The night wind was blowing, warning of the approaching storm from the east.

Robin's cape fluttered in the breeze. He tugged at it and managed to grab one end and hold it close to him for warmth.

He shuddered slightly, peering down. Without Batman next to him he felt oddly lonely.

'This will be your first mission alone,' he recalled Batman saying. 'Be careful. Call me at once if you run into any trouble.'

Yeah, like that would happen. Like Tim would give up this chance to prove that he wasn't incapable, that he was just as good as any other Robin, that he did deserve the name and he did deserve the mantle.

That he wasn't, for all intents and purposes, the Replacement.

A sudden movement below signalled the shipment was about to be unloaded. He watched, eyes wide for any sign of the Black Mask. Whispers had it that he had hired someone to protect this latest package of arms, so Tim was on full alert. This first mission was not going wrong.

Well, at least, until it all went to hell.

Jason puffed out a trail of smoke.

He liked smoking. Not that he liked cancer or anything, but screw that, he'd died once.

He liked the feeling of it. Of inhaling poison, and then puffing it back out into the world. As if he were saying YOU THOUGHT I WOULD DIE? NO WAY! TAKE THIS!

He watched the smoke curl and waft lazily through the air, forming a spiral column that could reach all the way to heaven, y'know, if he believed in heaven.

Not that Jason didn't believe in God (which he didn't.) But he couldn't believe in a place that was perfect, a place that was paradise. Because believing in that would mean having to admit he'd never get there, and damn, of all the sad realities he'd faced that was the saddest and the realest of them all.

There was a shift in the darkness and Jason tensed. Black Mask was reportedly moving a massive shipment of guns in this alleyway, and he quietly loaded his gun. To hell with whoever he'd hired. A bullet through their head would give Jason a nice, easy night.

(Yes, he did believe in Hell. That, of all things, had to exist.)

He took out the cigarette and snubbed it out on the rooftop floor. Cocking the gun, he aimed it at the guy with the funny hat who was moving the package.

He was about to pull the trigger when a bright flash of red and yellow flicked through the night, descending on the men.

Damn. The Replacement was here.

Robin spiralled through the air, cape extended to catch the fast-flying wind.

Tim loved these moments. Just moments of flying, of being free, of being the bird he was named after.

These moments before the crunch of landing and the darkness of crime, the darkness you could fight in two ways.

By either becoming the darkness, as Batman had, or becoming the light. And that was Robin- simply a light in the darkness when all other lights go out.

He landed hard on the shoulders of the first guy, a scream accompanying his entrance. Then a flip to avoid the bullets, a roundhouse kick to Goon 2's face, a baton sweeping the third guy's legs, punch, kick, like a messed-up tango.

Then a hard fist to the gut, and he was losing. Tim's vision went hazy. Were there always so many thugs?

There was a rushing sound from behind, and Tim shut his eyes, waiting for the inevitable blow. And then a gunshot rang out in the darkness.


Tim spun around and found himself face-to-face (okay, let's not lie, chest-to-face) with Jason Todd. The Red Hood.

"Red Hood!" Tim exclaimed, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"Kicking butt." He proceeded to shoot the remaining two thugs in the head. "Better question is, what are you doing out here without your babysitter?"

Robin blushed. "This was... a solo mission."

"Ah, a solo mission. The Bats finally trusted you?"

"I've proved myself enough," Tim defended. "I didn't need your help."


Jason walked over to the crate and peered in. He whistled at the sight.

"Man, gotta get me some of these," he grinned, reaching his arms in.

"You can't."

Red Hood looked up. "What?"

"You can't. That's government property- Batman specifically told me not to let it go loose."

"Now when was the last time I listened to the Batman?"

Tim didn't answer, because they both knew very well when that was.

"You gonna stop me?" He asked casually. "Replacement?"

A torrent of anger rushed up his body. "I am not your replacement!"

"Aren't you? So, you're saying I was never a Robin?"

Tim's face felt hot. "No. I'm just saying I'm tired of you always trying to put me down, and I'm not taking any more of it. I'm just as much a Robin as you were."

"Really? Rich kid with parents who love him, who sought out this role?"

"What does that have to do-"

"That has everything to do with it!" Jason slammed the crate lid down. "I suffered my whole life, day after day, until I finally got a lucky break! And guess what? It blew up in my face!"

"Oh, so just because I didn't grow up poor, I don't deserve the mantle?!"

"Robins are made to suffer! I, was made to suffer!" Jason reloaded his gun slowly, and Tim's eyes widened. "You will get your turn too."

"Wait- Red-"

"As entertaining as this is, boys, I need those guns." Tim spun around, but couldn't see anything.

The hired muscle, he recalled. Jason had distracted him, and he'd forgotten. Stupid. Both of them so very, very stupid.

"Now... sleep!"

Tim only had time to see Jason slump to the floor before he felt himself sliding, down a dark, dark hole...

Jason opened his eyes.

The ceiling he was staring at was white and polished, nothing like the crumbling brown of his warehouse.

Where was he?

A pounding headache caused him to groan, which caused a shift of movement next to him.

"You awake?" A very familiar voice said softly.

Jason sat up, blood pounding in his skull. "Bruce?" His own voice sounded unfamiliar. "What- what's going on?"

"Shh, it's okay. You're safe. We found you at the shipment location. You got hit by one of Wizard's spells, but it seems to only have knocked you unconscious."

"What...?" Jason stared into Bruce's eyes, but found no trace of the usual hurt and hatred. "But... how...? I died..."

Bruce chuckled, and Jason couldn't help but smile. "That was all a dream. Now, if you feel good enough, Alfred's prepared lunch downstairs."

"Lunch? Oh, yeah... you go ahead. I'll catch up."

Bruce exited the room, and Jason let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding. Something was wrong. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, stretching. He made his way to the toilet to confirm his suspicions.

Jason stared into the mirror.

Tim's face stared back.

Sup guys! Yes, I haven't written in a while but y'know, school and all that. Here's the start of a new story I hope to finish! Hope you enjoyed, and leave a like/follow/review if you did!