Hi! So as I promised, here's the second chapter for my season finale coda. At the start of this chapter I was like yes this is amazing I feel so great right now and when I was writing the end, I was like meh this feels so OOC how am I even allowed to write fanfiction for this fandom? so I guess I'll let you decide :D
Oh and let's just pretend that Jack isn't naked anymore and found some clothes, okay? (Because I totally forgot about that) :D
It's the last thing he hears. Dean's voice. The last thing he'd ever want to hear if he ended up dead. But the pain in his chest is making him forget that, no matter how much he tries to cling to that thought. It's like it has its own sound too, and although he can't hear it, it's making Dean's voice quieter.
The white light is blinding, and he loses his sight of Sam and Dean with it. Funny. He'd want them to be the last thing he saw if he ended up dead too. He can feel something being ripped away from him. It's burning away.
His wings.
His grace.
That's when he realizes he really is dead. And there's nothing else. Only darkness. He doesn't hear a sound. But his mind is still there, with thoughts. Feelings.
Where do angels go when they die?
He hears Dean's voice again. It's faint. Almost like a memory - it is a memory. A little bit of warmth in the cold darkness. And yet it makes his stomach tight with anxiety.
I'm not sure.
I mean, they don't go to heaven, obviously. Not to hell either, and purgatory is for monsters, so... where do you think they go?
Oh right. He was human when Dean asked him this question. It didn't make it any easier to answer though.
Castiel can't hear Dean's voice anymore and he feels as if the darkness was swallowing him up. He keeps shrinking and he's smaller and smaller, occupying less and less space in the universe he loved so much.
He answers with a thought. It feels like his last thought before he completely vanishes. But he still can't help but wonder – where is he? He's never been here before and he'd died many times. And the pain is gone. There's nothing.
Not even molecules.
And then it occurs to him. He finally gets it. This is it. This is death. And it's permanent this time.
Goodbye Dean.
A little bit a warmth in the cold darkness. A little bit of light and hope in the endless nothingness. He can't even hear his thoughts anymore, but there's something... tugging at him. Pulling him away from the peaceful emptiness.
And then there's pain again. His back hurts. His wings are gone and the grace he lost gets replaced by something that settles around his heart and doesn't leave. A soul?
He feels like he's drowning again, but this time there's something pushing him towards the surface so he can breathe. And his thoughts are back. What's happening? Is this where angels go when they die and swim through to the end of the darkness?
And then the little bit of light turns into something much brighter.
He hears a voice. It doesn't belong to Dean, or Sam, or Mary Winchester.
His body is aching and he realizes that he isn't floating anymore, he's lying on the ground. He groans and is surprised to hear his own voice.
Someone says again. Cas tries to move his hand and is pleased when it lands on his forehead. Under the cloak of his fingers, he dares to open his eyes for the first time. But the light is gone. And he removes his hand, taking in where he is and what's wrong with him. His body doesn't feel quite right.
He's lying on the forest ground and there are trees high above him. There's no sun. Where did the light come from then?
"Castiel? Are you back?" He hears the voice again and immediately follows it with his eyes. What he finds is a young man – almost still a boy – sitting on the ground next to him and looking at him with curious eyes.
"Yes." Cas answers, remembering the question he was asked. "I appear to be." He looks around and grunts again as he tries to sit up. The boy is there to help him and Castiel accepts that help, but he can't help but notice that he's lacking something.
He looks at the boy and... feels nothing. He doesn't know what time it is – something he's always been able to sense as an angel. His eyes widen. He's-
"You're human, Castiel." The boy tells him as if he was able to read his thoughts. Cas looks up at him and slowly stands up, towering over him. He looks around again, but there's no one else. He can see neither Sam nor Dean and it makes him worry.
Then it all comes back to him.
He was the one who killed Cas, which means that he must have gotten back to this universe. Which means that while he was already dead, Sam, Dean and Mary had to face the devil again. He didn't help the situation at all when he thought he could handle the archangel himself and keep him where they wanted him to stay.
"Who are you?" Castiel growls.
It's worse every time he's brought back to life. And this time it seems, he's lost his grace for good.
"I'm Jack." The boy answers.
