Double Update because I feel bad for not updating. Updating will probably still be sporadic. I hope you're enjoying the series. Comments and constructive criticism is are always welcome and appreciated. Don't kill me if I disappear once again. Also leave ideas for powers and what faction it should belong to. Also, Four is going to need a power (or two), help me decide! I don't own the divergent world or characters. Bold words after this authors note is from the actual book. Enjoy!

When I wake up, it feels like a normal day. Even though it's not. Today is the day I make the biggest decision of my entire life. I get ready, but I don't look any different from yesterday. How will dauntless change me? I won't have these baggy abnegation garments, that's for sure. I quickly head downstairs, not wanting to be the reason we have to wait for breakfast. Caleb is in the hall, and he looks at me with a serious expression.

"Beatrice. We should think of our family. But. But we must also think of ourselves," he says this so quietly, I think it's a voice in my head. We look each other in the eyes. Selfless Caleb, saying to think about ourselves?

"Okay," I agree hesitantly. He gives me a hug even though many abnegation don't participate in affectionate physical contact. I hug him anyway. He is my brother and I'm not going to be able to see him until after initiation. If I'm brave enough to visit after leaving my family behind. We walk down to breakfast, sitting down. My mother serves the plain oatmeal. No spice, just tastes like paste. But it's food, and that's more than some people have.

"Goodmorning Beatrice, Caleb," our father greets.

"Good morning," we echo. We all sit down and my father leads us in a prayer for our food as usual. Abnegation seems to be the most religious of factions. Father and mother talk about the news. Recently Erudite has been verbally attacking Abnegation through the newspaper. I had never seen my father so furious about these, he's always peaceful and polite.

"They are saying that he transferred to get away from Marcus. It's preposterous, perceiving Marcus to be a cruel man. He doesn't deserve this. Not after being abandoned by his son and having his wife die," Father states with a hint of disgust for the Erudite people.

"Why are they saying foul things about Mr. Eaton?" I inquire, looking at dad.

"Beatrice," Caleb admonishes, giving me his disapproving look. I slump a bit. I hate it when Caleb gives me that look. Like he's all high and mighty even though he's barely a year older than me. The truth though is that he is, not because of age, but because he is the one who is better at following the rules.

"Sorry, father," I apologize, but father just nods.

"It's fine, Beatrice. The Erudite people claim that Marcus abused his son, Tobias. They want to make him look bad because they want to control the government," my father answers me. We finish up breakfast then Caleb and I wash the dishes. This could be the last time Caleb and I wash the dishes together.

"We better get going," my mom informs us. Dad and mom give us a hug each. It might be the last of their scarce but heartwarming hugs we'll ever get.

*page break*

We arrive at the ceremony, marching up the seemingly endless staircases to get to the auditorium. All abnegation take the stairs, the others factions take the elevator. We're like a gray wave, rippling with each step forward. One thing I'll surely miss about abnegation is their unity. We are all one collective group, no one is different, everyone is treated the same. We leave our parents with one firm hug and reassuring that they support us. Caleb and I sit down with the other sixteen year olds waiting for the ceremony. Marcus Eaton, the abnegation faction leader, is already on the stage waiting patiently for us to settle them.

"Everyone please settle down," he commands, and everyone follows. He is probably one of the most powerful men in our city, most influential with no doubt, and all of the abnegation like him. That's why the Erudite chose to attack him, I presume. I look over to the Erudite, clad in blue. Between Erudite and Abnegation is the cheery Amity, donning bright yellows and red. If the whole room wasn't stark white, it might hurt to look at such bright colors. Color is not something we have a lot of in abnegation. On Erudite's other side is Candor. Their black and white clothes represent their well known saying that truth is black and white. Last is Dauntless, black with streaks of color like a galaxy.

"Beatrice," I hear Caleb murmur quietly, placing a hand on my leg. I only now realize I've been tapping my foot and it must of been causing noise. I can't sit still I'm so anxious. I've never liked being still. It's why I can't be abnegation, suffocated by their still ways. Marcus starts to speak.

"Welcome," he says. "Welcome to the Choosing Ceremony. Welcome to the day we honor the democratic philosophy of our ancestors, which tells us that every man has the right to choose his own way in this world." I now realize that Caleb has lifted from my knee and is now squeezing my hand. I'm not sure if it's a comforting squeeze, if so, for me or for him. Is this his way of saying goodbye? He's always known I don't fit in here. "Our dependents are now sixteen. They stand on the precipice of adulthood, and it is now up to them to decide what kind of people they will be." Marcus' words speak right to me. This choice can trap us or it will embrace us, but it will no doubt shape who we are for the rest of our lives. It will decide who we know and befriend and who we are. I want to know who I am. Am I brave or am I selfless. The two choices war in my head, shoving Erudite out of the question. I am not smart enough for that. "Decades ago our ancestors realized that it is not political ideology, religious belief, race, or nationalism that is to blame for a warring world. Rather, they determined that it was the fault of human personality—of humankind's inclination toward evil, in whatever form that is. They divided into factions that sought to eradicate those qualities they believed responsible for the world's disarray." The purity war, what destroyed our world. I mentally flinch, the war is in the fault of divergents. My ancestors. Humans made mistakes, they fought and killed, and it was because all of us were imperfect. The factions balanced our imperfections, but it also revealed what about us was good.

