So, it's kind of a really long story that covers my entire life up to this point, but basically there's this really obscure and not very talked about form of gluten intolerance in which basically the antibodies in a person's body that are supposed to attack like viruses and evil bacteria and stuff think that gluten is an enemy when it enters the bloodstream, and then they can't tell the difference between gluten cells and brain cells so they start eating your brain. And I have apparently had this my entire life, which means that every time I was enjoying a donut or sandwich or whatever I was literally having my brain eaten alive as I incurred permanent brain damage. Fortunately, kids' brains are really awesome and have a lot of what is called neuroplasticity, which can be summed up as being able to compensate for the terrible things that happen to their brain. So I would eat gluten all day, and then my brain would fix itself during the night. Every day and every night. Which is pretty impressive, given how little I've slept for the majority of my life.
ANYWAY, so I had this really major car accident two years ago, where I got conked on the head really hard and like went blind in one eye for a while and stopped being able to recognize people and voices and things and it was really exciting and all that. But you know what else it did? It stopped my brain from being able to rebuild as much and as fast as it could before. Which means that for the last two years, I've been acting progressively more and more like my grandfather who has progressive dementia. It got to the point that I could barely introduce myself because I couldn't remember my own name half the time! It was kind of awful (understatement). But then we figured out this gluten thing and now I've been gluten free for like three or four weeks and for the first time since the accident I've suddenly been able to do exciting things like count to ten and add 4+5. I've even been less depressed/anxious/suicidal since going off gluten! It's been so amazing.
But why do you care? Here's what else has happened as a result of this:
Because now that my brain isn't eating itself alive, I can now expend mental energy on things like where is this story even going and how do I get rid of this ooc-ness?
And I've got it figured out.
Now, this means it'll be a few months until next update while I do silly things like graduate high school and flesh out story and stuff, and for that I sincerely apologize. But for the first time since starting these stories, I now have the confidence and ability to say: they will be completed.
The writing voice will probably be a little different, and when I come back with the new and improved completed story it won't be exactly what it was before. But now that I've been able to actually flesh out and solidify things in my mind that will hopefully make several universes make more sense, the story will be much more rich and deep. At least, that's the idea.
Thank you all so much for your patience and support, and I really am sorry for the delay, but I hope it'll be worth it to you and I both in the end!