Seeing that her torrent of flames did nothing to damage Lucifer Kali, the female Hindu goddess of destruction approached the fallen angel of Hell ready to get physical in hopes of causing some form of real damage to the fallen.

As soon as she was just outside his reach Lucifer took a sudden sharp step forward and planted his fist perfectly through Kali's defence and squarely on her jaw. It was a perfectly clean uppercut that sent her flying back. She slammed into the floorboards, easily causing her to see stars, the flames dancing along her arms flickering out as her mind was attempting to process what happened.

"It'll be ok?" Sam grunted as he and Dean hid behind the table after jumping over the other side to avoid Kali's fire.

"Not really" Gabriel said, surprising the brothers.

They turned to look at him.

"Better late than never huh?" he smirked, attempting to work up the confidence to go through with his foolish plan.

Dean absentmindedly nodded, agreeing with the youngest archangel.

He slapped a DVD case against Dean's chest.

"Guard this with your life." He instructed and, without giving the brothers a chance to say or do anything, he spun out of cover and made his way to confront Lucifer.

Lucifer approached the downed Goddess, smirking at the sight of the helpless Hindu he raised his foot, ready to slam it down with all his might to kill her as she looked at him, pleading for some form of mercy from him.

As his foot reached its apex and was about to slam down, Lucifer's focus solely on her and not on the two brothers, a sudden force caught him off-guard and off balance sending him sprawling. The force that hit him sent him sliding along the floor and through the wooden doors, he hit the cement wall outside the dining room. Picking himself up, groaning from the effort it took and the damage that the force caused, he looked for his attacker. He saw his little brother Gabriel, blade in hand, ready to fight, between him and the three other beings in the room.

"Lucy~" he sung "I'm home."

Rolling his sore shoulder, his power already healing the aching muscle in the few seconds since he pulled himself off the floor he strode bitterly towards Kali, determined to finish what he started. That is, until Gabriel moved between the pair.

"Not this time." He told his brother as he raised the blade, showing that he was ready to defend the downed goddess as she started pulling herself into a seated position.

Lucifer lifted his arms in surrender and took a step back, allowing Kali to be hauled to her feet by the defending archangel.

"Guys!" Gabriel called out to the brothers. Taking the chance Sam and Dean moved from their cover behind the table.

"Get her out of here." He said.

Lucifer watched as Gabriel kept himself between himself and the retreating trio. They said nothing as they got out of the room.

"Over a girl." Lucifer chuckled.

When Gabriel was behind him, cutting him off from chasing the two brothers and the goddess.

"Gabriel, really. I knew you were slumming but…" he grimaced "I hope you didn't catch anything."

Gabriel just chuckled silently and shook his head.

"Lucifer, you're my brother and I love you."

Lucifer shifted his weight to the other foot.

"But you are a…" Gabriel's easy going attitude turned serious. "Great big bag of Dicks."

"What did you just say to me?" Lucifer asked as he pointed to himself as he took a half step forward.

Gabriel raised the blade, telling Lucifer to step back without a word.

"Look at yourself! Boo hoo! Daddy was mean to me, so I'm going to smash up all his toys."

"Watch your tone." Lucifer said calmly, as though he was talking to a child.

"Play the victim all you want. But you and me-"using the tip of the blade to point at the two of them, respectively. "-we know the truth. Dad loved you best. More than Michael. More than me. Then he brought the new baby home and you threw a big temper tantrum."

Lucifer smirked.

"Time to grow up." Gabriel said.

Shaking his head Lucifer replied "Gabriel, if you're doing this for Michael-"

"Screw him." Gabriel cut his brother off. "If he was standing here I'd shive his ass too."

Lucifer scoffed "You disloyal-

"Oh I'm loyal." They started to circle each other "To them."

"Who?" Lucifer raised his arms to gesture to all the gods that he'd killed before reaching the dining room "To these so called gods?"

"To people Lucifer."

They started to circle the other way.

