Title: Stuck Together

Summary: Harry uses one of Fred and George's prank books to hex Severus, but the curse ends up backfiring on him and he faces the consequences. He and Severus are stuck together for three days and the only way to remove the hex is for them to kiss. Will Severus be willing to kiss Harry or will they wait out the three days until the hex is automatically removed?

Rated: M

Genre(s): Romance, Drama, Humor

Pairing(s): Harry Potter/Severus Snape

Warning(s): Sex and angst/fighting

AN: So while I'm having a bit of writer's block for my "Hiding with You" story, I wanted to give you guys a new Snarry fic so yes, I did write ANOTHER one haha. I just love these two. Hope you enjoy!

And I originally wrote this as a Halloween fic, but I thought Christmas would be better suited for this story because of the long winter break.

Harry's PoV:

Christmas was approaching at Hogwarts, and Harry was looking forward to the annual feast. He also looked forward to going to Fred and George's shop where they had new products out around Christmas, and sales on all of their products.

Harry bought one of the Weasley twins's prank books, and happily took it back to Hogwarts with him. He read through it and found something interesting. The Binding Hex, the book read. This hex will physically bind two people together for three days. Prank your friends, family or professors!

At the word professors, Harry suddenly had an idea. He covered his mouth to hide his giggle and marked the page before setting the book down on his bedside table. He settled down in his bed and turned off the light, plotting his prank until he fell asleep.

The next morning after breakfast, the day before break, Harry pulled out his Maurader's Map. He noticed Severus Snape's name on the map, and it looked like the Potions Master was heading towards Malfoy's name. Perfect.

When Harry approached the two, he heard Snape and Draco's voices. Peeking around the corner, he glanced down at the book and whispered the incantation. Nothing happened.

Staring at the book in confusion, Harry read down the page but couldn't find anything that would indicate possible problems with the hex. Harry was so caught up in reading the book that he didn't notice Snape rounding the corner. Harry was wearing his Invisibility Cloak, so Snape let out a yell of surprise as he slammed into Harry. The Cloak fell off the younger man as he stared up at his Professor's face, frozen in terror. "Potter," Snape hissed. "What are you-"

Suddenly, Harry felt a ripple of magic, and the Gryffindor found himself pressed up against Snape. Gasping in horror, Harry tried to pull away, but was unsuccessful. "Get off me, Potter!" Snape yelled.

"I'm trying!" Harry exclaimed in frustration, and Snape glared at him. Wincing, Harry tried to hide the book that he had bought from Fred and George, but Snape snatched it out of his hands before Harry could tuck it into his robe.

"What is this?" Snape flipped through the book and found the page that Harry had marked. Snape's onyx eyes widened and Harry flinched again. "You used a Binding Hex on me?"

"I was trying to bind you to Malfoy, not me!" Harry looked at him sheepishly.

If looks could kill, Harry would be dead. Snape's expression was thunderous, and scary. "A hundred points from Gryffindor," he said calmly, so calmly that it was scarier than yelling, "for irresponsible and uneducated use of magic."

Harry gaped at the man. "A hundred p-"

"And you will be scrubbing my cauldrons for a month," Snape added, and rolled his eyes at Harry's open mouth. "Stop gawking, Potter, you deserve it. Where did you get this book?"

"Fred and George," Harry replied, his voice small.

"Take me to them," Snape said. "I want this hex removed. I will not be tethered to you for three days."

Harry tried not to feel too insulted - this was Snape, after all, but for some reason, he felt his heart sinking in disappointment. Sighing, he led Snape to the Great Hall where breakfast was still going on. Harry and Snape walked up to Fred and George, who immediately burst out laughing at the sight of them.

They fell silent under Snape's death glare. "May we have a word with you?" Snape asked the twins.

They all went out in the hall to avoid attention, and Snape spat, "Potter here seems to have used one of your hexes on me. It backfired and now we are stuck together. What is the counter curse?"

Fred and George's eyes widened and they exchanged a glance. After a moment, Fred told them, "There isn't really a countercurse."

"Then what-" Harry started.

"The hex only lasts for three days," George said. "There is a way to remove it, but I don't think you'll be up for it." Fred and George snickered.

"Tell. Me. Now," Snape hissed. "And take this seriously or I'll take points."

The twins gulped and Harry could tell George was struggling not to laugh as his brother said, "You and Harry have to kiss."

"NO," Harry and Snape said at the same time, and then glared at each other. "There must be another way to remove the curse," Snape said. "What is it?"

