Warning! Rated M for foul language, sexual content (in every chapter), and adult situations. I do not own Fairy Tail, Hiro Mashima does. This is my submission for NALU LOVE FEST 2016. It is also a sequel for 'Hakobe Ice'. (You don't have to read 'Hakobe Ice' to understand this story, it just references it a few times.)

This is a lighthearted NALU story. Just a nice fluffy/smutty story between Natsu and Lucy.

The prompts this year are: Sweet/Rough, Intimacy, Bite, Moan, Fingers, Toys, Masturbation, and Happy End.

I hope you all enjoy the story. :)

Chapter One: Sweet/Rough

Natsu raced through town, dodging pedestrians and jumping over small obstacles that got in his way. His excitement kept him going, even when his stomach still twisted from just riding a train. He had to get to her, he had to see Lucy!

The fire dragon slayer smiled brightly when the ground under him changed from pavement to grass. He entered the forest and continued his run, not caring that his body was aching from the long mission he just finished.

Gray and him were gone for three weeks, trying to find and take down a new dark guild. It seemed like a simple mission when they accepted it. Only when they started did they realize what a challenge it would be. Still, they found the bad guys, beat them up, then let the royal army come in to arrest them.

The reward was worth it! Ten million jewels split in half meant Natsu had enough! He'd been trying to save for a while, but something always came up. The renovations to his house, the new furniture, but best of all, the wedding!

Even after almost two years of marriage to his beautiful wife Lucy, he was still paying for the wedding. At first they were just going to invite members of their guild, but soon they received requests from other guilds to join in on the fun. Before the two knew it, over half the guilds in Fiore wanted to attend the wedding between the fire dragon slayer and the celestial wizard. It was a fun day, despite the crippling debt it brought on.

After this mission, he had enough to pay off their debt, and pay for the surprise he'd been planning for over a year. He knew he wanted to treat Lucy to this, he just didn't realize how long it'd take to get the money together.

Smoke could be seen over the treetops, making Natsu smile. Lucy was definitely home, and she was using the new fireplace they had installed. The blonde had been complaining that it was too cold whenever he left, so this was his way of making it up to her.

Lately Lucy had been taking less missions in order to focus on her novel. She was nearly done, so Natsu didn't mind picking up the slack. He did miss having her on missions, but he understood that this was something she'd wanted to do for a long time.

Unfortunately without Lucy, that left Gray as his partner. Over the years the two had grown a little closer, and by that, he meant they could do a mission without it ending in a brawl between the two. Juvia used to join them from time to time until she became pregnant with the ice-make wizard's baby, so now she was forced to take it easy.

Usually Happy joined them, but it seemed like more often than not, he chose to partner with Wendy and Carla, since the youngest dragon slayer wanted to go out on her own. Carla wouldn't have that, and Happy was a sucker for the white-furred exceed.

That left Natsu alone with Gray, but he didn't mind, as long as he provided for his little family -that would hopefully expand soon. It was still just him, Lucy and Happy. They agreed to wait until after Lucy finished her novel before they started trying to have kids. She was now even on birth control, making their 'alone time' much more pleasurable.

The fire dragon slayer could still remember how much he wanted Lucy and his first time to be without a condom, but she wasn't ready for kids, and honestly looking back now, he wasn't either. Still, once her birth control became effective, he never looked back, because it felt much better with skin on skin contact.

The sign in front of their house was the first thing he saw. Natsu, Happy & Lucy was printed on the cat head shaped sign. Lucy argued that she should be next to Natsu, but Happy had a good point, he was there first. Natsu remembered how often they would come up to him with their reasons for being named second, so finally the fire dragon slayer gave up and just drew names out of a hat. They seemed fine with that outcome, since it was the only fair way to do it.

Natsu ran up the steps, then burst through the door. "I'm back!" He was immediately met with a shriek, realizing he surprised his wife while she was in the middle of writing.

"Oh no!" Lucy threw her head back, a frown surfacing on her face as she closed her eyes.

The pink haired man's shoulders fell. "Aren't you glad to see me? I was gone three weeks!"

"Huh?" The blonde opened her eyes, seeing her upside down husband with a pout. "No, not that. This!" She righted herself, then showed him a piece of paper. It was nearly filled, with only a few lines left blank. However, that wasn't what she was showing him. She was upset because a large black line stained the paper from bottom to top.