Castiel stops frowning and tilts his head slightly. "The nephilim." He says. He tries to feel his power, but... no, there's just nothing. "How did you- Where are-"
"My mother is dead and you're the only one I've got left." Jack tells him. "You promised to take care of me, remember?" He smiles slightly. "I want to learn about the world, Castiel. I want to know what it's like out there among humans."
"Where are Sam and Dean? And their mother?" Castiel asks instead and is surprised that Jack frowns.
"They tried to bury you." Jack says.
"I was dead."
"But I brought you back."
"So I could be your... teacher?" Castiel asks, narrowing his eyes.
"You're like a father to me." Jack answers with a smile, but it still doesn't answer his previous question - where are Sam and Dea- "Lucifer loathes humanity, Castiel. And I want to learn something before I can decide what I think about them."
"Where are they?" He repeats his question, ignoring what Jack just told him.
"Will you teach me?" Jack asks instead. "You promised you would."
"I know I did." Cas nods as he looks around again. But he still can't see his friends, his family. "And I will keep my promise."
Jack nods. And before Cas can ask again, he gives him his answer. "I left them in the forest near their home. They're not my teachers, you are."
"I need to go back to them, Jack." Cas tells him and tries to leave, but his legs betray him and he almost falls to the ground if it weren't for Jack, supporting him.
"You're weak, Castiel." He says. "And I don't want them to teach me, you've walked among people and you've learned much about them. I know that. You can be my teacher."
"But I-" Cas pants as he sits back on the ground and closes his eyes, leaning against a tree. "I need them." He breathes out. "They're my family."
"Dean shot me." Jack frowns as he steps closer to him and puts his hands on his hips.
It makes Castiel smile. "That does sound like him."
"If he wants to kill me, how can he teach me?" The nephilim asks another question, but suddenly, Castiel feels too tired to answer. He just opens his eyes and keeps breathing, but Jack is patient.
"Do you want to hurt them? Do you want to destroy the world?" Castiel asks him, feeling a little bit better again. Being a human is confusing.
"No." Jack simply answers. "I want to learn."
"They're good people, Jack. They can't even hurt you, so why not come back to them?"
That makes Jack pause. "Why can't we just leave? I'll make sure you don't starve and you can teach me." With that, Castiel sort of remembers he's human now and that it's real. Why isn't he bothered by that thought? Maybe being an angel with weak grace was harder than finally letting go and becoming human... Maybe being human is what will finally allow him to rest.
"I can't just leave them." Castiel closes his eyes again and sighs. When he opens his eyes again, he's staring at the starry night sky. It's beautiful.
When he notices that Jack is silent, he looks at him again. The nephilim is frowning and Castiel can feel that he's confused. And he's not surprised. Jack has just been born – and must have grown up fast, just like Amara – and doesn't understand what having a family means. He doesn't understand love. He doesn't know that Castiel needs to let his family know that he's alive and human. He doesn't know that they, most of all Dean, need him too.
"You love them."
It's a little surprising when Cas hears that, but unlike him (not anymore), Jack can read thoughts. And he understands Castiel's need to see his family again.
"Yes." Cas tells him, sitting up again. He's hungry and sleepy, and really wants to go home. He understands now that his home is with the Winchesters, so he adds, "I love all of them."
"No." Jack argues, coming closer to him. "Dean Winchester." He narrows his eyes. "You're in love with him."
Cas is quiet for a moment, but eventually he nods. There's no point in lying. "Yes."
"But he's human." Jack says, reminding Castiel that love shared between humans and angels is forbidden and that Jack is a brilliant example of that. But Dean and Cas would never be able to produce a nephilim anyway, so where's the problem with them being together?
"I'm human now too." Cas argues as he reaches behind and supports himself with his hand against the tree, slowly standing up again. If Jack isn't willing to take him back, he'll need to at least try to find his own way to the Winchesters.
"That's true." Jack nods. "I'm sorry, Castiel, but your grace is lost forever. I can't make you angel again."
For some weird reason, Cas smiles at that. "That's alright." He says as he takes Jack's hand again to stay upright. "Will you please take me back to them? I promise I'll talk to them so they won't try to kill you again."
Jack looks Castiel in his eyes and nods silently. "You're my teacher now, Castiel. And if that's what you wish, then I'll listen."
"Thank you." Cas answers.
Jack then takes a deep breath and in the next moment, Cas is flying across the forest.
