Donnie turned back to look at the large expanse of desert that he had just crossed and sighed.

He picked up his bo and started drawing into the sand

Scenario one-

Go with the turtles.

Outcome 1- Save a planet

Outcome two- Become slave, mind overcome, and possibly used for evil.

Scenario 2 - Stay in the desert.

Outcome one- Return home the same- help end the resource war.

Outcome 2- Remember halfway through that they were right- try to find a way through ion storm- possible lost of planet in case of failure.

Donnie looked over his notes with rising concern.

"Oh, why didn't I stay on the ship, I could have hacked into their data-banks and checked if the data matched their story." He said to himself.

"Why,maybe they were lying about us being related , but telling the truth about needing my help saving their planet." He scratched out his notes with his Bo.

"Maybe I should volunteer to go with them if they promise to return me here after we finish. Oh, but I'd have to wear a band. I don't have a band, And they could just lock me in the brig once they took off."

He tried to think, every problem had a solution didn't it? how could he balance the risk to a possible fictional planet against the risk of his mind being used for ill.

He broke out into sweat. what did they mean by save the earth anyway? If you asked anyone on this planet what a comment like that meant they'd say it meant destroy ones enemy.

Did they want him to build bombs? Missiles? Chemical weapons? Did they find a kraaang facility they wanted him to pick the security on so they could steal the mutagen?

Maybe they'd mutate dissidents and send them back home as a warning to anyone who'd try to cross them.

Family members would have to try to care for the half sentient mutation while attempting find any lingering trace of the person they were before.

He broke out in cold sweat, giving himself temporary permission to inventory all the ways he could think of to kill people, he clutched his staff with white knuckles as the death count rose higher.

It wouldn't be so, he wouldn't let it. He had to escape. He didn't know what the population count of earth was, But if he allowed some of his designs to be mass produced he could become responsible for killing just as many people.

He had to keep moving. He looked across a ravine with a log placed across it like a makeshift bridge, it looked a bit unstable, maybe he should try a different route.

"Guys, look! it's Donnie."

"Donnie!" April called.

He clenched his bo tighter at the sight of them coming, then, coming to a snap decision, ran across the log.

"No!" They screamed as the log began to crack beneath his feet, he managed to make it to the other side before it broke, falling into the ravine.

Don stumbled forward and landed on his hands and knees, he flipped over onto his back and then scrabbled away from them, looking at them with eyes wide with fear.

"Donnie, what were you thinking!?" Leo exclaimed.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?"" Raphael asked.

"Why won't you guys just leave me alone?" Donnie cried.

"Because we need you, Don."

"We can't replace you."

"I won't let you use my capabilities to hurt people!"

"Wasn't that what Vatu wanted you to do anyway?"

That gave him pause, was it? He wanted to help them end the war and bring in an era of peace that no living member of the planet had ever known.

But how was he going to achieve that? He wanted to find a way to create more resources so there wouldn't be as much reason to fight.

And maybe wake up a few of the sleeping giants of tec that had been uncovered in the ruins, to scare people off the battle field.

But was that what everyone else had in mind? Or did they expect weapons? His heart throbbed hard in his chest.

He felt he was on the urge of hyperventilating.

"l-leave me alone. why won't you just LEAVE MY ALONE TO THINK!" he roared, the whirling thoughts in his brain felt overwhelming.

"I saw that robot overlooking schematics before you took me way! He's just as good maybe even better an engineer than I am. There's nothing I can do for you that he couldn't."

"You're wrong Donnie, we do need you. The team can't functional without you."

"Yeah, it's us against the universe. It's always been four. We don't know how to be three."

"I don't believe you. Leave me alone." Donatello snapped.

"Okay guys, I got this." April said. she raised her hands, and levitated a tree in between them.

"Go now !" she commanded, sweating from the exertion.

Leonardo jumped onto the log, ran across it, and jumped onto the other side, Raphael close on his heels.

Donatello rolled onto his feet and ran towards the forest.

Leo and Raphael closed the distance quickly, intending to tackle him, but an unseen force blasted them away from the sky.