"Oh, I'm sorry," he gave her a sheepish grin, "I was just excited to be home."

Lucy's brown eyes softened before placing the paper down. "It's okay, I was almost done, but I can still see what I wrote. It shouldn't take too long to rewrite it."

"That's good," Natsu said, closing the door behind him then walking up to his wife. "Did'ja miss me?"

"Of course," she smiled, standing up to meet him in a hug. His warm arms felt comfortable around her, melting away the bitter cold she'd been feeling since he left. Even with their new fireplace, nothing could replace Natsu's heat. "I always miss you when you're gone."

Natsu mumbled against her golden hair, "I missed you too."

"Well I would hope so," Lucy giggled, until she felt something pressing against her hip. "I see you're very happy to see me."

"I am," the dragon slayer admitted, not feeling the least bit of shame from being hard. His wife was the sexiest person he'd ever known, no matter if she was naked, in lingerie, or wearing a white shirt with pink shorts. She always made his heart skip a beat and his pants get a little tighter. "I couldn't stop thinking about ya."


"Yeah," Natsu nuzzled his nose against her soft hair. He inhaled, letting her natural scent fill his lungs. By the smell, he guessed she hadn't showered today, which made him happy. He loved when she smelled like herself, not masked in perfumes and body sprays.

The blonde hummed as her husband's hands started to move on their own. One focused on her back, rubbing softly while the other headed lower, grasping her ass without worries. By now they were completely comfortable with each other, and he knew exactly what she liked.

The celestial wizard let her novel drift to the back of her mind. She could always finish it up later, after she enjoyed her husband's homecoming. Three weeks didn't sound like a long time, but they were when she was without Natsu. Her body leaned into his touches, and before she knew it, a soft moan slipped from her lips.

"Bedroom?" She barely whispered, but Natsu's sharp ears picked it up easily.

A low, approving growl rumbled through the dragon slayer's chest before he hooked both hands under her thighs to hoist her up. Lucy automatically wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her to their bedroom.

Once there, he turned around, sitting on the edge of their bed. Neither knew who initiated the first kiss, but it wasn't long until it turned into a string of short, open mouthed kisses. Lucy's tongue was the first to invade Natsu's mouth, feeling that familiar heat she'd been missing ever since he left.

The dragon slayer moaned when she sucked on his tongue, knowing it was one of his weaknesses. His hands lifted to her shoulders, massaging her body through her loose shirt, causing her to hum in appreciation.

Lucy gently pushed him back, until he laid flat on their mattress. Eyes closed and mouths opened again, filling the room with muffled moans from their heated kiss. The dragon slayer missed her so much. Sleeping out in the woods away from her was miserable. He remembered fighting extra hard just so he could get back to his loving wife.

His hands went down, slipping under her shirt and pulling it up. Lucy took the hint, sitting up to take off her shirt. While she was at it, she unhooked her bra, but didn't take it off, knowing how much Natsu loved to undress her.

As she bent down, her husband's hands went up to her chest. She hadn't even reached his lips again before he tweaked her nipples through the thin material covering her breasts. "Yesss," she hissed when he rolled the buds between his fingers. It felt torturous being touched with her bra still on, but deep down inside she knew she loved the teasing. It was something they figured out earlier on.

Lucy was a bit of a masochist.

While she still enjoyed inflicting a little pain on Natsu, she couldn't deny how much she loved to be teased relentlessly by her husband. The begging, pleading, whimpering, it got her off in a way she couldn't comprehend. They didn't try to understand it, and instead just went with it. Especially because the dragon slayer loved to give her whatever pleasure she craved.

The blonde's nails dug into Natsu's biceps, dragging a groan out of him in the process. While Lucy was considered a masochist in the sense that she loved mental torture (light humiliation, teasing, etc), Natsu could be considered a masochist in the physical nature. He loved when Lucy scratched him, bit him, and honestly sometimes she spanked him, but that was only occasionally. She did enjoy a little pain back, but in moderation.

It took a while to figure out each other's kinks, and even more time developing their own systems to get the most pleasure out of each other withough causing pain. Most of the time Lucy loved Natsu's tendencies to bite her, while Natsu would try to hold back a little more when pleasuring her to thoroughly tease his wife. It was a win-win situation as long as they worked together, but that's what made them so great. They always worked as a team, even in sex.

