SpongeBob's Pineapple, 5:32 am…

There was still time to dream and this was one dream SpongeBob did not want to end just yet. Everything that he wanted to happen was happening: He got his driver's license, he just received employee and-.

A sudden push simultaneously pushed SpongeBob out of his dream and his bed. The drowsy and confused yellow sponge quickly looked up and was surprised to find Patrick lifting his bed over his shoulder.

"Patrick, what are you doing?" he asked

"My bed broke, so I'm going to need yours," Patrick answered..

"But where am I going to sleep?"

"You can bunk with Gary."

Continuing to boast the strength of a strongman, Patrick threw SpongeBob's bed through the bedroom wall and jumped through the giant hole the impact created. A small sigh pushed through SpongeBob's lips and he turned towards his pet snail. "Do you think you can scoot over Gar-Bear?"

Later that morning at the Krusty Krab, SpongeBob's duties were brought to a screeching halt as he came face to face with an empty box that should be filled with patties.

"Time for a new batch," the chipper sponge said as he walked to the back freezer. He opened the door and screamed at what he had found. All of the spare patties were nowhere to be seen.

"The patties! What happened to the patties?!" SpongeBob screamed.

Like magnets, SpongeBob's eyes were drawn to the middle of the room, finally allowing him to catch a glimpse of Patrick lying on the floor. Upon noticing his larger than usual stomach, it was obviously what had transpired in this room.

"Patrick, did you eat all the patties?!" asked SpongeBob.

"Yeah, though they were a little cold today," said Patrick.

SpongeBob shook in anger as Mr. Krabs walked by.

"Great Neptune above! What happened in here?!" Mr. Krabs exclaimed.

"Patrick ate all the patties, sir" SpongeBob reluctantly answered.

"SpongeBob, this is coming out of your paycheck."

"What?! Why?"

"Because we all know Patrick doesn't have any money."

Mr. Krabs walked away leaving his employee less than pleased.

"Thanks for covering for me buddy," Patrick grinned.

Those words of thanks did not make SpongeBob feel any better. All he could do was sigh and walk away.

Later that evening, SpongeBob solemnly walked into his room and jumped straight into his recently reclaimed bed.

"Meow," said Gary.

"I had a bad day at work today, Gary," SpongeBob lamented. "Patrick came to work and ate all the frozen patties, which means that we had no way to make Krabby Patties. The customers got restless and kidnapped Squidward."


"Me and Mr. Krabs got him back and fortunately a new batch of patties came today, but I can't believe Patrick did that. Sometimes I wonder if he really considers me a friend anymore."

Suddenly, the entire house began to shake, causing him to fall off his bed for the second time in one day. SpongeBob quickly looked his window and was shocked to find Patrick carrying his house.

"Patrick, what are you doing?!" he exclaimed.

"I need something to block the sun from my rock," Patrick nonchalantly answered.

"And you're using my house?!"

"Fruits need sun, right?"

"That's it!" SpongeBob jumped out through his bedroom window and landed in front of Patrick, shooting him a stern look. "Patrick Star, we need to have a talk about our friendship. For a while now, you have been a very bad friend."

"What are you talking about?" Patrick released his grip on SpongeBob's home, causing it to tip over and crash into Squidward's. "I'm a great friend."

"Does a 'great friend' leave his best friend behind to the mercy of an evil ghost pirate?"

"Well, uh… maybe."

"Does a 'great friend' think it's a good idea to glue his best friend to a wringer and get the town to hate him?"


"Does a 'great friend' eat his best friends' backstage passes for no good reason or act like a jerk in a friendly game of golf or refuse to share a toy with me when I paid for it or keep using my money while claiming I can't share or just in general for the past few years just TREATING ME LIKE DIRT!"

"Come on, that's not how you really feel."

"Patrick, up to now, I've been a good sport about these incidents but not anymore! We used to best pals. Sure we had bad times like any other pair of friends, but now it seems like you actually hate me."

SpongeBob then noticed the pink starfish start to drool as he drifted off in opposite directions, "Don't you feel sorry for anything?"

"Sorry about what?" asked Patrick.

SpongeBob sighed and said, "Patrick, I think there's only one thing I can say to you now."

The little yellow sponge cleared his throat and unleashed all of his repressed rage with such colorful vocabulary that if anyone else tried to listen to it they would not be able to comprehend it. After exhausting every word he could think of, SpongeBob took a moment to breathe and finally finish with, "From here on out, we are no longer best friends!"

Patrick blankly stared at SpongeBob as he processed what he just heard.

"Wh-What?! You can't be serious!" he sputtered.