"People." Gabriel stated, confirming what he'd just said.

Lucifer nodded "So you're willing to die for a pile of cockroaches. Why?"

"Because dad was right." Gabriel immediately stated.

Lucifer said nothing and waited for his younger brother to explain.

"They are better than us."

"They are broken, flawed, abortions." Lucifer pressed, hoping to sway his brother.

"Damn right they're flawed." Gabriel sighed "But a lot of them try, to do better, to forgive."

Lucifer looked down, it seemed as though he was starting to remember something that he'd long forgotten.

"You should see the spearmint rhino." Gabriel said half-jokingly.

"I've been riding the pine a long time. But I'm in the game now."

Lucifer looked up at his brother. Gabriel could see the sadness in the eyes of his brothers deteriorating vessel.

"And I'm not on your side or Michael's. I'm on theirs."

They exchanged a look. Lucifer shook his head, he knew what was about to happen to them.

"Brother don't make me do this." He pleaded.

"No one makes us do anything." Gabriel replied.

Lucifer was clearly torn. He didn't want to kill his younger brother, or Michael. He never wanted this to happen. He never wanted to fight against his family.

"I know you think you're doing the right thing Gabriel. But I know where your heart truly lies…"

Another Gabriel appeared silently behind Lucifer. Offering a sad smile to the fake Gabriel in front of him he spun around and caught the arm of the real one behind him, redirecting his blade into his stomach. Gabriel let out grunt as the blade entered his body.

He gripped Lucifers arm in an attempt to overpower his brother in strength and remove the blade. The metal burning cold inside his vessel's body, his strength fading fast he was unable to keep the fake solid.

"Here." Lucifer finished, looking back to see the fake fade away.

Looking back at his brother's face, a mix of shock, pain and hopelessness, he placed a hand on his cheek pulling him closer.

"Amateur hocus pocus."

Choked sounds coming from his younger brother, unable to form words.

"Don't forget, you learnt all your tricks from me." Lucifer said, with each word his anger grew at his brother's betrayal. "Little brother."

With a grunt he twisted the blade inside his brother and watched as the white light filled the space between them, the sound of his brothers screams filling his ears, his blackened heart aching in pain for the death of his brother at his own hand.

With a brighter light the screams stopped and Gabriel fell to the floor.


Breathing deeply to hold back his emotions, Lucifer stepped back and looked down, on the verge of crying over the death of his little brother, he saw the blade standing out of his solar plexus with his wings burnt into the ground.

His once beautifully golden wings, reaching over a meter and a half out from his body on both sides. Nothing more than ashen marks on the ground connected to the corpse of the brother he loved. Burnt feathers floated through the air.

His hand covering his eyes as the silent sobs threatened to spill over.

"Goodbye, little brother."

He forced them down and turned away vanishing a few steps later, not wanting to be around his brothers fallen body any longer lest his aching heart cause him to shed tears. The only sounds that could be heard was the sound of heavy rain from outside and the sound of wings as he disappeared.

Lucifer was far away from the motel within a few seconds. He had gone so far so fast that he hadn't notice someone was outside the room. A polished black dress shoe on the floor was the only sound other than the rain now. As the shoe got closer to Gabriel's corpse it stopped and a hand reached out cupping his cheek.

"You did well Gabriel" a soft voice sighed "I just wish that you'd found peace in your life before you passed. I'm sorry to say that I have to contradict something that you said to your brother."

As the being moved its hand away from Gabriel a small wisp of golden smoke followed, just behind it was a small white mist. The being placed both hands together, cupping the mist and smoke in its hand as to keep it alive and stop it from floating away and dispersing throughout creation.

"Lucifer wasn't the one that I loved the most. Neither was Michael or Raphael. It was you, always you." The being smiled sadly. "You were the most troublesome little angel that I'd ever created. From the beginning you caused trouble for your brothers and being the youngest they could never get mad at you.

