Chapter 1: The Pact

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.

Quiet. That is not exactly what I had in mind this fine morning. In my home, quiet meant that there was something wrong. I opened my eyes to look at my purple ceiling. It was still quiet. That could only mean one thing. Today was the day. What day was it? It was the day that I was to meet my future husband, Sam Uley.

You may be wondering how I was meeting the man for the very first time. There was a pact that my family made with the reservation. It was made when my mother was pregnant with me. The pact goes as follows:

The two shall be united in holy matrimony.

They shall be together till death do them part.

Honesty is the key.

Together they must tell the whole truth.

Together they must create a child,

That will defeat the great and powerful,

Red eyed man.

That is the entire pact stated, but the reservation took it upon them to fill in the blanks. Over the years, I was not allowed to date anyone.

It was said that I was to keep the vessel pure and untouched for him. I was not allowed to have a bad reputation.

I was under a watchful gaze at all times. I had a bodyguard who would protect me up until the wedding. His name was Robert.

My parents hired him when I got lost in seventh grade.

My life was simple but complicated. My life was not my own.

Today was the day that I was supposed to go meet him. My name is Naomi Summers. I am eighteen. I have long brown hair that goes all the way down to my thighs. I have crystal blue eyes. I am five feet and four inches tall and am crazy about wolves.

They are my favorite animal. I draw them, dream about them, and even go looking for them.

That stopped about a year ago, I was not allowed to do anything that Robert could not keep up with.

I never understood the rules, but I always obeyed them. I knew that my parents did what they did for a reason, so I just went with it.

I was not one to ask too many questions, and I liked it like that.

I got dressed in a pair of deep and dark blue jeans. I wore my favorite pine green tank top, and my wolf necklace.

I put on my black Nike shocks and headed for the kitchen. When to the kitchen, my family was waiting for me.

My mom and dad had made me some breakfast.

My brother sat on a bar stool, near the island. I sighed.

"So, Today's the day." I said. They nodded in agreement.

This was going to be a long day.