!" Yuki exclaimed. "It's beautiful!"

An idea emerged in Zero's mind. He smirked, clearly predicting the girls' reactions. He bent down fleetingly and picked a handful of snow. Straightening himself up, he shifted to Yuki as if to pat her hair. Nia's eyes rounded, a warning about to escape her mouth, but the snow from his hand tangled with Yuki's hair.

She gasped in horror, her mouth opening and then closing like a fish. He chuckled at her shock.

Nia tried her best to soothe her cousin but Yuki glared at him. Revenge burned in her chocolate eyes. "Zero, you're not going to get away from me!" she yelled. "And Nia, you better help me!"

"I don't want to be a part of..."

Zero with lithe, grabbed another handful of snow and threw it at the white-haired girl. By the time she saw the snow going to her, she didn't have time to dodge. The snow landed on her face. She brushed the snow off her forehead and cheeks with her gloved hands, her expression turning grim. "Zero," she warned.

"Both of you can't defeat me."

"We'll see about that," she returned. Both girls reached for their snow. The silver headed boy retreated a few steps. He could sense he was in danger. Then they gave chase, snowballs were flying in his direction and each one missed him.

He barked in laughter, their aims were terrible.

Too invested with slowing down and making little effort to evade the snow being pelted at him last minute, he never noticed another person sneaking behind him. Only Yuki's vengeful smile was the hint and then he felt something cold and wet pressed against the back of his neck. Instantly, ice streamed down his back making him wheeze.

Nia stepped aside, her laugher twinkling in the wind. "That's what you get, Zero."

His eyes narrowed. "You're going to pay for that."

Her scarlet eyes widened. Good. She had a world of trouble to be worried about. He started after her, seeing the way she picked up speed despite the snow. So her true colors were beginning to show. It was why he decided to have a snowball fight. He wanted to see what the girls could do, especially Nia since she was getting special training in honing her new abilities as a vampire hunter.

As he was running after Nia, Yuki was dashing after him. Their game was a way of training but it was another way for all of them to have fun.


"I'm so sorry," Kaien couldn't stop apologizing for his children's behavior. Kaname was astounded. He didn't take Yuki's words to heart and now he regretted not listening to her. He shouldn't have taken Nia, even if he was doing it purposely to save her life. Yuki and Nia were very close, it would take more to sever their bond.

He was still waiting for the limousine, when he saw snowflakes fluttering from a gray sky. But instead of screams, laughter was carried by the cold winds and unable to stop himself, he strolled to where the noises came from. The ash blond man followed him without question. They both stood on a hill, overseeing the rest of Cross residence. His red-brown orbs took in everything -the snow, the trees, the gray sky, the three children running around without a care in the world.

His precious girl was chasing Zero. Her face was bright with happiness, just the way Juri and Haruka wanted her to be.

Zero continued to pursue the other girl. She was good at evading him, just the way she trained with Seiren. He found himself smiling as she moved, with fluid ease, controlling the situation.

Already she was showing signs of a true pureblood.

And then she let herself be caught. His eyes narrowed as the boy hugged her from behind. The boy lifted the girl off her feet. He was aware she could easily break from his grasp but she chose to be in her predicament. Her head swung back, her snowy hair flapped in the wind. Her creamy throat was exposed.

He sensed the change immediately. The boy's eyes were on her pulse. Kaname's hand clenched into a fist while his face remained stoic.

"At least they're having fun," the former vampire hunter said. Did he miss the boy's action? Or was he pretending not to see the change?

Then Yuki, in all her innocence, bumped into them. Her piles of snow falling on them, making them break apart. Nia shrieked while Zero grunted. Kaname felt his body relaxed and a rare smile spread across his handsome face.

"Yes, they are," he replied nonchalantly.

"Perhaps they can stay together." Let them bask in whatever was left in their childhood.


"Really, Kaname-sama?"


"Thank you! Kaname-sama, really thank you so much!" Nia would stay with Yuki and the annoying boy. The ash blond man started to dance. Whoever knew what was going on in his mind.

The pureblood assessed the remainder of the scene from the distance as the white-haired girl clutched Yuki's and Zero's hands. She was in the middle, the center that linked them together. "Thank you," he could hear the ghost of her words with his heightened senses. "For everything."

Dismay washed over him, seeing the three of them together. He would never be a part of their world. He could only witness their lives and protect them from the shadows.

Letting the sadness settled within him, he turned around and walked away. Kaien was too busy delightfully humming and skipping to his tune ahead of him.