The last he needs right now is some nephilim taking Cas away from him.
And of course that's exactly what happens. Call it the Winchesters' luck, the universe's fucked up mockery, call it what you will. But Dean can't take any of that shit anymore. He's done. Why can't just one thing go right for him? Doesn't he deserve that?
The empty feeling in his heart is eating him alive and it hurts. He keeps his hands where they are though because just a few seconds ago, that was where Cas' head lay. He's not there now. He's gone. Again.
"No," Dean repeats what he already yelled right after the glow disappeared. Right after his hope got torn apart by Lucifer's fucking kid. He allowed himself to believe for one second... and here are the consequences.
It's him on the ground, Cas gone, and an empty grave behind him.
"Dean," Sam whispers and he hears them getting out of the grave. "I'm sorry," He continues, but Dean doesn't care. "We'll find him, Jack wanted him to be alive so he's gotta be."
"Yeah," Dean whispers, but it sounds dead even to his ears.
Then the rage returns and he stands up abruptly. Why did he even allow that son of a bitch near Cas in the first place? Why did he-
Then the tears come. And before he knows it, he's grabbing the shovel and turning to his brother and his mom, who both look like crap. He's pretty sure he's worse.
He wipes his tears away and frowns. "This happened before." He tells them with a defeated shrug. "Cas being nowhere to be found, that's like every Friday night for us right? So what we do is that we go back to the bunker and go through the lore again and try to find whatever we can to bring him home."
Sam nods. "Yeah. Jack brought him back to life, that's got to leave a trace of some kind."
"It would." Mary agrees. "He's a nephilim."
"Right." Dean looks down and then turns away from them, not being able to look them in the eyes anymore. There's nothing to see anyway, it's all just pain.
So they follow him as he marches through the forest, back to their bunker. He's silent and they are too. He doesn't feel like talking anyway, he's pretty sure that whatever would leave his mouth would either be sobbing or endless curses, trying to get the nephilim to notice. But that doesn't really sound like a plan, so he keeps quiet and tries to keep his mind from freaking out that he might not ever see Cas again.
It feels like hours. He's still walking through the forest and he's still watching the ground moving under him as he keeps going forward, but it's only been a few minutes. The bunker isn't far away though so soon they'll-
He halts so fast that he almost falls over.
That voice... Is it really him?
His fingers and lips tremble as he looks up, but what he sees is worth everything in the world. Cas is standing there, in front of him and alone, keeping a hand on a tree to support himself. And he looks just like he always did. Striped blue tie, trench coat, blue eyes and dark hair sticking out in every direction.
And God, how much Dean loves to hear that voice again.
"Cas!" He yells, almost tripping over the shovel that must have fallen out of his hands as he starts running.
He can see Cas smiling and feels a smile of his own, and it's the best feeling in the world.
"Dean." Cas reaches out his hand and Dean takes it without any hesitation, wrapping his other hand around Cas' shoulders and closing his eyes, burying his head in the crook of Cas' neck, breathing him in.
"You're alive." He whispers, his voice trembling as he feels Cas' hands on his back. As soon as his hand leaves the tree though, Cas can't keep himself up and they both collapse on the forest floor, still wrapped in a tight embrace.
"I am." Cas smiles. He moves his hands down to Dean's waist and Dean grins against his shoulder. It feels so great to hold Cas like this, without his head falling dead on his shoulder and his arms not moving.
"I can't believe you're back, Cas, you have no idea, no idea-" He stops himself and opens his eyes that are filled with tears, patting Cas' back and pulling away slightly so he can see Cas' tired eyes. "I thought I'd lost you."
"I know." Cas smiles. It's a sad smile though and Dean wishes he could do anything to make it disappear. "I'm human now though." Cas explains and before Dean can say anything else, Cas continues. "But I don't mind. I... missed PB&J."
That makes Dean laugh. He didn't think he'd ever laugh again.
"Cas!" He hears his brother behind him, followed by his mom. He lets Cas go and turns to look at them. They're both grinning and he's happy to see them like that. But Cas is still weak and Dean keeps his arm around his shoulders as he helps him get up.
"Hello Sam." Cas smiles and nods. "Mary."
"It's great to see you back, man." Sam smiles at him, rushing in to give him a quick hug before Dean drags Cas home. He obviously needs sleep. And some food.