They had plenty of time to explore each other's bodies, likes, and dislikes. Natsu and Lucy dated a solid eight months before he popped the question. While some people said he asked too soon, others said, "finally!"

Despite being mates from the very start of their relationship, he wanted to give themselves time to grow into being a better couple before he asked her to marry him. Of course she said yes right away, then asked him what took him so long. In the end, he guessed he could have asked her the night they got trapped in a cave at Mt. Hakobe and she still would have said yes to being with him forever.

"Yes! Right there," Lucy arched her back, bringing her chest closer to Natsu's skilled fingers. "That feels... so good..."

"You like it when I do this," the dragon slayer asked as he lightly pinched her nipples, already knowing her answer, but wanting to hear her anyway. The sound of her moans always spurred him on.

"Mhhmmm," she nodded, her lower body dragging against his. She felt the stiffness in his pants, and it worked to sooth the ache she felt between her legs. "Please! Touch me," she whimpered as her head fell, resting on the crook of his neck.

The pink haired man let out a dark chuckle, "begging so soon, are we?" He heard her huff, but she didn't deny it. "Maybe I should let you suffer some more." By 'suffer' he meant pulling her body up until her breasts hung right over his face.

He waited until she could hold herself up before he went back to work. His thumbs brushed over her nipples again, causing her to squirm over his body. He only chuckled, glad he could satisfy her need to be teased.


He let out a low growl at the sound of her voice, but he wasn't giving in just yet. He wanted to taunt her a little bit more.

Lucy panted, her eyes glossed over with lust, "touch me... please!"

Natsu's head raised to her chest, nuzzling his nose against her right breast, feeling the hardened nub he'd been playing with.

Then, with her bra still on, he covered her nipple with his mouth and started licking. Lucy arched her back, attempting to get closer to his hot mouth and the magic it was causing. Her brain was overwhelmed with pleasure since she'd been without it for three long weeks. Deciding for herself that she had enough teasing, she pulled at her bra with her right hand, letting it slip from her body.

The dragon slayer understood what she wanted without being told. He latched onto the bud, giving it a nice long suck before his tongue began to twirl around her soft skin. Natsu's other hand gave her neglected nipple attention too, since his fiery mouth couldn't be on both at the same time.


The pink haired man smirked against her nipple as a weird idea popped into his head. Both hands came up, cupping the outsides of Lucy's breasts, then pushed them inward. The blonde gave a slight gasp when his tongue was removed from her body, making her itch for pleasure he unintentionally denied her.

Natsu pressed both breasts together, then with a firm grip, maneuvered the globes of flesh until her nipples were practically touching. He was glad her breasts was big enough for this sort of thing, but he still wasn't sure if it'd work. Her nipples were still a good inch and a half apart, but it was still worth a try.

Just as Lucy opened her mouth to ask him what he was doing, she let out a shuttering moan. Her cries of pleasure were music to his ears. His member was begging for attention, but he pushed the urge aside. It was Lucy's turn to feel good right now, and he knew for a fact she would repay him for his efforts.

'God, she feels amazing!' The fire dragon slayer thought to himself while lightly pulling on one of her nipples with his teeth, only to switch and lap up the other. "You taste great, Luce," he growled. Just then, he was hit with the scent that always made his fire burn hotter. "And you smell so fucking sweet!"

Her arousal mixed in with the air. His mouth was watering from the thought of eating her delicious pussy, but he still had to wait. Lucy liked to get warmed up, take their time before just diving into sex. Natsu didn't mind so much, since he enjoyed pleasuring his wife.

"Aaahhh... feels... s-so... good!" Lucy's soft cries echoed in his ear, encouraging him to continue.

The pink haired man sucked on her left nipple, bringing out a red bruise to her sensitive skin. He loved marking her, in any way he could. Lucy didn't mind the hickeys, so long as they could be covered with her clothing. Even with that knowledge, he sometimes placed them on her neck. It was the perfect excuse to make her wear his scarf.

And that sight was well worth the scolding.

The smell of Lucy's arousal was starting to get to him. He tried to hold back, he really did, but he wanted her now! Giving each nipple a firm suck, he quickly rolled them, until he was the one on top. Lucy let out a quick, "eep!" before adjusting to the new position. She watched as her husband's mouth lowered, until it rested on her collarbone. She knew what was coming next, and she had to calm herself before her heart burst from her chest.

