The Serpent Dragon's Soliloquy

Disclaimer: Harry Potter ain't mine.


(The Beginning)

He was sitting by the edge of the lake, a pale hand clutching his wand plunged in its icy waters. His silver-blonde hair fell across his face and glimmered in the bright moonlight as he stared at his reflection, lost in deep thought.

Silver-grey eyes. Piercing, emotionless silver-grey eyes.

A small smile played on his lips as he watched them watch him. Watched those eyes contemplate him as he contemplated them.


He withdrew his hand abruptly from the lake, tiny droplets splattering on him and his robes. Ripples danced across the water's otherwise calm surface as he held his dripping arm over the lake.

He waited. Nothing happened.

He thrust his wand-hand into the icy depths once more, refusing to give up.



Purple sparks flew from the tip of his wand as he yanked his hand from the freezing hold of the water. A small chuckle emitted from his mouth as he waited for the water to still, perfectly poised to perform the Summoning Charm again.

One Last Time.


A burst of blue violet light erupted from the lake, splashing water all over him. He watched another beam of light rise quickly from the bottom of the lake and smiled triumphantly as something gold and shiny hurtled towards him. He clasped his hand over it, then collapsed on the ground in a tired heap.

I did it.

The gold chain in his hand sparkled, its topaz heart-shaped pendant shimmering as if calling to the moonlight. He stared at it in wonder, knowing full well just how much he had worked just to pull it out of the lake.

Almost two weeks. Always after dark.

He laid it on the ground and picked his wand up from where he had left it, a thoughtful look in his eyes. Why was the question to be answered here.

Why did she throw this away?

He shook his head and pocketed the necklace, keeping in mind to ask her the reason of her strange action. He had noticed that she had been wearing it when they had first met, and he knew that she was quite attached to it. She never took it off, she hadn't even show it to anyone. He thought that he was the only one who knew it existed at all, and he had discovered it by accident.

He felt it in his pocket, the cold, smooth stone and flat piece of gold it was set into. He rubbed his thumb over the back of the gem and felt what seemed like small scratches on it. He frowned.

Pulling the object out from his pocket, he held it up in the moonlight to inspect it. Miniscule handwriting was scrawled on the back of the pendant, and he squinted to understand what it said.

Lentamente morireā€¦

Italian. His lips moved as he struggled to make out the tiny engravings, still holding it up and trying to see it more clearly.

His breath caught in his throat and he felt a slight flush creep up his neck.

Lentamente morire a causa di tu.



What does this mean? Find out in the next chapter!!! Read and review!!