"I am serious. From this day forward, you are no longer my best friend!" SpongeBob declared.

Patrick's lower lip trembled as tears welled up in his eyes.

"SpongeBob doesn't like me anymore!" he cried.

Patrick ran off in tears leaving SpongeBob to wonder, "Now how am I going to move my house back?"

"SPONGEBOB!" Squidward stormed up out of his tiki home and angrily approached his porous neighbor. "What's the heck is going on out here?!"

"Patrick and I stopped being friends," SpongeBob solemnly explained.


"Now I have to find a new best friend." SpongeBob crossed his arms as he wondered who could fill the void left by Patrick. Suddenly, a great idea came to him, "Hey, Squidward…"

Squidward was already gone before the idea even came to him. Just then, Sandy walked up to the confused sponge."Howdy, SpongeBob, why's your house lodged into Squidward's again?"

"Patrick moved it," SpongeBob solemnly answered.

"You know, SpongeBob, you shouldn't let Patrick get away with something like that," Sandy advised.

"I didn't. I told him off and stopped being friends with him."

"Really? Wow, I never thought that would happen… What are you going to do now?"

"First I need to move my house back. Do youthink you can help me?"

"Sure thing," Sandy proceeded to unlodge her friend's pineapple home from Squidward's house and push it into its proper place."Now what are you going to do about this Patrick thing?"

"I guess I should start looking for a new best friend," SpongeBob lamented.

"Alright then, I'll help you," Sandy said with a reassuring smile. "Meet me at my place tomorrow morning."

Later, Patrick walked through a deserted wasteland tried to come to terms over what SpongeBob had told him.

"I don't understand, how can SpongeBob think I'm a bad friend?" he wondered aloud.

Suddenly, a blinding white light appeared in front of the confused starfish and a hooded figure emerged from it.

"Who are you?" asked Patrick.

The figure removed his hood, the reveal shocking Patrick to his very core. The figure was himself.

"Wait a minute… Are you Mirror Man, hero of the fifth mirror dimension?" asked Patrick.

"No, Patrick, I am the old you," lookalike answered.

"Old me?"

"Yeah, the former personality that was lost somewhere in Season 5 or 6."

"Oh," Patrick blankly stared at his former self. "I don't get it."

"I am here to show you the error of your ways," Former Patrick continued.

"What rerroes of my way?"

"Allow me to show you."

Old Patrick grabbed Patrick by his right arm and teleported them near the Krusty Krab.

"What are we doing here?" asked Patrick.

"Look over there," Former Patrick pointed to their left, allowing Patrick to catch a glimpse of SpongeBob in the distance.

"There it is. The finest eating establishment ever established for eating. The Krusty Krab, home of the Krabby Patty. With a help wanted sign in the window," the excited sponge thought aloud. "For years I've been dreaming of this moment. I'm going to go in there! March straight to the manager! Look him straight in the eye! Lay it on the line and… I can't do this!"

SpongeBob quickly turned around and ran only to be stopped by Patrick."Patrick!"

"Where do ya think you're going?" asked Patrick.

"I was just-"

"No, you're not. You're going to the Krusty Krab and get that job," Patrick interrupted in a stern tone.

"I can't, don't you see?! I'm not good enough," SpongeBob lamented.

"Who's first words were, 'May I take your order?'" Patrick reminded his friend.

"Mine were."

"Who made a spatula out of toothpicks in wood shop?"

"I did."

"Who's… Who's…" Patrick struggled to find a third example. "Who's a big yellow cube with holes?!"

"I am!" SpongeBob replied, beaming with confidence.

"Who's ready?!"

"I'm ready!"

"Who's ready?!"

"I'm ready!"

"Who's ready?!" Patrick asked a final time.

"I'm ready!" SpongeBob shouted at the top of his lungs.

The confident sponge ran towards the Krusty Krab chanting "I'm ready" as he ran by the time-displaced visitors.

"See how you helped SpongeBob when he didn't believe in himself," Former Patrick pointed out.

"Hey, what about that time I helped him with his oral presentation?" asked Patrick.

His former self teleported them to his underground home, allowing them to catch a glimpse of another Patrick throwing pillows at SpongeBob's face.

"Patrick, you were making him feel worse," said Former Patrick.

"I was helping," Patrick insisted.

As if to make a point, Former Patrick teleported them to Mrs. Puff's classroom during the aforementioned oral presentation where they find the same Patrick preparing himself to throw another pillow at a very nervous SpongeBob.

"And that's helping him how?" asked Former Patrick.

"Ok, maybe I wasn't the best there," Patrick admitted.

Former Patrick then teleported them to his neighborhood, where they found SpongeBob and another past Patrick playing a rock-paper-scissors using bubbles.