"Lucifer taught you your magic and symbology, Michael taught you how to fly and travelled with you while you were younger so you could see all of heaven, but you never were able to see it all, Raphael taught you how to fight and how to protect your brothers and fellow angels.

"You always knew how to help your brothers when they were having troubles, you always made me laugh when you were in heaven." The being chuckled lightly at the various memories he had of Gabriel "I never did find out who gave you your trickster side, though it did come as a welcome distraction more than once.

"I was proud of you when you became Loki, not that I was happy you did it to get away from your brothers but I was proud nonetheless at your resourcefulness." It admitted.

The divine being blinked away the tears that were forming in his eyes and gave a stern nod as he took a deep breath before continuing to speak.

"That's why I'm going to give you a gift. I never did figure out the perfect present to give you as I did for your brothers, though you did find a way on your own, making that horrible horn of yours. You are my Angel of mercy, resurrection and peace. I send you now to be reborn into a new world, there will be trials there for you, as there have been for all my children, times will be hard on you, but I know you will succeed. You will not be an angel, for that is beyond even my power, but you will be something more

"You will be more than human and with my gift to you will be able to find friends that will lead to some of the best, as well as some of the worst, of times. Together you will live a grand adventure."

Taking a breath after speaking the final word the being blew on the smoke and mist causing them to fly away together as they travelled to the place that the being had decided to send his favourite son. He hoped that Gabriel wouldn't remember all the horrible things that he'd seen over the course of his life; all the wars, bloodshed, death and betrayal. He just hoped that Gabriel would find some form of peace in his life. Start his own family when he was old enough once again. Find some true friends. Make plenty of mistakes and have plenty of stories to tell him when he returned to his father's side.

"Good luck my son." The being prayed as he vanished, leaving only a small wisp of smoke behind as he returned to hiding, fulfilling the promise and oath that he made when he left heaven.

{Somewhere else in time and space}

October 31st.


The snow covered street was empty. Fresh snow falling from the cloudy sky above.

There was no one on the street. All the houses that were looking over the street were empty, everyone was either visiting family, at a party or were already sleeping. There was no one watching over the small little cottage in the middle of the street. Not that anyone was able to see the small little cottage anyway, as it was hidden away from all but a few people.

This little cottage, home to a small family. A loving mother, and adoring father and a young baby boy. There wasn't anything special about them, no one was able to tell the difference between this family of three and from what anyone could see was that they were a happy family.

But as any family they had a secret, something that they couldn't tell anyone.

They were wizards…well the husband was. The wife was a witch, not the type of witch that people normally know about, those women are just bitches not witches. This couple were a real pair of broom flying, though the husband was more than fond of it than the wife, spell casting, potion making, the wife was always better at this, wand waving, not that wand…get your mind out of the gutter, magical witch and wizard.

They were hidden away in secret, hidden away from the world that they knew. Hidden away from everything that they had been raised to know about and be a part of since they were young children. The reason they were hidden was because of the reigning dark lord.

Lord Voldemort.

As far as magical Brittan knew this family of two, as the young baby boy was not known to the magical world at the current time, were fighting against the Dark Lord all across the magical portion of the country when in fact they were in hiding in this small unsuspecting little town, concealed by a charm so strong that the only way to see past it was to be told that it was there otherwise you'd be able to look right at it and you'd never even notice that it was there. It was just as the family of three wanted it.

No one was able to find them, other than those they trusted. They were able to come and go as they pleased and they wouldn't have to worry about people seeing them leaving as it would seem as though they were never there in the first place.

That was how it was supposed to be anyway.

But unfortunately on this day of the year, while they were gushing over their now three month old baby boy a dark figure appeared in an alley just a dozen meters away from the home. The figure watched with hate filled eyes at the plot of land where the house was hidden away from prying eyes, secretly pleased about the fact that he'd been informed of the location of the strongest pair of wand wielders that he'd had to face over the course of the war he'd started.

