From The Twisted Mind Of A Brotha Pro. Presents:

Digimon Tamers Halloween Special: Curse of The GingerBreadMon

Prologue: It Starts

(A/N: Seeing as it's Halloween soon, I figured I write something "spooky" ha-ha…well try anyway. Just a little something I thought up a while back when I first got back into Tamer's and Guilmon's obsession with bread. There was a B-Horror movie that came out years ago called Gingerbread Man. I never saw it, but after seeing my fair share of B-Horror flicks, I knew where it was going. So it's inspired by a movie I've never seen :P

Also I'm going to introduce two new original characters: Isamu Noda, and his digimon, Ghidomon. Isamu is a young boy that befriended Guilmon and Takato after the events of the series. His mother was killed during the D-Reaper incident and left in the care of his father who would abuse him. Eventually the Matsuki's at Takato and Guilmon's request adopted Isamu, becoming Takato's adoptive little brother. Isamu is 14, a few inches shorter than Takato with long dark blue hair and golden eyes. Since he idolized Takato, he wears a pair of goggles himself, earning the nickname "Googlehead Jr." by Rika and "Google Brothers" whenever they are together. Personality-wise Isamu doesn't speak much around others, soft-spoken and somewhat withdrawn when in groups. One on one with people he's just fine, but he really only opens up to Takato, or Ghidomon

Ghidomon, is a variant of Guilmon's species, actually his "brother", drawn up and created by Isamu. Isamu had initially wanted Guilmon as his when he first met the dinosaur digimon, but soon found he already had Takato as a tamer. After Takato told Isamu how Guilmon came into being, he drew up Ghidomon, who became real after coming across a Digignome. Ghidomon has a blue skin-tone with a white belly and jaw; also he has a pair of wings that despite their size give him the ability to hover for a short period of time. Unlike Guilmon, he doesn't bear the mark of the Digital Hazard, but he has access to the Hazard power, the symbol appearing when he is pushed to the limit or near deletion. Personality-wise, he doesn't have a child-like mindset that his older brother does, but he's still immature and a bit clumsy, which can be trouble since the digimon naturally wishes to help his friends and family, especially Isamu. Though he doesn't like to battle, Ghidomon will if his family is in danger, especially Isamu, Takato, or Guilmon.

Ok I went off the rails there…but onto the story! Oh yeah, so setting wise, the story takes place five years after the D-Reaper (U.S. Dub Version), making Takato 16, and Isamu 14)

Matsuki Bakery, After Hours, Wednesday Night

"Hey you going to hurry up with that popcorn or what bro? The movie is about to start! Hurry on up, I'm starving. Oh and don't forget the sodas!"

Sitting down at the couch in the upstairs living room of the family bakery, an older Takato Matsuki yelled, so his adoptive little brother, Isamu could hear. Normally his mother, Yoshine would have scolded the young teen for yelling in the house, but she and his father had gone out for the night; something the couple rarely got a chance to do. But with Takato older, and Isamu now part of the Matsuki family, her husband had convinced her a night on the town was what they needed. Besides, Takato and Isamu were responsible boys, working to help the small bakery flourish, and with Takato with a license and the small light truck; they had a group of delivery boys. Course Yoshine had her concerns, in the names of Guilmon, and his "digital brother", Ghidomon. She only just got used to Guilmon being Takato's digimon, and staying at the bakery from time to time, but when Isamu showed up with digital monster that looked like Guilmon, only blue and with wings; she nearly lost. Had it not been for Isamu's unfortunate situation before he lived with the Matsuki's, Yoshine would have turned the boy away. Plus she saw how much the child meant to Takato and how close the two became, the mother insider her just couldn't say no.

"Yeah, don't worry Takato, we didn't forget! Come on Ghidomon, hurry up and don't drop those soda bottles!"

"I won't Isamu, you can count on…opps!"


Takato heard the young teen and his digimon climb up the stairs, Isamu once again chiding his partner to take extra care. Which as it sounded, never seemed to work, given the blue dinosaur's clumsy nature. His "older brother" Guilmon was currently resting at Takato's feet, waiting patiently for the popcorn he could already smell, his tail wagging in anticipation. Finally Isamu and Ghidomon entered the room, the young teen with long dark-blue hair that reached down to his back, carried two large bowls of popcorn; one for him and Takato, the other for the two dinos. Ghidomon had three two-litter bottles of sodawater and cups; carefully he followed his tamer to the coffee table, setting the drinks and snacks down.

"Took you two long enough, the flick's starting up." Takato looked over at his bro with a smile, digging into one of the bowls of popcorn.