"Sorry," said Fred. "Either you'll have to kiss or wait out the three days until the curse is removed."

"Just be glad we didn't make it a week or a month," George added, laughing.

"That's very helpful," Harry said through gritted teeth, and the twins' eyes widened.

"I am not going to be tied to Potter," Snape said to the twins.

"Then you'll have to kiss him," George said.

"I'm not doing that either! Remove this curse now!"

Snape was yelling now, and Harry cringed. "Please just remove it," he begged the twins. "I don't want to be stuck with him either."

"Sorry Harry, if you and Professor Snape aren't willing to kiss there's nothing we can do," George said, and the twins went back into the Great Hall.

Snape looked at Harry in disgust. "Thanks to you, Potter, my plans for winter break are now ruined," he said.

"Well, mine are too!" Harry exclaimed. "I was going to go to the Weasleys' for Christmas. Please, sir, please just kiss me so we can get on with our lives." Harry felt gross begging Snape to kiss him, but what choice did he have? He didn't want to be trapped with the Potions Master for three days and he was pretty sure Snape returned the feeling.

"No. Absolutely not," Snape said. "Never in a million years.

Harry felt a sudden burst of anger. "Why do you hate me so much anyway?!" he exclaimed. "I never did anything to you."

"Be quiet, Potter, and come with me," Snape said, all but dragging Harry down the hall. "Albus will know what to do. I hope."

Severus's PoV:

Severus strode down the hall, his mind turning in circles. What the bloody hell had Potter been thinking? Pranking a teacher? Served him right that it backfired. But even that wasn't enough of a punishment.

Albus's damned blue eyes twinkled when Severus arrived with Harry, breathing heavily from anger. "Albus," Severus hissed, "this boy decided it was a good idea to prank me with one of the Weasley twins's hexes."

Albus chuckled, and Severus stared at him in astonishment. He was laughing? "Ah, I have heard of this one. The Binding Hex, was it?"

Severus glared. "Albus, the only way to remove the hex is for me to kiss Potter. That would not be appropriate."

"The hex will wear off after three days," said Albus. "But if you wish to have a nice break, I should inform you that student-teacher relationships are not prohibited, as long as they are consensual."

Severus stared at Albus open-mouthed. He felt his face burning, to his horror, and hoped Potter didn't notice. "Albus, please. There is nothing between me and Potter. And I won't kiss him. I won't."

"Then there is nothing I can do, Severus," Albus said. "If you would like to talk about Harry's punishment, we can discuss that."

"Oh, don't worry. I'm taking care of that myself," Severus said bitterly, and strode out of the room, dragging Potter with him.

"Please, Professor," Potter whined as Severus headed to his rooms. "I'm going on break in two days with the Weasleys. I really don't want to stay here over break."

The thought of his lips against Potter's made Severus shiver. "I am not kissing you, Potter, for the last time. You really should have thought about the consequences of your actions."

Severus dragged Potter into his rooms, and the boy looked around as he went into the kitchen and made tea, not bothering to offer some to Potter. "Your rooms are nice," Potter said casually.

Severus ignored him.

"You know, if you refuse to kiss me, we're going to be stuck together for three days," Potter pointed out. "Are you planning on just ignoring me the whole time?"

"Yes." Severus took his tea into his office. "Potter, your job is to scrub these cauldrons while I grade essays. It is part of your punishment for being irresponsible with magic."

Potter rolled his eyes, but did as he was told. They worked in an awkward silence, and Severus found he couldn't concentrate on grading his exams. He was curious about Potter, and his thoughts wandered to Harry's normal everyday life. He saw Potter around the castle, but he barely knew his student. What were Potter's hobbies, his goals, his passions?

And then Severus wondered why he even cared. He hated Potter.

A few hours passed, and then Severus said, "We're done for now. Let's go get dinner."

Potter trailed miserably beside him as they entered the Great Hall. They hadn't been to classes all day - Severus had to get Horace to substitute his class. Luckily, tomorrow was their last day. But there was one problem - finals.

Laughter filled the Great Hall as Severus and Potter arrived together, and Severus willed himself not to blush as he walked with Potter up to the staff table. "Can't we go sit with my friends, at least? If I'm going to be stuck with you for two weeks?"

"No, Potter, and you should be grateful to me. I was lenient on your punishment," Severus informed him through gritted teeth.

"Lenient?!" Potter sputtered, also getting angry, but Severus didn't respond and instead turned to Horace.

