-Chapter 6-

"Ok, Eli, rewind it just a little bit. I want to hear that again," she said. Leaning forward, resting her chin in her palm, she closed her eyes as Loker pressed play. Instead of listening to the tape, she found herself focused on the distinctive shuffling swagger she could hear approaching. "Again," she said.

"Oi, you!" He shouted as he walked in. "Foster, I'm talking to you."

"Hush, Cal. I'm listening. You watch," she admonished, never opening her eyes. Cal noticed the faint smile that ghosted over her lips as he nodded to Locker to press play.

"I just can't seem to put my finger on it, but something's off right there," Gill said as the clip finished. Opening her eyes, she turned to meet Cal's gaze and felt a blush rise up her chest at that look. "Arousal," she murmured not looking away.

"Right you are, love," Cal responded. He'd barely watched the video but she was right, knew it was written across his face. "Need to talk to you. My office, yeah?" he said turning to walk away.

"I'd say so," Loker chuckled to himself only to be cut off by Foster's glare as she swiveled the office chair towards him.

"The video, its faint, but he's aroused by the concept," she said as she stood. As she walked out the door called out, "Call the FBI, I want him in the cube this afternoon."

As she walked down the hallway towards Cal, she wondered what he wanted. They been so busy they'd barely seen each other since dinner two days ago. "Business or pleasure? God, I hope pleasure," she thought and felt herself blush anew. She paused for a breath before walking through his door.

Not two steps through the door when a rush of movement surprised her - Door quickly shut, locked, and her back against the door with Cal's lips on hers. She felt his hand thread through her hair while the other settled at her hip. Opening her mouth to his, she wrapped her arms around his waist. As tongues met, thrusting followed by withdrawal, hands roamed mapping each other, still learning the familiar but new territory. Cal pulled her closer and she moaned as he reached the under hem of her dress, the sensation of his palm of her thigh was delicious but the shock she needed. "Cal," she panted as she pulled away, "not at work..."

Taking his hand from under her dress, but not quite ready to give up hope, he slid it up to her butt while gently nipping at her earlobe. "My daughter has seen more of you than I have," he groaned and smirked at the slight shiver Gillian gave.

"We had a previously arranged girls night," she said as her hands wandered around his shoulders and entangled in his hair. "Your daughter knows the importance of making a date," she pouted.

"So you're saying you want to be wined and dined, then?" He asked as he watched her pout morph into a smile. "Aye, aye, love. Dinner tomorrow? The teenage interloper will be at a friends, so no interruptions," he said as he nuzzled her neck; voice deeper and accent stronger, "No matter what dessert you opt for," he growled before kissing her once again.

"Pick me up at 7p then. Now, any business reason you called me in here?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow at him. "We already covered the pleasure," her mind finished. "No? Ok. I need you in the cube this afternoon."

"The cube? I thought you just said not at work," he waggled his eyebrows at her before finishing with a leer, "Didn't figure you for an exhibitionist, love."

"FBI suspect from the video," she said, rolling her eyes at him. Walking out of his office she threw over her shoulder, "I still have some surprises left."

A few weeks later:

"Damn woman," he thought, finally standing to leave the cube long after every one else. He'd needed a moment, or two, or ten, to allow for things to deflate and his pants to loosen, least he blow their cover.

"Bloody, brilliant tease of a woman," he swore softly as he reached his study and poured himself a glass of scotch. Downing it in one quick gulp, he poured another and flopped on the couch. The not-so-subtle innuendo on his arrival this morning, followed by that kiss with a desperate edge when they finally had a moment alone were enough to keep him going for a while - well, truthfully, only the rest of the day. But, but, but... she just had to take it one step farther.

She knew the camera angles and blind spots of that cube as well as he did, and she had just used them to perfection. Just crossed her legs, subtly smirked at him when she caught him watching that hemline rise and bided her time. Next thing he knew, the toe of those sinfully sexy heels was running up and down the back of his calf. Then she just leaned back and rested her hand damn high on his thigh and intermittently curled her fingers into him. But oh, was he going to enjoy the hell out of getting payback.

He heard the click of her heels turn into his office and smiled. Payback was gonna happen sooner than anticipated. He threw a hooded glance over his shoulder and reached down to adjust himself just as she rounded the corner into his study. Gill stopped suddenly, gasped, and felt a blush start to rise up her chest at the look of pure lust in his eyes.

"Wench," he growled as he move his hand to frame his crotch. "You're playing with fire, love."

She knew what he was doing with his body language but still fell for it; letting her eyes linger over the very taut area of his jeans. She felt herself unconsciously lick her lower lip before bringing in between her teeth, then she looked at him with eyelids lowered, pupils damn near blown and eyes glistening.

As she closed the door, he could have swore he heard the click of the lock. Walking over to him, she pulled her dress up a little to accommodate her movements as she sat on his lap straddling him, and moaned as she felt his hardness push so close to where she wanted him. "I've missed you," she whispered before her lips meet his.

"Your gonna kill me," he growl. "But what a brilliant way to go," he finished to himself, nipping gently at her earlobe before making his way down her neck as his hand reached behind her, found her zipper, and slowly slid it open. As he brushed it from her shoulders to pool in her lap, he felt her hand under his polo and her nails scrap gently over his lower abdomen. Leaning forward, he took his tongue and slid it along the top of her bra, pausing to suck and nuzzle in the space between those two perfect mounds. His right hand reached up to her breast and he pinched her nipple just as he placed his mouth on the other and licked her through the lace. Gill's hand settled on the back of his head on a moan and held him there.

Gawd, he was doing such delicious things to her. She needed to touch his skin, feel his chest on hers. Letting her hand drift down, she grabbed the hem of his shirt, and pulled it over his head. She shivered at the loss as the movement pulled him away from her. Taking this opportunity to stand, she shimmied the dress off her hips and reached around to unclasp her bra.

"Gorgeous," he whispered reverently as he reached out to pull her back down to the couch. As Cal settled over her, Gill gasped at the sensation of his bare chest rubbing against her breasts and was awed by the tenderness and love in his face as he leaned down to kiss her. As his tongue did wonderful things to hers, she let her hands run all over his back and though the light dusting of his chest hair before she started on the buttons of his jeans.

"Gonna take Em on more college visits if this is my welcome back," he groaned against her stomach before letting his tongue run along the top of her lace panties. "Careful, love. Ya don't want the children to hear," he laughingly murmured at her moan as he pressed a kiss to the lace covering her clit.

"Mmhmm… They figured it out two days ago," she whispered shifting her hips to let him pull her underwear off. "Apparently, I was 'bossy' while you were gone."

"Bossy indeed," he growled along her thigh as she tangled her fingers in his hair and redirected him

A/N: I think that's all folks... the muse has left this one... not as much drama or intrigue as I intended in my outline but it is what it is.

Still love reading everything y'all are writing. Thanks for that.