"Don't look at me, Ghidomon almost let the popcorn burn, again." Isamu huffed out pouring himself a cup of coke, "Then he almost wanted to use his ice-fire to cool of the bag, had I not stopped him." Isamu glared at his blue partner, who had been digging into the other bowl of popcorn with Guilmon, when he could feel Isamu's eyes on him.

"I'm sorry Isamu, but it was really hot! I didn't want anyone to get burned."

Takato laughed, "I understand, but remember what happened last time you used tried to cool off something?"

"I do! It's when I tried to light the barbeque grill! And then it caught fire…" Guilmon spoke, his mouth full of popcorn.

"Don't you remind me either Guilmon! *sigh* Oh shoot! The movie is starting! Quiet guys!" Takato hushed, switching off the lights, turning up the volume.

Tonight after debating on whether to watch a comedy or action flick, the teenager brothers decided to go with a horror movie instead, Takato getting to choose, he picked up a interesting one from the video store, Akuma No Jinjabureddoman NoNoroi: Curse Of The Demon Gingerbread Man A film about a baker who ends up mistakenly using the ashes of demon as flour in a batch of dough which he makes into gingerbread men. The spirit of the demon possesses the cookies, which kill the baker, and after using his blood to make some dough, they form one human-sized Gingerbread Man that goes on a bloody rampage, killing people in horrible ways, and making human cookies with their blood, trapping their souls inside. Towards the end of the campy film, one certain red dinosaur was forever changed, rethinking how he saw bread.

"Ha-ha, wow that was a horrible movie! Funny, but no way scary!" Takato couldn't stop laughing after watching the final scene where the demonic cookie had been done in with kids armed with squirt guns full of hot milk, "Ok Isamu, next time, you get to pick the film. Man I don't know what I was thinking."

"Heh, well you can't always be right, bro." Isamu chuckled out.

"Hey, like you would have chosen something better."

"Maybe, I know when it comes to horror films, I have better taste."

"Hey now! I'm the one who got you into horror films, remember that Isamu."

The two boys laughed, getting to their feet, feeling it was time to turn in for bed. Takato looked around and realized Guilmon was nowhere to be found, in fact, it dawned on Takato that sometime after the death of the baker, did the red dinosaur disappear. Ghidomon had spent most of the entire film on his belly covering his eyes or making gagging noises during the more gory parts of the film. Takato found Guilmon behind the couch, shaking like a leaf.

"Guilmon? Are you all right? Heh, your not going to tell me that movie scared you?"

Guilmon at first didn't respond, his back was towards his tamer, curled up into a ball. "T-Takato? Is the movie over?" looking back at his partner, his bat-like ears to drooped down, with a mournful expression.

Takato couldn't help but burst out laughing, falling back on the ground, "Bwah-haha! You really did get scared didn't you? Oh come on Guilmon, it's just a movie. You know nothing like that could actually happen!" the boy got to his feet, holding his stomach.


"Of course, demons and ghosts don't exist you big doofus!" leaning in, Takato scratched the back of Guilmon's right ear, causing the dinosaur to calm down and smile happily.

Isamu poked his head from over the top of the couch, his hair dangling from the sides as he gave Guilmon an eerie gaze, "Well that's not exactly true…you know there are ghost and demon type digimon."

"Yeah Isamu, but none that take on the appearance of food, let alone gingerbread men!"

"True Takato" Isamu said in a low monotone voice, "but whose to say that one doesn't exist? Or what about those Digignomes? They did help create Guilmon and Ghidomon. Maybe they created a digimon that takes on the aspects of bread. You hear that Guilmon? Right now there's a digimon just like that now…" Guilmon looked up at Isamu, eyes wide with fear, the boy smirked. He couldn't pass this up, "Yup, he knows how much you love bread, especially Guilmon Bread. Uh…GingerBreadmon…"

"GingerBreadmon?" Takato looked at his brother after to hearing the name of this supposed demonic digimon that had a name exactly like the film they just watched. Isamu just shot him a wicked smile.

"That's right, GingerBreadmon, he's protective of all the breads in the world. He hates greedy people and digimon that eat too much, especially bread. He knows all about you Guilmon, and Ghidomon…" This caused his blue, winged dinosaur to look his direction with a look of fear, true he ate as much as his brother, but not too much; just a tad…

Isamu continued, standing up on the couch, getting lost in his own tale, "Yes…he's been watching you two, intensely, the hatred for you two growing. Watching everyday as you both gorge yourself on bread. Ha-ha!" Now the boy's tone grew darker, looking up at the ceiling with his hands up, "He's had enough, and now GingerBreadmon is coming for you two! First he will take your loved ones one by one, turning them into mindless cookie zombies to do his bidding! Then finally he will corner you both and grind you into fine data to make Guilmon and Ghidomon bread, which he will eat, consuming your souls! BWAHAHAHAHA!" Isamu let out a hysterical laugh, Takato's face in his hand, while the two dinosaurs were now scared out of their minds.