The dragon slayer kissed down her body, giving more attention to her breasts before he kissed her waist, licked her hips, then nipped at her thighs. As soon as he settled between her legs, his hands went up to the waistband of her shorts. Lucy lifted her butt, giving him access to her clothing. He removed them, panties included, in one quick motion. He wanted her naked now!

This part was a bit more difficult for Natsu. As much as he wanted to torture Lucy with slow licks and delicate sucks, her scent drove him crazy. He felt like a real dragon, devouring its prey when he was between her legs like this. Even after years of being together, the smell of her arousal still made him lose control.

Natsu opened his mouth, covering her core in an instant. Lucy bucked up, a strangled moan tearing from her throat as he stuck his tongue deep inside her. The heat from his mouth always effected her, making her see stars the second his tongue retreated in favor of licking her bundle of nerves.

"Oh damn!" The blonde cried, her own hands coming up to knead her breasts. "Yes, yes, yes! More!" The masochist side of her seemed to fade away every time Natsu ate her out, letting her enjoy the pleasure without restrictions. "Oh god, Natsu!"

The dragon slayer only growled in response, using his hands to keep her thighs still since they kept closing in on him, trapping his head between her legs. She quivered at his touches, her body convulsing even before he brought her to orgasm. She nearly came undone from the feral look in his eyes.

To Natsu, this was almost better than sex. To get Lucy to come this undone, it was magical. He kissed her clit, letting his lips cover the nub before his tongue came back out to swirl around the pink flesh. Lucy let out the cutest whimper, while one of her hands let go of her breasts in order to tightly grip his soft pink locks.

The dragon slayer groaned in pain, his cock twitching at the hidden pleasure. He loved this, he loved her! Every time they came together like this, it was pure bliss. No matter how many times they made love, he never got tired of it. He never once got bored with the delicious taste she made, or the heavenly sounds that came from her mouth. He loved everything about this woman!

"Nnngghhh, Na-Natsu!" Lucy slammed her head back onto the mattress. Her back arched, her toes curled, and her thighs defied the dragon slayer's strength by clamping shut around his head as she tipped over the edge.

Natsu's mouth was filled with her climax. He could never get enough of it, lapping up every bit of her to make sure none was wasted. Lucy's body chased his mouth, pressing against him as she panted on the bed. This was her first orgasm in three weeks, and it felt fantastic. They agreed earlier on to not touch themselves when they were away on missions, just so the reunion could be that much sweeter.

Before Lucy could come down from cloud nine, Natsu's mouth was moving against her core again. Just because she came, didn't mean he was through with her yet. Lucy whimpered, "Aaahhhhh, Na-Natsu, st-stop."

Once he heard her say that, his mouth left her body. "Sorry," he muttered, a slight pout on his lips.

"No no no, please, do it again," Lucy pleaded, lifting her hips to get close to that magic he created with his hot tongue. "I didn't mean it, please!"

"Please, what?" Natsu asked, a deviant glint in his green eyes. He wanted to hear her say it. To confess what she truly craved, not only to satisfy that masochist side of her, but to get permission to touch her again. Even after being married for a while, Natsu would stop if Lucy asked for it, even if most times she didn't mean to say it. It was a natural reaction sometimes, the other times she was just too sensitive and needed a break, which he always respected.

Being her husband didn't give him a right to take without permission.

"Lick me, fuck me with your tongue, please," Lucy kept her lips parted even after she finished pleading. She looked irresistible, and Natsu couldn't help but capture those lips in a heated kiss. He thrust his tongue into her mouth, warming it up with his fire. She hummed, her hands coming up to grab his face and pull him closer. Natsu loved their kisses, each one unique in its own way.

Before he could get too carried away, he pulled back, hearing her whimper from the loss of contact. "I believe I've been given a request," Natsu started, shifting until he was between her legs again. "And a Fairy Tail wizard never backs down from a challenge."

Lucy let out a giggle, her hand coming up to cover her face as it turned a bright red. "Why did I marry such a dorky guy."

"Because you love me," Natsu answered with a large grin, his canine teeth sticking out as he laughed with her.

"True," she said, her heart feeling light and bubbly all of a sudden. Even in the midst of passion, Natsu couldn't resist being himself, and that's one of the things she loved about him. "Now go back to licking me. If you can make me come again, I'll give you a special surprise."

