The courtroom was hushed as Andrea listened to Rosita present her closing arguments to the jury. Michonne lined up the Judge she knew off the record which was Andrea and her friendly Harvard competition to represent Rick in the case that was determined to send her to an early grave if he was convicted by the jury of his peers for the death of his wife. Michonne knew to trust her Granny Mabel.

The whole town was crowded outside the courthouse waiting for the verdict that took two hours to reach.

Granny Mabel and Ms. Ella sat together holding each other hands hoping for a positive outcome. Granny Mabel already knew the outcome she already had her hand in the jury tampering.

Ms. Ella asked Granny if her scheme was going to work. She was nervous for her son Rick and the predicament he was in.

"Don't worry. I got someone in there that is going to tell them that if they don't come to the right decision they will find themselves in a backyard under a rose bush. They either take the easy way or the hard way. Thanks to Noah for planting that seed." Ms. Mabel squeezed Ms. Ella hand to reassure her.

Michonne softly said her prayers as she held her sleeping baby Andre to her bosom as she rocked back in forth.

The juror stood and read the verdict, "We find the defendant NOT Guilty."

Rick was in tears as he looked to Michonne after he embraced Rosita for taking on the task successfully. Cheers were heard throughout. Lori's mother and father quietly slipped out. They refused to testify. They would have to tell the truth. Lori had told them that she was planning on killing her husband that day. They had no words. Just glad it was over.

Rick went straight to Michonne and took his baby in his arms as he planted a kiss firmly on Michonne lips, "I was so scared Michonne, I didn't want to be without you and our baby if things didn't go right...I love you so much."

Michonne whispered making sure no one was in earshot as she spoke. "No matter what, things were going to go right. All those jurors were handled by Granny. Had no other way but to go right." She held both sides of his face and pierced his soul with her declaration, "I am always with you. I love you. Forever."

"Forever." He kisses her again. "Now let's get married."


"By the power invested in me I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the Bride." Pastor Gabriel smiled at Rick and Michonne who kissed each other passionately. The small wedding was held inside of Miss Mabel's café and they provided free food to all who were in attendance.


A/N: Thanks for the reviews and enjoying the ride!

A reviewer has shamed me to go back to Pencil Skirt. Sigh. I will finish Pencil Skirt. I didn't get bored with it I got