A/N: Quick little note I didn't realize the mistake until much later Halfmoon is still in this competition I just forgot to list her in the line up at the end of chapter 2

Chapter 2.

"That was a great trip!" Zero announced as they walked off the boat the blue team had just arrived back from their reward trip to Paris.

"It was awesome and I fell that we grew a bit more as a team", said Everest with a smile.

"Yeah blue team is gonna win this next challenge no one is gonna beat us yet!" Xeno exclaimed.

Waiting for them was Anthony, "welcome back blue team hope you all had a great time but you need to put your stuff away and head down to the beach for part 1 of this 2 part challenge".

Challenge two Episode 2. Pups Get Cooking.

Current Red Team: Rubble, Skye, Zuma, Vulcan Jay, Rosaletta, Kieran, Ned, Misty, Halfmoon, Razor, Vixen, Daisy, Luna, Chris, Paul, Ria, Sonic, Atlas, and Silvex.

Current Blue team: Marshall, Everest, Tracker, Rocky, Eve, Eclipse, Xeno Jones, Zero Tyson, Cat, Snowflake, Kaiser, Silverfang, Bolt, Decker, Dash, Melody, Dante, Andy Ref, Ashley, Vapor, Zilvex.

Current Eliminations: Chase and Proton both on Red team.

When the pups arrived to the beach the red team were already there and so where Ryder and Katie.

Anthony: Alright welcome to your next team challenge, so we figured out who was gonna pick your challenge for today and Katie gets to pick.

Katie: I picked your challenge two days ago and I decided that one skill pups need to have is knowing how to cook. So today I invited a very special guest to do your challenge the famous chef and his dog Rumple the famous cooking pair. Gordon Ramsay and his dog Rumple.

Cut to conversational cam.

Skye: I can't believe it Gordon Ramsay and Rumple they are the best chefs in the world, Rumple literally opened the door for dog chefs.

The pup howled and cheered as Gordon and Rumple came walking up, Rumple was an english bulldog.

Gordon: Alright that's enough cheering!

Rumple: That enough today me and Gordon are in charge so shut up! Alright we have two parts to your challenge the first part takes place here on the beach.

Gordon: Part one is very simple we have buried a huge amount of potatoes here in the beach, the team who digs up the most potatoes wins part one and gets a major advantage for the second part.

Rumple: The second part is quite simple you are feed 101 people here on this beach tomorrow night, you get to pick the food you will be serving and you will be cooking the meal.

Cut to Conventional Cam.

Decker: Yeah I can't cook.

Vixen: This is gonna be hard since some pups here have no cooking experience.

Ramsay: The 101 people are gonna vote and the winning team with the most votes win and sadly the losing team will lose 2 members of the team.

The pups looked at each other.

Rumple: You have 5 minutes to find the most potatoes starting now!

The pup immediately scrambled to dig up the most potatoes and 5 minutes later time was called, Gordon and Rumple counted each team's potatoes,

Gordon: Blue team had 35 potatoes and Red team had 40 potatoes red team wins!

Red team began to scream and shout in joy.

Rumple: Red team as a reward any dish you want to serve, me and Gordon will cook it for you to show you exactly how it is made.

Gordon: Also you can pick from these two meats, pork chops or steak and the meat you don't want the other team has to use.

Silvex: We choose steak.

Cut to confessional cam.

Silvex: I know how to cook basic this and steak is one of them. Judging by the size of those pork chops I know blue team are going to struggle.

Cut to Decker.

Decker: I can cook meat, I hunt and cook my meat. I can cook a porkchop.

Back to show.

Katie: Alright get ready we had cooking pup packs made for each of you now get ready because our guests are arriving in 2 hours.

Both teams ran off to the kitchens and got ready.

Blue team decided to serve a barbeque pork chop, baked potatoes and grilled corn.

Red team decided to make, a steak with black garlic rub. Fried potatoes and grilled asparagus.

Gordon looked towards Katie.

Gordon: Hard challenge you choose cooking for 101 people isn't easy thing. Honestly who is going to struggle.

Rumple: Blue team they have a lot of wild looking dogs so i know that they aren't used to cook.

Ryder: I know that both Zuma and Skye are great cooks.

It was 1 hour into prep when Rumple went to blue team's kitchen to see how they were doing.

Rumple: What are they doing.

Rumple looked to see a lot of the pork chops were already cooked.


The pups all ran over.

Rumple: Who cooked those pork chops?

Decker and Bolt walked up.

Rumple: You cannot cook the pork this early we have an hour left and it's getting cold.

Cut to confessional cam.

Decker: Okay how am I supposed know that.

Rumple cut opened one of the pork chops and smiled.

Rumple: Pork is cooked perfectly.

Decker and Bolt high pawed each other.

Rumple: Start cooking the pork once the clock reaches 25 minutes.

