Chapter 9: Time's Up
Over a year - nearly two, in fact - had passed since the offspring of the late Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley had emerged into the world.
And despite the fact that she was still cut off from the rest of Voldemort's dystopian civilization, Hermione was having the best life she could.
"Alby! Alby!" Rose threw a toy at her cousin, making the sounds preceding talking before laughing like crazy.
Watching the cousins play in Rose's playpen, Hermione could only smile in tender contentment. Nights like these were the best, when she could just sit on the couch with Ginny and listen to the children's laughter. Every moment was enhanced in its preciousness. Both Rose and Albus would be walking soon.
All at once, the peaceful stillness of the night was shattered as Hermione heard a terrible whooshing sound. It wasn't the wind, as Bill and Fleur suddenly ran through the living room and out the front door. Hermione's heart raced, for she suddenly knew.
The protection charms had been broken. Voldemort had found them.
Hermione and Ginny looked at each other.
"Take the kids upstairs," Ginny ordered. She ran to the window…. and screamed. "Bloody hell, Hermione, it's him! Take Rose and Albus and go! I'll hold him off!"
In a panic, Hermione gathered the babies into her arms and raced up the stairs. Rushing into Ginny's room, she placed Albus in his crib and covered him with his blanket.
"Stay quiet, honey. Auntie's gonna come back for you, I promise!" Leaping into the hall, she slammed the door, locked it and began frantically conjuring the most advanced protection charms she could think of.
"CRUCIO! REDUCTO!" bellowed a voice from downstairs - a voice that chilled Hermione's heart.
"YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO DO BETTER THAN THAT, YA BASTARD!" Ginny's cussing actually made Hermione bite back a smile as he sprinted into her and Rose's room. She locked the door and repeated the protection charms before placing Rose in her crib.
Chaos, shouts and curses could be heard from downstairs. The house seemed to be tearing itself apart. The end, Hermione knew, could be moments away. Through the bars of the crib, the young mother now whispered soothingly to her child:
"Rosie, be safe. Rosie, be strong. Mama loves you. Dada loves you. Be brave, sweetheart."
"AVADA KEDAVRA!" followed by Ginny's final scream. Hermione shut her eyes to blink back the tears. Her sister-in-law was dead, and she suspected poor Bill and Fleur were, too. Her heart pounded with every footstep she heard drawing closer and closer up the stairs. Merlin, please….. please let the protection charms work…..
They did, but not for long. At last, there was an almighty crash as the bedroom door was blasted off its hinges. Hermione merely stood, hands gripping the crib, and an unusual sense of calm came over her. She suddenly found herself ready - more than ever - to confront her fate.
"Hermione Granger, the girl who tried to hide from me." Voldemort was practically purring, his voice sounded as noxious as fumes. "You are done defying me, my dear. Soon, your life will end, as will your child's."
At the threat to Rose's life, Hermione spun to face him. "You're not taking her," she growled, simplistic and direct in her determination.
"I'm afraid I must…."
"You're not taking her," Hermione repeated, her courage growing. Voldemort drew closer. The Greatest Witch of Her Age looked him dead in the eye, remembering something Harry had once told her long ago. "You're going to have to kill me, Tom."
Riddle's face curled into a snarl, incensed that this Mudblood would dare to use his Muggle name. "No problem. AVADA KEDAVRA!"
There was a blinding flash of green light. Hermione screamed seemingly into a crushing silence. Her body crumpled to the foot of the crib. The last thing she saw was her Rosie - her greatest treasure - staring at her.
Then everything was gone. She had done what Lily Potter had done before her: sacrificed herself for her child, the child who shared her blood.
And history would continue to repeat itself, for moments later, when Voldemort tried to kill Rose, his curse rebounded once again. Only this time, it killed him - permanently.
Hermione was reunited with Harry and her beloved Ron in Heaven. From up above, they watched the wizarding world return to peace once more. Albus and Rose were spirited away to Hogwarts, to be raised there in the castle, as neither had any living relatives of their own now. Hermione missed her daughter, but she knew the girl would be all right. She would know the magical home of her parents. History would continue to be written. The Weasley and Potter lines would live on.
A/N: What do you all think? I would love reviews!