The dragon slayer's ears perked up. "With pleasure," he lowered himself, his tongue diving straight into her body to taste how delicious she was post-orgasm. It was salty, but sweet at the same time. It was a taste that made his cock throb, but once again it went ignored. Natsu had all the time in the world to get his own pleasure, right now he wanted to give his wife what she wanted.

Besides, tasting her pleasured him too.

One of Lucy's hands returned to her breast, while the other clung to his hair, pulling him closer. He let out a soft grunt, but continued to tongue-fuck her pussy. His tongue massaged her inner walls, wishing he could reach in further to find the right spot that always made her see stars.

Giving up on the search, Natsu's lips and tongue moved up, covering her engorged bundle of nerves to give it some attention. He brought one of his hands to her core, then gently played with her lower lips to get his fingers wet.

Lucy mewled when he picked up the pace, slipping two fingers into her body to begin thrusting in and out of her. Since one hand no longer held her thighs down, her left leg twitched wildly, slamming up against the side of his head at a rather rough suck to her clit. He didn't mind, in fact he craved it. He craved making Lucy lose control, and he was pretty damn good at it too.

It didn't take long before she cried out, her muscles contracting and releasing as her body gave into the pleasures once again. Natsu's hand was covered in her juices, while his lips were swollen from kissing her clit. Lucy fell limply onto the bed, and the dragon slayer knew better than to touch her now. He could only imagine how sensitive she was. The subtle jerks her body gave in the aftermath was proof of how well he took care of her needs.

While Lucy was recovering, Natsu was stripping. First to come off was his scarf, which was neatly folded and placed on his nightstand. Next was his overcoat, followed by his shorts and sandals. He was tempted to leave his boxers on so they could prolong their playtime, but the material already had a rather large wet spot on the front from his pre-cum, so he ditched them too.

Natsu laid down on the bed next to his wife. She gazed up at him with hazy brown eyes. Her body still shook a bit, so he focused on her lips. He carefully dragged his tongue against her lips until she brought her own tongue out to play with his. The dragon slayer covered her mouth with his own, dominating the kiss easily since she was so worn out. This was how he loved her, tired, satisfied, spent. It made him feel victorious, making this strong woman weak at the knees.

He didn't bring up the 'surprise' she had for him, because honestly he was happy enough to just be able to touch her. Plus, he was about to do something that he always loved.

He pulled back a bit, seeing the confusion in her eyes and the jutted out bottom lip. He brought his hand to her face, resting two fingers on that protruding lip. Lucy stuck out her tongue, slowly touching the pads of his fingers. Her eyes widened, tasting her own arousal.

Lucy's mouth opened up more, her head lifting up to capture those two fingers. She sucked on his digits, running her tongue over them as she licked up every bit of her own flavor. She moaned at the taste, and Natsu watched in fascination. He loved seeing her lick herself like this. He didn't know why, but it seemed so... kinky! His cock surged, temporarily bringing his attention away from his wife's lewd actions to glance down at the throbbing member between his legs.

The dragon slayer let out a small groan, wishing he could be more patient. Lucy didn't need to be asked. She was already regaining her strength, and wanted to show Natsu just how much she appreciated his actions. After cleaning his fingers, she gave them a soft nibbled before opening her mouth again.

Natsu pulled his hand back to his side, waiting to see what she wanted next. He really didn't mind at this point, as long as in the end he got his release. Green eyes watched as Lucy sat up, then placed her hands on his chest. "Are you ready?"

The pink haired man nodded, his smile wide as he anticipated whatever she planned to do.

"You'll have to stand up for it."

Natsu's eyes almost rolled back in his head. There were only a few reasons she wanted him to stand up in moments like these, and they were all extremely welcomed. Without a word, he shifted off the bed and stood, his erection bobbing a little before stilling.

Lucy crawled to the edge of the bed, wetting her lips as she gazed down at his cock. It was already leaking, dripping down his length from being neglected for so long. Her bottom lip caught in her teeth as she thought about all the dirty things she could do with her husband's dick.

The blonde got off the bed, then approached the dragon slayer. His eyes were sharp, watching every subtle movement she made. She circled him, her fingers lightly dragging over his heated flesh. She heard the low growl, but ignored it. Natsu usually didn't like to be teased, so she kept it brief.