"How did it go today?" Severus asked him. "Did my students behave?"

"Yes, but I had to give Ron Weasley and Draco Malfoy detention," Horace informed him. "They went at it while I had my back turned. Someone else almost got hexed."

Severus shook his head. He needed a break now more than ever, and Potter was ruining it. Luckily, the bind would wear off in three days and then Severus could enjoy the rest of his break.

For the rest of dinner, Potter talked with Horace and Severus sat in silence, sulking as he mulled over the situation in his head. This was a huge inconvenience, and there was a way to solve it.

Severus shook his head. What was he thinking, kissing Potter! He was growing soft. But he didn't want to kiss him because he liked him. He just wanted to get out of this infuriating situation.

At least that's what he told himself as he couldn't help but glance at Potter, only to find Potter staring right back at him. Startled, Severus glared at the boy, but his breath caught when he gazed into Potter's bright green eyes. "What are you looking at?" Severus hissed, and Potter glared back and looked away. Severus smirked on the outside, but on the inside he felt slightly warmer.

When they were walking back to Severus's rooms after dinner, Potter broke the heavy silence. "Sir, why don't you come with me and my friends for break?"

Severus turned to him in surprise. Why was Potter offering that? "I doubt I would be welcome," Severus pointed out.

"We could explain the situation to them. I'm sure they would understand," Potter said.

"Why would you want me to come with you?" Severus asked, confused. "You hate me. I'm your greasy git of a Potions professor."

"I don't hate you," Potter said as Severus muttered the password to his rooms and strode in. "I'm just perplexed as to why you hate me."

"You don't hate me." Severus stared at the boy in surprise.

"No. I'm curious about you," Potter admitted. "I want to know more about you."

"Why?" Severus asked again. "What could you possibly want with me?"

"I want to be friends with you," Potter blurted out.

Harry's PoV:

Harry gulped as Snape stared him down with a suspicious look. "Please sir," he said. "I don't enjoy fighting with you...I want to get to know you instead."

"Potter, if you knew me - if you truly knew me - you would run away screaming," Snape said. "I am not a good person. I am trying to protect both myself and others from getting close to me."

"Is that why you're so awful all the time?" Harry asked. When Snape nodded, he said, "Well, it's not working with me. I know you're not who you pretend to be. I know you saved my life during my first year, several times. I know you let me sneak gillyweed from your storage closet so I would be safe. I know you taught me Occlumency so that I would be able to defend myself."

Snape looked shocked, and humiliated. "Why are you doing this, Potter?"

"Because I likely wouldn't be alive today if it wasn't for you," Harry said. "You can't be all that bad. And everyone makes mistakes, Professor."

"Severus," the older man said.

Harry looked at him in confusion. "Huh?"

The corner of the man's mouth twitched. "If we are going to be friends, I expect you to call me Severus."

Harry smiled. "Then call me Harry...Severus," he said. The name felt natural in his mouth.

"Harry," Severus echoed, and Harry's heart fluttered. The Potions Master had never called him by his first name. "Would you like to play a game of chess?"

"That sounds nice," Harry agreed.

Severus's PoV:

Severus had the most wonderful evening that he'd had in a long time. He and Harry played three games of chess (which was difficult since they were basically glued together). Severus won two games and Harry won one. Severus had a glass of wine and allowed Harry to have a few small sips from his glass. When it got late, Severus said, "We should go to sleep."

Harry blushed, and Severus felt quite awkward as well. He'd been dreading having to bring up the sleeping situation all evening - Harry would obviously have to share his bed. The thought made Severus's cheeks turn a matching shade of red. "I'm sorry for invading your privacy, Prof - Severus," Harry said.

"It's alright. I hope you learned your lesson," Severus said, smirking at Harry's deepening blush. "I have actually enjoyed my evening with you."

Harry gawked at him in surprise, and Severus avoided his gaze as they got into bed. After turning out the light, Severus was unable to get comfortable. He wasn't used to sleeping with someone and the feeling of Harry pressing up against him made his heart race. Eventually he rolled over with his back to Harry, which did nothing except pull Harry's body against his own. Severus gasped, something deep inside him stirring. To his horror, he felt himself hardening, and willed his throbbing erection to go away. He prayed Harry wouldn't notice - if he had, Severus would likely die of embarrassment. He could feel his length pressing into Harry's leg, so he was almost certain the younger man could feel it. His cheeks flaming, Severus moved his leg, which immediately began to cramp up because of the uncomfortable position. That was when he realized he wanted Harry to notice, to reach down and stroke him, and his cock gave an interested twitch at the thought. Severus's erection rubbed against the fabric of his pajama pants painfully, and he winced.