"Those who blamed aggression formed Amity."

The Amity exchange smiles and some of them cheer. They are free no doubt, but I am not Amity. I don't think I would be able to fit in with their cheery and peaceful persona.

"Those who blamed ignorance became the Erudite."

The Erudite smile in their knowing way. Always acting like they know everything. I would never be Erudite. Not after what they've done to Abnegation.

"Those who blamed duplicity created Candor."

I don't like Candor, I could never be one of them.

"Those who blamed selfishness made Abnegation."

I blame selfishness; I do. If only I could be as selfless as I was expected to, it would be easy. It would be easy to choose abnegation if I fit in. But I don't fit in. I am divergent.

"And those who blamed cowardice were the Dauntless."

The Dauntless erupt into loud raccous cheers, creating the loudest cacophany out of all the factions as expected. They have wide proud grins and fists raised to the sky. It almost seemed like they were rioting about something. I could be that. I could be one of them. "Working together, these five factions have lived in peace for many years, each contributing to a different sector of society. Abnegation has fulfilled our need for selfless leaders in government; Candor has provided us with trustworthy and sound leaders in law; Erudite has supplied us with intelligent teachers and researchers; Amity has given us understanding counselors and caretakers; and Dauntless provides us with protection from threats both within and without. But the reach of each faction is not limited to these areas. We give one another far more than can be adequately summarized. In our factions, we find meaning, we find purpose, we find life." Marcus adds, "Apart from them, we would not survive." With no factions, we would have no balance, no order. It's why all of our teachers, everyone really, emphasized the importance of the faction system. Why we must conform to the system, divergent included, so that the purity war doesn't repeat itself. Factions before blood. That's the motto. No individual, no group, no matter how close is more important than your loyalty to your faction. That's why people don't like divergents. Divergents align with multiple factions, and they may have loyalty to multiple as well. I will be loyal because it's better than being apart from them. It is our worst fear, greater even than the fear of death: to be factionless. Marcus continues, "Therefore this day marks a happy occasion—the day on which we receive our new initiates, who will work with us toward a better society and a better world." Now everyone cheers as the ceremony begins. Marcus calls out the names, and I start to zone them out. Prior is a long ways away. 16 year olds get up and go one by one, leaving us behind. Some transfer and some stay in their faction of origin. Until the seats near me empty, it's getting closer. Caleb is gazing intently at the stage, studying each person's choice.

"Prior, Caleb," Marcus announces. My breath hitches inaudibly and Caleb lets go of my hand, steadily making his way up to the stage. He takes the knife and cuts his hand, letting the blood pool on his palm before he lets it drip into a bowl.

"That's the wrong bowl," I think to myself in shock as the drop of crimson blood dyes the Erudite water pink. A gasp ripples through the Abnegation while the Erudite wear smug grins, welcoming my brother. My selfless brother.

"Erudite," Marcus announces solemnly. It was the wrong bowl, I think. But he walks to the erudite and sits down with the other initiates. It wasn't a mistake. That is where he wants to go. Thoughts race through my head. "Prior, Beatrice," Marcus calls me forward. I get up almost on a trance, my mind races and my heart beats rapidly like a stallion pounding in my chest. What do I do now? I thought Caleb would stay in abnegation and my parents would still have their perfect child. He left them, I surely can't. Suddenly I'm on the stage, knife in my hand, before the five bowls that represent the five factions. My eyes look from the coals to the stones, Dauntless and Abnegation right next to each other. Blood in my palm, my eyes sting from the pain in my hand. Maybe I cut too deep. I hold my hand between the two. I shift my hand over the coals and the drop of blood trickle of my palm and enflare the coals. I almost want to take my fire and set the coals ablaze even higher. Dauntless. Fire. This is where I belong.

"Dauntless," Marcus says, but he's drowned out by cheers as I make my way towards my new faction. I sit down beside the other transfers and watch the rest of the ceremony.

Whew! Did you like it? Comment, fave, or follow and all that jazz if you'd like too. Beatrice has joined Dauntless and Caleb in Erudite. What is to happen next? Suggestions in comments, I'll read all of them. Thanks for the comments so far. Much love and heading out.