The celestial wizard stopped when she was right in front of him. Their eyes were locked, then her hand curled around his thick member. One pump was all it took for him to close his eyes, the built up pressure causing him to look away first. This was just one of the many competitions they had in the bedroom. Who would look away first, who could make the other come first, who would hold out longer when receiving oral. Natsu usually won the last one, but Lucy was determined to make him lose today.

She released his cock, smiling as his eyes snapped open. He watched, holding back his instincts to dominate as she lowered herself to her knees. It was Natsu's turn to smile, because he was about to get just what he wanted. Just as he thought, she opened her mouth to his cock.

Lucy was slow at first, running her tongue from base to tip. She licked up the liquid leaking from the head, not minding the taste of his musk and pre-cum. She enjoyed the taste of his essence now, knowing it only came out from his desires for her. She knew she was the only woman he craved, the only woman he wanted.

It was empowering.

The fire dragon slayer could have any woman if he wanted. He was sexy, funny, nice, and amazing in bed. He could have women swooning over him, but he didn't care for anyone's attention but Lucy's.

The blonde gazed up, loving the red dust that coated Natsu's face. Even after all this time, she could still make him blush. Her mouth opened wider, taking in the first few inches of his cock. The dragon slayer gave a tiny thrust, but she immediately pulled back, not allowing him to go any further yet. She wanted to get him 'all fired up' first.

Natsu bit back a whine, knowing this was just what Lucy liked to do. Many times he tried urging her, saying he was already warmed up, ready to go, but she still liked to take things slow. Over the years she got a lot better at pleasuring him in this fashion, so he knew it'd be worth the wait.

Deciding to be a little easier on him today, mainly because she missed him so much from him being gone, she gave him a good suck before bobbing down on his cock.

The dragon slayer let out a low growl as he watched his wife's mouth stretch to adjust to his size. The longer she went, the more saliva leaked from the corners of her mouth. It dripped down her chin, running past her neck and hitting her chest. Natsu nearly lost it when her hands came up, fingers getting wet from her own drool to rub at her perky nipples.

She gave him a long look before subtly nodding. His lips curved up into a large grin. This was the moment he was waiting for! The permission he sought.

"Can I be rough?" He asked, wanting to know just how far he could go. When she nodded again, his heart nearly soared from his chest.

Warm hands grabbed at her head, fingers twisting in her hair to hold her steady. His hips pulled back, until just the tip was resting on her tongue while her mouth remained open. Without warning, his hips snapped, ramming his cock deep in her mouth. He barely hit the back of her throat, since his first thrust was always short to make sure he didn't hurt her. Getting a feel for how deep she was, he plunged in again, this time hitting her throat that was already relaxed.

Lucy knew which positions worked best for this, so she kept her throat relaxed and at an angle that allowed him to enter the tight passage without gagging. Natsu picked up the pace, his hands gripping her hair and his body bucking to fuck her throat. "Oh fuck yes!" He growled, feeling that warm throat around his hot dick. His hands gripped her hair, tugging on her blonde locks.

Tears lined Lucy's eyes, but it was a natural reaction. No harm was being done to her as he thrust into her throat over and over again, getting a little deeper each time. "Feels... so... fucking good!" Natsu grunted, his pumps into her mouth getting uneven. "Love, fucking your face!"

Natsu didn't have to look down to know Lucy was pleasuring herself, since he could smell her growing arousal. Still, he loved watching her play with her own pussy. He watched as one hand was between her legs, fingers thrusting into her gushing core while he rammed into her mouth harder. Her mouth vibrated with every hum of pleasure.

It took a while to figure out each other's limits, and test them from time to time. Lucy got better at cock sucking, and Natsu got better at holding himself back. It was worth the trial and error, since now they could enjoy each other's bodies and touches without worrying about harming the other on accident.

Natsu threw his head back, his hips still rocking forward, fucking her sweet mouth. Saliva and pre-cum lubricated the way. Whatever was left over dripped down his thighs and down her body. She was a mess, just how he loved her. Every time his head entered her throat, he grunted. It felt so damn good!

"I'm so fucking lucky," the dragon slayer moaned as he felt himself coming to his end. "I missed... you so... much!" He almost hunched over when Lucy hummed in response.

Then, like a wonderful melody, his wife began to whimper, "ahh, mmm, mmm, eennnghh!" He could smell it, she was dangerously close.