"Severus?" Harry's voice said in the darkness, sounding small and uncertain. Great, thought the Potions Master. He definitely noticed. "Do you want me to...?" He didn't finish the question.

"You don't have to-" Severus started, but moaned when he felt Harry's hand move between his legs, under the blankets. His heart pounded quickly, and he rolled over to face Harry. Their lips met in the darkness, and Severus felt his magic release him from the bind, from Harry. Ironically enough, Severus just tugged Harry closer against him, his tongue stroking Harry's. The younger man moaned into his mouth, and the sound went straight to Severus's groin. Harry's hand sunk into his pajama pants, wrapping around his bare erection. A whimper escaped Severus's lips as Harry touched him. No one had ever touched Severus there and it felt so damn good that the Potions Master spread his legs and rocked against Harry in desperation.

Harry's PoV:

Harry couldn't believe this was actually happening.

When Severus had kissed him, Harry had been so shocked that he was unable to move, but then he returned the kiss and opened his mouth for Severus. The Potions Master's tongue licked his before moving farther into his mouth, exploring with a passion that Harry hadn't known Severus had. He felt the magic from the binding hex release them, but he hardly paid attention to that as he wrapped his hand around Severus's throbbing erection. This was his first time with a bloke and it felt different, and strange, but Harry found he liked it.

Severus pressed up against him, whimpering. Surprised, Harry gasped into his mouth, their kiss heated and passionate. Harry hated to break the kiss, but he pulled back to ask, "Do you want me to...to use my mouth?"

Severus stared at him in surprise, his dark eyes wide and pupils dilated with lust. "Do you want to?"

"I wouldn't mind," Harry admitted, blushing.

When he looked up to find Severus smirking, his blush deepened, but Severus didn't seem uncomfortable. "Go ahead," Severus said, and pressed a soft kiss to Harry's lips. His heart fluttering, Harry kissed back before pulling away to return his attention to Severus's erection. He reminded himself to breathe as he pulled down Severus's pajama bottoms, his eyes widening at Severus's hard, wet length. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

"Believe me, I want to," Harry said, surprised as Severus's gentle tone of voice. "I've just...I've never done this before. A day ago I never would have thought about being with a bloke."

Severus's expression softened. "I'm not going to judge you, Harry."

Harry nodded, relieved, and looked down at Severus's throbbing length. Curious, he licked up Severus's cock, tasting the precome dripping from the head. Severus moaned loudly, and Harry found himself hardening at the sound. "Harry...please..." The sound of Severus begging for him encouraged him and he lowered his mouth onto Severus's cock and began to suck. Severus cried out in desperation. "Harder," he gasped, and Harry obliged. Never had he felt such pleasure. His experiences with Cho and Ginny had never been like this, had never felt so intimate and enjoyable.

Severus's moans grew louder as the minutes went on, and after a while he gasped out, "Harry, I'm - I'm going to..." A moment later hot, bitter liquid shot into Harry's mouth. Surprised, Harry almost choked, but managed to swallow without embarrassing himself. "Merlin, Harry. That was amazing."

Severus's gaze was lust-filled when Harry looked up at him, and he felt his face burning. "You liked it?" Harry asked.

"Very much so," Severus replied, pulling Harry against him. The kiss that followed was fervent and hungry. Severus's hand slipped up Harry's shirt and caressed his bare skin, his fingers pinching one of Harry's nipples. Harry moaned and let Severus pull his shirt over his head. "You are still wearing far too many clothes," the Potions Master whispered in his ear, and Harry whimpered. Severus's lips trailed down to his neck, and he pushed Harry back against the pillows and hovered over him. His hands caressed Harry's hips and squeezed gently, earning a moan from the younger man. His hot, wet tongue licked down Harry's neck, his lips trailing playful, biting kisses down his bare skin.

Severus's mouth reached Harry's chest, and he paid thorough attention to Harry's nipples, sucking and biting and licking before continuing down the younger man's stomach. Harry was moaning loudly now, unable to help it. Severus's tongue dipped into his navel, and Harry gasped, his eyes closing. Severus's mouth trailed lower still, and Harry felt Severus pull down his trousers, revealing his throbbing cock. A tongue licking teasingly up his length made Harry cry out and Harry knew he wasn't going to last long as Severus took him in his mouth. That tongue was surely going to drive him mad, thought Harry as Severus rubbed his tongue over the head of his cock.

