Hello there, dear readers!

If you have ever read any of my previous stories, you probably know that I am a huge fan of a 2011 fic entitled "Making Memories" by a writer named ermynee322. I have recommended it to my own readers in author's notes to my stories and on Tumblr and have read and reviewed the story many times.

Ever since I first read the story years ago, I've been dying to read a sequel. But, sadly, ermynee322 hasn't been posting much on FFN lately, and that got me wondering whether my craving would ever be satisfied.

Anyway, I'm between fics of my own right now and, well ... the other day I started doodling out a rough outline for a sequel to ermynee's story. And I hope ermynee doesn't mind but I've actually taken the liberty of starting to write it. (I reached out via PM to ask, but haven't heard back yet.)

I was feeling tremendously guilty about doing this, figuring she/he would feel that I was somehow infringing on their creation until the irony of it struck me - we're *all* riffing on JKR's original creation, aren't we? So ... with that said …

Here's the first chapter of what I imagine could be a multi-chaptered follow-up to the brilliant "Making Memories."

You, dear reader, will want to go to ermynee322's page and read that story first. (If you don't, the chapters I'm about to post aren't going to make a lick of sense!) And by all means leave a review for "Making Memories" while you're there. It's wonderful. So creative, so inventive, exquisite angst, poignant romance, incredible family feels.

Then come back here and read this sequel and let me know what you think. OK?

So, I know this is weird ... it simply isn't done (at least not that I know of) ... but I'm hoping ermynee322 will take this sequel as the compliment that it's intended to be. How meta is this? Fan fiction being written about fan fiction! Go figure.

Thanks … and enjoy!



Chapter 1

With the kind of grace and discretion that would have made Ron swear he was standing anywhere else but inside the overcrowded lounge of his nosy and boisterous family's home, Harry and the assorted Weasleys slowly and quietly withdrew themselves from Ron and Hermione's presence once again, sensing quite correctly that the thing the two of them needed most at that moment—aside from food, which Molly was now organizing with all the energy of a drill sergeant—was privacy. Rose's departure with … well, with *Ron,* oddly enough … had obviously rattled Hermione and everyone seemed to understand that she'd need a few moments to compose herself.

Hermione stood stock still looking up at Ron, her only movement being the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed as well as the steady flow of tears drifting over her cheeks.

Ron had tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and now looked down at the only point of contact between them: their joined hands. The adrenaline of the battle was still flowing through his system like a powerful Renervate charm, and yet he was also exhausted and strangely calm. He stroked her knuckles with his thumb, a gentle movement that sent shivers up his arm and throughout his body. He could hardly fathom it … everything that had happened in the past few days was downright twisted … there was so much new information to make sense of … and yet, the feeling of simply standing there, with Hermione's little hand tucked inside his, was the most natural sensation, something that made absolute sense. Perhaps the *only* thing that made sense, given how thoroughly his world had been turned upside down. He'd met his future self. He'd held and fallen in love with his *child.* And while they were both gone now, one crucial person remained: Hermione. She was in his life again — she'd *saved* his life, for Merlin's sake — and now she was once again his entire future.

"What are you thinking?" she asked quietly, prompting him to lift his eyes to hers.

He shrugged and let out a small laugh. "I wish I could put it into words," he said. "I can't decide what to feel most right now, know what I mean?" He sighed and she nodded in a way that told him she wanted to hear more. "I love you like mad, that's one thing," he said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. "And what I'm about to say doesn't make any sense, because you had been erased from my memory for so long, but, bloody hell, Hermione, I *missed* you. I think I knew all along that some part of me wasn't whole, though I know you might think that's crazy."

She sniffled and pressed her hand more tightly around his fingers.

"And I miss … blimey," he said, shaking his head in disbelief. "I miss our daughter already, even though she's only been gone five minutes, and, erm," he continued, rubbing the back of his neck. "I reckon she doesn't even really exist yet anymore — at least not in this time and place — does she. I can't believe how mental that sounds."

Hermione hiccuped. "I know," she said dolefully. "She's where she needs to be now, but … oh, Ron, I'm not sure I can make you understand … she's been my whole world these past few years. And now she's gone, and … she's been …" Hermione's chin wobbled as she struggled to maintain her composure. "She's been my only connection to you, for so long," Hermione sputtered before melting into tears as Ron pulled her to him in an enormous bear hug.

"Shhhhh," he whispered into her hair. "You're not alone anymore, love. It's the two of us now," he said soothingly, resting his cheek atop the crown of her head. "And someday it'll be the three of us again, Mione. Don't worry." Hermione shuddered, racked with a fresh round of sobs, and Ron pressed her even closer to his chest. "It'll be even better next time, because we'll get to know what it is to have her from the get-go, yeah? We'll get to watch her grow from the moment she's born — even before that." He gulped at the thought — he could hardly believe what he was saying, but it was true. A week or so prior, before Hermione had re-entered his life, the very idea of a baby would have filled him with dread — because, of course, though he never wanted to hurt Lavender, he never fancied marrying her and he *certainly* had no intention of ever raising a family with her. What a difference a week or so — the craziest week he'd ever lived through — had made. Not only did he know he and Hermione were destined to have a child … he treasured the thought.