Natsu shortened his thrusts, wanting to wait for her to come undone by her own fingers before he succumb to his own release. "That's it Luce, damn! Fuck, come for me. Come on baby, I know you want to!" His taunting words caused her blood to heat up as he stroked her masochistic side.

The celestial wizard looked up with hooded eyes. Her brown orbs were cloudy, her mouth still stretched around his member that disappeared over and over again into that wet heat. She raised a brow, asking a silent question.

"Not today," he panted, not stopping his movements. "I want you to come, please." He didn't want this to be one of their competitions, because honestly, he didn't think he'd win anyway. "Ooohhhh, fuck, please Lucy!"

Her mouth clamped tighter around him. Despite him trying to hold her still, she started bobbing her head against him as her fingers moved faster against her clit. Her nerves felt like they were caught on fire, so she could only imagine how he felt. Natsu was sweating, panting, pleading! His begging was what did it for her.

She gave in, for him, letting herself jump over the edge and into the arms of irrevocable pleasure.

Lucy's head came back, her mouth still open but his cock no longer occupying the space. She let go, tremors coursing through her body as her third orgasm took over. She barely heard Natsu ask, "can I?" She nodded, unsure if he really said it or not.

Natsu saw her fall apart, her silent cries mixed with the smell of her newest climax. He asked permission, beyond glad when she gave it. His hand grabbed his cock, giving it a firm stroke. It only took two before he joined her in the judgement-free pleasure. His hot, white cum spurted from his cock as he let out a mighty roar, some fire escaping his mouth in the process.

The first shot landed on Lucy's face, some of it getting in her mouth. She swallowed it, then brought her tongue out to lick around her cum-splattered lips. The second shot hit a little lower, covering her right breast with the gooey substance. The last one just dripped out, pooling on the floor of their bedroom.

Panting, the dragon slayer slowly sat down, landing straight on his bare ass. Lucy had already slumped back, laying against the floor. His head was spinning, his body feeling spent, but good. He lazily crawled over to his wife, falling down next to her as he let out a groan as his muscles protested anymore movement.

Natsu threw an arm around her waist, not minding the sweat, drool, and cum that clung to her body. She was beautiful, and his heart beat faster knowing he was the only one who got to see her this way. Disheveled, messy, and in a state of total bliss. He was one lucky man!

Lucy scooted closer to him, enjoying the heat his body produced. She'd been so cold while he was gone, but now he was with her again, and hopefully it'd be a while until he had to leave her for the next mission. To her knowledge, the reward was quite hefty, which should mean he wouldn't need to leave again anytime soon.

That is, if he didn't destroy anything while he was out... He'd gotten a little better over the years, but some things never changed.

The blonde hummed, then languidly kissed her husband's nose. He made a face from the smell of his own cum being so close to his sensitive nose, but he made no efforts to move away. If she could put up with it, then he could too.

"I love you," Natsu breathed, his face slowly relaxing as he adjusted to the scent.

Lucy smiled, not caring that she still had his cum on her face. She knew he wouldn't judge her, or make fun of her. That was the benefit of being married to her best friend. She trusted him with her life, her heart, her body, and her pride. He would never intentionally cause her harm like that. "I love you too."

"Wanna shower?" He asked, eyes hooded.

"Mmmm, that sounds good," she hummed at the thought. "Or maybe a bath."

Natsu's hand rubbed circles on her stomach, "go ahead and shower off first, then I'll join ya."

"Okay," Lucy let out a soft yawn.

Natsu watched as his wife picked herself up. There was a mess on the ground from where she laid, but they both knew he would clean it up while she showered off. When she left the room, the dragon slayer sat up. He felt pretty great. His mission went well, they had extra money now, he could afford the vacation he'd been wanting to take for a long time with Lucy, and his body still buzzed from the post-orgasm.

The pink haired man stood when he heard the water start in the bathroom. That was another one of the renovations to their house besides the bedroom. It was worth it though, because it turned the house into a home, especially after Lucy moved in.

Natsu grabbed a towel from the kitchen, then got it wet with some hot water. Cleaning up the mess in their bedroom didn't take very long. He heard the water change in the other room, letting him know she was done with the shower and now setting up a bath.

When the floor was cleaned up, he went back to the kitchen and grabbed some paper towels to wipe his softened cock. Before going to the bathroom, he retrieved something from his pants.