After a few seconds of watching several figures wearing large black cloaks, hoods and white skull masks appeared along the street, not daring to get any closer to the home than their master was. He was the one to begin the attack, they were to swoop in just afterwards and incapacitate any resistance that they came across for their master to finish. It was how they did things.

The master starts the attacks.

They rush in and deal with any trouble that they came across.

After the main troublemakers were dealt with the master would enter and lay waste to their enemies, winning them the battle.

It was a winning strategy, one that costed them numbers but one that granted them victory at the end of the fight.

After all. History is written by the victors.

With a wave of his hand all of his supporters present had their wands in their hands and were waiting for him to start the attack, they didn't have to wait long. As soon as they were in position and they quickly checked the surrounding area to be sure that no one was watching them or would alert the family inside the house they gave their lord a short nod, showing that they were all ready to begin whenever he was ready to give the signal.

{Inside the house}

On the second floor of the home Lily Potter nee evens, was putting her baby boy into his crib. He was fed, changed, soothed and was ready for her to sing him to sleep as she had done every night since he was placed in her arms.

She was never any better a singer than anyone they she knew or had heard of, and all her friends loved to point it out to her whenever they heard her singing but that all changed when she gave birth to her son Hadrian, Harry for short. When he was born and placed into her arms at the hospital he'd started crying right away and without prompt Lily started to sing a soft lullaby that she'd continued to sing every night he was put down to sleep.

Well I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played and it pleased the Lord
But you don't really care for music, do you?
Well it goes like this:
The fourth, the fifth, the minor fall and the major lift
The baffled king composing Hallelujah

Well your faith was strong but you needed proof

You saw her bathing on the roof

Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya

And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah

She knew the original song of course, it was one of her many favourites when she was younger and still was. But when she sung the song the words just seemed right to her, regardless as to their fractured form. It soothed Harry's cries and let them both rest easy. So now it was 'Harry and Lily's song' as it'd been dubbed by her friends, since the song only worked for Lily, Harry continued to cry even if someone sung the song. Lily was the only one that could sooth harry with the song, hence the name.

As Lily finished the song James, her husband, wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head on her shoulders but said nothing. They just stood there looking at their baby as he dreamed.

Suddenly a chill ran up James' spine causing him to tense. Lily felt the sudden change in her husband's posture and knew right away what it meant.

Someone had tripped one of the wards.

Someone that wasn't supposed to be there or know that they were here.

Without a word James kissed Lily and moved out of the room, pulling out his wand as he moved through the house and down the stairs. Moving with practised ease feet closest to the wall to prevent the wood from creaking, which would tell someone where he was. Making it to the bottom of the stairs James stalked through the lounge room and towards the entry way. He was half way through the room when the front door exploded and the men in masks flooded the entry way.

"Deprimo, Finite incantatum, Flipendo, Protego Totalum!" James linked multiple spells together taking out the invaders, just being able to erect a protego shield when several Diffendo's and Reducto's were thrown at him.

The Protego was only able to withstand two of the spells that were cast, but it had brought him enough time to move towards the stairs putting himself in between Lily and Harry.

When one of the masked invaders exposed himself for a split second James' auror training spoke for itself when he cast a silent Reducto which sent the invader crashing through the room slamming his unconscious form into the wall with a sickening crunch. Suddenly all he could see was green which slowly faded to black as he felt himself slump onto the ground.

Upstairs Lily heard the door explode, spells cast and several bodies hitting the floor along with a protego shattering. She knew that right here, in Harry's bedroom, was her last stand. She would either die here or she would walk out of this house, bloody, sore and struggling to breathe but she'd have her son in her arms, even she doubted her own words. Something deep down told her that she would die here and she would do everything that she could to make sure that Harry, at the very least would live.

Quickly racking her brain for any shred of knowledge that she'd picked up over the years, she started to process ideas and plans. Once she had half a plan she pulled out her wand and moved over to the door.

"Flagrate" she cast, a small white light speared on the tip of her wand.

It was a simple spell, but in the right hands, hers, it was something that could save a life. The most important life. Harry's.