It wasn't long before he came, and afterwards they lay together gasping for breath. "That was hot," Harry panted.

"Indeed." Severus smirked and kissed him.

They lay there making out, and it was a while before Harry pulled back to ask, "So...do you want me to go back to my dorm tonight? Now that the hex is removed?"

Severus raised an eyebrow. He looked surprisingly younger with his black hair messy and his lips swollen from all the snogging. "Do you really want to?"

"No," Harry admitted, face burning.

Severus chuckled. "Go to sleep then," he said through a yawn. Harry snuggled against him, and was asleep within seconds.

Severus's PoV:

The next morning, Severus woke up to find Harry still asleep beside him. He startled as he recalled the memories from last night, the fervent passion and pleasure he had shared with Harry.

He couldn't believe that Harry Potter, his longtime enemy, had been able to give him such pleasure. He hadn't realized until then how alone he had felt.

Severus quietly got out of bed, hoping he wouldn't wake Harry. He dreaded the conversation they would likely have when Harry woke up, but he knew they would have to discuss what occurred between them last night. It was inevitable.

Harry met him out in the kitchen a few minutes later, as Severus sat at the kitchen table with his cereal and the Daily Prophet. "Morning," he said, standing at the table awkwardly.

Severus could barely look at him, he was so embarrassed. This was his first time waking up with someone, and he didn't understand how people did it. It was so incredibly awkward and uncomfortable. "Good morning," he said, not taking his eyes off his newspaper. "You can help yourself to breakfast."

Silence fell as Harry filled a bowl with cereal and milk, and sat down at the table across from Severus. The Potions Master shifted in his seat, feeling Harry's eyes on him as if they were staring into his soul. "You can't ignore me forever, Severus," Harry pointed out. "Look, I know that what happened last night was really fast and unexpected, and I know now that it's morning, you probably regret it-"

"I don't regret it," Severus blurted out.

"What?" Harry's bright green eyes were wide.

Severus sighed, embarrassed. "I enjoyed it," he admitted. "However I am in shock, because we normally hate each other."

"I know," Harry agreed. "I'm in shock too. Like, really in shock. And...I'm kind of starting to question my sexuality...I thought I was into girls, but last night was so much better than any of my experiences with girls." Harry hesitated. "Was last night a one night stand?"

Severus could tell Harry feared his answer. He didn't want last night to be a one night stand. "I - I'm not sure," Severus admitted. "If we were to start something, Harry, I...I would have to be honest with you. I have made a lot of awful mistakes in my life, and thought I would not want you to find out about them, you would have the right to know, as my lover. I'm not a good person, Harry. You deserve someone younger and kinder than myself."

"So, last night won't happen again, then?" Harry asked, and Severus's heart broke at the disappointed look on Harry's face.

"Harry, I think you are a wonderful person, and fantastic in bed. And while I would very much like to get to know you more, I think it will have to be as friends." Severus swallowed, and reminded himself not to take the words back. "I'm sorry."

"Oh." Harry's eyes glistened, and he stood from his chair. "I guess I'll see you after break then."

"Harry," Severus started, but Harry turned away from him. Severus followed him to the door, wishing Harry wouldn't leave and regretting his decision.

Harry turned, and Severus was startled to see tears streaming down Harry's cheeks. "I don't know why I thought you would want to explore what's happening between us," he said. "You've always hated me. I don't know why I thought things would be different after last night." He glared at Severus, and the Potions Master's heart sank. "You're an arsehole for leading me on and using me, Severus Snape. I don't want to be friends with you and I hope you know that last night means absolutely nothing to me. Have a bloody nice life." The door slammed behind the younger man and Severus winced. Ouch. But he'd deserved it for pushing Harry away. Still, Harry deserved much better than him, Severus reminded himself, and he couldn't give Harry the happiness he was looking for. The Potions Master was broken, damaged. He was haunted from everything he'd seen in his life and he was old. This was what was best, he told himself, although he couldn't stop the lump that formed in his throat. The room blurred in front of him, and Severus sank down on his couch, burying his face in his palm.

And for the first time in sixteen years, Severus Snape cried.

AN: Hope you all liked the first chapter! Let me know what you think and if you want me to continue. I think this could be 3 or 4 chapters.