Disclaimer: I don´t own -Man!
Chapter 2
„Now, let´s begin the Plan." Neah thought to himself while he smiled sadistically. He put on his best fake smile. Cross looked at him and hit him over the head. Neah pouted.
„What was that for?" Neah whined. He didn´t do anything! Cross snorted. „ I know your up to something! Stop that creepy smile!" Cross growled. Neah raised a eyebrow.
„I don´t know what your talking about…HEY! My smile isn´t creepy!" Neah defended. He looked insulted.
„If that makes you sleep better at night, but it isn´t good to lie Neah." Road teased with a grin. Cross chuckled.
„That smile is the reason why, the brat didn´t have friends, Retard." Cross said amsued. He looked at Allen. „Brat, where´s the Alcohol?" he asked. Neah chocked.
„Allen doesn´t have Al-!" he protested, but Allen cut him of. Allen pointed at the Chimney. They didn´t use it very often so he hid his secret bottles there. Never knew when Cross would show up.
„There." Allen answered. Cross smirked and stood up. You could hear Neah crying in the background.
„What the fuck? Since when did you hide Alcohol there? What would you have done if the Baka found it?!" Kanda growled. Lavi looked disappointed. „Why didn´t you tell me, Al?" Lavi complained. Lenalee looked at him with disapproval. Link had a frown on his face.
„I heard Rabbit is delicious!" Allen cheered. Lavi shrunk back.
Cross took a bottle of wine and sat back down.
„How long do you know each other? It must have been a really longgg time, Neah wouldn´t have let Allen live with people he just met." Road asked. She was curious. Allen always was against them meeting his friends. Not that she could be mad at him for that. It was understandable.
„I, three years." Lenalee answered without hesitation. Link and Lavi nodded. Kanda just tch´ed.
Road nodded in approval and sat back. Kanda, Lenalee, Link and Lavi felt like if they gave the wrong answer nobody would see them again. Ever.
„Do you know about his Arm?" Tyki inquired. He had a sharp smile on his face. Lavi sat up straighter. He narrowed his eye.
„Of course we know." He stated like it was obvious. He felt the other stares on him. Like they were judging him. He felt a shiver but he wouldn´t back down.
„You don´t have a problem with it, right?" Lulubell said emotionless. She had the gaze of a cat that waited to pounce. Like if one of them gave them the wrong answer they would be never seen again.
Lavi shoot her a look. „No! He would kill us! Do you know how much strength he has in that Arm!?" He cried out. Allen hit him once, lightly, he had a black bruise on his arm for 2 weeks!
Lenalee shoved her elbow in his rips. She gave them a serious look. „What he means is that the last time someone insulted him about his Arm, he wasn´t seen again." She explained with a satisfied smile. Road looked at her in approval.
Kanda had a smirk on his face. He looked at his sword with a strange emotion. Like he was proud of something?!
„I never knew what happened to him, you did something to him didn´t you?" Allen stated dryly. Lenalee smiled at him innocently. „Why did you think that?" she stated in fake confusion. Allen shot her a look.
„I heard he went to a Asylum for crazy people." Allen stated with a frown. Link looked away, while Lavi had a grin on his face, Kanda petted Mugen and Lenalee shrughed.
The twins laughed. „We like you!" they said together. The other Noah relaxed a bit.
Tyki had a dark grin on his face. Neah went to open his mouth but he was interrupted by the doorbell.
Allen stood up and went to get the door. He opened it and saw Adam stand there with a box. He had a big smile on his face.
„Good to see you Allen~!" he greeted cheerfully. Allen took the box and went back to the living room, after he greeted Adam.
„YOU!" Allen growled at Neah. Neah hid behind Cross. The others flinched a bit at the tone.
„What´s that Walker?" Link inquired in interest. Allen stopped glaring at Neah for a moment and shook his head. „Nothing." He hissed. He hugged the box protectively to his chest.
Adam came in and greeting them.
„Hello~! You are the ones who take care of my dear Ally~?" Adam asked fondly. Lavi laughed. Kanda smirked in amusement. Link coughed to hide his laugh and Lenalee giggled.
Allen was bright red in the face. „Don´t call me that!" Allen yelled in embarrassment.
„Your Family can come here again, if they embarrass you like that every time." Kanda stated. Allen shot him a scowl.
Adam sat down and took the box back from Allen. Allen tried to lunge at him to get the box back but was pulled back by Kanda. Adam chuckled and took a video tape out and began to play it on the TV.
„Oh god…." Allen moaned. The other Noah´s grinned.
„We will show you a few Family moments!" Road yelled in excitement.
The tape began to play.
Tape 1
There was a young boy with short brown hair. He had big silver eyes. He looked like he was 4 years old. He looked up at a younger Cross. Cross looked down on him.
„What ya want Shorty?" Cross asked with a growl. Little Allen looked up at him with a blank face. Then he kicked him between the legs.
Cross went to the ground.
The Camera began shaking.
„HAHAHAHAHAHA!" The one who held the Camera was laughing his ass off. The Camera was given away to someone. A younger version of Road was in the picture for a short moment. She was filming.
Neah was on the ground laughing. His arms were around his stomach. He was red it the face from it. The Camera turned back to Allen and Cross.
„GET BACK HERE YOU BRAT!" Cross roared. He chased after Little Allen, but Allen was faster. Allen smirked while he ran.