Pressing her wand into the door frame she started drawing protection and self-repairing wards into the wood, the shield would keep anyone out of the room for a few minutes at least and the self-repairing wards would allow the protection to rebuild itself after it had defended against a spell. She knew that single spell with enough power behind it would be able to break through her rushed warding, she was more than proficient with wards, runes and things along those lines but everyone, even those that'd had just had a single lesson on the subject knew that there was a painstakingly long process to making any ward, rune or symbol of power that was worth more than the object it was carved on.

Taking a look over the doorway she gave a slight nod at the work, ready to work out the rest of her plan. She couldn't apparate away, even if she could Harry was too young to be taken with her without serious risk to his health, not something that she was willing to risk. As soon as she looked over at Harry she heard a body collapse down below, judging from the sound it was closer to the stairs than she felt comfortable with and the sudden dull ache that she could feel in her heart confirmed something that she didn't want to believe.

As soon as she touched her chest, right above her heart a sudden partial memory surfaced.

'…Ritual of connecting lovers… Links the hearts together, allowing them to beat as one. When one heart is weaker the other shall strengthen the other, bringing them to new heights…' It was something that she'd read over lightly when she was home alone while she was in the later stages of her pregnancy.

Focusing her ability with Occulomancy she latched onto that memory attempting to draw all thoughts and memories that she had of the ritual. The first thing that she remembered of the ritual was that it'd been labelled as forbidden in Magical Brittan because of the implications that it could have. It linked two hearts together in a way that wasn't supposed to be possible and it had caused issues for the government with people that'd used this ritual to connect their hearts to others and since this ritual drew on the strength of the stronger hearts to strengthen the weaker one. When dark witches and wizards had used the ritual and had been put to death the ritual connecting all parties would activate preventing the witch or wizard from dying as it would draw the strength of the other hearts to keep itself alive.

Shortly after the ritual was labelled as forbidden all records of it had been collected and destroyed throughout all of Brittan, and being magical Brittan in all its arrogance, never realized that someone would be able to acquire a copy of the ritual or a book that had contained it if they were to travel outside of Brittan, which was something that Lily and James Potter had done shortly after they'd completed their magical schooling and gotten married. They'd travelled throughout America, Australia and several hidden magical communities, during these travels they had amassed a collection of books, magical items and artefacts, memories, knowledge, experiences and friends. It was thanks to a mix of these that Lily had, on a whim, purchased the very book that she'd found the ritual in. The main problem being twofold; The ritual was extremely easy to perform, that was the first issue, it was so easy that the person performing the ritual only needed a wand, a candle and the person that they were connecting hearts with, the other issue being that if the person that they were connecting with didn't feel the same way, or didn't wish to perform this ritual, then the hearts wouldn't connect and the person performing the ritual was at a very high risk of dying because of it, though as every educated witch and wizard knew, especially with the war going on, it was easy to fool someone with a powerful enough love potion, which created a fake love between two people, or use the imperious, one of the three unforgivable spells.

Lily, having successfully drawn upon the memory forwent every instinct that she had as a witch, as a women and more importantly as a mother. She picked up one of the unlit candles that was in the room, kissed her son on the head, silently prayed for forgiveness and started performing the ritual.

"Et haec duo coniungere corda vestra, sicut in aliis, quibus ob duas animas semitam vitae.

Simul in unum cor nostrum, nec ambulet per viam iuxta duo individua, sed unum sunt.

I [Lily Jane Potter] et alligate corde coniungere, ut [Hadrian James Potter] omnibus diebus, usque ad ultimum meum doleo eam."

As soon as she finished chanting a wisp of the most vibrant pink that she'd ever seen flowed from Lily's chest and made its way over to Harry, she watched, she dare not breathe, lest she spook Harry and the ritual fail. But she watched as the wisp touched Harry and there was the smallest flash of golden mist before she let out a gasp and touched her heart.