Rumple tasted everything before leaving.

Meanwhile Gordon walked into the red team kitchen.

Gordon: Alright who is leading?

Skye: I am chef. My name is Skye chef.

Gordon: Alright describe the dish.

Skye: Yes chef, we are making a black garlic rubbed steak with fried potatoes to make them kinda like chips. And grilled asparagus.

Gordon: Good dish now who is in charge of what.

Skye: I put halfmoon and Zuma on steaks and the rest of us are washing and cooking the vegetables.

Gordon: Alright good luck.

Gordon walked over to try a sample of the fried potatoes and he looked disgusted.

Gordon: Skye two seconds.

Skye: Yes chef.

Gordon: Skye who is cut these potatoes.

Skye: I made that first batch.

Gordon: You didn't cut them right there all different sizes, they don't cook right some of them are cooked and some of them are undercooked. This isn't how I showed you how to make then early on!

Cut to Confessional Cam.

Misty: I told Skye 3 times that she wasn't doing it right.

Skye: Yes chef. I'm sorry.

An hour later Gordon and Rumple came back into the kitchens announcing it was time to serve. Gordon placed his finger on the steak.

Gordon: Are these cooked?

Gordon grabbed a knife and cut one open.

Gordon: Red team come here quickly.

The red all ran over to see what the chef wanted.

Gordon: Their raw!

Skye: Come on guys.

Gordon: Come on get them off the plates and into the pans.

Cut to confessional cam.

Zuma: Yep that was my fault.

The red scrambled to get the steaks back into the pans.

Meanwhile the blue team were a well oiled machine getting out plate after plate of food.

Cut to confessional cam.

Zero: Cat is a great team leader with his help we are getting plates out. He seasoned everything to perfection.

Meanwhile the red team were stalled and couldn't get a dish all because of the meat.

Gordon: Are the streaks cook!

Cut to confessional cam.

Kieran: We are running around like chickens with our heads cut off. All because of the people on steaks.

Gordon: Blue team has served almost half of our of our diners so we need to get food out!

Finally Zuma and Halfmoon had served their steaks but now their was a problem was with the potatoes.

Gordon: Red team! Come here!

The team came over and Gordon held the bowl down so that they could see it.

Gordon: Look at it is just a bowl of unevenly cut potatoes, nothing is being cooked no one is leading. It's been 45 minutes blue team is almost done and no one has gotten a plate from this side. Can Someone take control!

Confessional cam.

Vixen: We are so fucked and it's all Skye's fault.

The red team scrambled to try and at least feed some of their diners but again the steaks came up raw. Gordon slowly turned around and throw the dish on the ground.

Gordon: Just stop!

The red team looked over a bit confused.

Gordon: I'm done this is embarrassing, the steaks are raw. The potatoes are undercooked and the asparagus is overcooked.

Katie: Come on pups you guys can do it I know you can.

Gordon: Katie I want you to take this sorry batch of pups out of this kitchen and i want a apology from all of them for their horrible performence.

Cut to Confessional cam.

Silvex: I told Skye to let me he on meat because i can make a steak but she decided that Zuma and Halfmoon should. I thought they could but it's obvious they can't!.

Rosaletta: This is embarrassing the whole team failed all because of the pups cooking meat.

When the team came back Gordon began to clap his hands.

Gordon: Congratulations that was the only useful thing you pups did. Blue team has won and you lost.

Zuma: So we vote another two people off the team.

Gordon: No because I am picking who leaves.

Pups: What!.

Cut to confessional cam.

Zuma: I am so screwed I know he is gonna send me home.

The red team where lead to the elimination area, blue team was sitting there as was a very irritated Anthony.

Rumple: Blue team you won and as a reward prepared to have your stomach filled because tonight me and Rumple will be making a 5 star meal for you tonight.

Gordon: As for you it was truly embarrassing nothing was served from your kitchen. And I know why so the two pups going home are Zuma and Skye.

Zuma: What.

Skye: Why am I leaving HalfMoon was on steaks not me.

Halfmoon: You little bitch don't throw me under the bus because your leaving.

Gordon: Zuma unlike the streaks Halfmoon made your were all raw. Skye you made yourself a leader but you couldn't even cut and fry potatoes.

With saddened faces Skye and Zuma packed their bags. They went and caught the boat of losers off the island.

Zuma: My time was short I just wish I had one last chance.

Skye: I shouldn't be leaving Halfmoon was part of the problem.

Anthony: We aren't done yet.

Ryder: Yep after blue team has dinner we want two pups to volunteer and switch to the red team.

The pups nodded and left.

Anthony: Well that was horrible, I total embarrassment but don't worry because next time I get to pick the challenge and things are gonna get fun. See you all next time on Pup Island.

Reggie Note: Alright names Reggie and i am the new author of Pup Island see you all soon and things are gonna get very fun.