AN: I've never written a GA fanfic before, but I just love Griggs/Merthan so much! (I love Merder as well, but lets face it. Derek is dead and Meredith deserves happiness.)
Riggs was walking in the hospital corridor when he saw Maggie. "Maggie! Wait up!" He said as he was catching up with her. "I need to talk to you."
She looked at him, and said "Ok, where do you want to talk?", a bit hesitant because of the previous awkward events.
"It's personal, so any empty room is good" he said as he opened a door "Look, this room is empty." They went inside.
"So what do you want to talk about?"
"Well, I have to tell you the truth about why I turned you down."
"Riggs, you really don't have to." She looked at him, but he didn't seem convinced. "Really, I'm fine."
"Yes I do, because no matter what you think the reason is, you're wrong."
"Ok then. I'll listen."
"First you have to promise me, that you won't get mad at your sister."
"Fine, but what does my sister have to do with this?"
"Remember how you and Meredith had a fight close to Owen's and Amelia's wedding?"
She nodded.
"Meredith felt really bad about that, and didn't wanna go through that again."
"Well I don't see what that has to do with anything." She answered quite annoyed. Why was he dragging Meredith into this.
"Just remember that she hasn't told you this, because she didn't want to start a new fight."
"Ok, continue."
"I really don't know how to say this, so I'm just going to say it as it is." He paused for a while. "The night before the wedding, your sister and I slept together."
"Wait, what?" Maggie said.
"Your sister and I slept together, but we agreed we would stay friends."
He continued his story.
"But after that there was a lot of flirting, and when I saw her at the wedding I knew I wanted her, but she just kept rejecting me."
"And that is when I told her that I liked you." Maggie replied.
"Apparently yes. I only found out that that was the reason she was rejecting me, when she asked me to turn you down."
"If she told you to turn me down, then she probably likes you."
"I think so." Riggs said.
"And your expression says that you're clearly falling for her as well."
"Look Maggie, I know we should have told you the truth, but please know that neither of us wanted to hurt you."
"I'm mad that you didn't tell me before, but I get it."
"I think it's just that neither of us expected to fall for someone again."
"I feel so stupid" She said. "But has she continued to reject you because of me?"
"I think that's the reason, yes."
"She shouldn't do that."
Before Riggs had a chance to reply, their pagers went off, and they hurried back to work.
Later in the day Maggie found Riggs in the cafeteria, and she sat down next to him and said "You know what, I've an idea that you'll like."