She could feel the difference. She could feel the unconditional love that Harry held in his heart for her and James, it was a surreal experience that she'd never thought that she would experience.

'This must be what people mean by love at first sight or when they've found their soulmate.' Lily mused as she took note of the different things that she could feel from their connection. It was overpowering just how much she could feel from her three month old son, with the barest of thoughts she knew exactly what he needed.

Two seconds later Harry was sleeping perfectly. He wasn't too hot or too cold. The light was out of his eyes, letting him rest easily and there was a quite noise that lulled him to a deeper sleep. He was perfectly comfortable and Lily knew that he'd be asleep for most of the night…if they weren't currently being attacked that is.

She was happy with the fact of what she had accomplished but she knew that nothing would keep Voldemort away from her child, she knew of the prophecy that he was determined to overcome, she knew every word of that same prophecy and she'd analysed it, every word, for whatever meaning it could have.

During her moments of musing she heard someone walking up the stairs at the end of the hall. From the years she'd spent with James she'd learnt the sound that his footsteps made, she'd memorised it during the various missions that they'd made with the other members of the order while they were on stealth missions and James was always rather heavy footed.

Straining her hearing Lily realized that she only had twelve seconds, fifteen at most, before whomever was on the other side of the door realized that it had been warded. It should buy her the few moments that would allow her to do the one thing that she could do.

It was the only thing that she could do.

It was all that she had time to do.

She'd left everything of worth, all her books and tomes filled with her and James' collective knowledge on various branches of magic, Potions, research materials, animagus research, Charms, Spells both forgotten and newly made by the pair and their friends over the course of their education and friendship. Everything was stored in chests scattered all over Magical Brittan, along with some Muggle places, for Harry when he was older. The couple had realized that they had to do something that would allow their son to find the rest of the chests and complete their collection of knowledge, or Maeandri Collection of pessimus scientia, Marauder's collection of mischievous knowledge, so she had done something that she'd not wanted to do and spoke with her sister, using magic to force her sister to overlook the fact she stored her magical knowledge in her home, despite the fact that she'd always hated the fact that Lily was the special one, not her. Not poor forgotten Petunia.

It was always a grave loss, the friendship that the sisters had had. But when she was told she was destined to be in a part of a world where her sister wasn't allowed it had shattered anything close to that friendship she'd had with her. Back when it happened she'd promised that she would never use magic on her sister and after all the years apart it would have been a simple matter of a witch of Lily's calibre to just show up and change her memory allowing that long lost friendship to bloom once again. But she remained true to that promise no matter how much she hadn't wanted to just for the chance to talk to her once more as sisters, sadly that wasn't to be the case when she showed up and left the chest behind for her son to discover should someone, hopefully Dumbledore, Sirius, Remus or at the very least Minerva McGonagall, her most trusted professor and friend, female friend anyway, would tell him or at least spark some kind of interest about his mother and fathers research when they talked leading to the discovery of the chest and with it the smallest sliver of hope that Harry would have some kind of 'friendship' with his estranged aunt.

But those were mere after thoughts as she kissed her son one last time, crying tears filled with heartfelt unspoken apologies that she wouldn't be there to raise him as a child. To be able to teach him some of her charm, to see him walk for the first time, to hear him say his first word.

There were so many things that she was silently apologising for that she hadn't the words to say them, nor did she have the time, but more importantly she did not have the strength to defend him as she had sworn to do as his mother.

She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip as she touched her head lightly against Harry's own as a single prayer ran through her mind.

'Please God, protect my child. Give him a home with someone that will love him with all their heart. Give him a mother that can protect him from everything and if you can find if you can, please, give him a sibling that will make him strive to do better.'

With her eyes closed she wasn't able to see a wisp of golden smoke and white mist flow through Harry's mouth, but a small bit of the mist, a small sliver of Gabriel's power of mercy, the only portion of Gabriel to remain himself didn't flow into young Harry but instead flowed through the connection that Lilly had with her son.

Granting one small, divine, miracle.

