About an hour earlier.

"Almost there," said Conner to Robin as he made his way down the hallway to the medical lab of the Watch Tower.

"Mmhm," was all the acrobat could manage in response. He had lost a good deal of blood from the wound in his side and he had several other injuries that were screaming their need for medical attention. Once the adrenaline from his fight with Batman had fled, pain and fatigue had flooded his senses to take its place.

The doors to the lab hissed open and Conner stepped in to find a stoic Martian Manhunter and a harried looking Flash waiting for them.

"Put him here," said Martian Manhunter in his deep voice motioning to an empty bed. His eyes glowed ruby-red as he used his telepathy to scan Robin's mind and body. He gasped and winced in pain.

"Flash," he grunted as he felt what Robin was feeling. "We should sedate him."

Within a nanosecond, Flash had started Robin on an IV and had a breathing mask up to his face.

"Hang in there, little Bat Buddy," said the Flash as Robin groaned. "We're gonna put you under. You just relax now; we'll patch you up."

Robin's eyes slid shut and his breathing evened out and he was finally free from the agony of his wounds.

Conner, who was watching from the other side of Robin's bed, released a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding and suddenly felt like he was going to pass out.

Manhunter sensed his fatigue and wooziness and glanced over at him. "Conner, you must take a seat. I sense that you are also unwell."

Before Conner could react, Flash had produced a chair behind him and went back to tending to Robin.

"Oh… thanks," said Conner taking a seat heavily and watching Manhunter telekinetically remove the Bat-A-Rang from Robin's side. Flash put pressure on the wound immediately and began to sterilize, suture, and wrap it.

Conner was trying very hard to focus and listen in to what was being said. Flash and Manhunter were speaking urgently to each other.

"X-Rays… hairline fracture… and... ribs" said Manhunter.

"Reactivity… probably… concussion" said Flash afterward.

Conner frowned. He was missing a crucial thread of coherence between the exchange. Despite his desire to stay awake and refocus on Robin, his body leaned back into the reclining seat and he drifted off to sleep.

It seemed like Conner had just closed his eyes when he was gently being squeezed on the shoulder by an unmasked Barry Allen. In reality, it had been about an hour.

"Conner, wake up, bud," he said softly, handing the clone a glass of water. "You fell asleep on us. Here, drink this."

Conner took the glass. But before he took a drink he remembered where he was and why and looked over to his friend on the hospital bed. Martian Manhunter had taken a seat next to his injured teammate and his eyes glowed red again- ensuring that Robin's wounds were dressed properly and that his vitals were stable.

Robin was still sedated but he had been expertly bandaged and casted. His uniform had been stripped and replaced with a comfortable pair of sweatpants and someone- probably Flash- had removed his mask and put a pair of dark sunglasses in its place.

"How is he?" asked the clone, his voice heavy with concern, looking up into the green eyes of Barry Allen.

Barry looked from Conner to the young hero in the bed. "He's pretty banged up; I'm not going to lie. But he'll make a full recovery." The speedster ran a hand through his short, flaxen hair. "How are you feeling?"

"Me?" said Conner, taken aback that something about him elicited concern. He drained the glass of water. "I'm fine," he declared. "Just tired. It was Kryptonite. That stuff hurts more than I thought it would."

Barry stroked his chin pensively. "I've seen what Kryptonite does to the Big Guy first hand, Conner. J'onn and I know you aren't fine. We think you should stay here with Robin until Clark gets out of the debrief."

"Yes," agreed J'onn. "Superman knows your anatomy better than we do. He will know how to remedy your pains."

"Um, OK," said the clone. Requiring medical attention and rest was something new to him. "I'll help you keep an eye on Robin."

"Sounds good," said Barry. "Hey, looks like you have a visitor," he added glancing over to the doors that had just hissed open to allow the large white wolf to enter the lab.

Wolf padded over to Conner and licked his hand.

"Hey pup," said Conner softly to the Wolf, giving him an affectionate scratch behind the ears. Wolf pricked his ears up and looked at the young hero laying on the bed across the room. He let out a remorseful whine and cocked his head at Conner.

"He'll be OK," said Conner to the white wolf. Wolf ceased his whining, gave Conner's hand another few licks and curled up at Conner's feet.