Just then, there was a loud clap of thunder and suddenly the lights cut out, leaving the four in total darkness. Both Guilmon and Ghidomon yelped out in surprise, jumping up spooked. In the darkness, the sound of bodies colliding and falling to the ground could be heard, Isamu trying to calm down the hysterical duo while Takato yelled at Iasmu for going a little too far. After about a few minutes of stumbling about and get the digital brothers to relax, the four brothers made their way downstairs, Takato finding the flashlight tucked away in a kitchen drawer.

"Phew, thank goodness the batteries are still good. Man, I didn't think it was going to rain tonight." Walking over to the front door, peeking outside, "Looks like the power is out for the entire block, hhmm and it's getting pretty nasty out there too." The wind kicked up, the dark cloudy sky rumbled above, lightning crackling across the clouds as if some god was angry. Soon thick droplets of rain started to pelt the glass as it came down in heavy sheets, "This looks bad, I hope mom and dad are ok. I better call them." Takato reached into his back pocket, pulling out his cell dialing his mother's number.

Meanwhile Isamu stayed with Guilmon and Ghidomon, though the two had calmed a bit, they both still were a little uneasy.

"Isamu?" Guilmon tugged at the boy's shirt, "Is GingerBreadmon really mad at me and Ghidomon?"

Isamu felt bad for the joke now, seeing the yellow and green eyes of the two brothers looking right at him. While he wasn't as bad a jokester as Kazu or Impmon, Isamu had been known to take things a little too far.

"Heh-heh, no of course not you fools" rubbing both digimon's heads, "I was just messing around with you two. Of course he isn't real. Digignomes would never create a creature like that just to torment you guys. And even if he did exist, remember one thing about him."

"What's that?"

"He's still bread after all." Giving the two a wink.

Matsuki Bakery Backyard, Guilmon and Ghidomon's Shack

After the storm died down a bit and Takato was able to verify his parents were safe, he sent Guilmon and Ghidomon to their shack in the backyard for the night. Technically it wasn't exactly a shack, more of a small tiny one-room house, fit with windows and electricity. Originally Guilmon and Ghidomon had stayed in Guilmon's shack at the park, but just like his brother, Ghidomon had a habit of digging. The two managed to dig even further underground, striking into an underground river. The park was flooded for weeks, of course the city wasn't too happy with the mess, and neither was Yamaki for having to use Hypnos resources to fix the damage. Fortunately he agreed to pay for the construction of a home for the digital brothers in the backyard of the Matsuki bakery. Guilmon was a handful at times, and now the with the addition of his younger brother, it was best decided that the two stay closer to their respective tamers. The small hut was furnished with two large comfy dog beds, one blue and the other red, it didn't matter who slept where, the two digimon shared everything, even the had dressers and chests; the brothers kept their treasured items scattered inside the furniture.

Rain pelted along the thick rubber flats that served as the entrance to the hut, lighting flashing off in the distance through the windows, Guilmon and Ghidomon each lay in their respective beds, the single light hanging ahead above the two. The movie and Isamu's story about the Gingerbreadmon were still fresh in their minds, both a little unwilling to turn the light off and get some sleep. Finally, the blue dinosaur spoke.

"Guilmon? You don't believe what Isamu said do you? About the Gingerbreadmon?" The younger brother looked over to his older sibling with a worried expression, even if his partner had just been pulling their leg, Ghidomon could still be quite gullible, more than Guilmon. Impmon and Terriermon enjoyed using that against the blue dinosaur whenever they teamed up to pull pranks. It was clear to Guilmon that his brother was still just as scared as he was, but as Takato kept telling him, he needed to set a good example for his little brother, and right now that meant putting on a brave face.

Guilmon did his best to force out a smile, "Of course, Takato said so as well, we are just letting that movie get to us! We shouldn't be scared of something so silly. Think about what Tabbimon* would say if she found out."

Ghidomon's eyes widened at the mention of the Champion Level cat digimon he had been fond of for some time, she would defiantly laugh at him, he could picture it now as the brown Beastmon variant laughed at him in his mind, his bat-like ears drooping down.