Lily, having missed the smoke and mist, lifted her head away from Harry just as the door was hit with a medium level Bombarda that was barely weaker than the warding that Lily had done.

Spotting her wand still on the small table close to the door, but several steps away from her, she went to make a quick dash to get it with the hopes of using it to buy some time.

But before she could take a single step the door exploded inwards. Raining splinters of wood through the room. Fortunately Lily was in a position that shielded Harry from the rain of splinters and wood.

"Step aside." A dark voice spoke from outside the room.

Lily shook her head "Not today, I never stood aside in the past and I will never stand aside and allow you to harm my son."

The cloaked figure stepped into the room.

"You'll have to go over my cold dead body before I allow you to harm my son Tom." Lily spat at his name. Using it to show that she knew all about him and who he really was, despite the name that he claims. Despite all the blood-purity that he proclaims.

He was just a half-blood like a large majority of Magical Brittan's populous.

One that hated the hand that he'd been dealt in life and fooled himself into thinking that he was better than anyone else. Fooled himself so much so that he denied the name of his own father and cursed his mother for birthing him with him.

He cursed the fact that he wasn't a pure wizard like those that had power over the Magical world that he knew.

He cursed it, and fooled himself into believing that he had the power to do something that only fools have attempted and never succeeded.

"Sadly I have promised you to another." He said darkly, so much so that Lily felt a chill run down her spine at the thought.

"I will die before I allow you to do anything against my son." Lily stated again, not allowing her opponent to finish whatever it is he was about to say.

"Very well, I will grant your wish-"he thrust his wand forward and bellowed "AVADA KEDAVRA"

A green flash of light later and Lily's form slumped to the ground and her eyes staring emptily at Harry.

Without missing a beat the Dark lord approached the baby that had awoken to the sudden change in the environment and was, surprisingly, not crying its lungs out but was staring at him, studying him. It was strange to look at.

This young baby was staring at the man that had just murdered his mother in, somewhat, cold blood and was now about to kill him and against everything that he'd seen this child should have been crying, even if it was just because he just woke up, there should at least be some form of noise, grumble, tear, sound…something to signify that it wasn't happy. But instead he was stuck looking at a child that seemed to be just as curious about him as he was about how this child was prophesised to be his downfall.

It was more than odd.

And he'd seen some very odd and confusing things but…this was rather confusing even to him. There should have been some form of reaction.

Refusing to deliberate on the reactionless child before him the dark lord levelled his wand at the child.

"With this my rule will be eternal" He sneered "Avada Kedavera"

A brilliant flash of emerald green raced out of his wand.

The dark lord watched as time seemed to slow down.

He could see the power flowing through his wand, seeing the powerful green spell flowing through his wand.

He watched as it built at the tip of the wand.

As it flew across the room and struck the reactionless boy in the crib before him.

He watched as it slammed against the boy's forehead.

As the power built…

And an arc of golden power cut through his emerald green spell.

He watched, with rage and fear in his eyes, as he was stuck in the chest by the golden arc of power.

As it carved its way through his body and, with a cry mixed with pain and fear, destroyed his body scattering his form through the four winds.

The amount of power that was contained within his body as it was destroyed brutally blasted through the room, breaking through the walls and supports of the home. The charm protecting the house's secret location was not strong enough to contain the raw power that was running free.

The roof had burst out as though someone had slammed their fist through thin plaster, fragments of glass, wood and stone rained around the home and in a small portion of the street, fortunately no one was hurt because of anything that was sent flying from the home. Though if they could see the inside they would be amazed that the house was even standing as it was.

The rest of the house had smaller amounts of damage, mostly walls that just needed to be patched up, glass that needed to be replaced, wallpaper that needed to be fixed up and other miscellaneous odds and ends. Most of the damage was located in the upper portions of the house. To any professional builder they would have better luck completely rebuilding the upper half of the house than fixing it since the walls wouldn't support any more weight. The very foundations of the house and all the load bearing walls had been damaged, if anything the entire house was better of being knocked down and rebuilt from scratch.