"See now," said Barry smiling. "Robin has two friends to watch over him."

"Indeed," agreed Manhunter making a small adjustment to Robin's IV. "All for the better of Robin's healing process."

Conner smiled too and mulled over the events of the past few hours as he watched Robin's chest rising and falling.

"I think you've done all you can, J'onn. I'll take it from here until Bats arrives," said Barry to Martian Manhunter.

Manhunter nodded his thanks and took his leave to find his niece.

"Be ready," warned Barry to Conner as the speedster took a seat next to the acrobat's bed.

"Ready for what?" asked Conner.

"For when Bats finds out and storms in here," said Barry apprehensively. "Things are gonna get heavy."

As if on cue, the doors to the medical ward hissed open, and the Dark Knight strode swiftly in, his cape billowing behind him. It was obvious that he had just run from wherever he had been when he found out about Robin's injured state.

He stopped at the foot of Robin's bed and drank in the sight of his young partner. He glanced at the IV next to the bed and the digital display of Robin's vitals on the headboard.

"Barry," he said breathlessly. "How…?"

Both Conner and Wolf stared at the Bat incredulously. They had never, ever, heard his voice laced with such concern and such… pain.

"He's gonna be fine, Bats," assured the speedster, placing his hand on Batman's shoulder. "He'll make a full recovery."

Batman's breath left him in a great sigh of relief but he lowered his head in shame.

The doors hissed open again to allow Superman to enter the ward. He glanced at Robin, at Batman and to his clone.

Quietly he strode into the room and placed a hand on Conner's shoulder.

"Are you alright?" he whispered.

"Fine," said Conner equally as quiet. "Manhunter says you know what to do."

"I do," confirmed Superman helping his clone to his feet. "Come with me. A healthy dose of sunlight does wonders. You'll see."

Conner, Superman and Wolf silently took their leave of the medical ward to give this new emotional version of Batman some privacy.

Barry noticed that Clark had taken Conner out of the room.

"Computer, secure the Medical Ward," said Barry to the voice activated program that controlled the Watch Tower.

"Compartment secure," reported the feminine computer voice of the program.

Batman lowered his cowl so that he could glance upon his son with his own eyes.

"What have I done?" he asked his old friend sadly.

"It wasn't you, Bruce."

"But how could I allow myself to succumb to mind control in the first place?" lamented the Bat.

Barry looked at his friend sadly and gently guided him into a seat next to Robin's bed. Then he took the one next to him.

"We all succumbed. It was new and powerful. There's nothing we could have done to prevent it."

Bruce put his head in his hands.

"What's the damage?" he had been afraid to ask but he had to know.

Barry sighed, apprehensive to admit all of Robin's injuries.

"Stab wound in the left side, but it missed anything major. It's deep but it will heal clean."

Bruce wrinkled his face in disgust, ruminating on the fact that is had been his weapon that had produced the wound.

"Go on," he said knowing that there was more.

Barry continued. "Hairline fracture of the left tibia, three broken ribs and a probably a pretty bad concussion. Everything else is superficial contusions and lacerations. Conner said he had a busted jaw, but reset it himself in the field."

Bruce frowned even more deeply than he had been, but had to admit to himself that he was proud.

"I know where he picked that up," said Bruce rubbing his own jaw, recalling an instance in which he had been forced to do the same thing. He remembered Robin observing analytically and he could tell that his partner was taking mental notes.

"I bet I can guess where too," said Barry lightly. "Dick's a tough kid, Bruce. You should be proud."

"I am," said Bruce his voice returning to its stern grumble. "But I still can't forgive myself."

"You can," insisted Barry. "And I know that when Dick wakes up, he will want nothing more… well other than to insist that he's fine."

"Which he is clearly not," said Bruce sadly. "By my hand."

"Well not at the moment," said Barry, his tone encouraging. "But he will be… also by your hand. Batman didn't stab his son, but he is the only one who can heal him fully."

The speedster clasped his old friend on the shoulder, and simply kept Bruce company as he watched over his young partner.

Barry could feel the anger and sadness and guilt radiating off Bruce in powerful waves.