Hermione, meanwhile, melted into Ron's embrace, wrapping her arms around his middle and hanging on as tight as she could as she buried her face in his chest. She'd dreamt of such a moment for three long, lonely years, and now it was here — and yet, she couldn't seem to stop the tears from flowing. As happy as she was to be reunited with the only man she had ever loved or ever would love, as relieved as she was that this dreadful mission had been lifted from her shoulders, as gratified as she was that Rose was now safe and in the time period where she truly belonged, her daughter's absence felt like a gaping hole in her soul, an ache that felt nearly unbearable. And yet, as Ron's soothing words sank into her consciousness, the sound of his voice and the feel of his gentle touch worked their own kind of magic, and she found herself feeling calmer, more equal to the task at hand — which, she realized, was simply to start living again, one small step at a time.

"You feeling better, my love?" Ron whispered through a small, watery smile as Hermione's breathing eased and her sniffles slowly ceased.

She nodded, her cheek still pressed against his chest.

"Hungry?" he asked.

"Mmm. Sounds like your Mum's doing what she does best," Hermione said, her voice still sounding a little hoarse. "She's obviously putting together a meal to feed and army."

Ron chuckled. "Didn't you know? Food is the answer to every problem, Miss Granger." He pulled back and tucked his finger beneath her chin, tipping her face upward toward his. "Mum's right about one thing, though: We'll think better on a full stomach. Let's feed you up and then we'll go from there, OK?"

Agreeing with a shy smile and a nod, Hermione placed her hand in his and, after he gave her a swift kiss to the temple, they proceeded hand-in-hand into the dining room.

There, they found the rest of the family noisily engaged in putting food on the table — toting platters in from the kitchen, drawing up chairs, placing plates and utensils all around.

"There you are, dears," said Molly as they entered, pausing only long enough to place a basket of dinner rolls on the table before pulling Hermione into a tight hug. "Oh, my darling girl," she enthused. "Come on, now, let's get some cottage pie into you."

It would go down as one of the most memorable — and the most odd — meals in this family's wild and woolly history As everyone around the table struggled to make sense of everything that had happened that day, there were long, anxious silences that would give way, without warning, to sudden outbursts of clamorous talking, as everyone simultaneously blurted out their latest thought, their shared disbelief over Hermione's sacrifice, reliving everything they saw in the Pensieve, and marveling at the feeling of having met a family member whom they would somehow meet again.

Feeling snug and cozy seated between Ron and Harry, Hermione savored the feeling of once again being surrounded by a hilarious, raucous roomful of Weasleys. When they first sat down to dine, Ron and Hermione held hands beneath the table, but when it became difficult to do so and eat at the same time — because, frankly, Ron was famished and devouring everything in sight, and Hermione was very nearly able to keep up with him in the early going — he settled for entwining his foot between hers and pulling her leg up against his, rubbing his shoulder against hers as often as he could manage. It was almost as if both of them needed one another's reassuring touch in order to fully believe that it was all real — they were really together, and were going to stay that way. Ron paused to drop a kiss on Hermione's cheek now and then, not caring that a whole roomful of people could see. After all, there seemed little reason to be coy about it anymore. Everybody now knew Ron and Hermione were meant to be together — that they would be a family unto themselves someday — and the thought sent a fresh frisson of joy and disbelief through Ron's body.

Hermione, for her part, felt that happy tremor and, looping her arm through Ron's, rested her cheek on his shoulder and watched him eat, quietly smiling and listening to the family banter, blinking back occasional happy tears and blushing profusely when the conversation turned to her and her heroics.

"I can hardly believe what you did there at the end, Hermione — or what *you* did for that matter, Ron," said Percy.

Harry cleared his throat and took a sip of pumpkin juice. "Actually, I can," he said quietly, but during a break in the conversation that made it possible for everyone around the table to hear him. He turned to look at Hermione and smiled. "It's what incredibly brave women do for the ones they love, isn't it."

"Oh, Harry," Hermione whispered, tears once again rising in her eyes as she disengaged from Ron's arm and pulled Harry into a tight hug.

"Well, it'll be one for the history books, that's for sure," said Bill as Harry and Hermione slowly disengaged from their embrace. "Two people who have survived the Avada Kevadra curse in one family. It's just … well, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it."

"Oh, heavens," said Molly, dabbing at her eyes with her napkin, "when I think how close we came to losing one or both of you…"

George patted his mother's hand. "Let's not talk about that then," he said with a devious grin. "Let's talk about Future Ron, Superstud, shall we? Blimey, Ronniekins, it would seem you're going to be doing a lot of working out in the next few years."