Donnie skidded to a stop in and looked back, just as confused as they were about the blast, he looked up and paled at the sight of the shuttle lowering itself beside him.

It opened and the ambassador and his daughter exited.

"Donnie, we were so worried about you!" She exclaimed.

"Oh great, just what we these two losers to show up." Raphael griped.

Leonardo drew his sword's. "How many times do we have to beat you before you realize messing with our family doesn't pay? Leave now and nobody gets hurt."

""Funny, I was about to say the same thing to you." Vatu snapped his fingers, robot sentries started to fly out of the shuttle.

"Come with us Don." Vixen cooed,"we'll get you back where you belong."

Donnie backed to a few tentative steps away from her then turned on his heel and ran into the forest.

"What are you-wait!" she cried, before running after him.

The hard beats of his steps, the rhythm of his ragged breath, and the slapping of his palms against the vines he shoved out of his way were all Donnie heard as he fled.

Breathing became hard, his throat dried, his breathing became ragged. His nose and eyes burned.

A long forgotten instinct awoke, warning him he needed to escape this dry environment before it was his death.

"Get inside, get inside," the instinct urged, "Shelter from the sun will save you.

His instincts picked up something else his conscious mind didn't comprehend, he skidded to a stop, not knowing why.

Vixen skipped to a stop by him, "What's the matter?" She asked.

"Something is here." He replied looking around.

He didn't see any movements except for the vines swinging in the wind, but he could feel a presence.

He turned round and around just trying to get a bead on what was giving him that feeling.

"I think you're imagining things-" Vixen said before one of vines wrapped around her and lifted her up the tree tops.

"Vixen!" Donnie cried. A vine snapped around his wrist like a vise and dragged him after her.

Something moved in the tree tops to look at them, it looked like a huge mass of vines twisted into the form of a wolf. Something else stirred too, a large beast that must have once been a lupine but had been mutated with something that gave it the horns of a elephant beetle.

"Hunter bugs!" Vixen cried.

Don reach for his Bo in a practiced movement he'd almost forgotten, and put his finger on a button, A sharp shock reverberated through the vines. slackening their grip on him.

He leaped over across Vixen and sliced open the vines gripping her with a kunia, how did that even get in his belt?

She landed gracefully on a branch, and snapped forward, grabbing his wrist and pulling him with her as she bounded through the treetops.

The mutant Hunter bugs chased them until they came to a dead end. The forest ended at the edge of a cliff that bottomed out into a deep canyon.

"It's a dead end." Vixen muttered, climbing out as far as the branches would let her to look.

Donnie climbed out onto the end of the branch overlooking the canyon with her. "Look, it's a Kraang ship." He said, pointing.

Over at one end of the canyon was a copy of the technodrome rusting in a crater of now pink fleshy earth..

A waterfall of sand flowed in crashing on top of the ship and spilling over the sides, surrounding it in a viscous pool.

Suddenly, the branch they are standing on snapped, dropping them both down the side of the cliff.

Donny caught Vixen's wrist and braced himself as the branch came into contact with the side of the cliff.

Keeping a hand on her, he gently led her to shift her weight back and forth as they skateboarded down the side of the cliff into the canyon.

The makeshift board hit the bottom and kept going, Donnie shifted his weight so the momentum of it would bring him closer and closer to the ship.

When it started to slow enough that he could jump off he and Vixen leaped, and hit the ground running.

"Where are we going?"

"Into the ship! we can hide from Hunter bugs there."

Come on, just 50 more feet.

There was an explosion of sand, the dust cleared to reveal a Hunterbug clawing it's way onto the surface.

Four more Hunter bugs flung sand out of their way as they climbed out of the dirt.

Donnie halted, Vixen skidded to a stop next to him "I think we should go back, we can hide until dark and sneak back to the shuttle." she said.

Her voice brought the urging back."Get inside, get inside. Indoors will save you from the sun."

"You go back, I'm going through." Donnie said, pulling out his staff.

He ran at the Hunter bugs, and, using his bo staff, pole vaulted over them, their snapping jaws missing his feet by an inch.

