The week before our retreat flew by, and soon I found myself with bags around my feet, waiting for the rest of the gang to pick me up at my house. I shuffled nervously, not sure how this week would go. Natsu had stayed with me every single night, often slipping in through my window, which I now left unlocked for him, and curling up on my side. He would wrap himself around me, always pulling me close to his side. I knew deep down that this wasn't how best friends should act around each other - but I didn't want to bring the topic up.

Early this morning, I'd briefly woken up to shift positions and found him staring at me, "What's up?" I whispered, the room a light gray from the slowly rising sun.

He said nothing as he reached out with one hand and tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear, his fingers grazing the side of my cheekbone. I felt the heat in me rise, knowing he was fully aware of my reddened face, "Go back to sleep." and I had - but awoke alone, a quick note scribbled down saying that he would meet up with me later.

I sat on the rock wall next to the river in front of my house, a nervous flutter irritating my stomach. We would be at a guild retreat, and while it was going to be a relaxing vacation near the ocean, I knew it wouldn't be appropriate if Natsu ended up in my room every night. It would become obvious that something was going on between us.

My face lit up red, I would die of embarrassment if someone caught Natsu in my bed. It wasn't like we were doing anything… but how could I explain it? Surely Natsu was smart enough to know to stay in his own quarters with Happy on this trip… right?

"Yo, Luce!"

I brightened at the carefree tone in his voice as he approached, his typical bedroll and knapsack on his back. He was dressed in his typical one-sleeved tunic, and for once his hair didn't look like he had just rolled out of bed.

Happy floated near him, shaking his fur, "We just finished up at the communal bath!" He flew closer and sprayed me with a little water as he shook dry, "Look how fluffy and clean I look Natsu!"

"Who are you trying to impress?" I smiled up at him and watched his face turn an odd shade of red.

Natsu butted in, "Carla might have mentioned that he needed a bath - so he dragged me along with him."

I laughed, "Can't say I'm not appreciative either!"

Natsu rolled his eyes, "Oh come on, I'm always clean - especially before I join you in …"

I cut him short when I saw the guild members closing in, "Oh look, everyone's here!"

Levy peeked her head out from beneath Gajeel's massive arm and beamed at me, "Lu-chan! You ready to go?!"

I smiled at her, her relationship with Gajeel was no longer a secret. After the war, they couldn't stay away from each other. Levy turned crimson when she told me what had happened during the war, how Gajeel had confessed his feelings for her when he thought he was about to die. I smiled at the thought - now they couldn't keep their hands off of each other - to the disgust of most of the guild members.

"Let's get this party started!"

I glanced over my shoulder at Natsu who was holding his stomach in an sickly manner - "Oh man, do we have to take the train?"

"Stop being such a pussy man."

"Shut the hell up, Gray!" a tendril of flame shot out of his hand and was harmlessly deflected by a blast of cool air. "You want to go, flame brain!"


The master's authoritative tone was enough to quiet the entire group, "This retreat is about time as a family. We are a family and we've been through hell and back together." He clapped his hands together, "Let's head out!"

I grabbed Natsu's shoulder and pushed him in the direction of the train, "Come on - once we get there you'll be happy we did it."

He huffed, "Well, I'm not the only one who hates traveling."

I glanced over at Gajeel who was holding a protective hand over his stomach, and Wendy who was being coroused by Carla to keep moving forward.

Within 15 minutes we were boarded, Natsu sat next to me - his eyes darting frantically as the conductors finished the boarding process - reaching a snag when they found Cana lugging an entire barrel of beer onto the train.

"But mamn, you can't bring that onto the train, we can store it for in the cargo caboose."

Cana smiled, and flipped her long brown hair over her shoulder, "No, you don't seem to understand - I bought this pretty thing its own seat!" she patted the barrel for emphasis. The conductor paled and she walked past him without effort, finding a seat across from our group.

I smiled at Cana, "Have some trouble boarding there?"

She laughed, "They can't turn down a paying customer." Her eyes turned to Natsu, whose head was resting against the window, "Natsu, you want some? It might take the edge off the trip for you."

His eyes darted over and he held his stomach, he tried to speak but only grumbled in response. His head dropping down onto my shoulder.

My face heated at his public display, but I said nothing - only glanced across at my seat mates - who hadn't seemed to notice. Erza was currently engrossed in conversation with the person sitting behind her, I hadn't noticed before - but the sun reflecting off a strand of blue hair gave away their identity. Beside him, another bluenette was leaned over the shared seats, Juvia was wrapped around Gray - a permanent scowl resting on his face as he tried and failed to wrestle away from her. I had overheard that they were now more of a couple as well - but public displays of affection were apparently off limits. Erza, on the other hand, would threaten you with her sword if you tried to bring up mention of her relationship with Jellal - it was rumored though, that they were engaged to be married.

"Juvia can't wait to show Gray her new bathing suit! Juvia picked it out just for this trip!"

Gray huffed, but his eyes showed the faintest sense of amusement, "I don't care about your freaking bathing suit."

Juvia just smiled, his words not holding the icy bite they previously held in the past.

I turned toward Wendy and Carla, seated a few rows ahead of us - Happy was sitting across from them, munching on his fish while offering his 'barely touched' one to Carla as a treat. With a lurch the train began moving forward and Natsu groaned into my hair, "How long is this trip going to take?"

"Akane beach is about an hour away, so this is a relatively short trip." I nudged him a bit with my shoulder, "Just relax, we'll be there before you k-" I was stopped short as the train lurched particularly hard as it switched tracks. Natsu slid down the length of my shoulder, right into my lap - both hands covering his hair as he let loose a barrage of unpleasant words into my skirt. I ran a hand through his hair, which was unnaturally soft and he groaned in agreement. I had seen Erza rub his head enough times on long trips to know that it relaxed him - and usually kept his food in his stomach.

He turned his head so he could speak clearly, "Why do we do this?"

I said nothing but ran my hand leisurely down his scalp, the soft strands of hair flowing through my fingers effortlessly. One of his hands came off the top of his head and he grabbed hold of my knee, bracing himself as the train chugged along. I felt my cheeks burn again and dared not look at any of my companions - as I knew my reaction would surely give away at my embarrassment.

Halfway into the trip I smoothed the hair back from his face and realized he had fallen into a restless sleep.

Gray huffed as he looked over to the other side of the train where Gajeel was curled up against the window, Levy pinned between both him and the window pane, "Well it looks like flame brain knocked himself out. Honestly, I think he gets so worked up about riding the train to begin with, that half the motion sickness is caused by him."

I glanced over at Wendy who had circles in her eyes. Carla was patting her hand, but seemed focused on whatever Happy was telling her.

"I'm glad you managed to get him to sleep, his whining spoils the ride."

"I'll knock you into next week!"

I jumped at Natsu's voice, but when I looked down he was still asleep.

"That idiot" Gray grumbled, "Still picking fights in his sleep."