I had lost so much from my previous life, taking advantage what I had and always asking for more. This time I wasn't going to make the same mistake. I had two important people with me. I wanted them to be happy and in return their happiness would be my contentment.

I was going to make them laugh more. I would try my hardest to make light of every situation.

I clutched Zero's and Yuki's hands as we looked up into the gray sky. My world began in a similar setting but this time I wasn't afraid or confused.

"Thank you." I was saying a pray to the heavens above. For family. For a second chance. "For everything."

The others were quiet. Their heads bowed and their eyes were closed as they said their prayers. I stifled my mirth in seeing Zero so intent on his thanks. Earlier, he was adamant on saying grace.

I craned my necked over my shoulder and I could have sworn I saw a lone figure on the hills.

Could that be Kaname?

I diverted my attention to the sky, blinking the flurries out of my eyes. Then my eyelids drifted shut and I made a last prayer. I wish Kaname-sama can find peace.


Two figures walked stealthily out of the darkness of the trees. Tonight was calm with the moonlight streaming through the windows of the Cross residence. The smaller figure of the two lifted her head. Her long purplish-greyish slithered behind shoulder with the slight movement. A smile flickered across her pretty face as her twinkly blue eyes raised to a bedroom window.

The other one, taller than the female, turned his head. His ponytail swayed causing a high pitch sound. "How long do we have to wait?" he asked. "How much suffering is she going to endure if she stays with them?"

"Patience, Ichiru-kun," the female vampire said. "We can't pluck her from the group while she's green."

He gritted his teeth, his hand balling at his thigh. He wasn't dressed like the other vampires, with the Night Class uniform. Instead, he wore black clothes so he could blend in with the shadows.

"She needs to learn who she is. If we take her now, everything will go against our plan," she warned her companion, feeling his frustration. "Until then stay in the shadows and protect her."

"But we are letting her expose herself to danger?"

"She needs to stay a little longer with Kaname-sama. His blood is going to save her and when she ripens, our princess will return to us."

Her last statement put the male at ease. Both figures stayed outside while they observed the window where their slumbering princess lay. "Let's go," she said. Pivoting on her feet, she melted back into the darkness.

The male stayed where he was for a moment, his silver eyes flashing crimson. "Please remember me, Nia-sama."

Then he turned, his tall form retreating into the shadows of the trees. A sound of a bell rang into still air of the night.


I awoke, apprehension stirring my senses. I squinted in the darkness of the bedroom. The moonlight streaming through the window provided enough light for me to see there was no one but me in the room.

I lay back down, my chest heaving, my skin feeling sticky from dried up sweat. I had another dream. This one was bloody and someone was calling my name.

I heard it then, a high pitch sound coming from outside.

The sound was so familiar that I found myself on my feet, heading toward the window. A hand lifted to the windowpane, the warmth from the appendage causing a handprint to fog against the cool surface. A figure moved and I blinked my eyes in disbelief. I could have sworn someone moved into the trees and there was a spark of gold behind him.

The sound, it reminded me of a bell.

Why did it sound so memorable?

My head began to hurt. Pins and needs stabbed at my skull simultaneously to the point the stabs sharpened and I fell to the floor. Both my hands clutched my head as the pain became overwhelming. I cried out.

Then someone barged into the room, switching on the lights. My eyes shut as streams of tears fell down my face. The pain in my head was excruciating. I was screaming. Behind my eyelids, I could see red.

In my mouth I could taste the metal.

Something firm wrapped around me, keeping me in place while my fingers dug into my head. I was crying out in agony, hoping that it would end.

What felt like an eternity, the pain subsided leaving me sobbing against a solid chest.

The person let me cry. "Nia."

I let my guard down but I couldn't bring myself to care. All I cared for was the person who was offering me their warmth.

"It's going to be okay," the voice crooned into my hair.

I just cried.

There were other voices behind him.

"Everything is going to be okay," the first voice said soothingly in my hair.

Zero. The others.

I was grateful to them for being here. And I wished everything was going to be okay but what I saw outside and the sound, I knew things was far from all right. The events in Vampire Knight was just beginning.

A/N: Thank you for coming this far in your journey as a reader. This chapter marks the end of the childhood series for Nia, Yuki, Zero and to a certain extent Kaname. I end, though, with a lot of open ended questions. The next chapter will be when Nia, Yuki and Zero attend Cross Academy as daytime students.

I noticed I received some reviews about Nia's character. I'm actually writing another Vampire Knight fanfiction with an OC character that is opposite from her. I called it "Blood Ties." Maybe you might like that story. ;)