"I'm glad you're back too." Mary smiles at him. Castiel nods again with a smile and looks at Dean, who's been staring at him the whole time. He knows he probably shouldn't, but he just can't help it. Cas is there with him, with his arm around Dean's shoulders and he's coming home with him. This time for good.
"Let's get you home." Dean smiles at him and beams when Cas smiles in return.
Castiel can't help but melt into Dean's side as the hunter takes his first steps towards the bunker. He knows there's Jack to talk about and he knows he should mention it, but when he closes his eyes and lets his head fall on Dean's shoulder, it's like everything else in the world stops existing. It's always been like that, but he's never really had the privilege to be this close to Dean for this long.
His hand is around Dean's shoulders and he can feel his fingers touching Dean's hand. It's like he's itching to touch him, but something is stopping him. He can't feel Dean's longing anymore because he's human, but before that, it was like a constant reminder that he was alive. Dean's longing has always been there, but it's gotten much stronger over the last few years. And now that he can't feel it, it feels like he's lost something. But Dean's still there and their hands are almost touching and he wonders if he should take the next step. If that's what's Dean been waiting for.
He tentatively stretches his fingers and lets them bump into Dean's. He can feel Dean's shoulders tense, but he doesn't drop his arm or do anything when Cas completes the move and joins their hands. Dean keeps walking and Cas can see a little smile playing at his lips. Then the hunter looks down at their hands and he turns his head to look at the former angel.
There's a question in Cas' eyes. Or at least he hopes there is. And with Dean's smile getting winder, he hopes the answer is yes.
But there's still something they need to talk about, something that feels like an end to this closeness and smiles and tight hand holding. He doesn't want to stop that, he wants to get as close to Dean as possible and close his eyes and sleep. He hasn't done that in a very long time. He wonders if he'll have dreams...
"Dean," he mumbles before he can change his mind. He knows Jack is behind them and that they need to talk about him. Now.
Dean's smile immediately disappears when he sees Cas' worried eyes. He stops walking, but lets Sam and Mary continue in their way. "What's wrong?" He asks.
"We need to talk." Castiel tells him and can feel how tense Dean is again. But this is not about what he thinks it is, this is something that might make Dean angry and he doesn't want to see him like that. But he has to. "It's about the nephilim."
Dean frowns and keeps looking into Cas' eyes. "What about him?" He asks, suddenly looking around. Cas hopes Jack doesn't come out yet, but in the moment he thinks that, Jack appears nearby and Dean holds Cas tighter.
"It's okay, Dean." Cas tries to reassure him. "He brought me back."
"I know." Dean doesn't look at Cas, he keeps staring at Jack and he reaches for his gun with the hand that's not holding Cas up. "And then he ran away with you." He adds.
"And you shot me." Jack says, for which Cas frowns at him. "I'm sorry." Jack offers then, but Cas knows Dean won't accept that. Not until Jack proves himself somehow.
"He's not evil." Cas sighs as he looks at Jack. "Dean," he waits until Dean looks at him and then continues. "I want to teach him about the world, just like you taught me." He says. "He doesn't have anyone."
"So you're telling me you trust him? You believe in him and all that crap from before?"
"Dean." Cas lowers his voice a little, squeezing Dean's shoulder. "He chose me." He simply says.
"And what, is that supposed to make it all okay? Is that supposed to give him a pass to the bunker and to our lives?" Dean asks.
"I see you're not ready to talk about me." Jack takes a step closer, which makes Dean's hold on Cas even tighter. Sam and Mary notice that they left them behind and are now walking back to them, noticing Jack is there too, and Cas knows now that it wasn't the brightest idea to mention the nephilim right now. He was getting more tired and this conversation was exhausting.
"Jack?" Mary asks as she finally gets close enough together with Sam.
"I'll return in the morning." Jack ignores them and disappears, making Cas let out a breath of relief. He knew he wouldn't avoid the conversation, but he's already started this and now Dean's grumpy.
"What was that about?" Sam asks, but Dean just shakes his head.
"Jack still wants Cas as a teacher." Dean answers eventually. "And Cas agrees."