Something that was sure to make his wife happy.

"Can I come in?" Natsu asked as he knocked on the door.

He heard a laugh, followed by, "since when do you ask permission to barge in?"

The dragon slayer smiled to himself. "Guess you're right." He opened the door, loving the feeling of hot steam rushed against his body as it escaped into the house. He found his wife sitting in the tub, surrounded by pink bubbles. He held back a groan, "did you have to use that girly stuff?"

"What?" The celestial wizard gave him a coy smile. "It smells nice!"

"It smells like Gajeel's gonna make fun of me again for smelling like a chick," Natsu grunted, but he still walked over to the tub.

"What's that?" Lucy asked, shifting over to make room for her husband. Her eyes stared at the paper in his hand, finding it odd that he'd bring something into the tub with them.

"In a minute," he chided in a light tone. Natsu stepped into the tub, glad that the temperature was nice and hot, just like he liked it. He was careful sitting down, not wanting to get his paper wet.

They moved around, finding a comfortable position with Natsu resting against the wall, feet spread around his wife, while she leaned against his back. Once they were settled, he brought the paper in front of her, mindful to keep it out of her reach since her hands were wet.

"I've been thinking..." He started, bringing her attention away from his hands for a moment. She turned her head to get a better look at him. "It'd be nice to leave Magnolia for a little while to relax, just you and me... whaddya say?"

"Like a vacation?" She questioned, admiring his bright grin. He had such a handsome face, the sight making her heart melt when she gazed at him for too long.

"Exactly!" That smile grew wider in excitement. "About two years ago this town built a really cool resort. They use magic to control the temperature to make it warm as long as you stay in the magic circle, but apparently it's huge! Like miles long!" He grinned just thinking about it. "They have wizards there all the time that keep the magic going. That's why the tickets cost so much."

"How much do they cost?" Lucy asked, raising a brow.

The dragon slayer gave a sheepish grin. "You don't wanna know... I wanted to take you when it first opened, but we didn't really have the money."

Natsu saw the way her face fell, knowing she felt bad about their debt. "It's okay Luce, really. I didn't mind waiting a while. Besides, with this last mission, we have enough to pay off our debt and go to Hakobe Resort."

"Hakobe... Resort?"

"Yeah!" He opened the first page of the brochure in his hands, dipping his head slightly to get her to face the paper. "It's in the next town over from the mountain, but the resort is pretty cool. One side of the hotel faces a man-made ocean, while the other faces the mountain. I was thinkin', we could get a room on the mountain side to look at, since... well..."

Lucy's smile returned. "Since Mt. Hakobe is where we first got together?"

A light blush tinted his cheeks. "Yeah..."

"That sounds like a great idea," the blonde glanced at the paper. "When did you want to go?"

"Well, our two year anniversary is coming up," Natsu mumbled, embarrassed that he remembered. He knew guys were notorious for forgetting important dates, but he was very sentimental. He liked to collect souvenirs from missions for memories, and he even remembered the day Lucy joined Fairy Tail.

"That's so sweet," Lucy turned her head, giving her husband a kiss on the cheek. "You're so sweet! I'd love that."

"You would?" His heart felt warm and light. "Great! I'll ask Makarov later today if I can use the communication lacrima at the guild to make the reservations."

"I'm sure he'll let you," Lucy giggled, snuggling closer to her husband. "What do you want me to do?"

Natsu dropped the brochure on the ground, then wrapped his arms around his wife. "You don't have to do anything. I've been planning this for a while. If anything, I guess you can start packing."

"Mmmm," the blonde relaxed into his familiar touch. "Pack for cold or hot weather?"

"Both!" He chucked. "Depending on which side of the hotel you go on. If we walk a little bit, we can get to the snow from Mt. Hakobe, or if we go towards the beach it'll be warm. That's what's so cool about this place."

"It sounds like you did your homework," Lucy leaned her head back, resting it against his strong shoulder. "Thank you, for everything."

Natsu knew she meant more than just the vacation idea, so he didn't say anything on the matter. Nuzzling his nose against the crook of her neck, he sighed, "I love you, Lucy. I just wanna make you happy."

The celestial wizard smiled, bringing her hands up to cup his arms. "You already do."

Hello! Go ahead and let me know what you think so far. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Up next, Chapter Two: Intimacy.