He landed hard on the Sandy, fleshy soil, ignoring the unsettling feeling of the not-quite quicksand swirling through round his ankles as he made his way into the pool of sand,

The alien sensation of it made his skin crawl as he made his way to the ship. Pressing his palms through the sand-fall to touch the rusted metal, he groped around for control panel.

He could hear the swishing of the Hunter bugs' legs through the water as they waded their way into the pool after him.

The knowledge that they could swim made his skin prickle.

His desperate groping increased in fervency as they closed in on him.

He found the control panel as one of them started to approach striking distance, he was just starting to reach for his Bo when a psychic blast shook the monster, drowning it.

Vixen waded into the pool after him, blasting the Hunter bugs as she passed them.

He somehow managed to fumble blindly into plugging in an access code, slamming his fingers down on the keys as the sand rolling over his fingers started rubbing them raw.

The door opened, he held his breath he shut his eyes and clambered in through the Sandy waterfall, clambering onto the the cool metal floor of the ship's entrance.

Vixen climbed up beside him, giving her fur a good shake to get the sand out of it. Exchanging worried looks, they started to make their way down in the bowels of the ship.

(scene break)

"Remind me again why we aren't smashing these creeps?" Raph asked.

"Because, that would take time but we don't have.. And we can't risk losing Donnie" Leo replied.

They darted between the tree trunks, dodging the projectiles sailing over their heads.

The four sentries following them retracted their hoses, and extended wheels out of their arms.

The bots dropped on all fours and used to be additional power to speed around the two turtles and line up in formation in front of them.

They raise their blades to attack, but before either side could strike, Root rots extended their vines and grabbed the sentries, dragging them into the treetops.

"Don't see that everyday." Raph noted.

"We don't have time to gape let's go."

"Stop right there, you're not getting-" Vatu started to claim, trying to get the drop on them when the old Wolf was grabbed by the vines and dragged up into the treetops,

Vatu screamed as he saw he was being dragged towards Hunter bugs and Root Rots.

"See ya, wouldn't want to be ya." Raph quipped.

"Raph." Leo said. "What?" Raph asked, not getting Leo's meaning, then the lightbulb went off. "Oh come on, you can't be serious." He added, realizing Leo wanted to save the stupid man.

Raph sighed, and sheathed up his Sais. "So what's the plan?"

"Grab my ankles, spin me, then let go. I'll do the rest."

Raph grabbed him and spun around and around like a spinning top, and then let go, sending him sailing towards the vines, Leo pulled all of his limbs into his shell, letting his katanas poke out of his arm holes, and letting his shell spin like a giant throwing star.

He sailed past the vines, slicing them as he went by, then pulled out and landed gracefully on a branch.

The old Wolf landed unceremoniously on the ground, then scrabbled out of his bindings and ran back towards the shuttle.

Leonardo heard a rustling behind him and looked back to see a pair of Hunter bugs crawling towards him up the tree. "I so don't have time for you right now."

He leaped through the roof of the treetops toward the direction he believed Donnie to have gone. Raph appeared at his side as he came to a stop perched on top of the last tree of the forest line.

Before they could get a good look around them, the Hunter bugs landed themselves on the same tree tipping it over.

The tree tipped over the side of the canyon and started sliding down it, Leonardo scrabbled to get on the other side of it before it squashed him, but tripped and landed on its trunk.

The mutant Hunter bugs raised its horns to slam down on him, he pushed himself onto his knees intending to raise his blades and block the blow, but slammed back down onto the tree as Raph leaped onto his shell and raised his sais to meet the downward striking horns.

If you've never tried to wrestle a giant horned animal with mutant strength while on top of a wiggling turtle strapped to a fast moving toboggan you probably can't understand just how difficult a balancing act this was.

The tree careened down the side of the canyon, slid across the bottom of it- running over several mutant Hunter bugs as it went by- and then crashed into a pool of sand.

The shock of the crash made the mutant Beetle and Raph lose hold of each other for a moment, it took advantage of this by slamming its horns down on his helmet- smashing the glass-Then ran into him, pushing him off the trunk into the sand-water.

"Raph!" Leonardo called, looking into the wiggling mass of flailing limbs thrashing about in the sand-water.