The Tape ended.
„Hahahaha!" Neah was laughing again. Cross kicked him. Allen´s roommates looked at him stunned.
Allen blushed. „I-I-It was just Reflex!" he yelled. This was so embarrassing!
He crossed his arms and looked away. Kanda snorted. "What kid would kick someone between the legs, the first time they saw someone new?" He asked with a smirk. Allen growled.
He pointed at Neah. "He told me, if someone was rude to me or looked like a Creep I should kick them as hard as I could!" He tried to defend himself. Lenalee giggled, while Lavi laughed and Link hid a smile behind his hand.
"So it was you after all that told the Brat to kick me?" Cross asked dangerously. Neah chuckled nervously and backed away. Adam clapped his hands. "Now, now. Be nice. You wouldn´t want Allen´s friends to have a horrible opinion of you, would you~?" Adam said sweetly, but to all Noah´s it was a warning. They quieten down.
Adam began to play the next tape.
"Aww, isn´t he cute?" came a voice that wasn´t heard before. A face like Neah´s just with longer hair was in the view of the camera. A grin was painted on the man´s face. The perspective changed and you could see little Allen. He held his arms up to a younger Cross. His big Silver eyes were pleading. Puppy dog eyes were full on.
You heard Cross sigh and he picked Allen up. Allen smiled brightly. Cross suddenly smirked and threw Allen high up in the air. He caught him again. "Higher! Higher!" Allen cheered childishly.
"CROSS MARIAN!" screamed the man from before. The Camera dropped to the ground and the perspective was tilted upside down.
Cross run with Allen in his arms. The man began throwing knifes after Cross. You could see the panic written over Cross´s face. Allen only laughed. "Damnit it Mana! You crazy psycho! The Brat is okay, so stop! What if you accidently hit him!?" Cross yelled while he picked up his peace. He had the hope that Mana would stop if he knew that he endangered Allen. A knife cut his cheek.
The man known as Mana only giggled darkly. "Don´t worry~! I have had lots of practice at the Circus! I won´t hit my dear son!" He assured with a dark grin. Allen only cheered Mana on.
"ON WHO´S SIDE ARE YOU BRAT!?" Cross roared annoyed. Allen´s eyes began to water and he sniffed. Mana saw that and began to chase Cross more fiercely.
"YOUR DEAD MARIAN! DEAD! Don´t cry, Allen! Daddy will save you~!" Mana cried out with a sadistic smile. Allen hid his head in Cross´s shoulder. He smirked evilly. Cross growled at him. "Damn, Devil!" Cross muttered to himself. A knife struck his leg. He winced.
"I heard that!" Mana roared angry. His son was not a devil! His Allen was the opposite! An angel, a rude and sassy one at times, but still an angel!
Cross cussed and rolled his eyes.
They finally were out of the picture of the Camera. A broken noise was heard. Like a window that was shattered.
"Hey, Maria-HOLY SHIT! MANA STOP!" a voice that sounded like Neah cried. A few screams were heard and pained yells.
Road was giggling like crazy. The other Noah´s were laughing too. Neah and Allen had sad but at the same time amused smiles on their faces. Cross grimaced at the tape. "That was totally overreacted by that Idiot." He thought with a twitch. It was a painful experience for him. He won´t go into detail to what happened after the tape.
Lavi chuckled. "Man, Allen sure was evil. Now I know where you got your dark side from!" He commented with a grin. These tapes where so funny! Why didn´t he show them these videos? They after all had a photo album too! Even if Kanda tried his hardest to not be on the photos.
It was surprising what Allen´s blackmail, their friend Alma´s look and Lenalee´s kicks and their combined threats could make Kanda do.
"Always knew that the Beansprout was messed up. Even as a kid." Kanda smirked amused. Link had a smile on his face. "That was low Walker, even for you." He said halfheartedly in a scolding tone. He heard from his Uncle Levileer that Cross Marian was a horrible man.
Lenalee laughed. "You know, we could have invited Komui too! He would have loved to see that he isn´t the only overprotective guy around here!" She stated with a grin. Allen smiled a wry smile.
"Well, Mana isn´t around anymore so he would have to be satisfied with the others here." Allen said with a strained smile. The room turned quiet. Lenalee looked horrified at what she unconsciously said. She didn´t mean to hurt Allen! No way!
The others locked panicked.
Link quickly stood up and walked into the kitchen. "W-What sweets would you like to eat, Walker?!" Link wanted to try to cheer Allen up and Sweets were normally one of the best ways. Allen perked up a bit. "Mirarashi Dango, please~!" Allen cheered. Lenalee and the others sighed in relief.
Kanda pinched Allen´s cheek. "You are going to be fat if you continue to eat like that." He teased with a smug smile. Allen made a noise of protest and swatted Kanda´s hands away. He shot Kanda a pout.
Lavi threw an arm around Allen´s shoulders. "Yuu, you know that Allen could eat an army, if he wanted to." Lavi said playfully. "Tch. True." Kanda let his given name slide for now. But only because he wouldn´t deal with a depressed and disappointed Beansprout. It was pathetic every time he was like that.
The Noah´s and Cross watched with surprised expressions. They saw how Allen´s friends immediately tried their best to cheer him up. Maybe they wouldn´t have to be scared away after all.