"See how you and SpongeBob used to be able to play simple games like this with no problems?" Former Patrick pointed out.

"Don't we still?" Patrick asked in a confused tone.

Former Patrick teleported them into SpongeBob's pineapple home found another version of SpongeBob and Patrick playing a "friendly" game of golf. Watching himself cheat and throw fits throughout the game, Patrick couldn't help but ask, "Did I really act like that?"

His former self nodded his head

"I can't believe SpongeBob put up with me during that game," Patrick lamented. "But that had to be my worst right?"

"Not even close," Former Patrick grabbed Patrick's hand and forced him to relive the entire Yours, Mine, Mine experience, causing the present starfish to break down in tears.

"Oh dear Neptune, what kind of friend am I?!" Patrick cried. "I wish I could go back to the old days when I was a perfectly nice guy who didn't act like a jerk!"

"Hold on Patrick. You were a better friend back then, but you weren't a perfect nice guy. I mean you weren't that sympathetic to SpongeBob when Gary left him and you were mean to him when he pretended to be stupid for your fake parents and you never helped SpongeBob raise Jr. and got SpongeBob in trouble when you went to boating school with him."

"So, I've always been mean to SpongeBob?"

"Not always. Patrick, sometimes friends are mean to each other whether they realize it or not and even SpongeBob is no exception, but even so you need to remember that you have to treat SpongeBob like a friend, not dirt."

"I understand past me. I need to go and apologize to SpongeBob. But before I do that, I have to know, how are you able to teleport us?"

"That's because this is a dream. When you ran off crying, you ran into a boulder were knocked. In fact, you're about to wake up now."

Like he was just told, Patrick woke up and rubbed his aching head. "Ow. I got to find SpongeBob! "

Full of resolve, the starfish jumped on his feet and prepared to run until an idea popped into his head. "Wait, there's something I need to do first."

The next day, SpongeBob was in the middle of his journey to Sandy's Treedome. "I wonder what Sandy had in mind when she said to come by her place tomorrow which is now today which is th reason I'm heading over there at this very moment in time."

He was quickly struck with surprise as he suddenly laid his eyes on a long line of fish on front of Sandy's home. Following the line to the entrance of the treedome, SpongeBob found Sandy setting up a table. "What's going on, Sandy?"

"We're going to interview the citizens of Bikini Bottom and find out which one is best suited to be your new best friend," Sandy answered.

Following her lead, SpongeBob took a seat next to Sandy as the first interviewee walked up to them.

"So, interviewee 1, what's your name?" asked Sandy.

"Betty," Interviewee answered.

"What's your favorite meal?"


"Next!" SpongeBob shouted.

The next interviewee walked up to them.

"So, do you like Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy?" SpongeBob queried.

"Those two suck," said Interviewee 2.

"Next!" SpongeBob yelled.

2 hours of interviews later, SpongeBob let out a loud moan as exhaustion finally took hold of him.

"So, find anyone you like?" Sandy yawned.

"They were all nice, but they weren't really best friend material," tears welled up in SpongeBob's eyes and he cried, "I miss the old Patrick! The one who used to support me in my time of need! The one I could rely on if I was in trouble! The one who treated me like a friend!"

Sandy gently patted the back of her friend's head. "I think it's time to face facts, SpongeBob. The old Patrick is long gone."

"I guess…" Drying his tears, SpongeBob stood up and proceeded to walk off until he was stopped by Patrick.

"Patrick? What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I'm here to say I'm sorry," the starfish solemnly answered.

Shocked by what they just heard, SpongeBob and Sandy could do nothing but stare at Patrick.

"Really?" SpongeBob asked.

"I haven't always been the greatest friend," Patrick admitted. "And lately I would take advantage of our friendship and sometimes hurt you instead of helping you and I'm sorry."

Sandy's expression changed from shock to disbelief. "Who are you and what have you done to Patrick?"

"As a proof to show how sorry I am, I brought you this," the starfish reached into his pocket and pulled out a briefcase for SpongeBob to accept.

SpongeBob opened the briefcase and felt his jaw hit the ground the moment he viewed its content. Slowly, he pulled out a jellyfishing net for all to see.

"Th-This… This is the first Ol' Reliable," SpongeBob sputtered.

"I found it and fixed it up myself to show you how sorry I am," Patrick continued. "Can you forgive me?"

"Oh, Patrick, I could never stay mad at you."

The two shared a hug as the final sign of their restored friendship.

"Now how 'bout we go Jellyfishing, best friend?" SpongeBob proposed.

"Let's go, pal!" Patrick eagerly agreed.