Leonardo reached over and grabbed the bug by its horns, and with great difficulty, managed to pull it out and flip it over into the side of the technodrome.

It went limp and fell back into the sand-water.

Leonardo set his visor firmly into his helmet to keep the sand from getting in and leaped into the pool, grabbing Raph by his underarms and dragging him back onto land.

"Are you okay?"

"Not... *Cough*... Really."

"Guys!" April called, skidding down the side of the canyon and coming towards them. "Are you guys okay?"

"No, Raph swallowed sand. Take him to the professor to get his lungs cleaned out."

"Not... Going to... wuss out... On you guys."

"It's not you Raph, it's this environment, it's poisoned to us." Leo said, he looked back at the technodrome with renewed determination, "One more reason to get Donnie back. He wasn't in his space suit when he left."

"Come on Raph, let me take you back to the ship." April leaned over to help him up.

"No...*Cough*I'll go on ahead, you help Leo get Don." Raph coughed a few times and then dragged himself to his feet.

"Where do you think he went?"

"Well we always joked back home that if he was ever lost in the middle of a desert Donnie would somehow find his way to the only electronics there, so if I had to guess-" Leonardo pointed to the open mouth of the technodrome.

(scene break)

Donatello led Vixen through the endless hallways of the technodrome, he didn't bother going through the "great Hall" of hallways because he knew that would likely just go to the control room. And he wasn't actually particularly interested in going there.

"Why do you keep poking through all of these old rooms? You look like you're looking for something specific." Vixen asked.

"I'm trying to find one of their labs... And I think I just found one!" Donny exclaimed in excitement.

He ran across the room to one of the large computers and started hitting it until it came online. Back in the business this is called "percussive maintenance."

"It works!" Donatello started to rifle through the computer files in excitement, "let's look at the footage of their last experiment."

A video footage came up with the Kraang shoving three aliens together and mutating them into a giant ball of ooze. Its assistant crossed the room to a spherical beaker filled with glowing amethyst goop, it collected a sample and walked over to the aliens, squirting it with the concoction.

The mutant ooze monster separated back and the three creatures reformed . The video timed out and the screen went black.

Donatello's mouth dropped open, and, barely daring to hope, he turned his head to look across the room.

There, his eyes landed on a smashed beaker, the top part of it had been smashed, but in the bottom he very clearly saw a dose of glowing amethyst ooze.

Donatello approached it with reverence, "An advanced retro mutagen formula,"

He grabbed Vixen by the shoulders, "Do you know what this means!?"


"If I can analyze and re-create this then I can save Timothy."

"Who's Timothy?"

All of the enthusiasm drained out of him and he stared blankly into space "I don't know." He said blankly.

He found Something that looked a suitcase. it seemed to be made to hold vials. he took on of the empty vials and filled it with the contents of the beaker.

"Come on, lets go."

They walked back into the hallway, and noticed a bit of sunlight streaming into the hall.

"There must be a hole toward the side of the techno drone."

Above the core, there was indeed a giant hole toward the top of the techno drone that was allowing sand and water to pour in, all the way down into the dark shadowy bottom of the techno drome.

It looks like what they were standing on was once a bridge from one side of the room the other but the middle of it had corroded and fallen out.

"I wonder what's down there?" Donny asked, looking down into the shadowy depths.

"Donnie!" a woman's voice cried out.

He looked across the bridge to see April and Leo standing at the other end.

"April!" He called out brightly. "Oh! Leo! I'm glad you've finish your museum tour and decided to come join us, You won't believe what me and Vixen found in this ship."

"Museum?" April asked, "Does he think it's still yesterday?" She whispered to Leo.

Leo gripped the rails and leaned out as far as he could " Don? Donnie? Do you remember us?"

"What do you mean, do I remember you? Why wouldn't I?"

Leo narrowed his eyes. Puzzled by his brothers anger Donnie followed Leo's gaze to Vixen.

Vixen scoffed and moved forward to the front of the bridge to sneer at them.

"Well, look who finally showed up, guess Your brother couldn't be that important to you if the red one didn't even bother to show up.