Bruce merely sat, and watched, and brooded.

About thirty minutes later, the young hero in the bed began to stir from his sedation. Dark eyelashes fluttered against pale and bruised skin and a soft groan escape his his lips.

Bruce looked up immediately at the sound and stood up to clasp his partner by the hand.

"You see?" said Barry, dawning his cowl and making for the door. "Tough little Bat Buddy is already coming around! Tell Dick I'm sorry about the mask. But no one saw except me. Oh and we ran out of black plaster so a white cast was his only choice." Barry walked over to the door, and as soon as it hissed open, he was gone in a blur of red.

Bruce didn't notice though. He only had eyes for Dick.

He squeezed his hand, gently trying to coax him awake.

"Dick," he said quietly. "Are you with me partner?"

Dick was trying to wake from a nightmare in which he was fighting hand-to-hand combat against the person who meant the most to him in the entire world. In the dream, Batman was being controlled by some sort of evil sorcery and stabbed him in the gut with a bat-a-rang. He cried out in pain in the dream.

"Mmmph," groaned Dick softly.

In his dream, he also had several other wounds but had to ignore them to complete his objective- to save Batman and his Team from this evil power. His leg throbbed in agony and his ribs felt like they were on fire every time he drew breath. He had a splitting headache.

Someone was calling his name. It sounded a lot like Bruce and the voice was laced with concern. He concentrated on the voice like lifeline.

"Dick…" said the voice again, more vividly this time.

The pain of all of his injuries morphed into dull throbs of numb discomfort and he began to feel the squeeze of a large strong hand in his own.

"Dick," insisted the voiced again. He listened more carefully. It was Bruce. So that meant… that Bruce was ok!

"… you with me partner?" said Bruce again. And Dick was finally able to breach the surface of his deep drug induced slumber.

"Mmm," he groaned, trying to open his eyes. He squeezed Bruce's hand in return. "Mhm," he conceded as soon as he was able win the battle against blinking and focus on the man hovering about him. Out of habit, Dick reached a shaking hand up to his face to see if his mask was in place.

Bruce caught his hand and gently lowered it back down to Dick's side, pleased with Dick's commitment to protect Batman's identity.

"No mask, Dick. Just glasses," said Bruce removing the eye ware from his sons face and placing the folded pair sunglasses on the bedside table. He then poured a glass of water. "Can you tell me what happened?"

Dick took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to mull through his throbbing headache and remember.

"We're at the Watch Tower," he decided. "It was Klarion and Vandal Savage. Bruce… are you alright? You and I… we…"

"I know partner, I saw the footage," said Bruce. "Drink some of this." He cupped the back of Dick's head gently and propped it up enough to allow Dick to take sips of the glass of water that he held up to Dick's mouth with his other hand.

Dick took a few much-needed sips of water when his tired brain finally caught up with Bruce's statement. An icy fist gripped his heart. He knows… he saw.

Unconsciously, Dick lowered a hand to his side and found that it was sore but tightly bandaged.

"Bruce," he began. "It wasn't your fault."

"We will discuss it later," said Bruce solemnly. "Right now, you need more rest."

"No," insisted Dick. "I won't rest until you admit to me that it's not your fault."

"You know I can't to that," said Bruce sternly. "I just watched footage of me stabbing you, son. Amongst many other things."

"But Bruce," that wasn't you that was Klarion. "I know in my heart that you would never."

"Even so," said Bruce. "Had I been stronger and more prepared and aware of our enemies, the Star-O-Tech would have never been able to do what it was designed to."

"That's bullshit," insisted Dick. "And I know you don't like it when I swear, but it is. Klarion and Savage were using mystic forces to mask their plans from even our heaviest physic hitters."

"I know that," said Bruce, "But-

"But nothing," insisted Dick. "Admit it, Bruce, please. It wasn't your fault. Please admit it... for me."

Bruce was momentarily taken aback by the forcefulness behind Dick's statements. Dick was a respectful young man who loved banter and laughter, but he was so loyal to Bruce that he seldom spoke so harshly to him and was always quick to obey. He rolled the thoughts around in his head for a minutes.