"Oww…oh yeah, or even Renamon…", the way Ghidomon said it, Guilmon knew just what his younger brother was getting at.

"Don't remind me, she especially can't know about this! It's a secret between us deal?"

Ghidomon nodded, "Deal."

"Good, we should get some sleep then. Goodnight Ghidomon." Guilmon let out a yawn as he flicked the light off.

"*Yawn* Yeah, good night bro…" matching his older brother's movements, the two circled in their beds before curling down into a comfy spot to fall asleep.

They both started to have pleasant dreams, but they didn't last. If one were to peek into the hut, they would see the two rolling around in the beds, moving their arms and legs as if they were running from something; but indeed someone was actually watching the digital brothers. Perched upon the roof of the Matsuki residence sat a strange creature cast in the darkness of the sky, lighting lit up the background, outlining what almost resembled a Digignome, but this was far from the ones the tamers had encountered, let alone that had brought Guilmon and Ghidomon into being. Black in appearance, and somewhat fatter, this particular Digignome had a more sinister appearance, and eyes that shined an unholy white. The creature looked down at the hut, spying at the two through the window as they struggled with their nightmares. A large ugly smiled stretched across the face of the dark Digignome, revealing jagged broken teeth. It got on its small-clawed feet, outstretching its long arms that had sharp nails at the end. Falling forward, it glided towards the hut, entering through the rubber flaps. A few moments later a bright pinkish light emanated from within the hut, then it disappeared, the dark Digignome emerging, taking flight off into the dark cloudy sky.

West Shinjuku, Residential Area, Early Thursday Morning

"Finally, looks like the worst of it is over. I better get back home; Rika must be wondering where I am. Best not to keep her waiting." The tall yellow fox said to herself as she jumped from rooftop to rooftop. On nights where she liked to be alone, Renamon enjoyed wandering the city, spying on the comings and goings of humans. Tonight she had gotten distracted when she watched a young couple break up on a restaurant patio over a nasty fight. Things had just gotten interesting when the police showed up, that the rain just suddenly came down. Renamon took shelter under a carport till the weather died down long enough for her to make it back to the Nonaka house. She was only a few blocks away when suddenly Renamon stopped on a rooftop, her fur at attention. A digimon was nearby, a powerful one at that. She scanned the area for any signs of a data-field, but nothing. Down below in an alleyway something knocked over a trashcan, running away from the tall fox; phasing down to the ground, Renamon took chase.

After about a few twists and turns, Renamon came to a dead end, quickly turning around checking the area for any signs of escape, there were a lot of shadows, perfect for hiding. Then she caught the scent of something, actually she noticed it before when she sensed the digimon, but paid it no mind. Faint, but growing in strength was the aroma of freshly baked cookies, gingerbread in fact. Last Christmas, the Wongs held a Christmas Party and the Matsuki family baked gingerbread men. They originally had made a batch for the party beforehand, but two red and blue dinosaurs got to them first, course that was one of many things that happened that night, another being Rika kissing Takato under the mistletoe, something she and Ghidomon both witnessed. Shaking the memory from her mind as not to get distracted, Renamon stood ready to face whatever came her way, but she wasn't fast enough. She only got a mere glimpse of the digimon that rushed her from a shadow to her left; but even as the blow sent her flying into the brick wall, the fox couldn't believe what she saw. Her vision got blurry as the hulking humanoid silhouette stalked over her.

"This was a chance meeting, but still one I can not pass up. First you, then the others, after that, the brothers will be next…" Renamon heard the digimon say in a deep and gruff voice, she finally blacked out as it started to laugh.

To Be Continued…

(A/N: I have a general idea of where this story is going and ending, I've never done a horror story, so bare with me. Tabbimon is an original digimon I came up with and will introduce her and her tamer later in the story. This is also a chance for me to introduce my original digimon and tamers into the universe. I know they are going to start out probably not coming off anywhere near how I describe them. Isamu for example, Ghidomon the best way to picture his personality and how he sounds *sigh* and I know I'm going to get some backlash for this, but the best way to think about Jar-Jar Binks. And I know he's not a love character at all, but well come on, it's been over ten years and he was only annoying in one film! But I'm not saying that Ghidomon talks just like how Jar Jar did, just picture the voice actor for Jar Jar reading the lines. A character like Jar Jar didn't work too well in Star Wars(Depending on who you talk too…) But I think one would work in Tamers, but no where near as annoying. Anyway R&R. I'm going to get this story finished before Halloween, I got two more weeks, and I'm not looking to make it a long tale either.)