"Vixen?" Donnie asked. She turned to face him and let her back paw skirt dangerously close to the edge.

Her foot slipped, she screamed as she fell into the hole.

"Vixen!" He exclaimed, he managed to grabbed her wrist before she fell out of reach.

Her feet scrabbled against the side of the ship, scraping against a control panel her foot flipped a switch.

the Technodrome hummed as it's circuits roared to life.

Light flooded the pit revealing a tangled mass of vines wrapped around the core.

Awoken by the hums and lights, mutant Hunter bugs and Root rots began to stir angrily.

"Don't make any sudden moves. " Donnie whispered. He placed his foot back to get some lift as he pulled her out.

The platform they were standing on gave a groan and fell out from beneath them.

They screamed as they sledded down into the withering mass of vines.

"The suitcase!" He screamed. The cure flew out of his hand and bounced across the withering mass, skidding across the edge and hooking it's handle on a spire reaching out over a sparking battery set in the center of the mass.

"No!" He yelled, making a break for the case.

"Donnie!" His team mates exclaimed. Leo leaped down after him. skirting past another control panel and accidentally activating it.

The gravity gave way as the ship was flooded with anti- gravitons.

The vines lifted into the air, obscuring the teens from each others vision.

Donnie felt himself lift off. He grabbed the vine in front of him and used it to climb downward.

Leo climbs downward, trying to catch sight of his brother through the vines. April tried to follow, a pair of thick vines wrapped themselves around her arms and yanked her upward.

She struggled valiantly, which became harder as more more vines wrapped around her. The tangled mast shifted slightly as something landed on and clung to it.

Vixen gave her a nasty grin as April struggled, She opened her mouth, parting her lower jaw and clamps down on April's head.

Memories flooded her brain as she sucked on the girl psychic energy.

"Talking to a monkey, getting a strange sense of knowing about it that no one else had. Hearing sounds in her head that no one can hear, not even her rat master."

"Being strapped to a metal table as a pink brain explained to her that she was very unique. Being trained in a secret art that she learned in months instead of years, not understanding how such a feat was possible."

Vixen understood how it was possible, she'd forgotten she was dealing with psychic.

April concentrated her thoughts and then exploded them outward from her, causing Vixen and the vines to fly off as they were battered away from her in a psychic blast.

Leo cut and slashed his way through the vines, A mutant Hunter bug flew through the air and landed on him, dragging him into a heated wrestling match.

He ended the match swiftly by cutting its leg off and kicking it away from him, if he had time to breathe he might feel bad about that, but right now the few minutes he spent wrestling that stupid insect could mean the end of Earth.

He spotted Donnie just as a hunter bug was closing in on his brother, using the mass of vines he was clinging to as a starting point, he pushed himself off it, slicing the hunter bug in two as he flew past.

"Donnie !" He called as he clung to the mass of vines rooted the floor. "We have to get out of here."

"Leo, that suitcase has a new retro mutagen formula in it, it could save Karai and Tim." Donnie explained.

"It could save Karai?" Leo asked. The room seemed to darken, Leo looked up through the vines and the hunter bugs and out of the hole in the ceiling, a cloud was passing over the sun, once it passed the autumn colors of dusk flooded into the room.

He closed his eyes as the sunlight filtered through the vines and landed on his face. He tried to mentally strangle the tear that was fighting to force its way out of his eyes as he opened them and looked at Donnie again.

"We don't have time, we need to go." He said solemnly.

"First you bug me for weeks on end to save Karai, and now that I have you want to leave it?" Donnie snapped.

Leo's thoughts came to a halt. Like two sets of gears that ran into each other and jammed.

The idealist in him said he should try for all three. Karai , Donnie, and the earth. That's what a hero would do.

The realist in him screamed that they had wasted enough time and retro-mutagen wouldn't save anyone if Donnie was lost and they failed the earth.

Donnie wrenched out of his grip and swam after the case.

"Donnie, wait!" Leo called, temporarily forgetting about gravity and reaching out a hand for him, his feet lifted off the vines once he let go , He scrabbled fruitlessly to regain his grip before floating away.