Ron laughed. "Actually, I thought I looked a little doughy around the middle there," he said, reaching for another dinner roll. "I'm going to have to watch out for that."

"You looked fine," Hermione said as she squeezed his arm and settled her cheek against his shoulder once again. "More than fine."

Silence descended again as everyone gathered 'round the table once again privately relived the amazing sight of a somewhat older Ron cradling a red-headed toddler in his arms.

"Such a beautiful child," Fleur said absently. "Rose, I mean."

"She was lovely," Ginny said with a nod. "Is lovely. Will be lovely? It's hard to know how to think of her."

Ron wrapped an arm around Hermione and pulled her close, knowing any talk of Rose was likely going to be difficult for Hermione to hear just then. And yet, to his amazement, a little curl of a smile tugged at the corners of Hermione's mouth. She met his gaze and gave him a little nod that told him she was all right.

"Amazingly powerful little thing, wasn't she?" said Audrey.

"And so smart," said Percy.

"Brave as hell, too," George added.

"Indeed," said Arthur, clearing his throat and pushing his plate away. "Though we shouldn't be surprised, should we?" He gave Ron and Hermione a small smile before continuing. "She was, is and will be a treasured part of this family. So I say, as we count the days until she's with us again, let's keep a place for her in our hearts."

"Hear, hear," said Bill, raising his mug of butterbeer. "To Rose."

"To Rose," the group murmured in reply, solemnly clinking their various glasses and mugs together as Hermione fought down a burning lump in her throat.

Just then, a silver panther — the Patronus of Auror chief Theodore Trottle — slid into the room through the window and circled the table.

"Potter, Weasley — I should congratulate you, but that will have to wait until I see you in person and, of course, until all the requisite paperwork is filled out," Trottle's voice intoned. Harry rolled his eyes and let out a long groan. "Potter," Trottle message continued, "as ranking officer on the scene of today's encounter with Dark agents, I'll expect a full report tomorrow. Weasley, under the circumstances, it's only fitting that you take a week off. I hope that's understood. Good work today, boys."

And, with that, the panther Patronus skulked from the room.

"Bloody paperwork!" Harry moaned melodramatically, dropping his head into his hands, but his shoulders shook with laughter.

"Sorry, mate," Ron said, slapping him on the shoulder from behind Hermione's back. "If you want me to go in tomorrow and file the report with you, I can certainly—"

"Are you out of your mind?" Harry said, wiping a tear from his eye and stifling a grin. "If surviving a Killing Curse doesn't earn you a few days off, Ron, I don't know what will."

"Good point."

By then, Molly and Audrey had begun clearing away dishes from the table, and Hermione rose to help. Bill and Fleur began gathering Victoire and her things, intending to Floo back to Shell Cottage. Angie and George started talking about heading back to their flat above Wheezes themselves, and soon the party began breaking up, one by one, two by two, until Ron was able to take Hermione, who was scrubbing dishes in the kitchen, by the elbow and pull her into the pantry for a bit of privacy.

"So, erm, it seems as if everybody's sort of heading home for the night," he said softly. "Long day, yeah? S'pose everybody could use some rest."

Hermione searched his face. She'd been actively putting off the thought of what might happen next. She certainly didn't want to go back to Cornwall tonight — too many memories of Rose were there — but she knew she'd have to go back eventually to sort everything out. Of course, she knew she and Ron could stay at the Burrow, but then … it wasn't the most private setting, was it. What other options were there?

"I was thinking," Ron continued, his ears growing red. "Um, would you, uh, come home with me tonight?"

Hermione blinked. Home? Ron's home? Wait, wasn't Lavender there? Impossible …

Ron's brow furrowed as he read Hermione's face. "I mean, we could stay here if you want," he sputtered. "I'm sure Mum and Dad wouldn't mind, and—"

"But, I thought," Hermione said, cutting him off. "I thought, um, well … didn't you send Lavender home?"

Ron's brow crinkled further. "Yeah, I did," he said. "So?"

"So … we can't … I mean, we shouldn't go there, should we?"

Suddenly, Ron's face lit up with a look of comprehension — and then a broad smile. "Hermione," he said softly, placing his hands on her shoulders, "Lavender and I don't live together. Never have. She's at *her* home. I'm asking you to come to *mine.*"

Hermione's eyes widened. "Oh," she said sheepishly, as the meaning of his words sank in. "Oh!" she added with a slowly widening smile. "Well then … what are we waiting for?"


A/N — There's more to come, dear readers!

Once again, I have to bow down to the superior imagination and intelligence of ermynee322. I hope this sequel does her/his work justice. Stay tuned for more.

In the meantime, please review and share this story with others, won't you?

