I had planned on getting this chapter Beta'd before posting, but something happened that means I need the positive feedback of posting today. So, without further adieu, the conclusion.

Recap: Bobby comes to change Ranger's bandages, and Stephanie realizes they forgot to use a condom. They discuss birth control options. Ranger reveals he hasn't slept with anyone else since he met her.

4 months later


I sat in a small office, filling out paperwork on the wide oak desk, finally signing away a part of my life that had been with me since I was barely an adult. "Is there anything else?" I asked, glancing at my watch.

"No, but I just wanted to say, Major Manoso, that it's been an honor serving with you. We're sad to see you go."

I stood up. "The feeling is mutual. Though I won't miss the 2AM calls." I picked up the cane Stephanie had gotten me for Christmas. It was sleek carbon fiber. Lightweight, strong, and of course, black. "Will I see you later?"

Colonel Burk nodded. "Wouldn't miss it. I'm just disappointed I won't be the one to give it to you."

"Who would have guessed, my most dangerous mission, and you weren't involved at all."

The Colonel gave me the tiniest hint of a smile. "Do you need a ride? I can get you a car."

I shook my head. "No need, Stephanie is picking me up." I sent her a quick text to let her know I was on my way.

"I'll walk you to the door then. One last, very small, mission together."

We walked slowly through the halls, reminiscing about old missions. And then I walked out of the Pentagon for the last time.

Stephanie pulled up in her new CRV right as I walked outside. It was a good thing our timing worked out, as the February air had a bite to it. These days cold weather aggravated my leg. I'd insisted on the small SUV as a present around the same time she agreed to move in with me. The car was at a good height for me to get into, no stooping or climbing. She's even managed to go 3 whole months without blowing it up, though I had it insured to the gills as a precaution.

"How did the meeting go, Honey?"

"Standard Army. A stack of forms telling me what I already knew. Honorable discharge because of a physical injury. Still feels weird. How was shopping?"

She grinned. "If I'd known what an awesome mall was here, I would have come to the Pentagon with you before."

"It was always classified missions before. Your clearance only started in October."

"Yeah, well, I don't need clearance for shopping. They had a kiosk where you could rub your skin with salt from the Dead Sea. Feel how soft my hands are."

I smiled. "Glad you enjoyed yourself Babe. You know where you're going?"

She picked up her phone. "Siri, directions to the White House."


We sat in a large room with gold curtains. The East Room I think the aide had called it. There was a mass of people before us, including more television cameras and reporters than I had ever seen. I was trying very hard not to fidget in my chair. Ranger sat next to me, and lay his hand on mine, calming my nerves. In the audience I could easily make out Lula and Tank. They stood out in any crowd. Lula and my Grandma Mazur were chatting animatedly, probably about something inappropriate considering the look on my mom's face. Dad was ignoring them.

Several of the Merry Men were also sat a few rows back. Lester was with Marie, Bobby and Susan. Hector and Cal were chatting amiably, while Agent Mankiller and Frank leaned against each other. Two months ago he had requested Tuesdays off so he could travel to DC to see her on a regular basis.

A hush fell across the crowd, but the lack of chatter was made up for by the clicking of cameras. I heard a door open and a group of people walked in, including the President. Everyone stood, including me. My heart started to beat faster, aware that soon all eyes would be on me. I could see the people clapping in the audience, but I could only hear the roaring of blood in my ears. I took my cue to sit down from the people in front of me, but I was so nervous I couldn't hear the speech. Not that I generally listen to speeches. I just watched the crowd and tried not to do something embarrassing that would make me a reaction gif the next day.

When Ranger squeezed my hand I tried hard to listen, clearing my thoughts of all the fear bouncing around there.

"Our next two recipients both risked their life to protect our previous president from a domestic terrorist bent on assassinating him. With a combination of cleverness, bravery, and instinct they prevented what could easily have become a tragedy. These two exemplify what self sacrifice is, and show the best of what Americans can be. Ricardo Carlos Manoso, Stephanie Plum, please step forward to receive your Presidential Medal of Freedom."

We stood and walked to the front of the small stage, Ranger still limping slightly. I reached out and shook the President's hand, then Ranger did as well, adding a salute. Then we both faced forward, as we had been instructed by an aide to do. I felt her behind me, then a heavy weight on my chest as the medal was fastened around my neck. Ranger had to lean back a little so she could reach him, and when he straightened there was a gold medallion the size of the palm of my hand hanging from a wide ribbon. It perfectly matched mine. As a Jersey Girl, I appreciated flashy jewelry.

Then the audience exploded into cheers. I could hear Lester whooping it up in a very undignified manner, with Lula joining in a loud "You go Girl!" Ranger took my hand back in his and leaned over to whisper in my ear. "I am so, so, proud of you Babe.

The End

Thanks for reading. I've already posted the first 2 chapters of my next story, One for the (Blood) Money. It's sort of a crossover with the True Blood/Sookie Stackhouse series, but not exactly. While the same news event happens that changes the world of the books/TV show, there are no characters from the other series, simply universe rules. Part crossover, part AU, but all snarky jokes, angst, and lots of hot sex scenes. No need to know the other source material. Take a look. (You have to add the Fanfiction dot net to the beginning)


I got the idea for this story in October 2016 when I was working on a campaign. It was originally just going to be Ranger asking Steph to work at the rally, her breaking up with Joe, them thwarting an assasination attempt, and somehow damaging the presidential limo in the process. I figured I would write a few chapters a week and be done by Halloween, the day of the rally. That totally didn't happen. Ideas kept coming to me, and there are a few side plots I stuck in there because I didn't want to say goodbye to it just yet. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. This story got me through some very dark times in my life, especially those of you that wrote comments on all of my chapters. Even when life got really hard (and the last two months of 2016 were really bad) I knew I could post a chapter and get nice emails throughout the next day. Sometimes it was the only positive feedback I got. My life is a lot better now, but I still get a smile whenever I see a review email.