Vixen landed on another vine.

"Okay, you've got some serious psychic chops, but you don't know how to use them. "

"And you do? What makes you think I don't know how to use them." April fired back.

"Because your mind is way too scattered, I can catch images flickering from your brain even from here,- The worry- that having two guys pursuing you will hurt one of their feelings." She started to circle April.

"The resentment- of being forced to pick a life mate at 15. The confusion- about your feelings. I can help you that you know. Make him forget you. Then you won't have to choose. You can have the human and you won't have to hurt anyone's feelings."

She leaped onto the vine above April.

"He's a great guy, you know he deserves better than someone whose heart isn't in it."

"Stop rifling through my head! I'm not going to let you turn his brain inside out and claim you're doing me a favor!"

"A mind as scattered as yours can never win a battle like this." Vixen blew another psychic blast at April.

A new deluge of memory flooded April, her mind was assaulted with feelings of embarrassment from watching Donnie mess up another attempt to impress her, irritation at seeing Casey and Donnie competing for her, and the flood of something that she couldn't describe overwhelming her at the sight of Donnie presenting his music box so much that she fled.

Before she could recover from the last onslaught Vixen sent another psychic blast at her that threw her off her feet.

Vixen landed on a tree trunk sized branch and, spotting Donnie swimming after the suitcase, scrabbled up like a little squirrel, poking her head around and shooting another psychic blast at him.

It hit him full frontal, causing him to clutch his head and scream.

"Donnie!" Leo cried out.

Leo swam forward, plucking Donnie out of the air and placing him on his back to try to examine him.

Donnie rolled onto all fours and slid his second eyelids over his eyes.

He hissed, which, coming from a pet turtle wasn't scary, but, coming from a mutant turtle, sounded monstrous.

Leo leaned back in surprise, did Donnie Just go feral? He wasn't prepared to block when Donatello lunged forward, skull bashing him in the Shell.

Donnie lunged at the control panel, cutting off the gravity before rolling into a hallway.

Leo landed on the bridge before scrabbling after him, calling for him to come back.

April managed to use her telekinesis to save her from going splat, but it didn't save her from getting blasted by Vixen again.

"This is just getting pathetic. When are you going to give up?" Vixen taunted, landing gracefully on the floor and drawing herself up to her full height.

"Maybe you're half right. Maybe I am confused about my feelings. But that doesn't mean I have be scattered. Ever since aliens dragged me into this new world of mutants and invasions and ninjas, Donnie's been right there beside me helping me figure it all out. And I've been trying to help him in any way I can back. But for the longest time that was limited to buying groceries and helping him clean his lab."

She drew herself up for full height, "and now, now that I can do something to really help them. I'm not confused about that."

Vixen sent out a psychic blast at her, hitting her with an unfailing onslaught.

April walked forward through it. Not letting the onslaught slow her.

Vixen tried to turn up the power. but it didn't stop her.

April walked right up to her and placed her hands on the side of Vixens head, blasting forward a psychic blast of her own that knocked the other girl out.

(scene break)

"Donnie, Wait!" Leo called.

Donnie ignored him, bounding through the halls in an attempt to leave the strange voice behind.

Coming to an dead end- A giant hole in the wall and ceiling where an waterfall of sand poured into the pit below- Donnie pullout out his Bo and began spinning it.

Touching one end of his staff the the ground, he pole vaulted over the ditch and flew to the other side.

Leo skidded to a stop in front of the hole, It looked just slightly beyond what he could manage without a vault.

Donnie turned and glared at him. "How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone." He spat.

Leo felt a cold sweat climb up his neck, It looks Like Vixen had reverted his brother back to his previous confused state.

"Donnie." He begged softly. "Please, come back, we don't have anymore time. Please. Don't force me to leave you here."

"Well you're out of luck. Because I'm not going anywhere."

Leo's brain started to shut down in panic. He needed to try something else. Anything else.

Mentally blanking he backed away from the edge. Then charged it. Leaping over he outstretched his arms to reach for the other side.

Donnie's expression changed from surprise to shock to fear as Leo sailed towards the edge, missed it, then kept going.