"He needs to learn about the world somehow." Cas clarifies. Then he turns to Dean again. "He doesn't have to live in the bunker, I'm not asking you for that. What I'm asking is for you to give him a chance. He's just been born and doesn't have anyone, so I consider it a wise decision to give him the knowledge he wants instead of letting him get it from the wrong sources."
"You mean hell?" Mary asks. "Crowley is dead and Lucifer was... well, he ruled hell, right?" When Sam nods, she continues. "Jack might try to take over the throne in hell then."
"That wouldn't be great." Dean mumbles.
"Do you see my point now?" Castiel asks, but it comes out as a half-yawn, which surprises him. "I... apologize."
"Don't." Dean takes his hand in his again and his other hand wraps around his waist. That makes Cas smile despite their audience. "You need sleep, sunshine." Dean says, which earns him another smile from Cas and raised eyebrows and glances from the rest of the family.
"So... " Sam clears his throat. "Jack?"
Cas looks at him, embarrassed a little. "I'll teach him. He asked me to."
Sam nods. "Great, so that's settled. Dean?" He asks, looking at his older brother and searching for a sign of approval or rejection.
"Alright." Dean sighs. "The kid did bring you back. But let's just take it easy and be careful, okay?"
"Sounds reasonable to me." Mary smiles.
"Let's go home then." Sam repeats and they start walking again.
Cas slowly lays his head back on Dean's shoulder, testing if he's still allowed to do that even after the conversation they just had. Dean glances down at him and gives him a smile, which makes Cas' heart swell with happiness. He thinks, that if he's still dead and this is in fact, where angels go after they die... he'd be happy.
But hearing his and Dean's hearts beating in sync proves that this is real.
When they get back to the bunker, there isn't much to do. Sam was carrying both his and Dean's shovels and right after they get home, he goes to return them to wherever he found them, together with Mary. And after hearing their goodnights from the hall, Cas realizes that this is the moment he's been waiting for - he can finally rest now. The bunker is closed and quiet, and all his family is inside, safe and sound.
Dean leads him to Cas' room and stops in the doors, looking inside. "You know... I came here to look for you after you came back. We've found something, but when I came here... you were gone."
"I'm sorry, Dean." Cas says. He did it to protect him, to protect all of them. But Dean was right. That was not his job. He should have told them because as Dean said, they're just better together. Team Free Will.
"I'm glad you're back here." Dean nods, smiles at him and pulls away slightly, letting his arm drop from Cas' waist. He turns to him and then looks at the room, smiling. "Yeah, there's no place like home, right?"
"Actually," Cas bites his lip slightly and then looks up at Dean, whose eyes are already boring into his, asking what's wrong "If it's not a problem..." Cas continues, telling himself that this is now or never. If the hand holding and smiles earlier meant something, then it was that it's the right time to finally do this. "I'd like to spend the night in your room." He almost stutters as he manages to get the words out.
This is the moment that Cas misses not being an angel anymore the most. He knows he promised Dean to not ever read his thoughts again, but he'd give anything to know what Dean's thinking right now.
"Okay, sure." Dean smiles slightly and clears his throat, slowly putting his arm around Cas' waist again and turning around, leading him back to his own room.
Cas knows Dean's bed is big enough for both of them. He used to lie there when Sam and Dean disappeared for weeks and they couldn't find them. He used to close his eyes with his head on Dean's pillow, trying to imagine that Dean was lying there next to him.
He didn't think that it could actually happen one day. And that that day was today.
"Welcome to my room," Dean announces as they enter the dark empty room and doesn't even bother to turn the lights on. They're both exhausted and they both need rest, so Cas is sure nothing will happen between them tonight, certainly nothing which would require more energy than he currently has. But it's nice to know that he'll get to spend a night beside Dean Winchester.
"I know your room, Dean." Cas points out and he's pretty sure Dean is rolling his eyes.
"I know." He hears him say as Dean closes the door. He slowly leads him to the bed and sits him down.
"Well, I've got to change, so..."
"Don't worry, I'm not an angel anymore, I can't see anything." Cas assures him. He's not sure, but he thinks it's a smile that he sees on Dean's face.
"That's not what I meant." Dean says and from his tone he knows Dean really is smiling. "I wanted to ask if you needed clothes or if you were fine sleeping in that dirty trench coat and tie. I mean, that can't be comfortable, right?"