Four men apparated into Godrics Hollow five minutes after the Dark Lords killing curse was used against harry. The first to react was a panicked potions master who ran into the house without drawing his wand, wanting nothing more to know if the women that he had always considered his friend was still alive. When he entered the house he took note of everything, he followed the pathway of destruction as it lead through the lounge room and towards the stairs.

Quickly making his way up the stairs he stopped and stared at the damage that had befallen the house. The nursery, where Lily made her last stand, was unrecognizable. The walls were pushed to their utmost limit, any more force on them would have caused them to buckle under their own weight bringing down the entire top floor.

There floor under Harry's crib was barely together, it seemed as though a weight was put on it, straining the floorboards, for some time even though the room had barely had anything in it for the amount of time required.

There was barely anything inside the nursery that wasn't broken or damaged in some form. The only things in the room that weren't damaged were diapers and small odds and ends that would have no use for anyone.

The potions master stepped into the room and saw Lily's body crumpled in a heap from where she had been murdered. He cradled her corpse as he shed tears for the first time in more than a decade. It was painful, so much so that he could feel his very heart dying inside of his chest.

The three other men had made their way through the house and up the stairs. By this time the potions master had respectfully laid Lily down on the ground and attempted to make himself look presentable.

When he heard them coming closer he turned on his heel and walked out of the room.

It was clear to the other three men that the potions master had been crying but only one of the three men were paying enough attention to him to bother noticing.

"Lily is dead." He stated simply.

"And Harry?" One of the men asked with a growl.

The potions master looked at the other man, his heart was aching so much that he couldn't even muster a sneer that he always wore around him.


Without another word the potions master walked past all three men and into the street, after creating a small Notice-me-not charm he disapperated away to mourn the loss of the women that he loved, the loss of her legacy and…her husband, though he was loathe to admit it had some decent qualities about himself and was rarely, but not uncommonly, a good conversationalist. He'd never admit it aloud of course.

Back inside the house just after the potions master walked away the man that had growled dashed into the nursery and let out a loud growl that promised death and pain-so much pain.

"Sirius now is not a time to-" The elderly man of the group was cut off by Sirius.

"Shut your mouth Albus!" he snarled "Peter was here and it's because of you and your manipulative bullshit that he was chosen instead of Moony, as it should have been."

Sighing Albus hung his head "Your right my boy."

Sirius scoffed "Save your false sympathies, I'm not your boy, I am Sirius Black and I will hunt down and kill Wormtail for what he's done, while I'm doing that you will do everything- EVERYTHING that you could possibly do, no matter how small the chance, to find my godson."

Without another word Sirius transformed into a large black dog and sniffed around the room, hunting for a scent to follow. It only took him a few seconds to find the scent that he was looking for and took off, determined to find the traitor.

"Are you really just gonna let 'im go like that?" Asked the third man, whom had been respectfully silent until now.

"I don't think I could stop him even if I wanted to dear Hagrid." Replied Albus.

"But wha' about Harry?" He asked the elderly man.

"For now we need to return to the school and I'll have to attempt to find young Harry." Albus stated simply.

'I hope that James and Lily's will can still be sealed, I need to make sure that I have things under control before I start making any long term plans.' The elderly man plotted as he made his way out of the destroyed home without even a second glance at the bodies that lay around.

Hello everyone!

I hope that you enjoyed the first chapter of my new story, Feel free to tell me what you liked, hated, adored and despised about it (i'll take no offense to whatever you say[as long as your not a rude ass])

A question for everyone I have a few ideas as to how i am going to work the story it just depends on where i start the next chapter.
So my question?

When should Harry appear at Hogwarts?
Should it be when the goblet calls out his name? Maybe he's at one of the schools? Fleur's bodyguard? Maybe Viktor's friend?
or should he start his education during the time that Ginny releases the Basilisk? Or should he start at the beginning with everyone else?

Let me know what you think!