He hit the brick hard pool hard enough to smash his visor and sank, he gasped, inhaling viscous sand and convulsing. Flailing until his fingers brushed the side of a ladder he dragged himself out of the pool and leaned himself on a metal console poking out just above it.

He let out several hacks. a disgusting, wet, noise. And then crashed to the floor. Paralyzed by the sensation of his own soughing body.

He weakly lifted his head to look at Donnie.

Donnie was watching him with a scared expression that turned to disgust.

"Well, this certainly doesn't help your case. " The other turtle said disdainfully. "No one who had the fate of an entire world resting on their backs would jeopardize it doing something that reckless."

He turned and left.

Leo watched him leave then laid his head down on the console. "I'm sorry." He whispered. " I failed you."

He didn't think Donnie could hear him, so he was surprised by the rejoinder.

"I should think," Don said primly. " That failing a planet would a lot worse than failing one person."

Leo laid awake a few moment more, thinking on this, then, his strength leaving him, closed his eyes.

"It's the same to me." He said weakly.

Donnie watched the pit for a moment, turned away, then closed his eyes.

(scene break)

"Do you see anything?"

"No.. wait.. Yes, It's April!"

April ran into the control room puffing. " did Leo get back with Donnie?"

"No, Just Raph, then you."

"They must be on their way, wait a bit more."

"I'm afraid we can't, we've lost our remaining time already waiting for you. It's them or the earth." Fugitoid said.

"We can't just leave them." Mikey pleaded.

"We must, there isn't any more time." Fugitoid said, closing the hatch door and lifting the ship.

Mikey deflated and trudged over to the window to watch the planet go by as they started lift off.

He pressed his face and palms against the glass trying to get a better look out of it.

"Wait! there's someone out there! Land back down!"

The ship flew over the expanse towards the distant figure and landed next to it.

The teens ran out to see Donnie trudging towards them. A limp Leonardo on his back.

"DOOOONNNIIEE!" Mikey cried bounding forward to clinch his brother in a vise-like hug as Raph and Casey pulled Leo off him.

"I was so worried you were never coming back!"

April approached , smiling. "Does this mean you remember us now Don?"

He smiled weakly at her. "Not... quite. But... we'll see."

He felt a hand squeeze his weakly and turned to look at Leo.

Leo smiled. "Thank you. for taking a leap of faith on me."

Donnie returned the smile uneasily and let the other teens herd him into the ship, where the hatch close and the vessel lifted for take off.

Donnie looked around at the smile faces around him, then looked back out the window. Reveling in the Déjà vu of his first up-close look at the stars.

(end chapter)

Donnie didn't really have any first love type reaction to April in this fic. I think that's fair. I mean the first time he saw her she was sauntering through the street without a care in the world. And the second time he saw her she was using a darth vader force choke on what he thought was his family at the time. Terror beats out attraction I think.

I mean, you'd have to be pretty cold to jump from, this girl is killing my family HALP! to OMG! you're pretty, marry me.

That was the end. This turned out ok. Though not my best showing I think. Maybe that's cause I've read it a million times so it doesn't really seem fresh to me.

I'm part way through another fic that I think will turn out better. Here's the logline.

After receive a warning about a time anomaly from a time apprentice Donnie returns home to find that his family has never left the sewers and doesn't recognize him. Now he will have to fight alien ninjas, rally his human allies and outrun shredders henchmen in a race to unravel the mystery of the time scepter before it can be used to grant shredder ultimate power. The hardest part will be keeping his curious family out of harms way.

This fic may or may not involve a robot chicken, brain worms, a battle nexus homage, tiger claw, Karai beating an alien to death with a guitar, a very distressed Master Splinter, copious amounts of sobbing, and Raph piloting a tank.

One last note, this being-

Does anybody know how these words are supposed to be spelled?

Sais? Sai's? I read somewhere that the Japanese language doesn't recognize plurals. Does that mean that it's just Sai? Even if there are two of them? Do you need to capitalize them? Some one please tell me how to spell these Japanese weapon words.(I will love you forever, thank you.)