Dick allowed Bruce a few moments of silent thought before squeezing his hand tightly again. He knew that there was only one way and one reason Bruce would ever forgive himself and listen to his son's reasoning.

"Please, Bruce," he said staring up from blackened eyes, pleadingly into his father's. "For me. Admit it to yourself and forgive yourself, for me."

Bruce stared back into the eyes of his brave son. If Dick was being so brave about the entire situation, than he needed to be too. For Dick, for Robin and for the League.

"I'll… I'll consider it," he admitted.

Dick smiled back in return. "Yesss," he said triumphantly.

"That doesn't mean I will though," insisted Bruce.

"Does too," said Dick happily.

"I said consider," replied Bruce.

"Small victories," said Dick, stifling a yawn. All of the sudden he was so tired and his headache had returned with a vengeance.

Bruce smirked but then his expression turned solemn again as he glanced into Dick's tired blue eyes. He could see a fatigue and pain within them. He reached down and stroked a lock o unruly black hair away from his son's forehead. "You need more rest. How's your pain level? Conner said you didn't look so well even before you and I had our final... square-off."

Dick's breath caught in his throat remembering what measures he had resorted to during the battle to cure Superman. Conner!

"Wait," gasped Dick suddenly. "Wait! How's Conner? And Superman! Oh God, Bruce, I used Kryptonite on them! And how is the rest of the Team! How-?" in Dicks, sudden anxiety about the well-being of his friends, he tried to sit up and winced in pain as his injured body protested.

Bruce's eyes went wide.

"Whoa!" he said gently pushing his partner back down onto the bed. "Whoa whoa whoa, easy now, Dick! They're alright! Everyone's alright!"

"They are?" panted Dick as his head swam. "Because I used Kryptonite and it hurt Supey and-

"Shhh," said Bruce. "Listen to me. They are alright," he assured again.

"Ok," said Dick tiredly. He didn't have enough energy left to get work up again anyway.

"Ok," Bruce repeated. "Now, how's your pain level?"

"Slight," Dick lied, knowing that saying 'none' would be too blatant of a lie.

"Slight my ass," grumbled the Bat with eyes narrowed. "I'm calling Barry back in to give you something potent. We both know that I know what broken bones and stab wounds feel like. So there's no use in trying to deceive me, Dick."

"Is there ever and use in trying to deceive you about anything?" grumbled Dick.

"No," said the Bat giving his son's vitals another glance. "I need you well-rested, Dick. I need you healed and back out there with me as soon as possible."

"Lengthy recovery then?" asked Dick despairing.

"Lengthy enough," said Bruce.

Dick let out a long, sad sigh. He hated being sidelined. But the thought was short-lived. His eyes were starting to burn and Bruce's form was starting to get hazy. Sleep was calling to him.

"Computer," said the voice of Batman vice Bruce Wayne. "Allow access to compartment from the hallway." He donned his cowl and became the Dark Knight once more.

"Access allowed," chimed the bodiless voice.

"Batman to Flash," said Bruce into his earpiece.

"He need some more?" asked the tinny voice of Barry Allen from Batman's earpiece.

"Yes," said Batman, in his usual terse manner.

"There in a flash," said Barry as the doors hissed open. As usual, the Flash had arrived sooner in the flesh than his message could be transmitted electronically.

Robin glanced sleepily over to the red-clad newcomer.

Bruce reached over to the pair of glasses on the table. After gently stroking Dick's hair away from his face a few more times, he delicately applied the disguise back over his partner's eyes.

"Thank you, Bruce," he said sleepily.

"How you feeling kid?" asked Flash cheerily, glancing at Robin's vitals and opening a cabinet of medication and drawing the contents of a vial into a syringe.

"Good," slurred Robin.

"I'll bet," said Flash sarcastically. "Just relax, buddy. Bats and I will be here when you wake up. And hell, I'm sure Wally will too."

"Ok," said Robin not quite registering if Flash had asked him a question or made a statement. Flash might as well have said "Wally has denounced his pursuit of woman and has sworn to lead a life of celibacy" for all the good Robin's level of coherence was doing him right now.

Flash injected Robin's IV with medicines and the young acrobat drifted off into a peaceful, dreamless healing slumber.


Coming soon: Team reunited :D