"Oh," Cas looks down at his trench coat and frowns. He can't see anything. "Do you have... anything that would fit?"
"Cas, buddy, that's like everything in here." Dean chuckles. "Let me see." He walks over to the bedside table and turns on the lamp so they're not in a completely dark room and then he moves to his closet, while Cas keeps sitting on the bed and only turns towards him. "Yeah, you can have this." Dean pulls out an old AC/DC t-shirt and holds it out in front of Cas so he can see it. "Like it?"
"It will be much more comfortable than my shirt." He smiles and slowly stands up. Before he can do that though, Dean rushes over to him and gives him the t-shirt himself.
"Careful," Dean comments when he sees Cas needs to sit down again. He really doesn't know how he managed to stand up right after Jack brought him back. He's lucky he manged to get back to the bunker with Dean, Sam and Mary.
"Thank you." Cas accepts the t-shirt.
"Don't mention it." Dean replies and goes back to the closet, finding his sleeping shirt.
They change in silence and as Cas notices, Dean decides to sleep only in his boxers. He doesn't think Dean owns anything besides jeans, so he assumes they'll both sleep without them. He removes his trousers and stays only in his underwear then, leaving the trench coat and the rest of his clothes on the bedside table.
When Dean looks over at him and sees that he's done, he closes the closet and pulls back the covers, turning off the light. They both slip under the blanket and fall into an awkward silence. "You good?" Dean asks when he turns towards Cas. Cas is looking at Dean's dark face and moves to his side, getting comfortable.
"Yes." He yawns again and hears Dean chuckle.
"Alright, enough talking, you need sleep." Dean tells him as he moves a tiny bit closer. Cas can feel the heat radiating from his skin and he's sure that if he moves his leg just right- yes, their legs are touching under the blanket.
"I don't want to talk." Cas mumbles. It's all good signs, right? The hug, the trip back to the bunker, the fact that they're both half naked under the covers, in the same bed. Dean doesn't move his leg away and Cas has enough knowledge from Metatron to know what this all means. He's always knows what it all meant. "I just want to do something I should have done long ago."
He moves closer and carefully reaches his hand for Dean's... he finds it under the blanket and when he looks back up, Dean's eyes are sparkling like diamonds. He's never been more beautiful than he is right now.
You're in love with him. Jack told him. And he was right. This is the proof.
"Is this okay?" Cas asks and he isn't even sure when did his talking turn to whispering, but Dean doesn't seem to mind when he nods.
"Just shut up and kiss me."
When Cas hears Dean's response, he can't help but grin. Dean leans closer to him and Cas meets him in the middle with his lips on Dean's, making sure that their first kiss is as long as it can be. It has everything. Soft lips against lips, tiny moans when Cas lets Dean open his mouth and hands, oh the hands. They're like a second blanket, all over Cas - his shoulder, then neck and cheek and then on his waist and shoulders again. He doesn't even know where his hands are, but he's pretty sure one of them is tangled in Dean's hair.
When they part again, Cas feels both like the kiss exhausted him and like he's got more energy than before. It's a strange feeling, but when Dean leans in for a second kiss and Cas yawns in the middle of it, he knows that sleep is what he needs more right now.
Dean is laughing next to him. "Okay, angel-"
"I'm not an angel anymore, Dean." Cas reminds him in case he forgot.
"I know." Dean smiles. "Okay, no more talking now. Let's just sleep, what do you say?"
"We weren't talking though." Cas smirks and lays his arm over Dean's waist, burying his head in Dean's neck and chest.
"We can continue that tomorrow." Dean offers, kissing Cas' hair.
"I'd like that." Cas answers as he closes his eyes.
"Goodnight, Cas."
"Goodnight, Dean."
With that, they both smile and yawn, the sound of each other's heartbeat lulling them to sleep. And there's nothing better in the world than falling asleep next to the love of your life after your first kiss. For the first time in a while, he feels content.
Are angels capable of falling in love, Cas?
He hears Dean's voice from his memories. He smiles as he remembers that moment.
Yes. Some of them are.
I hope I managed to fix it and that you liked at least the ending! (And I'm sorry if I made it even more painful at the beginning!) Thanks for reading and as always, please let me know what you think, thanks! :)
This is the last fanfic in this series though, so see you in a few months in another coda series for season 13! :D